Rosavellt was walking through the corridor leading to the throne room when a portal opened up beside Rosavellt and she turned around to look at it. She saw Pyra walking through the portal and Pyra immediately bowed her head slightly in respect as she saw Rosavellt.

Rosavellt couldn't stop her eyes from widening as she saw Pyra's condition! Pyra's entire body was covered with cuts and bruises. Her uniform was absolutely shredded and the mace across her back had a large dent in it that showed just how much punishment she has put her weapon through. But the things that stood out the most were the sword and the human head that Pyra was holding in her hands. The sword and head of the Grand Commander.

"May I go to see the demon lord?"

Pyra asked this question with a slightly strained voice. She was obviously in pain, but for her, this was the most important thing to do right now! She could always heal herself later, but she has to show her master this trophy as quickly as possible.

Rosavellt closed her eyes and released a quiet breath before she opened her eyes again and spoke in a threatening voice.

"You wish to see the master with your appearance? Do you have no shame? Or perhaps you have forgotten how to perform your duties since you have not performed them for so long? A maid should not show such an unpleasant sight to the demon lord,"

Pyra hardened her eyes and stood her ground. This was one thing that Pyra would not back down from. Pyra knew she didn't look presentable right now. She should have cleaned herself up before even trying to see the demon lord, but Pyra would not leave unless she sees the demon lord.

"My shame is nothing before the demon lord. Please, overlook my appearance this once and grant me permission to see him,"

The two maids stared each other down with intense glares and it was a battle of resolve to see who would back down first. Pyra might have phrased her words as a request, but Rosavellt knew that Pyra was making a demand.

Rosavellt didn't want Pyra to see the demon lord without cleaning herself up first, but Pyra refused to back down. Pyra knew that this was the best moment to show the demon lord just how intense the battle was and what she did to regain her honor.

After a few minutes of not saying anything, Rosavellt finally relented and moved to the side as she spoke.

"You will face punishment for your actions here today. But for this moment, you have earned this audience with our master."

Pyra nodded and she walked past Rosavellt to enter the throne room. Rosavellt watched Pyra go and Rosavellt couldn't stop the slight feeling of jealousy that filled her heart. This was a great victory for Pyra. Not only did Pyra win against a much stronger opponent, but Rosavellt could sense that Pyra became even stronger than before. Pyra was already unbelievably strong without her resonance, but now, Pyra has achieved her resonance and become even stronger!

Rosavellt was a demon and she cannot stop her natural instincts from flaring up in the face of a threat. Pyra was now on par with Rosavellt in terms of battle strength since they both had their magic resonance and Rosavellt doesn't know if she will win if they were to fight right now. Rosavellt knew how much Floid favored Pyra and now that Pyra has done this, won't the demon lord love Pyra even more?

Rosavellt took in another silent breath and she resolved herself to become better as well. She is the head maid of the demon lord and she will not fall behind another maid. Rosavellt saw this as a challenge from Pyra and Rosavellt was determined to win.

Inside the throne room, Floid was sitting with his legs crossed and his cheek resting on his closed fist. He was talking with Alucard about the invasion and what they would be doing next after the invasion. Floid has only told Alucard and Rosavellt about his plans to go to Volcanica after the invasion and Floid was trying to decide on the best method of getting there.


The door to the throne room opened and Floid turned to see the bloody and injured form of Pyra walking in with a confident stride. Pyra stood before the throne and she fell to one knee and dropped the head of Leviathan before Floid.

"Master. I have returned,"

[Leviathan - Former SSS-Class Grand Commander.]

[A member of the host's household killed a much stronger opponent. The host will gain passive boosts as a reward.]

[The host has gained the skill [Tsunami - SSS-class]. Call upon a large body of water to drown and disorient your enemy. The amount of water the host can call depends on the amount of mana put into the skill.]

[The host has gained the skill [Water Arts - SS-class]. The element of water is versatile and unpredictable. This skill allows you to show your intelligence as you bend water to your will and use it against your enemy. With this skill, the host may shape water into any form and use it as a weapon, but each form will only be as strong as the skill itself.]

Floid's face broke into a small smile as he saw these tabs open in front of him and looked down at the kneeling form of Oyra. Floid looked at the head that Oyra was carrying with her and he confirmed that this was definitely the head of that mysterious Grand Commander, Leviathan. Floid has seen the Grand Commander in the game before, but he was never able to read the grand commanders stats because the grand commander was far stronger than Floid back then.

And Pyra managed to kill him.

For the first time in a long time, floid felt a new emotion toward another person. Floid felt great pride in Pyra's accomplishment. Floid stood from the throne and walked down the stairs till he was standing right before Pyra.

"Raise your head, Pyra."

Pyra looked up at Floid and she smiled as Floid ran a hand across her cheek. There was blood all over her face, but Floid didn't care. He was extremely proud of Pyra at this moment. He felt like a king who was welcoming his general that just won a battle for his kingdom.

"You have done me proud, Pyra. And for that, you have gained my trust once more,"

Pyra gazed at Floid with intense adoration.

"I live to serve you, master. Everything I do, I do for you. Everything I am belongs to you. I only wish that you welcome me back into your confidence. That would be the greatest honor,"

Floid's smile widened at the declaration from Pyra and he bent and kissed Pyra right on the lips. Pyra moaned into the kiss and she released a hot breath as they separated.

Floid spoke up as he ran his finger across her lip.

"I do not need to give you your honor. You've won back your honor with your own hands today, and I couldn't be more proud. Rejoice in your own achievement, Pyra,"

Floid turned around to walk back to the throne and Pyra bowed her head low as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her! For someone like Pyra, battle was her life, and her ability to serve her lord on the battlefield was the only thing she used to measure her worth. For her master to acknowledge what she did here today was the greatest thing that Pyra could have ever hoped for.

Floid sat on the throne and he spoke up to Pyra.

"You may take a break and clean yourself up from the battle. That sword is now yours to do with as you wish. It was acquired through your sweat and blood in combat and you deserve to keep it as a reward. You are excused."

Once Floid said this, Pyra bowed once again before she stood up and opened a portal at the side to leave the throne room. Floid watched every movement that Pyra made as she left the room and there was a desire that burned inside Floid as he saw Pyra's body. Right now, Pyra looked very appealing to Floid and Floid couldn't take his eyes off her! Floid knew that this was lust and he welcomed the feeling! At that moment, Floid wanted to have Pyra more than he has ever wanted anyone else in his life! Floid already planned to take Rosavellt to his bed tonight, but maybe he should add Pyra into the mix as well.

Rosavellt walked back into the throne room and she went to stand at Floid's left hand once again. It didn't take long for Dragonnel to come back with Quinn and Ophis behind him. They appeared outside the throne room through a magic portal and they entered the room through the doors as a sign of respect for Floid.

Dragonnel bowed before he went to stand beside Alucard, meanwhile, Quinn and Ophis stood before Floid. Floid grinned down at his sister. Quinn couldn't look Floid in the eyes and she was scowling while staring to the side. Floid noticed the obvious lack of blood on her body and he figured that she must've failed her mission.

"I see you failed, Quinn. Is this the level that you hold my goodwill to? I granted you the chance to carry out your revenge and you wasted that chance,"

"I didn't waste it!! - hrk!!"

Quinn had to immediately stop talking as she felt her breath hook in her throat as bloodlust leaked out from behind Floid. Rosavellt was staring at Quinn with an imposing glare as she released [Bloodlust] directly at Quinn! Rosavellt didn't care who Quinn thought she was, no one dares to talk to master like that!

Floid put his hand up and made Rosaveellt reduce the [Bloodlust] and Rosavellt took in a breath as she calmed down. Quinn sucked in a breath as she could finally breathe again and she frowned and looked away from Floid.

Quinn was still very hot-blooded and she was just about to shout at Floid that it wasn't her fault that she didn't find Dray. But she remembered that Floid wasn't just her little brother anymore. He was her king. She had to show respect when she is speaking to him.

Quinn spoke again, but this time in a quieter voice.

"It's not my fault that I didn't find him. Dray must've also betrayed the church here and none of them know where he is. I'll try again some other time."

Floid hummed in surprise. Did Quinn really think that she would be getting another chance like this? Is she a fool?

"Is this another display of your unending idiocy, or perhaps do you think too highly of yourself, Quinn? What gives you the impression that you will ever get another chance like this?"

Once Quinn heard this, she looked towards Floid in shock! Was Floid really going to do this to her!? She didn't do anything wrong here!? So what if she didn't find Dray!? It isn't her fault! She tried her best to find him! How could she have known that Dray betrayed the church and left before the invasion!?

"You can't do this to me. This wasn't my fault,"

Floid tilted his head back till he was looking down his nose at Quinn.

"And whose fault would you say it is then? Perhaps, it is mine? Or maybe it is no one's fault? Your lack of insight prevented you from thinking thoroughly before asking a favor of me. You have gotten your chance, Quinn, and now you have wasted it. Do not try my patience."


Quinn swallowed and took a step back before bowing her head reluctantly to show that she accepted Floids decision. Floid didn't even release any bloodlust there, but Quinn didn't even have any thoughts of fighting against Floid's words just now. That was how imposing Floid has become! Just his mere presence was enough to make anyone feel oppressed! Quinn knew she would only make things worse for herself if she kept on quarreling like this so she decided to just accept Floid's decision. She has no intention of finding out what Floid's [Bloodlust] feels like!

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