Hitman x Wives

Chapter 153 153- Reasons

Chapter 153 Chapter 153- Reasons

"I still remember it to this day! We were a small village that didn't even have contact with the real world. We knew nothing and had nothing to do with whatever you assholes in control of the world are doing. However, at the time, the country my village was in declared war against your country."

Sebastian said with clenched teeth as if he were bearing great pain. The veins on his head were threatening to pop from sheer strain.

"We had no idea what happened or why this war started. But, none of us were involved in it.? We were simply average people living our lives. But you!! You fucking…!! Goddamit!!" Sebastian had to heave up and down just to calm down.

"You were the general that led the army of the opposing country. We were ready to surrender when you appeared and yet you ignored all of our begging and left your soldiers to wreak havoc in the village, destroying everything in their way. They didn't care if it was women, children, or elderly. You monsters killed everyone in the name of ceasing an important location in the enemies's territory. I was too young to even fight."

Kaya looked at Sebastian with a frown on her face. She already knew that her foster father was a war general back when he was young. She didn't divulge into details but she knew that he had killed a lot of people.

But, whether they were innocent or not, she didn't know.

"My brother who was the chief couldn't stop himself so he tried to talk with you. He was ready to do anything just so that you stop killing innocent people. But you… You didn't even allow him to speak! I had to watch my brother get killed with a bullet mid-sentence! I couldn't do anything except to run away! But, I swore from that very day that I would definitely kill you! I worked hard day and night to be able to get to work in your mansion and then worked even harder to become your personal butler. I wanted you to trust me and rely on me so I could betray you when you least expect it! I poisoned your food but that failed! So, I decided to aim after the only person you trust other than me. Your daughter!"

'So that was his motivation…' Kai thought as he looked at Sebastian. He could only sigh at how absurd it was. The man worked for tens of years just so that he could execute his perfect revenge and yet he ended up failing.

Kai didn't really care that he was the one to stop it but he still could relate to the man's intense emotions. He was also seeking revenge albeit not as insanely focused on it as Sebastian.

The reason for that is simple. Kai knew that if he wasted his whole life trying to take revenge, that would be akin to admitting defeat to those who wronged him. If fate were to allow him to take revenge, he would seek it. However, if it's not possible, then he wasn't going to try and forcefully get it.

"I decided that today would be the perfect day to finally kill you! On the day you were born!"

"I'm sorry…"

Everyone's eyes turned toward Mikayla. His uttered words turned even Sebastian silent. The old man had a sad look on his face.

"I… I'm really sorry." He said again.

That made Sebastian's eyes widen before tears welled up in them.

"Hahaha… Sorry? You're sorry?! Hahahahahahah!!" A maniacal laugh escaped the butler's mouth. It was a sad, broken yet also amused laugh.

"I will never accept that! A mere 'I'm sorry' will never appease my anger!"

"If killing me will make you feel better. Go ahead. Black Phantom, you can heal him, can't you?" Mikayla looked at Kai seriously.

The latter didn't reply and instead gave Kaya a glance. The latter shook her head.

"I can. But I won't do it. Your death isn't to my advantage." Kai shook his head. "If you really want to die… Then kill yourself."

Although Kai's words sounded ridiculous, they were his true thoughts. The only way he would allow Mikayla to die is if he decided to kill himself.

"Kill yourself, huh? That's not what you want, do you?" Mikayla asked as he shifted his gaze to his injured butler. His tone was oddly calm.

"You deserve the worst death! Killing yourself would be too easy of a way out for you."

As everyone was like that, they heard the sound of clapping coming from the side.

"What an amazing show. I wish I had some popcorn." Charles said with a smirk.

He was sitting on a chair not that far away. His relaxed posture contrasted the tense atmosphere of the room. Then, he stood up and approached Sebastian.

"It's truly saddening to hear your story, Sebastian. I always knew you as my Dad's loyal follower. Who thought you of all people were after his head? What an ironic world we live in. But, unfortunately, I can't let you kill him." Charles said with a smile.

"...!!" Sebastian looked at Charles with clenched teeth. "Why?! I have seen what he has done to you through the years! Why are you defending him?! Don't you want him dead too?"

"Even if he mistreated me. He is still my father. I would never kill my own father. I'm sorry that I can't grant you your wish."

"... Master Charles."

"You're a good person, Sebastian. Your dedication to taking revenge for your brother is truly admirable. It shows that you really cared about your family." Charles said as he lifted Sebastian up. The latter was crying silently, deeply touched by Charles' words.

"Master Charles, I'm really… I ca-" Before he could even finish his words, Charles had already hugged the man before he shockingly shoved a knife into his chest.

"U-Ugh… W-Why…"

"Shhh, shh, calm down. As I said, I can't have you coming after my father." Charles whispered into Sebastian's ear. The latter tried to speak only to end up coughing blood.

Kai, Kaya, and Mikayla looked at him silently. The only one who had a reaction was Mikayla. He teared up as he watched his friend die silently, his eyes still drowned in hatred.

Everyone present knew that Sebastian wasn't going to live to see the next day. If Charles didn't kill him, Kai was going to kill him and if Kai didn't kill him, Kaya would've done it. None of them wanted the old man dead for different reasons.

As the butler was starting to lose the light in his eyes, Charles seemingly whispered something that only Sebastian could hear which made the man's eyes widen for one last time before they finally lost all the light in them.

Charles then put down the dead butler and stood up.

"Fuuh, and the problem is solved. What a unique birthday it was. Hahahaha! Don't you think?" He turned around and asked jokingly. However, his face, smeared with the blood of the person he just killed made his rather harmless comment turn into a terrifying one.

"And Charles saves the day again. Hey, Dad, you don't need to thank me. I will always be there for you." He said as he pointed at Mikayla.

The latter was too occupied with his dead friend to even hear him. He simply approached the dead corpse before he crouched down and put his hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry… I'm really sorry, friend." Tears dripped from his eyes endlessly.

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