Chapter 83 - Who is Mu Li'ang?

While YangYi took Xixi to visit the temple fair, the scandal between Mo Fei and Ju Jiequietly died down. After all, Ju Jie's fame was too poor, Mo Fei was unwillingto cooperate, and several media was making speculation like dancing clowns,which result to it getting a lot less attention.

In addition,a relatively shocking thing happened in the entertainment circle not long ago!

With almostno pre-promotion, Hong Kong star Chen Yijie’s new album “Long Time No See”,which has been in production for two years, has been released! However, undersuch circumstances, the sales volume of “Long Time No See” in thefirst two days were astonishing, breaking through the one million digits.

It should beknown that the market for Cantonese songs is limited and doesn't have a hugeaudience like Mandarin. The Copyright Association has set the platinum standardfor Cantonese records to 5 million!

Obviously, itwas only a matter of time before “Long Time No See”, with its currentmomentum, get the honor of attaining platinum records.

Moreover,both the industry and Chen Yijie’s fans have the highest praise for this album.With its good reputation, it became popular, which naturally promoted the salesof this album!

Interestingly,although the album “Long Time No See” was full of Cantonese songs,the second main song of the same name is in Mandarin, so the entertainmentindustry in the Mandarin-speaking area has also paid attention to the news.

Soon, theyfound that the mandarin version of “Long Time No See” wassurprisingly pleasant to listen to!

As a result,in the vast Mandarin market, the song also began to spread. Although manypeople can only pay to download it through the Internet, the popularity of thissong has become a phenomenon!

“Who isMu Li'ang?”

Many recordcompanies and agencies responded quickly and set their sights on the songwriterof the two main songs with different language.

However,because the author's information in the Copyright Association was set asprivate by the author, those who were interested all run into a wall.

Of course,Chen Yijie’s new record popularity wasn't good for Mo Fei. Although sheimmediately bought the record to enjoy and learn, Mo Fei herself has to admitthat the current attention she was getting has been affected, which was reflectedin her album sales! (TN: Record here is the physical media aka CD)

Mo Fei didn'tactually care. Instead, she was very happy. She felt that the sales volumebefore was too fake. What she wanted was real result, even if the results werepoor, and would make her dejected. But this make her feel more relieved than todeliberately hype and rely on scandal to cheat sales.

After the agreedtime limit with Sister Ling was over, Mo Fei immediately asked Mo Xiaojuan tomake an appointment with a familiar reporter to formally clarify to the public:“I, Mo Fei, am still single, and Ju Jie and I are just ordinarycolleagues. In the previous circulated photos, because of the angle, we lookedlike were intimate, but this is not the case!”

Thisclarification was so cold, just like Mo Fei's character.

Whether itcan be recognized or not was hard to say, but after it was release, it didn'tattract too much attention. The loss of fans caused by the previous scandal wasalso very difficult to recover. And the sales volume of her album, which haserupted through the scandal, has eased again, and then declined…

Finally, MoFei’s last album sales week has passed, and while her album can still be sold,it now depends on the mood of store owners.

Record salesin this world are in some ways a bit like movie releases. The CopyrightAssociation explicitly requires all sales channels to reserve the first fewrows of shelves for records released within a month. Of course, whether it issold well or not, and whether it is placed in a higher position, depends oneach person's ability!

To someextent, this protects the rights and interests of various creators, but it alsomakes the competition in the record market more intense. Unless it is the bosseswho rely on affection to support them, otherwise the market factors tend to bethe biggest determinant of their store's survival.

Once thismonth has passed, without the support of the Copyright Association's mandatory monthlylisting, records that didn't sell well are often removed, or left in theinconspicuous corner to be covered with dust… (TN: In short, if an album is not/lowin the Copyright Association monthly ranking, the store owner may remove therecord(CD) from their store)

Obviously, MoFei’s new album wasn't excellent enough to be retained after a month… Especiallyin the very competitive entertainment industry in this world.

According tothe feedback from the company’s marketing department, after the agreed timelimit, Mo Fei’s album sales fell off a cliff from the next day, with a dailyincrease of only double digits… (TN: After the clarification)

For such a result,Mo Fei was hit not only by cynicism from the outside, but she also clearly feltthe change of other people's attitude towards her in the brokerage company.

There were lessrespect and admiration, and more alienation and contempt towards her.

Mo Xiaojuanfelt this change of attitude more. She just went to the bathroom and rushedback angrily and said, “What kind of people are they? Snob! In the past,Sister Juan would call out sweetly, but now when we meet in the bathroom, she doesn'teven want to say hello. She rolls her eyes and speaks with sarcasm.”

Mo Xiaojuandidn’t want to tell Mo Fei what unpleasant words those people said, that Mo Feiwas a thing of the past, and that Mo Fei occupied the company’s biggestresources and blocked the development of the young stars… These words wereinfuriating. Mo Xiaojuan didn't want Mo Fei to hear them and be in a bad mood.

“Forgetit, we'll make a comeback with the next album!” Mo Fei put down the book inher hand and comforted her assistant cousin.

“Infact, other people’s criticism is not unreasonable. I was too anxious to make acomeback that I didn’t choose good songs.” Mo Fei self-criticized, “Nexttime, I will take my time, let Sister Ling collect songs for me, choose goodsongs, and then polish them over and over again. I believe I will be able tomake an album that will satisfy my fans!”

Mo Xiaojuansighed faintly and said, “Sister, what you said is simple, but how manyyears will this polishing take? Your contract with Sister Ling will almostexpire at this time next year. Among other things, it’s hard to say whetherSister Ling is willing to sign a top contract with us.”

If it's nota top contract, many aspects will be restricted in the future!

There weresome things that Mo Xiaojuan didn't say. She felt that the company willunlikely to continue to invest a lot of resources for Mo Fei to collect songs, andwithout good songs, no matter how long they polish, it will be in vain!

“What’smore, what should we do during this period? Shall we stop eating? Just practicesinging in the recording studio?” Mo Xiaojuan said with a headache.

Theentertainment industry is very cruel, and so are the economic treaties. Mo Feimakes money, and the brokerage company divides the money with them, but if she can’tmake any money, the brokerage company won’t give them a penny to spend.

“ThenI’ll tell Sister Ling that I'll take on more commercial performances everymonth.” Mo Fei said reluctantly, but stubbornly.

“Ah,sister, why are you trying so hard?” Mo Xiaojuan couldn’t help voicing out.

Yeah, why?

Mo Feicertainly didn't do it for money or fame. Otherwise she wouldn't have retiredfor the sake of Xixi, or wouldn't hesitate to offend the TV station to returnto Jiangcheng for Xixi from Shanghai.

But she yearnsfor the stage and the feeling of singing for her fans on the stage of herconcert!

She likessinging and doesn’t want to give up easily.

Yes! Can'tgive up!

Mo Feithought for a long time, and her faith became firm again. She said to MoXiaojuan, “Xiaojuan, it’s very late. Go back first. I’ll listen to a fewmore songs to find a feeling.”

Mo Xiaojuandidn't move, she sat in her seat, staring blankly at the computer.

“What’sthe matter? Xiaojuan?” Mo Fei, curious, walked over.

“Sister…”Mo Xiaojuan’s voice trembled with excitement. She pointed to the mailbox pageand asked, “This, this name, Mu Li'ang, where have I seen it?”


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