After Rosavellt and Alucard left to prepare the familiars as floid commanded, Floid told Dragonnel to be ready at a moment's notice for them to leave the castle. Immediately Floid receives a report from either Alucard or Rosavellt that they found a mana fluctuation, they would leave at once.

Dragonnel nodded and he also exited the throne room and finally left Floid alone. Once Floid was left alone, he immediately received a notification from his system about the mission.

[Host has failed the bonus Quest [Find the hero and retrieve her magic core]]

[All rewards have been forfieted]

[The location of Asgorath shall remain hidden]

Floid squeezed his hand into an angry fist as he saw this! This was the first time that he would be failing a quest and it made him feel very angry! But he couldn't dwell on this for too long! It was good that it was only a bonus Quest that Floid failed instead of the main quest! The main quest was to find Asgorath after finding the hero's core.

Fkpod knew that he just missed a major chance to get a head start on his main quest but that doesn't matter to him. There are always going to brother ways to find Asgorath and Floid wasn't a fool that doesn't make plans for the slight chance that things don't work out the way he hopes they would. Floid already had other ways to find Asgaroth and he would use those other ways now that the mission failed. Floid knew that things would have been easier if he passed the mission, but he didn't pass it so there was no need to dwell on it.

Right now, Floid just has to wait for Alucard or Rosa to come back with any news regarding the mana fluctuating in the atmosphere. I'll be right there when Elias is trying to take the dragon and I'll fucking tear him apart for trying to take Givalich from me.


Elias walked through the hall of the church as he made his way toward the room where Dray was lying down. Once he got to the door, he stopped at the entrance and looked down at Dray. There were two nuns in the room and they were constantly using a wet rag to dab Dray with cold water to try and bring down his body temperature.

Every since Dray came back with the dragon Mana, Elias has been getting everything ready for the ritual that they would use to find Givalich. the ritual would take a few more minutes to be completed and Elias just hoped that Dray doesn't die before they finish the preparations. With the way things are going, this idiot might allow himself to die before we get what we need. Elias frowned in annoyance as he watched the pained expression on Dray's face. Maybe I should call an ice magic user to help bring his body temperature down?


Dray released a pained grunt as his chest burned with an angry red color! The dragon mana inside his body was slowly killing him and everyone knew it! The pain was only getting worse over time! The nuns sitting beside him immediately rushed to help him cool his chest by putting some cold water on it! It reduced the red coloration a little but the pain was still there and Dray grit his teeth in anger as he opened his eyes a little to see Elias standing over him.

Dray snarled at Elias.

"Get... this shit out of me! You said you would get it out of me!"

Elias didn't even look like he gave a fuck about Dray. His expressionless face only made Dray angrier!

"We need the mana to be inside someone to find the dragon. We're already working on finding Givalich so it shouldn't take too long. Bare with it for a few more hours,"

How the hell am I meant to bare with this, you bastard!!? It's killing me! Dray wanted to shout this at Elias but he couldn't even shout because he suddenly got another intense pain in his chest and he shouted! Elias frowned in irritation and he told one of the nurses there to gag Dray with a cloth, the woman obeyed and put a cloth between Dray's teeth to prevent him from shouting again.

Elias didn't care if Dray was in pain or not, but he needed Dray to stay alive for as long as possible. The tracking spell that they were going to use to find Givalich needed the dragon Mana to be inside someone before it would work. Out of everyone in the church, there wasn't anyone better for the task than Dray.

This was the reason why Elias saved Dray from the very start. Elias knew that Dray's flame-based magic would allow him to hold onto the dragon Mana for far longer than anyone else and he would be the perfect host. Elias didn't care if Dray died after this, but the boy had better stay alive long enough for them to find Givalich.

"Keep him calm and make sure his body temperature doesn't get past one hundred and fifty degrees. An ice magic user is on her way and she'll help you handle him,"

The nuns nodded respectfully before they went back to their work as Elias turned to walk out of the room. Elias had actually been on his way to see the king before he stopped at Dray's room. The king called on Elias, and even though Elias didn't like being summoned, it was a good opportunity to talk to the king.

Elias got to the elaborate door that led to the king's room and he knocked on it once. He heard a 'Come in' from the other side and he pushed the doors open slowly to enter. The king's room was a small chapel that was as quiet as a graveyard. Once Elias stepped through the walls of the chapel, he couldn't hear a single thing from outside and every sound inside was amplified to absurd levels! Elias could even hear his heart beating!

The room was dark but there were candles lined on the walls on both sides that allowed Elias to see the king kneeling on a foam pedestal in front of the picture of a young woman. Elias didn't know who the young woman was and he really didn't care. But for the king to be kneeling and praying to the woman, Elias was sure that the woman was quite important.

"You called -"


Elias tried to talk but he was immediately cut off by the king! The king was in the middle of prayer and he didn't want any disturbance! Elias snarked in anger and he had half a mind to destroy that stupid image that the king was praying to! How dare the king cut him off!? But Elias held himself back! It wasn't yet time to antagonize the church. I still need them.

After waiting for almost thirty minutes, the king finally stood from the pedestal and turned around to look towards Elias. No matter how many times Elias sees that face, he would never get used to it. The king was a handsome boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a perfectly symmetrical face and there wasn't a single blemish on his body. He was literally a teenager.

Elias didn't know what the king's real age was but he wouldn't believe anyone that says this boy is more than twenty years old. In Elias' eyes, the king was a child.

But then how did the king manage to become the king even though he was so young? It was simply because of his power. On the continent of Aradite, there were only five known EPIC-class beings.

One of them was Rosavellt's uncle Kronos that was in charge of ruling the undead, the second person was Elias, the king of the dragon slayers. The third was Alucard, the day walker, and the fourth person was the dragon of ice, Dragonnel. The fifth and last known EPIC-class being was the child standing in front of Elias right now. Arthur, the holy king.

Floid was also an EPIC-class being, but since he still hasn't shown his true power to anyone, he is still not known to the others.

"What did you call me for? I am busy with the ritual,"

Elias spoke immediately Arthur stood up and Arthur gave Elias a charming smile. The smile would have calmed anyone else down because of how disarming and charming it was, but Elias knew the truth about this boy. Arthur was anything but kind and he was a king for a reason. Only a fool would let their guard down in front of an EPIC-class being.

"I just wanted to have one last talk with you before you go to find Givalich. I've seen that you are close to finding the dragon, but I hope that you still remember your promise to the lord, Elias. There are many things that I tolerated from you over the past few years in exchange for that promise and it will be in your best interest to keep it,"

Elias snarled. Why is everyone constantly reminding him about that damn promise? Elias made that promise a long time ago to get the support of the church, but he didn't think that they would hold it over him so much.

Elias promised the church that in exchange for their help, he would give them Givalich once he was finished with his mission. The church easily agreed to this because it is always a good thing to have a dragon on your side. Givalich was one of the last living dragons and it will be beneficial to have her as an ally. That is the reason why the church has been allowing Elias to use their facilities in any way he wanted for the last few years.

But just like Elias taught Dray a long time ago, you really can't trust anyone's word in this world. At the end of it all, the only constants in this world are betrayal and death. Everything else changes, but these two things will never disappear.

Elias gave the king a nod.

"Of course, I remember. I was the one that made the promise to you and I intend to honor it. You don't need to remind me of it all the time,"

The king smiled and he looked so young at that moment that Elias was suddenly reminded of his own son. But Elias quickly threw that image out of his head. His son died ages ago and there was no point in remembering him now.

"That's good. I just wanted to make sure that we were still on the same page. You are aware of how things would end up if you were to betray us, right? The Lord forgives most transgressions, but he does not forgive the ignorance of duty and responsibilities. You wouldn't want to go against the lord, would you, Elias?"

Elias scoffed silently. It was because of things like this that Elias was sure that Arthur was a child. Arthur spoke about the lord so much and his entire soul was dedicated to pleasing the lord. I wonder what sort of training he received for him to be so loyal to this church. It almost reminds me of a child soldier. Elias knows that no one in this church could control the king, but there was no need to control the king when he was so dedicated to the church already. Elias was sure that they have been feeding him with doctrines and passages from their bible for years to build him to this point. Like a frog inside a well that doesn't know anything about the real world.

Elias shook his head at Arthur's question.

"Of course not. I wouldn't dare to go against your Lord."

"Good. Do you still have the fragment I gave to you?"

"Yes. And I wish to thank you again for offering to help me with the task,"

The king waved the thanks away. He was only doing his duty as was expected of him. Elias was going to be giving them Givalich so Arthur decided that it was the church's duty to aid Elias in any way possible.

"Just activate it at the moment when you need me the most. Remember you can only use it once and there will be no other chances. My powers work under a very strict set of rules,"

Elias nodded and then he gave a small bow before he turned to leave but Arthur spoke again before Elias could go too far.

"And one more thing, Elias. That boy, Dray, what do you intend to do with him?"

Elias turned slightly to give the king a curious look. Why does he care what happens to the boy?

"Once he finishes this task I have no use for him anymore. As far as I know, there is a high possibility that he will die in the next few days because of the dragon's mana. Why are you asking about him?"

Arthur hummed in mild disappointment and he just smiled sadly.

"It's nothing. I feel that he would have made an excellent priest. The young ones are usually the most zealous priests, and since he had experienced loss and grief, his faith would be even stronger. But that does not matter anymore, it seems the Lord has other plans for the boy. You may leave,"

Elias was still a little curious about the king's sudden interest in Dray, but he just ignored it once he was excused and he left the room.

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