House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 315: A Cute and Silly Husky

Chapter 315: A Cute and Silly Husky

Compared to the “adventure” of Mo Fei and Yang Huan, Yang Yi and Xixi’s shopping was much more mundane. After all, Yang Yi had decided on a whim to keep his promise to take his daughter to buy a doll, so there weren’t any exciting activities planned.

But Xixi was very happy. Because the weather was very cold, the little girl who went out was wrapped up like a little rice dumpling. But this little dumpling was not lazy at all. Looking at the dazzling array of dolls, the little girl was in a mood of excitement and ran around with her little legs, looking energetic.

“Papa, can I buy all of them and take them home?” Xixi excitedly opened her two little arms and gestured at the stuffed dolls on the shelves.

“Take them all home? That won’t work, we can’t keep so many at home,” Yang Yi said with smile as he shook his finger at his daughter. “Do you know that your stuffed dolls have almost filled up the room?”

“But I still don’t think it’s enough!” Xixi pouted her little mouth.

“That still won’t work. You can only buy one at a time, so you can choose again next time you come!” Yang Yi rubbed his daughter’s little head.

“Can we come again?” Xixi bounced with surprise, but now the little rice dumpling was a bit heavy and couldn’t jump. She also raised one finger and said happily, “Okay then, let’s just buy one!”

The little girl thought that as long as she often came over with her father, she would eventually buy all the beautiful dolls in the mall!

In the end, Xixi chose a dog doll that looked a bit like a husky puppy, with gray and white fur, a big head, and a simple expression. It looked extremely cute.

In fact, although husky puppy was still very cute and silly, Yang Yi still wanted to refuse when he saw it. However, considering that this wouldn’t grow up and that Xixi liked it so much, he didn’t mind and bought it for her.

When they got home, Xixi couldn’t wait to hold the dog doll and find the kittens.

She happily shook the little husky doll and said, “Xiao Guai, Duoduo, Xiao Hui, look, this doggie is your new friend and my new friend too! You should like it too!”

The three little British Shorthairs had different reactions. Duoduo stayed on the plush pad of the cat climbing frame with her little paws tucked under her warm chest. She looked up, and lowered her head again with a lack of interest, squinting her eyes.

Xiao Guai came over and squeezed next to the little husky doll, squinted his eyes, and rubbed his head against the back of Xixi’s hand.

“Meow,” He even called out, wanting the little master to groom his fur.

“Hee hee, do you also think the doggie is cute, Xiao Guai?” Xixi didn’t know any logic1. She smiled happily and held Xiao Guai into her arms.

There was also a Xiao Hui. This guy was stepping on the soft carpet, circling around the little husky. He tilted his big head to look at it, not knowing if he was comparing whose head was the biggest!

However, after all, cats and dogs didn’t get along. Perhaps it was like the story of “The Donkey of Guizhou”. Seeing that this little husky didn’t pose a threat, Xiao Hui stretched out his little paw and gave it a nudge.

The little husky swayed and fell to the ground, with a somewhat sprawling appearance, perfectly interpreting the husky’s silly and cute demeanor.

Xiao Hui was startled and quickly jumped back onto the cat climbing frame, burrowing into the “cave” and not wanting to show his head, not knowing if he was scared or worried that his little master would blame him.

However, Xixi was playing with Xiao Guai and didn’t pay attention to Xiao Hui’s movements.

After a while, Xixi came back to her senses and pick up her dog doll. Seeing its appearance she became confused and said, “Ah, why are you sleeping on the ground? What if you catch a cold?”


Although Mo Fei still made time to take Yang Huan shopping, her situation was not good.

After being squeezed out of the top ten on the new song bestseller list, the sales of “The Initial Dream” began to gradually decline, entering a period of weakness even earlier than “Across the Ocean to See You”!

However, Tianmei’s public relations department wasn’t in a hurry to save it, as the mission of this song has been almost completed. It successfully helped Mo Fei maintain her popularity for the last month, and after more than a week, when the new album was released on New Year’s Day, that would be when the real show begins!

However, just as Tianmei’s people breathed a sigh of relief and thought that those haters would give up when they saw the poor performance of “The Initial Dream”, they soon realized that they were too naive!

A wave of negative reviews against “The Initial Dream” came again, and this time it was even more intense. There was a relentless pursuit to thoroughly criticize Mo Fei, aiming to completely tarnish her reputation!

The previous mockery of “The Initial Dream” intensified, and its decline in sales seemed to have fueled the arrogance of the water army. They proudly stated that their judgment was correct and that “The Initial Dream” was just a bad song.

People with a bit of brain could still distinguish the appearance of water army, but many passersby wouldn’t use their brains to analyze. They lack independent opinion and were easily confused by these real and fake comments. Before buying this single, they began to have doubts, hesitated, and chose to give up.

What’s even worse was that this time the water army began to criticize Mo Fei’s upcoming new album and started to attack Mu Li’ang, who stood behind the scenes.

“The song ‘The Initial Dream’ can be used as the title track, which shows how bad this album is. The song ‘Across the Ocean to See You’ is not bad, but that’s all. For those who have already bought a single CD, are they foolish enough to buy a whole album just for one song?”

“Mo Fei continued her foolish performance in her comeback album, choosing a bad song. I’m afraid even her fans will be disappointed this time!”

“Has the popularity really declined to this extent? ‘The Initial Dream’ brushed up2the results, ‘Mistress’ brushed up the results, Tianmei company has already become notorious, haven’t everyone seen it clearly?”

“No worries, when Mo Fei’s new album doesn’t sell well, we’ll have a good show to watch. With Tianmei’s nature, they will definitely make some scandals to hype it up. Here I bet two packs of spicy strips that if they don’t follow my script, I will eat spicy strips live!”

“I don’t know what the person above is talking about with live streaming, but I want to say that everyone has been fooled. Mu Li’ang is not that great at all. What achievements does he have? He wrote two title songs for Chen Yijie and then wrote ‘Across the Ocean to See You’. What other achievements does he have that are worth praising? None! Don’t talk to me about ‘The Initial Dream’! This songwriter was kindly praised by Chen Yijie, and everyone believes his nonsense? Twelve songs, all masterpieces? Even a long-established teacher wouldn’t dare boast like that. This person really dares to say it, he’s really shameless. I’m afraid Mu Li’ang has some dirty deal with Tianmei. It’s obvious that this is just Tianmei’s way of hyping!”

This statement seems very reasonable and was supported by many onlookers who did not know the truth. The cooperation between Mo Fei and Mu Li’ang has been widely questioned.

Although it was true that generating hype could have its benefits, sometimes, public clamor can melt metals and accumulated defamation melts the bones3. If not addressed in a timely manner, Mo Fei’s new album might suffer a severe blow to its reputation even before its release, making it difficult for its future sales to recover.

“Who did it? Can’t you find out?” Niu Meiling lost her temper in the company. In so many years, Sister Ling has never encountered such a passive situation.

“I can’t find out. I asked the people from the water army, and the employer hid his identity but spent a lot of money…” The subordinates smiled bitterly, “And it’s not just finding for one group of people. Even if we spend money to alleviate the disaster, we can’t make everyone stop.”

Niu Meiling furrowed her brows, gritted her teeth and said, “Then we’ll spend money too. We’ll send out the records and ask someone to help with the review. If ten is not enough, give me twenty. I don’t believe that the words of experts are not as good as these water army!”

If she herself was slandered by the water army, although Mo Fei would be sad in her heart, she could still remain calm. But when Yang Yi, also known as “Mu Li’ang”, was slandered, Mo Fei began to lose control of herself and became angry!

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