"I should say what?"

Priscilla's voice was filled with shock from what Al said and Al quickly took a step back in fear and he waved his hands while shaking his head quickly! Nothing! Nothing! I didn't say nothing!

Al had half a mind to turn and run away right now, but he was still Priscilla's advisor and he knew he would become even angrier if he leaves. His job was to give her advice, but his job is always so hard since she ends up getting angry whenever he gives her any advice! Did she only want him around to clean up her messes? Let me do my job dammit!

He thought Priscilla would come over there to smack him for what he said. Priscila hasn't sincerely begged for anything in her entire life and it will be impossible for Priscilla to suddenly swallow her pride and ask this stranger for help like this, but he was shocked when Priscilla's hands loosened up from the fist she made and she released a sigh as she dropped her head into her hand.

The next time she spoke, there was a tiredness in her voice that would have made anyone take pity on her.

"Leviathan... Please. We need you. The soldiers are dying and the civilians don't have anywhere to go. At this rate, we will be eradicated. You're the only one that can help us. Please,"

Priscilla was tired of all this already. What was the point of holding onto her pride when her entire kingdom was going to be destroyed? Would she even have anything to rule over if they don't ask for help from Leviathan? Priscilla would rather lose her pride in front of this man and save the kingdom first before she would think of how to deal with Leviathan later!

[Sigh~ Who the fuck are you this time? If I remember correctly, the last king was a man named Ronald,]

Priscilla's eyes opened wide as she heard a voice through the communication circle! The voice was rough but it came through loud and clear! She turned towards Al and she couldn't stop herself from smiling happily! He answered! Leviathan actually answered!

"Leviathan! I am Ronald's daughter! My name is Priscilla and I am the new Queen of Uta! Please, we need your help! The kingdom is under attack by the demons!"

Priscilla realized that Leviathan was the sort of person that hated being shouted at rudely! He only answered her when she spoke politely! She didn't enjoy sweet-talking people that she didn't know, but if that is what it will take to get this man to come and help them, then she will sweet-talk him like he has never been sweet-talked before! Priscilla was an expert at diplomacy and she could play the political game better than anyone else in the kingdom! Pretending to be something you aren't in order to please others was something that every political mastermind has to master because of situations like this.

Priscilla will make Leviathan think he was the most important person in the fucking world if she had to!

She waited for Leviathan to give a response, and after some time, she heard that rough voice come through again.

[Didn't I already tell your father not to bother me again? Your war is not my war and it is not my job to protect your people for you. You should learn how to fight your own battles without asking for help from strangers.]

Priscilla could sense that Leviathan was about to end the call and immediately begged him not to! She needed this man if her kingdom was going to stand! Priscilla might not care about the people in the kingdom, but that doesn't mean she wanted all of them to die! What will she rule over if all her subjects are dead!?

Priscilla begged Leviathan to rethink one more time! She would grant him anything he wished for after the battle and she would make sure that she never bothers him again! She was just pleading with him to help them out this once! The demon lord isn't someone that they can handle on their own!

Leviathan was irritated by the constant begging. He didn't want to involve himself in this war between fools. But no matter how he tried to hide it, he was still a human. And he couldn't just stand by and watch as other humans were killed mercilessly when he can do something about it. That weakness called compassion that every human had was also inside him and he could do nothing against that weakness! He isn't like Floid that can completely ignore that part of himself.

On the other side of the call, Leviathan sighed as he got off his bed. He was a tall slender man with blue hair and green eyes. He only wore a trouser and he didn't have a shirt or any armor on his body. There was a tattoo that spanned from his chest all the way to his back and back again to his stomach on the other side like it was hugging him.

While speaking to Priscilla, he has been lying on the bed, but he finally stood up as he heard the desperation in her voice. What an annoying thing to face this night. Leviathan could already feel the war that was taking place in Uta. His house was also within Uta, but it was on the outskirts where nobody ever went to. The explosions and fighting were clear for him to hear, but he didn't feel like getting up to help them. They could fight their own war themselves.

Leviathan was one of the oldest humans alive in Uta. He was the last SSS-class human alive and that has allowed him to live for far longer than any other person! Leviathan has been there from the very beginning when Uta and Aquinas almost destroyed each other because of their war for natural resources and land. He has witnessed the terrifying power of the former demon lord during the dragon wars and he knows just how weak and helpless humans were when compared to the demons. All the other SSS-class humans died to the former demon lord and Leviathan was the last remaining warrior from that time. And what did they die for? For their country? For their king? No, they died because of human greed. They died because the humans just couldn't bare to see the demons ruling over Rivalle and they wanted to take it away from the demons.

Leviathan has seen true evil and he wasn't interested in this petty squabble anymore. He wasn't interested in going out to die for something stupid that doesn't even concern him. He just wanted to rest far away from all of it. But it seems that even if he wanted to leave the battlefield alone, the battlefield refused to leave him alone.

Leviathan's eyes narrowed as he looked up and then he slowly stood up and sighed. On the other side of the call, Priscilla asked him what was wrong! Was he coming to help them!?

Leviathan spoke in a bored tone that showed just how tired he was. He walked to the side of the room and picked up the broad sword that was almost as tall as him before he started to walk out of the house.

"You'll have to give me a few moments before I can come to help you. You see - I have a visitor,"

Once Leviathan said this, he stepped out of the house, and in the next moment, a meteor slammed into the house like thunder!!


Leviathan watched his house burning with a look of resignation on his face. There was no anger or irritation. All he could feel was annoyance. He really liked that house.

Leviathan turned off the magic circle even though Priscilla was still talking to him and he watched as a female figure stood up and started to walk out of the flames.

Pyra had on her regular maid's dress outfit. But this time, she had a mask covering the lower part of her face, and her hands were covered with black gloves that had magic seals on them. The magic seals would help her grip so that she would never let go of the mace that she was carrying. even if her hand was ripped off.

This showed her conviction to win here today. She was prepared to hold onto the mace and continue fighting even though she is on the brink of her life! Her master gave her this mission and it was her chance for redemption. If this is where she dies, then so be it, but she will not walk away with a defeat.

"Do you know how expensive it is to renovate a house? This thing costs me at least a hundred mana stones,"

Leviathan rolled his sword and stabbed it into the ground as he spoke. He was still shirtless and there was no armor on his body, but he didn't seem to give a fuck about that at all! He looked at Pyra like she was a child he was educating! He could already tell that Pyra was a demon. If there was a human with this sort of power, then he would have heard of them already.

Pyra finally walked out of the fire and she turned to her shoulder and nodded to the tiny bat that was there. The bat was one of Dracula's familiars. Pyra had asked Dracula for help in scouting for Leviathan and Dracula was happy to help the demon lord. Now that she has found Leviathan, she didn't need the bat anymore and the bat flapped its wings and started to fly off.


But a jet of water suddenly flew out from beside Leviathan and slammed into the bat. The jet of water had so much pressure that it ripped a hole through the bat familiar and killed it immediately!

Pyra just stood there with that same stoic look on her face. But even though she looked Stoic, Leviathan could still feel the animosity that she had for him! It was like her whole body was a tap pouring out bloodlust endlessly! Did she think he would just allow an unknown creature to leave the battlefield like that?

Leviathan grabbed his sword hilt with a grin. Regardless of what happens here, Leviathan knew that only one of them would walk away alive.

"Fine then. Come at me, demon!"


Pyra blasted off the floor with her full force and she was in front of Leviathan in less than a second! She swung her mace with insane force and Leviathan brought his sword into the path of her mace and a loud Clang! echoed through the entire region as the two weapons clashed!

Leviathan took a step forward and pushed Pyra a little and Pyra was shocked when she was forced to take a step back! She saw the tattoo on his body glow before he separated his sword from her mace and sent a slash toward her!

Pyra quickly jumped back a bit to avoid the sword, but she didn't expect a jet of water to fly out of the sword and slam into her! Pyra was thrown back and she planted her feet on the ground to prevent herself from going too far away. She looked down and she saw that the water jet had torn a line across her maid's gown to expose a bit of her toned stomach. Pyra frowned and she tore off the loose part of the gown that was already torn before looking back at Leviathan and charging towards him again to exchange blows!

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