Chapter 96 - Two Million Copies Sold Before Sale

There was a man. If he stood in front of Yang Yi, Yang Yi would certainly punch him, and then beat him up until his own mother couldn't recognize him!

“What the hell, Yang Yi, what bad things have you done?” In the afternoon, while Yang Yi was busy decorating the party venue for his daughter’s birthday, the boss of the Sahara, Mr. Fu Jun, who was often inspired by his idea, called and shouted, “Big soldiers have come to our door!”

These words frightened Yang Yi that he almost wanted to pack up and run away with his daughter and Mo Fei.

After all, although Yang Yi’s body was a retired soldier, his soul was an assassin that crossed over. When the army from the army came to his door, Yang Yi’s first reaction was he thought he was being besieged and suppressed! Just like in his previous life, he would have been killed by NSA, MI5, FSB and DGSE if he hadn’t escaped quickly.

But obviously, this time, it was a misunderstanding!

In this life, Yang Yi has accepted his position in life. The only illegal thing he has done was to expose Luo Jinrong, and Yang Yi has cleaned up his hands and feet[1]. It was impossible for anyone to trace him, and it was impossible for the army to come forward to find trouble with him.

“Ha ha, were you frightened? Don’t worry, I'm just joking with you!” Fu Jun, a guy who needed to be beaten, exaggerated the facts, lied about the military situation, and laughed proudly there.

“What is it? If you have something to say, then say it!” Yang Yi really wanted to beat him, but Fu Jun wasn't in front of him!

He could only quietly recite the Great Compassion Mantra: Compassion for the heart, compassion for the heart. Being hot-tempered is useless, it will only ruin your day, liver and kidney. For a gentleman's revenge, ten years later is not too late. Ten years later, wrap him in a sack and beat him with a stick…

“Someone from the army did come to our door! I’m not lying about this.” Fu Jun was almost 40 years old, but he still acted like a youngster all day. He was very trendy and has an active mindset. “But it’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing, a very good thing!”

It turned out that a high-level person from the army sent people to get the address of Sahara through Qiyue, and then came to urge the publishing house to publish and sell the physical books as soon as possible.

“They have put both of your books on the list of books recommended for reading by all soldiers in the army this year. Although they will not have one for everyone, the purchasing department has placed a large order of 2 million copies each!” At this time, Fu Jun showed his excitement and said, “Yang Yi, do you know how hot you are? 2 million copies have been sold before it goes on sale!”

2 million copies. In this world’s physical book sales record, it could only be regarded as a small scene. After all, to be among the top 100 Chinese book annual sales, there must be at least tens of millions of sales!

But before it started selling, there was a guarantee of 2 million copies, which could be said to be a pleasant surprise!

Having a good start, Fu Jun began to look forward to the future on what a hot result it would be when they really start selling it!

“So, what exactly did you do? How can you get the army to place such a big order for us?” Fu Jun was dying of curiosity.

But Yang Yi didn't know either!

With a blank look on his face, he responded helplessly: “You're asking me, but who do I ask?”

Was his identity exposed? Yang Yi's name was seen by the former leaders of the army, so they gave him a compensation?

This was certainly not the case.

Going back a few days. After Qiu Xiaotong explained the misunderstanding of “Yang Yi is a b*stard”, she recommended the book “Drawing Sword” to her grandfather. The old man could not read clearly using the computer, so Qiu Xiaotong asked the guard to help print it out for her grandfather to read.

Although General Qiu Weiguo didn't take part in the war against the Japanese invaders, he was born in that time when the flame of war was raging, and his father and grandfather were also soldiers and officers who died in those wars!

Although the characters and plots described in “Drawing Sword” were fictional, they were very real. Grandpa Qiu Weiguo read it with tears in his eyes and his blood boiled with indignation. He couldn’t help but take out the military knife he had kept before, and pulled it out with trembling and towering voice: “Kill the devils!”

This roar scared the guards into thinking that something big had happened. After a burst of confusion, they had to call in the medical staff to examine the old man's body, for fear that his blood pressure would rise because of excitement, and that his body would be in trouble!

It was not enough for Grandpa Qiu Weiguo to read it by himself. He enthusiastically called his old comrades-in-arms, as well as some old generals of the Jiangnan military region to read together. They discussed the plot together, and even rose to discuss how to direct the battle and whether they would shoot the little devils and blow up the little devils together with their wife if their wife was caught.

The book “Drawing Sword” was not enough. Qiu Xiaotong quickly recommended “Soldiers Assault” to his grandfather.

If the main rhythm of “shining Sword” was righteous ardor, then the main rhythm of “Soldiers Assault” was encouragement. Encouragement has no effect on these generals who were used to wind and rain, but they saw the real barracks life and the real growth process of young soldiers shown in this book!

“This should be a book written by a retired veteran. It’s too real!” General Lu Pengju, a younger member of the old general group and deputy commander of the Jiangnan military region, said with emotion, “The first paragraph made my scalp numb, reminding me of the time when I first joined the army.”

General Lu Pengju was a typical example of someone who started from a small soldier all the way to being a general. He used to be a soldier from the countryside, but after becoming a soldier, he caught up with the war in the border area, frequently made meritorious service, and was promoted all the way. Later, in the era of peace, after several twists and turns, he become the deputy commander of Jiangnan military region.

Although his experience was different from that of Xu Sanduo, General Lu Pengju understood the feelings and thoughts of grass-roots units and front-line soldiers very well. Therefore, he could see at a glance that the book was extraordinary - after all, it was modified by Yang Yi.

“The book "Drawing Sword “should be promoted in the army!” An old general who was about the same age as Qiu Weiguo waved his hand and proposed loudly, “Our soldiers in peacetime lack the spirit of 'drawing sword' written in this book. No matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how well equipped the opponent is, no matter how difficult the battle is, our troops should dare to fight! “

“The book "Soldier assault" is also a good book. Never abandon, never give up!” Qiu Weiguo echoed, “This slogan should be written down by our soldiers in their notebooks and kept in their heads. No what time, all of them should be united in a concerted effort. This kind of army is the one can win the battle!”

The proposal of the two old generals was approved by the others, and Deputy Commander Lu Pengju, who liked the two books more and more, helped to push the proposal to the capital. Therefore, there was Fu Jun’s surprise just now.

Yang Yi didn’t raise any interest in the news. It was good that he didn’t beat Fu Jun. After hanging up the phone, he continued to be busy decorating his daughter’s birthday party scene. For him, this was the proper business.

However, just because Yang Yi didn't care, didn't mean that others didn't care.

All the people of Sahara Publishing House were now rubbing their hands and enthusiastically devoting themselves to the physical publishing project of Yang Yi’s two books in an effort to sell them as soon as possible.

“faster, faster! Everybody move!” Like a big villain waving a whip, Fu Jun danced excitedly in the conference room and ordered.


[1] Clean up hand and feet - became clean and honest. He stopped doing bad things.

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