Dulla listened closely as the red-haired man spoke. He pointed to various points on the map.

"The demon lord rules over more than half of Aradite. The other half is filled with humans and we don't need to bother with that for now. If we want to really hit the demon lord, we need to start our attack from the outskirts and slowly make our way to the capital of Hampshire. If we can take a large portion of the demon world and even the capital Hampshire, then we can easily call for reinforcement when we want to attack the castle. I think the best course of action is a slow attack that spans over a few months. At most, maybe six months or more,"

Dulla hummed as she heard this. It sounded like a good plan, but there was still the issue of the demon lord. And not only the demon lord. What about his household?

Once Dulla thought this, she immediately felt a great annoyance inside of her. She could still remember the people that stood behind the demon lord during their [Truce Meeting] and she knew that it would be difficult for her to fight against all those people alone. Rosavellt was an SSS-class as well and Dulla was sure that one of the two vampires was above SSS-class! She could feel that the vampire was in the Elite class at least! Do I need to get reinforcement?

Dulla closed her eyes and leaned back in annoyance. Getting reinforcement would be hard. She can't contact the underworld since she is basically a rogue now. They won't send out any help and if she tried to call Kronos, he would just tell her to come back again. Dulla shook her head as she tried to calm down. She didn't have to deal with all of this right now. I can take care of as much as possible before I call the underworld. I'm sure that if the council hears that I have already taken over a large portion of the demon world, they would be willing to come and finish the job. They would be stupid to let go of the opportunity I'm giving them.

Dulla turned to the red-haired man at her side.

"Your plan looks sound, but do you think our forces will be able to handle the demon forces? The demon lord might be a child, but he is still a demon lord. If I am not present then I don't think anyone else can handle his soldiers,"

Dulla was confident that if she had help, and if the demon lord was alone, her power should be able to handle the demon lord. He might be the demon lord, but he can't handle an SSS-class and many other S-class soldiers. It will surely be too much for him!

Once Dulla said this, the red-haired man was about to say "If we can talk to our superiors, then they might send someone in the Elite class to help us" but he didn't even dare. He wasn't an idiot. He could still see the dead body of the last person that dared to talk about calling the superiors and he didn't have any intention of dying for something so petty. So, instead, he came up with another plan.

"I think it would be best for us to launch short attacks that wouldn't last for too long. The demon lord won't move around with his army since he is too high in the hierarchy, so we should be able to get in, kill most of the demons in small villages, and get out before the demon lord or his household arrives. If we keep this pattern for as long as possible, we can enter the last battle against the demon lord with as few casualties as possible on our side. This should give us an unfair advantage. It would be the best option we have now,"

Dulla nodded. It was really the best option they had. Taking small wins and then adding those small wins up so that they will be able to fight the demon lord with a very little amount of casualties is their best option. She approved of the plan and everyone left to carry out her orders.




"Rosavellt? Where are you? Come out here right now,"

In a large bedroom, a beautiful woman stood with her hands crossed and a frown on her face. Her skin was very pale and her black hair and eyes gleamed with an unnatural glow. She has a scowl on her face and she looks around the room as she was trying to find something. This woman was the queen of the underworld and the mother of Rosavellt and Reginald.

There was a sound of something shifting under the bed and she sighed as she went and bent low beside the bed with a calmer look.

"Rosavellt. Come out here this instant,"

Her voice was stern and it would have made anyone obey her immediately. A head peeked out from under the bed and a younger-looking Rosavellt looked up at her mother with fear. Rosavellt was still a very little girl since she wasn't even fifty years old yet. She had her hair tied into two pigtails and she had a teary-eyed pout on her face as she tried to appeal to her mother.

Her mother knew exactly what Rosavellt was trying to do and she immediately narrowed her eyes at her. Rosavellt lost the pout immediately and looked down in shame! Her mother would have spanked her if Rosavellt continued pouting!

"S-Sorry, mama,"

Rosavellt said this quietly and her soft and apologetic voice made her mother's heart squeeze. Her daughter was so cute that she couldn't even stay mad at her for long! But she has to stay mad! What Rosavellt did wasn't nice!

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to!!"

Rosavellt flinched in fear as her mother's voice echoed through the room. Rosavellt almost seems to shrink from how nervous she was and her mother sighed.

"Why did you do that, Rosavellt? You know how much your brother hates it when you prank him like that. And you even did it in front of Dulla too. That's his fiancee and they have to get along, but you're not helping him with that."

Rosavellt felt worse and worse as her mother kept talking. Rosavellt felt sorry, but she still thought that the prank was very funny! She turned Reginald blue with a spell she learned from Kronos and even Dulla was laughing! Why am I the one being lectured? If Reginald was a better mage then he would have used a defensive spell to stop it!

Rosavellt's mother knew that Rosavellt was a big troublemaker. Rosavellt was a very lively child and she loves to play with her brother and Dulla, but that was too much. The paint still hadn't come off and Reginald was hiding in his room because Dulla wouldn't stop laughing.

Rosavellt was looking down at the floor as she listened to her mother and so she was surprised when her mother's hand touched her head. Rosavellt looked up in surprise and she saw her mother smiling.

"I'll forgive you this once if you apologize to your brother when he comes out, but make sure you never do that again. He will be your right hand when you become queen. You need to improve your relationship with him,"

"Yes, mama,"

Rosavellt nodded and her eyes widened in shock as her mother suddenly reached under the bed and dragged her out! Rosavellt's mother started to tickle her intensely and Rosavellt shrieked in shock as she laughed! She tried to get her mother off her, but her mother was relentless! She tickled Rosavellt until Rosavellt was completely breathless and Rosavellt felt like she would pee herself! When she stopped, she leaned down and looked into Rosavellt's eyes with a smile.

"I know you love to play, Rosa, but you have to think about your brother as well. He is going to be one of your subjects in the future and it's your job to protect your people. You'll be the one that leads the undead and you will have to make sure they follow the demon lord properly. It's a lot of responsibility. So promise me that you'll look after your people, Rosa. You'll protect them, won't you?"

Rosavellt nodded with a smile.

"Yes, mama. I promise,"



"-ellt! Madam Rosavellt!!"

Rosavellt blinked in surprise as she heard her name being called. She looked down at her hand and she saw that she was still holding her sword tightly. There was blood staining her sword and she was staring down at the undead that she had struck down with a wistful expression on her face.

Rosavellt and some of her soldiers came to a village on the outskirts of Aradite to help out some demons that called for help. Rosavellt came along with them in case Dulla or any of the SS-class undead were there, but it just turned out to only be some small fries. Rosavellt was sure that none of them were above the Sixth rank in the underworld. That means they weren't even S-class. They were only A-class with very few S-class soldiers.

What the hell are you thinking Dulla? Why are you using these weak soldiers to raid villages? These villages belong to our lord. Roosevelt's hand tightened on her series when she thought this. She was feeling very angry at Dulla.

When Rosavellt and her army came here, they were a little late and some demons had already died, but they were able to successfully repel the undead and they even killed some of them. Once the undead saw that they were on the losing side because Rosavellt was too strong, a few of them stayed behind to stall her while the others ran for it. She didn't even have to strain herself to kill the people that were trying to stall her. Just one swipe of her sword took their head clean off, but there was a pain in her chest when she did it. It felt like a knife was in her chest and she became lost in thought as she saw their dead bodies. These are her people, and she is supposed to be protecting them. But why are they so... Stupid?

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