The receptionist tried to get herself back under control as she saw the disapproving look on Alucard's face. Floid wasn't looking at them at all but she could tell that Alucard was trying to make sure she doesn't waste floid's time.

"S-Sorry, but the best room we have is the penthouse at the top of the hotel and it is not open for purchase. The owner of the hotel uses it all year round. The hotel has a large variety of other rooms and none of them will be inferior to any other hotel,"

Alucard narrowed his eyes at her and she quivered even more! Please don't look at me like that! It's not my fault that the owner uses the best room for himself! Go and talk to the owner if you have a problem!

"Is there a problem here?"

A voice spoke up from the side and the receptionist felt shocked when she saw the hotel owner standing there! He was a handsome man that was wearing a full black suit with a white tie. He had five beautiful women standing behind him and a butler was standing to the side. Once the man asked the question he let his gaze travel from the receptionist to Alucard and finally to Floid. Floid was just standing to the side quietly but the owner could immediately tell that this was the man in charge.

When the owner heard that an exceptionally rich person came to his hotel today, he expected one of the members of the ten families to be there. The owner made his way downstairs quickly to see who it was but he was shocked when he came around to see the three men. The owner knew every member of the higher echelon and he was sure he would recognize any of them easily. But he did not know who Floid was. Who is this?

"Lord Raven! I-It's not a problem at all! It's just a small issue concerning the rooms. They are requesting the best room. I told them that -"

Lord Raven rose his hand to make the woman shut up. He could understand the basic gist of what happened based on what she just said so he didn't need to hear anymore. He rose a brow in surprise and looked towards Floid again. This time, when he spoke, he was talking directly to Floid.

"I have never met you before. Are you a tourist that came from another kingdom, perhaps?"

Alucard turned around to block Floid from Raven's view. He didn't want this trash talking to his lord. Who does this fool think he is? But Floid just rose two fingers and Alucard shifted away. Floid gave Raven a once over and Raven felt like Floid was measuring his worth. Raven felt like a piece of meat on a scale in the market and Floid was trying to see exactly how much he was worth!

After a few seconds, Floid finally spoke.

"Who I am is not your concern, but you will give me that room,"

The audacity! That was the one thing that went through the mind of the receptionist and the other people in the reception area!

Was Floid demanding the owner of the hotel to give him his room!? Raven was the biggest hotel owner in Trad and he has never given anyone that room before! They were sure that Raven would not agree!

Raven could easily tell that Floid wasn't asking for that room. Usually, when people try to take that room, they would behave entitled and they would put up a fake image of authoritativeness to try and intimidate Raven. But there was nothing fake about this. Floid was commanding him to give him the room! Raven had every right to throw Floid out right now and there is nothing that Floid could do to him. Raven was the owner of the hotel and he can do whatever he damn pleases! But Raven wasn't a fool. He was a smart man and he also knew how to read people better than anyone else! And the one thing he could sense from Floid was an immeasurable amount of power! There was power in the way Floid spoke, there was power in the way he looked and even in the way he stood!

It would be a bad idea to not make friends with someone like this. My instincts are telling me that he will be a useful ally.

Raven rose his hand to Alucard and he handed over a key. Alucard received it calmly and stepped back. The receptionist, as well as many other people that were listening in, were all shocked! They didn't expect Raven to suddenly give up his penthouse to Floid!

Many people have come to this hotel and requested that room before but Raven has never given it to anyone! Raven always claimed that no one had the right to stay in that penthouse except for him, so why was he giving the keys to Floid so easily!?

Raven ignored the shock passing through the room and he spoke.

"The room is my personal suite so I am sure you will not be disappointed by the facilities. Please, enjoy your stay in Hotel Royalé,"

Floid hummed silently as he walked away from the conversation. He expected Raven to be more difficult, but maybe the man was smarter than most other humans. When Floid spoke to Raven before, he released a small amount of his mana, barely 1% of it! Most people would ignore a warning like that, but Raven didn't ignore it! I would have just killed him if he didn't agree to it, but I suppose this is enough.

Raven waited for Floid to walk away completely before he released the breath that he didn't know he had been holding! Raven didn't know why he felt that sudden sense of danger once he set eyes on Floid. There was something about that man that didn't sit right with Raven. Raven felt like he would have died if he didn't do exactly what Floid told him to do. Raven used a finger to scratch under his nose. How interesting. When was the last time that he felt something like this? It has been years since Raven was last intimidated by anyone and no one has ever managed to intimidate him with only a few words before. No matter how you look at it, this is an interesting situation, and that man Floid is very interesting.

Raven didn't know who Floid was, but Raven trusted his instincts. And Raven's instincts were screaming that Floid was not the sort of person you want as an enemy. It will be better to be friends with someone like that instead of enemies. I might be wrong and he is just full of hot air, but I would rather not do anything stupid and find out who he is the hard way.

Raven turned to the receptionist and told her to give him a key to another room. All of the rooms in the hotel Royale were good and there wasn't a single one that was uncomfortable to sleep in. Raven didn't like sleeping in the other rooms, but if it is to get on Floid's good side then losing his room was only a small price to pay! Once Raven got the key from the receptionist he then told her to send an invitation to Floid.

"Invite them to the restaurant on the second floor and make sure everything that they order is on the house. Treat them with the utmost respect, do you understand?"

Once Raven said this, the receptionist looked at him in shock! Why was the owner going out of his way to show so much hospitality to that man? The receptionist didn't recognize Floid and she knew that Floid wasn't a member of any of the ten big families in Trad, so why was the owner trying to stroke Floid's ego so much!? It made no sense!

Or was the owner also attracted to Floid!?

The receptionist blushed crimson as she held her hand to her mouth once she thought this! The owner was also a very attractive man and once the receptionist thought about floid and the owner together, she almost started bleeding from her nose immediately!

"Alright, which one of you is going to be first?"

Raven said this to the five women behind him and he stretched his hand out to the sides! Two of the five women walked forward quickly from behind him and they attached themselves to his arms before the other three could even move! Raven smiled at the two of them and he kissed one before kissing the other one deeply! The other women that were standing behind them all frowned at the two that moved faster than them! Those fucking whores! How dare they attach themselves to Raven like that!? Are they trying to go ahead of us or something!? All the women were trying to gain Raven's favor so this was a good chance for them to get closer to him! But those two women went ahead of the others and now they were the ones that Raven would look at first! Fuck!

The receptionist watched all of this happening with a deadpan. At that moment, all the thoughts of Raven being interested in men evaporated like gas immediately! There is no way that this playboy would be interested in men instead of women! Look at him handling five women at the same time! The receptionist has seen Raven with hundreds of women in the time that she has been working here and she knows that Raven loved women more than anything else! The receptionist sighed in disappointment! If only Raven was interested in men then she would have seen that dream come true! That's too bad!

Raven ignored the disappointed look on the receptionist's face and he just walked away. If Raven knew what the receptionist had been thinking, he would have fired her on the spot! Raven was many things, but a sodomite wasn't one of them!

The penthouse room that Floid walked into was brightly lit and extremely large. There was an entire wall on one side of the room that was built from only glass. Alucard and Dragonnel entered the room first and they used a magic scan quickly to check the entire place. They were making sure that there was nothing in the room that could be dangerous to the demon lord. Floid just walked into the room calmly and he looked out from the large glass wall to see the kingdom below. Floid already made plans to see the king soon and he was just waiting to make sure that nothing interfered with the plan he has. Once I finish with the trader king then I'll deal with the pawns! All ten families in this Kingdom are going to experience a lot of changes in the coming days.

That night, Floid received a letter from the hotel inviting him to the restaurant. The person that brought the letter to him was Dragonnel and Dragonnel explained that the hotel was trying to use this as a way to apologize for the scene that happened earlier. Floid knew that it was a load of bullshit! An apology for this morning? Who did they think that they were fooling? Floid remembered the meeting he had with Raven and Floid scoffed. Floid was adept at reading people and he was used to it because of all the business parties he attended as a child. Floid knew that Raven was an opportunist. Raven was the sort of person that would bite his teeth into the most appetizing meal he could find and never let go. Raven was probably trying to use this opportunity to get on Floid's good side while disguising it as an apology!

In the same way that meeting this morning was just an 'accident', I know that he will try to meet me in this restaurant 'accidentally'. How should I respond to this? It might be fun to play with some humans.

I've never had a human pet before.

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