Quinn knew that Floid must've used some sort of paralyzing spell on her to make sure she doesn't move.

Quinn didn't know that it was the anesthesia that Rosavellt used to make the pain in her chest reduce that was preventing her from moving her body. The moment that anesthesia wears off, Quinn was going to feel some of the worst pain in her entire life and that might be the moment when she dies! Floid knew this and so he didn't waste any time as he decided to go ahead and say what he wanted to say!

"Who summoned you here, Quinn? I know you didn't come here the same way I did. Someone else called you here. Who was it?"

Quinn frowned as she remembered Priscilla and Quinn immediately thought about putting her hand around Priscilla's neck and choking her to death! This was all Priscilla's fault! Priscilla was the one that lied to Quinn about Floid! If Priscilla had told Quinn that Floid was actually alive then things would have gone very differently!

"It was the queen of Uta, Priscilla, that summoned me here. Where am I? No, that isn't the question I want to ask. How did you even come to this world? How long have you been here for?"

Floid didn't feel the need to answer her question but he decided to just humor her. He gave her a small smile and leaned back.

"I've lived here for about two years. The previous demon lord in this world died suddenly and I was chosen to become his successor. I don't know the full mechanics of it, but it is not something I lose sleep over,"

Hearing Floid say that he was the demon lord was almost too much for Quinn to handle. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them again, she had an angry look in them!

"What have you done Floid? Do you know that you've killed hundreds of thousands of people? I heard stories about the things you did and... I don't want to believe them. Why would you do all those things?"

Who do you think you are to question me? Floid's anger soared and he gave Quinn a look that immediately made her cower and look away from his eyes. Quinn had no right to question him like an older sibling when she couldn't even look him in the damn eyes. Floid calmed himself and finally spoke.

"Don't be naive, sister. You of all people should know that I have no love for this idiotic race called humanity. They are a failed experiment of evolution. Besides, why should lesser beings be allowed to reign over superior ones?"


Floid grinned at her confusion and continued.

"The humans in this world, they are nothing but pests that poison everything around them. They are like rats that go around occupying and breeding their way into superiority. They came to this land and stole it from the demons and they wrote themselves as the heroes in their own story to ensure that future generations don't know of their transgressions. I'm sure you also believed them when they told you that demons were the ultimate evil, didn't you? Well, they aren't wrong about demons and our evil nature. In their eyes, we are probably the worst things that ever happened to them. But for us, this isn't an act of evil. We are simply taking back what always belonged to us. We are cleansing the land of the pests that infected it,"

There he goes again. Quinn didn't know how Floid does it! How is he capable of making even the most insane and ridiculous things sound like the absolute truth!? What he was saying was supposed to be insane! It should have sounded like the ravings of a mad man that was drunk on his own power! But it didn't sound crazy at all to Quinn! It made sense to Quinn and she could only stare in shock at her brother as she wondered what happened to him over the last two years! Quinn knew her brother more than anyone else in the world and she knows that Floid has never cared about anyone as much as he cares about these demons. This was the first time that Quinn was seeing Floid fighting for someone other than himself.

But when Quinn thinks about it, she had also changed. Quinn thought that she would be angry at her brother at this moment. She thought she would be shouting at him and telling him how she was finally better than him or about how he destroyed her life when he left her behind and went to live alone. But there was no anger inside her at all. Floid left more than five years ago and Quinn never saw him in all that time. In a deep part of her heart, Quinn hoped that Floid took her with him all those years ago when he left the mansion to live alone. Quinn was terrified of Floid back then, but he was also the only family she had. Their father ignored her and their mother didn't even glance at them once they were done breastfeeding. it was just her and Floid for a very long time.

She thought about him every day and she never thought that the both of them would somehow end up in this world together. She was just happy that she wasn't alone.

"You've changed, Floid. I didn't think... That you'd ever care about anyone like this,"

Floid blinked in surprise and then he gave Quinn a small smile. Yeah, maybe he really has changed! Floid still hated humanity as much as before but he now had a strange love for the demons that he ruled over.

"You on the other hand are exactly the same as before. You should have been more careful of who you trusted, sister."

Quinn grimaced as Floid said this! It seems Floid was still as blunt as ever! She was dying here and he still wasn't able to show her any pity! Quinn closed her eyes as her mind went back to the night before when she and Dray both fell down at the same time. Quinn wasn't able to think back then because of the pain so she never gave it much thought, but now that she was calmer, Quinn knew that the person who caused this was probably Dray! A wave of intense anger was rising inside of her as she thought about this and she began to think of ways to get revenge, but then she felt a pulse of pain from her heart and all her anger disappeared like smoke as she groaned in pain! It took a few moments for the pain to finally disappear and Quinn released a single deep breath.

floid didn't even bother moving to help her as he watched her silently. Quinn was silent for a moment before she finally spoke up in a small voice.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?"

Floid almost didn't hear Quinn but his superior hearing allowed him to get what she said and he gave her a nod. Quinn started to cry. The next time she spoke, it was with a low, frightened voice that made her sound like she was a small girl once again.

"I... don't want to die. Isn't there anything you can do?"

"No, there isn't. Your Mana is completely drained and no other Mana will be able to save you because the sort of Mana you had is very rare. You're going to die, sister,"

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