Chapter 103

Student Council Election Campaign (4)

The average number of agenda items at the faculty meeting had nearly doubled. It was inevitable.

While maintaining a normal academic schedule, there were a great number of unfortunate incidents within the academy, preparatory work for yearly events had to be conducted, and neither the quality of instruction nor student management could be neglected.

With circumstances like these, faculty members, from the most senior to the junior professors, were all working tirelessly, sacrificing sleep to meet the demand.

Faculty meetings, previously held once or maybe twice a week, now needed to be updated every two days due to the frequent changes and updates in operational situations.

For the professors and staff, this period was akin to a veritable inferno.

The investigation into the death of Ed Roysteller is nearing conclusion. The examination of the circumstances is almost complete, and we are fairly certain that the Roysteller houses retainers are to blame. As Sylvanian Academy is merely an educational institution, the matter of punishment should be transferred to the Royal Family, but it is necessary for us to establish and report the facts ascertained.

The meeting was chaired by Dean Obel Forcius, with senior faculty members and junior professors alike gathered around the conference table.

Upon hearing Professor Flurbangs report, Dean Obel sighed to himself.

Decades of experience in the role had brought a wide array of incidents and accidents to his door.

Especially in cases such as the death of Ed Roysteller the machinations behind it were all too clear.

Though now disgraced, wasnt he a young man of the Roysteller Dukes lineage? Furthermore, if the culprits were indeed Roystellers retainers, it seemed almost certain that the murder was due to an internal dispute within the family over succession rights or lucrative benefits. It was, without a doubt, an exceedingly troublesome case.

The truth was hard to discern due to internal power struggles; although the incident occurred within the academy, its realities were deeply entwined with the politics of the aristocracy.

The Roysteller residence itself lay at a significant physical distance from Sylvanian Academy. Moreover, lacking the authority to meddle with one of the Empires most powerful families made any investigative steps exceptionally delicate.

The desire to thoroughly search for the leading suspect, now missing, Tanya Roysteller, was keenyet they had to heed the Roysteller familys influence, a situation far from pleasant.

In the end, what Sylvanian Academys faculty could do was accurately assess the facts of the incident that had occurred on their grounds and transfer the case to the Royal Family. Only the Royal Family held the authority to judge such a powerful household.

What would happen after the transfer was anyones guess.

The relationship between the Royal Family and the Roysteller house had been unpredictable throughout the ages, leaving the impact this incident would have on the political landscape wholly uncertain.

Scrying magic was used to review the scene as well. The weather was poor at the time, so we couldnt perfectly reconstruct the moment, but still, the testimony of witness Yenika Faelover mostly checked out. We confirmed Ed Roysteller being stabbed by the retainers and the victim falling over the cliff.

Then, his death is nearly certain?

With the deadly brands suffered and the fall from such a height it appears so, yes.

Make sure to compile the facts and prepare to deliver them to the Royal Family. And do get my signature before proceeding.

Professor Flurbang bowed in acknowledgment.

His colleagues looked on with pity, as Professor Flurbang, while already swamped with his popular monster ecology classes, had been the professor on duty when the death occurred, adding the burden of the investigation to his workload.

Despite the sheer volume of tasks that would overwhelm any ordinary person, he managed all without much issue, the fatigue only barely perceptible in his demeanor.

Next on the agenda, if I recall, concerns the top student of the year, Lucy Mayrills attack on the Ophelius dormitory. I was too engaged to attend the Disciplinary Committee

A 30-day house arrest disciplinary action was decided following the recommendation of the Ophelius dormitory headmaid.

A relatively mild punishment. Was the investigation into the overall facts concluded satisfactorily?

Yes, I ensured a thorough review.

While Dean Obel and Vice-Dean Rachel exchanged words, the rest of the faculty remained silent, understanding that it was not their place to weigh in on the discussion that unfolded between the two authoritative figures.

The incident involving Lucy Mayrill, who was deeply shaken by the death of Ed Roysteller, occurred outside of a school context. There was no loss of life, but there was some damage to property. Additionally, there was a bit of a disturbance with students needing to evacuate in the middle of the night. Eventually, the issue was resolved by securing Lucy Mayrill quietly sitting in the Rose Garden.

She was stopped in her tracks?

Dean Obel Forcius was well aware of Lucy Mayrills magical prowess.

Accomplished with extensive practical and scholarly experience, he was one whose power could be compared to even the legendary great mage, Glokht, and was not someone Obel could confront without tension.

Lucy Mayrill, the top student of her grade, was one such persona prodigy of the age and a pride of Sylvanian. There were none among the students or staff in Ophelius dormitory that could hold her back. If there had been such a person, Obel would have known.

Yes. The top combat student of the second year, Cleverius Nortonday, defended the entrance of Ophelius dormitory to the last. The school is considering an official commendation.

Was he such a remarkable student?

Although outclassed in most aspects, it appears sheer willpower allowed him to persist.

Indeed. That speaks highly of him.

The second-year students stood out as exceptional, even among their peersLucy Mayrill, Zigs Efelstein, Taili McAlore, Rortel Kehern, Ayla Tris, and Elvira Aniston, to name but a few. These included individuals who had been under scrutiny from the start as well as those who proved themselves over time, ascending the ranks of distinction.

Cleverius Nortonday, while a top combat student, had been considered too timid to stand among them, but this particular incident had undeniably elevated his status.

Indeed, there have been numerous incidents of late but most seem mere offshoots of a greater trend. More importantly the repercussions of Ed Roystellers sudden death were greater than anticipated. Although not fully grasped, his influence clearly extended to many.

Dean Obel summarized the situation from his dignified seat. The main current, it seemed, was the untimely demise of Ed Roysteller.

The Roysteller matter has been entrusted to Professor Flurbang, Lucy Mayrills outburst overseen by Professor Altman, Cleverius commendation led by Vice-Dean Rachel Indeed, from one central issue, handling has been dispersed among many professors, which isnt ideal for efficiency.

That is correct.

Wouldnt a single professor managing it be more efficient then? Is there a suitable candidate to recommend?

Silence rippled through the faculty.

The mere description implied an enormous hassle coupled with copious responsibility and a highly complicated process. No one was eager to take on such a task.

Hmm Any professors from the magic department who know about Ed Roysteller, have interacted with Cleverius, and have some connection with Lucy?

Promptly, all eyes converged in one direction. Following the collective gazes, Dean Obel shifted his attention accordingly.

At a corner of the room, someone was busily marking the corners of documents with a quill, flinching as the attention fell upon them.

Golden locks cascaded down to the shoulder blades, and the person stared vacantly at the meeting before the topics personal relevance dawned on them with a start.

Um oh

Claire, Associate Professor?

It could be said she was truly blessed with human connections. Her name was already well-known among the faculty.

There couldnt be a more perfect candidate than her.

Even just looking at her labs assistantsone could see the head assistant Anis, the crime victim Ed Roysteller himself, the sword master from Nortonday, Cleverius, and the ace of flight magic, Onyx.

Furthermore, she was a member of the magic department and the youngest professor, an ideal candidate for additional responsibilities.

Uh well I will

With an almost tearful countenance, Claire searched desperately for any excuse to escape, but all potential exits had already been sealed.

Sweat was pouring down her face like a flood.

Ill give it my best!

It was a death sentence.

Why is it always me! After being burdened with the lions share of tasks during the vacation, I was looking forward to teaching my assigned courses leisurely!

Transferring tasks received from Professors Flurbang and Altman had built a towering amount of documents on Associate Professor Claires desk.

Reading them alone looked like it would take ages.

How am I supposed to handle all this alone?

Claire buried her face in her desk, almost sobbing. By now, this sight was almost a routine.

I miss my student days I want to be a student forever Im so sick of this type of workload now.

At least the silver lining was that each assistant in Claire Associate Professors lab was reliable and handled work with precision.

The head assistant Anis was impeccable, Cleverius might not have been adept with documents but was highly competent with practical tasks, and Onyx, always a model student, dealt commendably with most responsibilities. Compared to other times, the environment was markedly more favorable.

Yet, Ed Roysteller was absent. It was mournful.

Unseen but highly efficient, he had been a diligent worker, perfected through unfriendly rumors that he never let trouble him.


Feeling inexplicably somber, Claire sighed deeply.

Resting her chin on her arms and gazing into the void, she lamented.

I guess life is unpredictable. One never knows how things will unfold its a reminder always to live each day with worth.

Thats a good sentiment, but you are the one saying this, Associate Professor Claire..?

The response came from Cleverius, wrapped head to toe in bandages.

Despite his injuries, he bounced back quickly due to his naturally robust constitution. Nearly healed from the ravages of his battle with Lucy, he had returned to perform his duties as an assistant.

After all, few jobs offered such a lucrative way to earn tuition fees.

Oh Cleverius, what a thing to say. Ive been living quite diligently. Just look at all this work

Yes, well

Their empty exchange was interrupted as Claires gaze fell across the work table, where assistants were busy sorting more documents. In a corner, the head assistant Anis Heilan sat quietly, sipping tea, and reviewing papers. Claire felt a profound sense of discomfort at this sight.

Anis has been lacking energy lately.


Yes. Have you noticed? Youve been speaking much less these days.

Anis ran a hand through her ash-gray hair and brought the teacup to her lips. Her elegance was intact.

Whenever one described Anis accompanying Clara, the same expression prevails: a commoner with the air of nobility, and a noble who seems like a commoner.

Anis, different from the ever-cheerful and unreserved Clara, always demonstrated decorum, exuding aristocratic grace even more genuine than many noble-born peers.

And yet, when it came to assistant work, she showed unwavering dedication and ensured immaculate results, making her a coveted addition to any professors lab.

Indeed, Eds empty spot must feel awfully stark


Drinking her tea with eyes half-closed, Anis trailed off.

Claire was speaking of the void left by a colleague in the lab. But Anis experienced a much deeper affliction.

Indeed, Anis Heilan had a profound admiration for Ed Roysteller.

Contrary to the rumors branding him as little more than a libertine, his diligence and competence were beyond doubt.

However, Anis clenched her lower lip perhaps too hard, determined not to reveal her feelings.

He hadnt experienced it.

It wasnt his place to dwell on feelings of loss or emptiness.

Most likely, the person who had suffered the greatest wound was her best friend, Yenika Faelover.

Even this sharp pang in his chest, when compared to the pain she must be feeling, was surely insignificant.

Anis managed to suppress the moisture creeping up her nose.

The image of him breezily sifting through documents in the seat next to hers seemed to flicker in her vision, but it was time to accept his absence.

Their encounter had been brief anyway. Surely there were plenty more decent people in the world.

Comforting herself with these thoughts, she pushed the sudden surge of sadness deep down with her tea.

Now wasnt the time to reveal her own sense of loss. If anything, it was time to console Yenika, who was enveloped in despair.

Anis had indeed planned to visit Yenika today. Just imagining it was gloomy and emotionally taxing, but being there for someone during such times is what makes a true friend.

Settling her rising emotions, Anis methodically completed her work.

Today, Im thinking of giving curry a try..!

Laplace Bakery, the outdoor terrace.

Yenika, carrying a plethora of ingredients she had picked up from the student residence, spoke with a radiantly beaming face to Anis.

Anis is pretty good at cooking, right? What do you think? I find controlling the heat a little tough, so Im contemplating a dish that needs to be simmered on medium heat for a while Im skilled at prepping ingredients, but trying a recipe I havent before is a bit scary!

Um, or not? Have we been eating too many spicy dishes recently? But I heard reducing vegetable intake is bad for you Maybe a salad would be nice?

Yes, Yenika

In front of Yenika, who chatted away with a vivacity that seemed almost to make flowers bloom, Anis hesitantly spoke.

You, youve really been enjoying cooking lately, huh?

Huh? Well, yeah..!

Before Anis had arrived at the bakery, she had pictured a despondent Yenika, tears in her eyes, reminiscing about her past with Ed.

Yet all of those images spectacularly shattered.

The bright and lively sight of Yenika seemed less like that of a girl wrapped in sorrow and more like that of a young bride who had just embarked on married life. Imagining a joyous future, Yenika appeared even more vibrant than usual.

Was this the right reaction?

As Yenika excitedly explained how much of a bargain she had scored on the ingredients from the student residence, Anis grew more perplexed.

Yenika, did you hear the news? Youve heard, right?

Surely she couldnt be unaware.

It was the most unsettling news in the academy, and the recently sorted report documents indicated that it was none other than Yenika herself who had testified regarding the true culprit behind Eds death.

Yenika Faelover was undoubtedly aware of Eds demise.

Yet, what was with her chirpy demeanor?

The death of Ed cannot possibly have such a trivial meaning to Yenika.

Then, what does this representation of Yenika mean?

Suddenly, Anis felt a chill run through her body.

Yenika had always been skilled in the kitchen, but she never seemed to enjoy cooking to this extent.

Moreover, if Anis thought about Yenikas recent behaviors there hasnt been much change since before Eds death.

Sneaking off toward the north island. Before Ed died, it was assumed she was going to meet him, but now theres no good reason for her to visit the northern woods so frequently.

Interlacing the sudden interest in cooking with her recent behaviors, troubling thoughts began to cloud Aniss mind.

The empty cabin.

A picture of Yenika, sitting alone in the camp, diligently chopping ingredients.

She sets the table with no one to share the meal with, speaking tender words to no one alone at the table, she smiles soullessly, caught in an endless cycle of futile reminiscence.

Get a grip, Yenika.

Anis, with tears welling up, tightly grasped Yenikas hands.

Hes gone! Hes dead!

Uttering those words aloud, Anis realized he was the one most hurt.

His heart swelled with emotion, and strength poured into his hands clutching Yenikas.

Its time to accept it!

Ah, Anis?

As Anis hugged Yenika tightly after speaking, he finally came to understand. The one who needed consoling the most was himself.

Playing unaffected wont bring back someone whos dead!

Ah, Anis

Yenika finally came back to her senses and, somewhat bewildered, embraced Anis, patting her back gently.

[ Miss Yenika, is this really the proper reaction? ]

Shh quiet!

Yenika, realizing her own misjudgment, became drenched in cold sweat and disregarded the curious glances of the spirits around her.

We should be wrapping up the academys investigation soon.

The setting was the royal residences reception room.

To request an immediate audience with Princess Penia, it was necessary to be an individual with a firm standing within Sylvainia. Naturally, she wouldnt meet with just anyone.

It took a person of Lord Tell Kehellns stature, the effective owner of Elte Trading Company, to request a direct meeting with Princess Penia.

Ed Seniors death is regrettable, indeed, but we must continue to fulfill our academic schedule. Wouldnt you say so, Princess Penia?

And thats why you sought me out?

I came to ask you why you would hide Tanya.

With a smile that struck right to the core, Lord Tells rhetoric was exhausting for anyone to engage with.

Penia maintained a miraculously warm expression, but Tell was insistent that he was well aware of the truth.

Are you aware that I have the entire student residence life in the palm of my hand?

The districts commerce was entirely under the control of Elte Trading Company. The circulating money eventually flowed between Elte Trading Companys coffers, a fact well-established.

If Tell had seized that flow of money, then naturally, he knew everything about the humans within it.

Lord Tells eyes and ears were spread throughout every corner of the district.

It wasnt difficult to gather witness accounts and speculate Tanyas whereabouts. While there was no concrete evidence, his suspicions were firm.

That the most likely place for Tanya to seek help was this royal residence, a place even the academy hesitated to reach out to impulsively.

Hence, by focusing on gathering intelligence around the paths leading to the royal residence, the outline became clear.

That Tanya was hiding under Princess Penias protection seemed almost certain, given that the academy had yet to pinpoint her location.

From the start, Tell had drawn that conclusion, yet he did not disclose this to anyone, even going as far as to stay silent to Ed Rostalle, whom he adored.

Thats quite the claim, Lord Tell Kehelln.

With the academy in turmoil and the student council elections approaching, its best to settle noisy issues quickly.

Why would you go out of your way to find Tanya?

If I must say, its because I have personal scores to settle.

Tell gracefully laughed and sipped from a teacup brought by Penias attendant.

As you know, I am opportunistic and petty While I fully kowtow to those beyond my grasp, I am merciless to those beneath me.

That doesnt sound like something to brag about.

Its a natural consequence of gauging everything through self-interest. One might seem cowardly to the strong and cruel to the weak, but contemplating a step further, isnt that inherently logical?

Penia felt uncomfortable beneath Tells ever-smiling exterior.

The Rostalle family holds renown that even our imperial family wouldnt lightly confront, yet you assert that Tanya, its heiress, is weaker than you That merits further consideration, wouldnt you agree?

Well. I judge everything based on interests.

Tell didnt yield even a word against his royal opponent.

After all, Im just a merchant doing business on Akin Island.

Regardless of noble birth, Tells position as the deputy to Elte Trading Company was not to be taken lightly.

While leveraging the Rostalle familys influence might be more important on an empire-wide scale, this was Akin Island a peripheral territory requiring a significant venture out from the empire.

Nobles and individuals of high stature were a dime a dozen at Sylvainia Academy, with people like Princess Penia or Saintess Claris being laughably elevated.

This Sylvainia, a land of learning, operated on an order entirely different from the imperial capital, with news requiring two to three days to reach the capital from the island.

In such time a persons fate could turn in unforeseen directions.

I am someone who lives and dies by money.

The fox smiles.

And now, the entire life on Akin Island is under my grasp.

The subtext was crystal clear to Penia.

Externally, Sylvainia Institute is lauded as sacred ground for academic virtues. Yet, just beneath the surface, the flow of gold to the island traces back to this girls purse.

So, unless you can overturn the power structures within Akin Island why would I care for anyones opinion? Of course, if the opinions were yours, Princess Penia, or Saintess Clariss, that would be a different story. How could I oppose either of you?

Even as he spoke lightly, Penia knew the words were mere formalities.

If he wished, utilizing every corrupt tactic, he could twist and disregard even the views of the princess.

While the central imperial power could subdue someone like Tell, Princess Penia lacked such influence, especially in this peripheral region. If this were the imperial capital, things would be reversed, but thats an empty if.

Whats the point of power that receives ceremony and nominal respect due to lineage? Penias expression tightened.

So, I need to find Tanya to finish my personal business.

Theres no reason for me to concern myself with your personal matters.

Penia established her boundary. Further involvement would only give Tell more incentive to delve into her secretive protection of Tanya.

Effectively becoming the shadow ruler of the academy lifestyle, Tell was a presence to be blocked with a true, substantial internal power.

Its only with such power that Tell would think twice and provide that which could pressure Penia. For instance the student councils authority.

The president holds power to propose changes regarding tenancy in lifestyle facilities, operational directives, and revising customs regulations managing the flow of supplies.

In name, its merely a right to propose, but the academy cannot entirely dismiss the student presidents opinion. The president gains support from students, implying backing from various nobles and powerful families.

Tell stopped short, conserving his words.

Tanya believed she was under a life-or-death threat from Tell. At least thats what she would be thinking.

Its uncertain when the Rostalle familys support would arrive. Until Cadec and Nox are freed, the family wouldnt receive accurate reports on the situation.

Nor could she easily flee. All routes off Akin Island were within Tells grip.

For Tanya to survive Tells threat, her only option is to become the student council president.

That realization crystalized in the moment.


Having concluded his business, Tell left the royal residence and boarded his carriage.

With a flick of the drivers whip, the carriage began its slow journey.

Underneath his hood, a smile leaked out, and a subtle glow emanated from his amber eyes.

The turmoil of the academys political landscape.

Only Tell comprehended the entire picture perfectly.

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