Chapter 247 – Goodbye, Lin Mu’an

“In a strange city, in a familiar corner…” In Mo Fei’s own exclusive recording studio, Mo Fei wore fully enclosed headphones and sat on a chair singing affectionately into the microphone.

Last night’s passion no longer troubled her recording work as usual. It seemed that it was because Yang Yi changed his usual aggressive approach and instead showed delicate tenderness, care, and considerately ended the intimate moments early, so as not to exhaust Mo Fei too much.

Now, she probably only has the rosy and translucent skin on her face and a faint trace of happiness from climbing to the peak last night.

Of course, moderate happiness was still very beneficial.

Mo Fei was recording for the first time today. As she stepped out of the recording studio, Jin Yingming, who was listening at the computer, couldn’t wait to cheer her on and gave her a thumbs up, saying, “Awesome! It’s amazing. This take is of an exceptionally high standard, even better than yesterdays!”

Mo Xiaojuan also sat nearby. She took off her headphones and asked with some confusion, “What’s so good about it? I feel like it’s similar to yesterday.”

“No, no, Xiaojuan, you don’t understand! Mo Fei’s singing today has made a lot of progress compared to yesterday,” Jin Yingming explained to Mo Xiaojuan with a smile, “Of course, if you analyze it purely based on singing technique, Mo Fei’s style is indeed not much different from yesterday. But pay attention to the emotional expression while singing. Today, in Mo Fei’s voice, there’s not only the usual sadness but also a sweetness. With this sweetness, I feel that the singing immediately feels different, as if it has been elevated all at once!”

Jin Yingming seemed to have discovered something remarkable. He enthusiastically gestured and described it to Mo Xiaojuan with excitement and joy.

However, there was clearly a problem with the person he was confiding to. Mo Xiaojuan didn’t quite grasp the details of Jin Yingming’s explanation. She took a sip of water and calmly said, “So basically, you’re saying this take is better than yesterday’s? Does that mean we’ll be using this audio source from now on?”

Jin Yingming’s hand stopped in the air in frustration. He found that he was playing a piano to a cow1in a moment of joy, but fortunately, when he was not recording songs, his temper was still good. He waved his hand and said helplessly: “It’s not like that. The sweet singing style does make this song sound much better, but we haven’t done a real comparison yet. We don’t know if the majority of listeners prefer the pure melancholic style or Mo Fei’s current one.”

Mo Fei sat on the side, quietly listening to them. Then she picked up the monitoring headphones, took a sip of throat-soothing tea, and carefully listened to the audio she had just recorded.

“Teacher Jin, should I sing a few more takes? I feel like there are some parts I didn’t handle well,” Mo Fei said softly.

“Okay! Let’s continue!” Jin Yingming admired Mo Fei’s dedication to music and said with a spirited expression.


After revealing his identity as Mu Li’ang, Yang Yi seemed to have put down a heavy psychological burden. He looked like a completely different person and was in high spirits in the coffee shop.

He even rolled up his sleeves, pulled Ding Xiang out, and took over making coffee for the customers himself, all morning long.

This situation, since Ding Xiang started working in the shop, was very rare!

Especially since Ding Xiang didn’t have class today and was working part-time in the shop.

“Big Brother Yang, if you go on like this, I will lose my job,” Ding Xiang couldn’t just watch the boss being busy while she sat idle. She had to take out a cloth and wipe the floor-to-ceiling windows of the coffee shop. When she was wringing the cloth, she couldn’t help complaining.

This girl, working at the coffee shop, has also gained a stable income, and she has gradually grown a lot. Yang Yi still remembered when he first met her, she was a bit shy, although she also liked to smile, there was always a hidden sense of inferiority.

Now she was doing pretty well. She was much more confident, her smile was brighter, and she wasn’t as restrained. Occasionally, she would make some lighthearted jokes with Yang Yi.

“Don’t worry, I saw that there weren’t many customers this morning, so I came to review. If you do all the work, I’ll forget how to make coffee myself.” Yang Yi explained with a light smile.

While they were chatting, the wind chimes at the door rang, signaling the arrival of another customer.

“Hello! Welcome…” Ding Xiang quickly turned around and greeted the other party with a smile.

Yang Yi didn’t like the trouble, but Ding Xiang insisted on doing it2. In her words, treating customers with sincerely would not make them feel displeased, and it would bring more repeat customers.

However, the customer who came in this time wasn’t a repeat customer but an “acquaintance.” Ding Xiang froze after greeting them and stood there holding onto a cloth in a daze.

To be precise, the pair of customers who came were all “acquaintances” of Ding Xiang. She had seen them before, but they didn’t know her…

On the other hand, Yang Yi looked up and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

He also knew them!

In this pair of customers, wasn’t the boy who was being held by the girl the same one who had come to his shop to apply for the position of pianist?

Yang Yi carefully recalled the other person’s name. Yes, it was Lin Mu’an who claimed to be a bar singer!

Lin Mu’an has a fairly delicate appearance, with a reserved temperament like most boys from Guangdong Province. Of course, the girl holding his hand was also nice. Although she wasn’t tall, she had a gentle and quiet demeanor, like a jade-like girl from a humble family. The two of them seemed to be a perfect match.

Ding Xiang was also looking at the girl. From what she remembered, she had seen her a few times when she and her senior sister Mao Peifu were organizing activities at the Student Activity Center. She had some impression of her! Of course, they didn’t know each other, and Ding Xiang didn’t even know which college she was from.

“Isn’t it too expensive?” The girl glanced at the price list and hesitated a bit. She gently pulled Lin Mu’an’s hand and suggested, “How about we forget it and go to the East Gate instead?”

Indeed, whether it was milk tea or coffee, the ones at the East Gate were cheaper.

“No, I came here today to treat you to coffee,” Lin Mu’an glanced at the piano beside him, gritted his teeth without showing it, and said firmly, “The coffee at the East Gate can’t compare to here. I heard that the coffee here is freshly ground.”

“Yes, our coffee here is freshly ground, and it tastes better than those instant coffees,” Ding Xiang said with a slight smile and took the initiative to introduce, “Moreover, today our boss is free and personally making coffee for the customers. His skills are extraordinary!”

“Let’s not do it. It’s not easy for you to make money,” the girl said softly to Lin Mu’an. “I’m not greedy for these things.”

“Wait a moment!” However, Lin Mu’an made up his mind. He patted his girlfriend’s hand and walked towards Yang Yi, who was standing behind the bar, seemingly unnoticed.

“Hello, boss, do you still remember me?” Lin Mu’an asked.

Yang Yi didn’t take the initiative to greet him, but he didn’t reject him either. He just smiled gently and nodded at him.

“It’s like this. We want to consume in your coffee shop, but I have a small presumptuous request…” Lin Mu’an said hesitantly. “That is, can I borrow your piano?”

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