Poisoned Chalice (3)

Dyke’s waiting room.

Seeing Dyke, who had collapsed and was unconscious and receiving simple treatment, Balveron Elpelan clicked his tongue involuntarily.

The man wearing aristocratic attire emphasizing the old-fashioned style with abundant volume everywhere, had a slender and thin impression, unlike Dyke, who inherited his blood.

The beard and skinny cheeks peeking out from the tip of the nose, and a look that somehow seems haggard. It’s hard to say that he’s good as a warrior, but he’s a person with good eye and eloquence.

Although it is difficult to see him as the head of a prestigious samurai family suitable for the El Phelan family, there is no doubt that he is a person who has put the El Phelan family on the right track in the turbulent situation.

As a character born with political power rather than combat, he never thought that Dyke would be beaten so horribly in this duel.

It was because I had heard rumors about Ed Roth Taylor, but I didn’t know that Dyke would be defeated in a battle with such a difference in physique.

‘Princess Selah must have been very disappointed… I was ranting like that… Damn it…’

Since the Elpelan family received great merit from Princess Selaha, they had to prove their worth every time they had such an opportunity.

Whenever he has spare time, he mentions the name of the Elpelan family at the imperial government meeting, puts key members of the family into important positions, and gives up a few positions as apprentice knights of the Imperial Knights Templar so that he can carry on the name of a prestigious samurai… From my point of view, it was because the connection with Princess Sellaha was the path to success.

Maybe it’s because I wasn’t faithful to my feelings as a samurai because I’ve been reaching out to central power lately.

In a situation where the number of talents is decreasing as time goes by, the fact that Dyke Elpelan, which was not expected, was producing results is a definite positive thing.

Just being the head of the 4th year combat team will be enough to live with that honor after graduation.

Basically, as long as there is an atmosphere where people are recognized as great talents just by graduating from Sylvania with excellent grades, Dyke can be a plausible sign of the Elpelan family.

However, did I overestimate Dyke too much?

With that heavy body shaking and barely breathing in front of him… Balveron took a deep breath.

‘Useless guy… I thought I’d found an unexpected treasure…’

– quiver

At that time, a person entered the waiting room without permission.

Balveron, who was still not comfortable with planting, frowned and looked at him. However, the wrinkled expression on his face opened up in an instant.

At the same time, Balveron quickly jumped out and went to kneel in front of the intruder.

“Three, Princess Selaha…!”

Being escorted by the guards and entering Dyke’s waiting room was Selah, Princess of Frost, who can be considered as holding Balveron’s lifeline.

“Wow, I didn’t know you would come this far. If you had told me in advance, I would have sent someone…!”

“not. I guess I came here because I had other business to do.”

Having said that, seeing the fallen Dyke, Princess Selaha clicked her tongue.

Although it was a sneaky look, Balveron felt his heart pounding just by looking at it.

Disappointing Princess Selaha is a matter directly related to the rise and fall of the El Phelan family.

Even when Princess Selaha did not exist in the first place, the Elpelan family lived up to their own achievements and strengthened their qualities as a samurai.

When I didn’t have it, I managed to get through it quite well, but once it’s in my hands, it’s power that I’m afraid of losing.

And it is that Princess Selaha who stands at the center of that power.

Being tied to the central power certainly creates a lot of restrictions, but it’s as clear as the fact that once Princess Selaha becomes emperor, the Elpelan family will quickly rise to the center of the empire.

Until then, if you hold on to the ropes well, Balveron Elpelan himself could become a great archduke that does not envy Crepin in his prime.

“Princess Selah. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep what I said. We, the Elpelan family, also put in a lot of effort in our own way…”

“It was an excuse. In the first place, I didn’t know that Ed Roth-Taylor would become strong that fast. Don’t make obvious inquiries and reproach.”

Princess Selaha didn’t look as bad as she thought.

Anyway, the goal of showing off my influence in front of the public and Emperor Chloel has been achieved.

Hearing praise from Ed Rothtailer rather than Dyke Elpelan was not as planned, but the results were good, so it’s not too much of a wrinkle.

However, he is not tolerant of the mistakes of his subordinates.

“However, just because I don’t rebuke doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed. I feel really stupid that hearing your rant made me happy too.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry… Princess Selaha… I was short on thoughts!”

“okay. I’m glad I’m aware of it. You thought very short. And my thoughts of trusting you like that were very short-lived.”

Princess Selaha’s cold eyes are the same as always.

If she became a subordinate and could no longer escape, Princess Selaha became ruthless.

“The expectations I had for the Elpelan were not like this. Those expectations are really disappointing.”

“I really… I have nothing to tell you.”

“Are you going to go back to the mansion and take care of yourself? Let’s talk about today’s affairs later.”

“Ah, I see…!”

Balveron knelt on the floor and spoke as if sorry.

If you look down at him trembling his voice in embarrassment, he is like a herbivore in front of a wild beast.

It was so funny that Princess Selaha swallowed a laugh inside.

“The day will come when I will be praised by the hostile forces. It is really funny.”

Princess Selaha thought so, and remembered Ed Roth Taylor looking up at Princess Selaha in the middle of the dungeon.

And it’s the same with how I just casually organized my clothes with Lucy and Tanya on either side.

Then he looks at Balberon.

It is so pathetic that he is trembling and rolling on the floor, so I wonder if such a person can be called a noble of noble blood.

He compares himself to Ed Roth Taylor, who does everything he has to say with a confident and dignified expression even in front of the royal family.

Being an entourage must have a taste for writing and flattering by the very nature of it…

‘It’s not a very precious talent for Penia.’

A person who fell so badly that he tried to take pictures all the way to the bottom and then came back up again. Therefore, he is someone who understands the nobility of a high-ranking nobleman, but has also experienced all of the ugliness of human nature.

He is from Roth Taylor, so he has basic political skills, his combat ability is nothing more than that, and he has excellent personal connections.

Although they have become politically hostile, there is no other advisor like this if they can convince them to be friendly.

Princess Selaha, who has a deep understanding of life as a monarch, knows it well.

In order to go on for a long time as a ruler, the existence of a competent staff is essential.

I would not have even considered it if there was no room for conciliation because it was hostile at all, but the situation is very different now that I am proud of Selaha in front of the public.

Of course, Selah is no fool. It is calculated that there must be some reason for Ed Roth Taylor to do this.

However, there is still much room for judgment.

Was it Ed Roth Taylor’s arbitrariness, or was it the story of Fenia, who made Selaha in this way?

What kind of movement is he expecting from Princess Selah? What are you trying to achieve in the end?

– ‘When I make my own judgments, I don’t take those emotional reasons into account. I don’t even think about political positions. There is only one basis for my judgment.’

– ‘Who deserves to be emperor? I just judged that Princess Selaha was the right person for the position.’


Recalling her conversation with Ed, Princess Selaha smiled bitterly. ƒrēewebnovel.com

What is certain is that the flattery felt pretty good. I knew it was an empty word.

It is funny in its own way that incompetent things, such as laughing and sweating cold sweats, can’t overcome their desperation and somehow lift up Selaha.

However, the words of praise uttered by those who hold my heart heavily like Ed Roth Taylor… are different from flattery as light as the feathers of savory fabrics.

Even in front of those who differ from each other in lineage and authority, there are those who are building up their perseverance and tenacity.

Ed Roth Taylor does not break a single sweat even in front of Selaha, who is born in the blood of the imperial family and reigns above power.

‘want to have.’

The raised corners of the lips are a sight that gives goosebumps to those who do not know.

‘I want to get that man on his knees, bring him under my control and wield it…!’

The twinkling eyes are as if an innocent child has found a toy he wants to get.

However, the high self-esteem deeply engraved on the inside is completely different. Princess Selaha’s sassy pride and insidious lust for power are not comparable to an innocent child.

‘I hate to admit it, but I feel like I’m in love… Uh-huh… It’s fun, it’s fun.’

It is infinitely detached and twisted from the romantic feeling of love. It may be more like possessiveness or possessiveness.

However, Princess Selaha roughly gathers it up and violently defines it as love, and then throws it away. Because it doesn’t really matter what that emotion is.

Is it possible that there is a human being who can break that twisted self-esteem in the world? At least her butler, Death, had long concluded that such a human could not exist in this empire.

It is a noble rose that blooms on the cliff. The only person in this empire who bows her head and makes a sad voice is Emperor Chloel. It has always been, and it will always be.

At least it was in Des’ eyes.

A man named Ed Roth Taylor can be a great help if he can convince him.

He is perfectly flawless in political affairs, judgment, combat ability, personal connections, status, and future prospects.

However, there is a part that Princess Selaha, who is not very interested in the way of thinking of the lower things, has not caught on.

Ed Roth Taylor is the poisoned holy grail.

Balveron Elpelan was looking at Princess Selaha, who had a fishy smile on her face, without even paying attention to herself.

He… was looking up at Princess Selah with a meaningful face.

*There was no longer any trace of blood on Yenica Palerover’s face.

Yenica went to Ed’s waiting room out of fear and almost fainted when she saw Orte and Seyla having an argument with Bel Maia there.

The appearance of Ed Roth-Taylor sitting on a soft sofa with a bewildered expression is a bonus.

“We can fully understand the pride of the user. Still, we are deeply proud that we have worked our own ranch all our lives. We want to cook this meat that we raised ourselves with our own hands…! Please, think of it as the lowly pride of the lower ones, and allow it once! It never disappoints! Orte, this man, you cannot bend here!”

At the sound of a cry overflowing with Orte’s unique spirit and passion, a headache has already begun to creep in.

Bel Maia, who was facing Orte’s heat head-on, looked quite troubled.

“Oh, no. No matter what, you can’t enter Master Ed’s residence…! never! no!”

Has Bell Maia ever talked so firmly with someone so far?

Bell Maia, who does not try to offend the other person’s feelings, always uses all kinds of indirect speech even when expressing the intention of refusal. This look was quite extreme for her.

It’s never like that when you have to show a dignified appearance as a maid in the Ophelis Hall, but there are a lot of times when you’re in a difficult situation because you’re especially involved with Ed’s business.

It’s embarrassing, but whatever you have to do, you have to do it.

Before Bell’s struggle, Yenica almost burst into tears.

It is impossible to stand still like this. Yenika rushed to the waiting room as it was, and started screaming as if she was arrogant.

“Oh, Mom! Dad! Uh, when did you get here! You can’t come in here! Ed… No, you’re rude to Master Ed!”

“Uh, huh?! Yenika! Where did you go! We keep looking, but we don’t know where we are, so we came first!”

“Oh, Mom…! Daddy, what did you do?”

“Drying…? I’m not doing anything bad, so why…?”

Yenika rushed in, stunned, and quickly grabbed my parents’ arms and dragged them.

“Ed… No, Master Ed, I’m sorry! I couldn’t tell you in advance, so somehow things got like this… Anyway, I’ll explain the details later! No, I will! …No, I’ll do it! Let me explain… shall I…? Could you give me a chance to explain? Well, anyway!”

Trying to use an honorific name that I don’t normally use makes my words more twisted.

But right now, that doesn’t matter. Yenika had to do everything she could to get her parents out of this room.

“What’s so urgent, Yenika? I don’t have anything urgent to do, so you can take it slow. Your parents are also valuable guests to me.”

However, Ed calmed Yenika once as if there was no rush.

It’s strange to see everyone acting like they’re crazy.

At that point, Yenika realized.

Yenika didn’t explain anything to Ed about the circumstances..!

No, I went beyond the line of not explaining… I didn’t want to worry about Ed, so I made a vague excuse that I told him everything at home.

Yes. I still remember the day I was kicked out of the Ophelis Hall.

When Ed asked if he was okay, Yenica understood at home and said it was okay because he had somehow borrowed the tuition.

I also remember how Ed said he didn’t care because everyone agreed to understand the facts about living together and living in the wild.

Yenica didn’t want Ed to worry about him, so he didn’t have to tell Ed the details of the circumstances.

So from Ed’s point of view… I can’t help but think that Yenika’s adoptive parents are very generous people who understand all of Yenika’s life.

In fact, Orte and Seyla are relatively open-minded and generous… so telling the truth doesn’t mean they won’t understand. Ed must have felt the same way as soon as he saw the two of them. This is because the two have very honest impressions and honest values.

However, the problem is not in that part.

Rumor has it! back home! After graduating, in her hometown where she will have to visit her for the rest of her life, Yenica says this is the truth… There will be a lot of unfamiliar rumors that make her face heat up just by hearing it.

For Yenica of the sensitive age, who can get goosebumps on her back just by holding hands with the opposite sex, it is more than painful to say that such an unfamiliar rumor spreads in her hometown…!

Old town wives’ obscene gossip is more spicy than I imagined…! There was a time when Yenica, who was like a white drawing paper, covered her ears completely because every word was so shocking. There have been times when I spilled my nose while feeling the unimaginable horror of the unknown.

This time, it will be Yenika herself, not a young man living in the city…!

Hell is coming. The hometown of Pulan, the hometown of the heart that was warm even just imagining it, is transformed into a living hell that burns with scorching brimstone…! That’s all… it must be stopped…!

However, it is a tearful event, but it is all Yenika’s own gain…!

“Eh, Ed…! No, Master Ed…! There are some things I haven’t talked about yet, and I think it might be a good idea to have time to talk about those things in detail later, or maybe not. It seems that such an attitude is necessary to have that kind of thinking, maybe not, maybe not, isn’t it? Am I right? right? Maybe?”

“Jenica. Why are you running out of ideas by yourself? Because nothing has changed since I was little, really! When I was in trouble or when I was lying, I used to say a lot of gibberish like this. Isn’t that right, honey?”

“right. haha! Because our Jenika can’t do a single lie terribly! As a parent, I would rather be worried!”

Ortega smiled wildly and patted Yenika’s head.

“Hey, look at his fever. Why is your face so blush again?”

“By the way, I already knew everything, but what else is there to hide? Why are you so embarrassed? Yenica is so… she lost her shape in front of Master Ed…”

As she continued to speak, she blurted out the end of her speech, wondering if she suddenly remembered something.

What the hell could Yenika have to hide from her parents?

However, if you stand in front of Ed with your arms outstretched and look at Yenica who is breathing heavily… A strange possibility opens up in your head.

With his cheeks blushing like blush, his pupils trembling relentlessly, and his tiny body, he was blocking Ed with his hands wide open, but what did that mean?

This content is taken from fгeewebnovёl.com.

However, the fact that Yenika could hide from Orte and Seyla was…

“Hey, honey…”

“yes? Saila? What, all of a sudden? Does your stomach hurt?”

In this regard, Orte, who is no different than a blunt person, asked Saila with a cheerful face.

As soon as they enter Aken Island, they look at Ziggs and ask what they think of Yenika.

Thanks to that, since last vacation, I went crazy wondering who Yenika and the man with some sort of strange air flow were.

However, at this point in time, the senses that have been raised while raising Yenika over the past decade are screaming.

Yenika’s face, completely blushed, blocking Ed.

While Yenica is blocking Ed, Bell approaches Ed and quietly raises a palm to cover his mouth and whispers something in his ear.

Ed’s expression hardened for a moment, and his pupils felt slightly enlarged… but there was no sign of great embarrassment.

However, Saila couldn’t help but ask.

Saila calmly recalled the conversation Orte and Yenika had on the last vacation.

“That… Master Ed. I’ve seen you fight well before, but… maybe, that… as expected… you’re pretty good at shooting bows… you see…”

“Yes…? Yes… well… just, shoot a little…”

– ‘Are you a bit archer? It was my dream to put on a drink with my son-in-law and shoot some targets… No, the alcohol is still coming.’

– ‘Wow…the bow shoots well…’

As she recalled the conversation Yenica and Ort had had on vacation last summer, Seyla’s expression hardened for a moment.

And it was like a stone statue, and it was in a state where it could not even move.

“Huh? Saila? Why? If you are in a hurry to the bathroom, would it be better to ask for your forgiveness and go now? It’s not good to put up with being shy for nothing! ha ha ha! Were you a little frustrated? But we’re past that age…! Whoa!”

Seyla, who was standing still next to Orte, who could not be seen without notice, made an expression as if she had seen a meteorite smashed into the earth.

There was no sign of his mouth open and shut.

*“During the festival, sales definitely jumped significantly. How about taking this opportunity to diversify your grocery purchases?”

“I do not know. It is not a very wise decision to change the purchase policy every once in a while due to a temporary increase in sales. Secretary Lienna needs to have a more macro perspective.”

“Ah, shh… Neet.”

After sipping a cup of tea with the papers Lienna saw, Lortel swung down her robe hat and looked out the window for a moment.

The fever of the festival spread evenly into the living quarters, and more people than usual were packed into Aken Island.

It’s good to be immersed in the heat of a festival like this, but it’s disqualification as a merchant to blow it away while playing for such a good money-making opportunity.

Elte Co., Ltd. also distributed various special purchase products, and received more orders than usual, which made a lot of profit. However, now that the festival is just the beginning, there is a lot of anticipation for the future.

It is said that Princess Selaha is in Aken Island, so on the surface, Lortel, who maintains a symbiotic relationship, needs to go get a face stamp at least once.

And from the school side, Vice-Principal Rachel has been actively requesting to increase the number of orders. Recently, they have been friendly with the student council, so it seems that the academic headquarters is also trying to increase the relationship without adding or subtracting.

In fact, there are times when the relationship between a group and a group is cold, and conversely, there are times when it is mild. The increase in orders is also directly related to sales, so it is not a bad feeling for Lortel.


“Why? Lortel Hoiju’s deputy chief?”

“no. Just… Lately, most of the work at the academic headquarters has been done by Vice-Principal Rachel. Principal Obel rarely appears in public. Last time Dune did the job, it was Rachel, the vice principal who came out to negotiate the sage’s memorandum, maybe?”

“Because Principal Obell is very busy.”

“It is, though.”

Lortel, who was reading the application form for the bachelor’s, shrugged and pondered for a moment.

“Why doesn’t a person who was active enough to run around and borrow money even when the Office of Ophelis was smashed, but he doesn’t show his face like this lately…”

“Do you smell something strange?”

“Well… well, maybe you’re giving too much meaning to the little things. Still, it’s something worth mentioning. The insider trends are very important information for us as well.”

With that said, Lortel signed the requested papers and shoved them through the processed papers.

Then he glanced over the rest of the paperwork, and then stretched out.

“Uhhh… I came out early in the morning and reviewed it, and it ended up just fine. The rest are regular business reports, right?”

“yes. The noteworthy items are almost finished, and now only the items that require a ceremonial review remain.”

“Still, I can’t do it roughly, but… I feel a little tired after sitting for too long. It’s not urgent, so I need to relax a bit.”

Lortel went to the window and sat down on the window sill, then broke her arms and relaxed her body.

And as I felt the cool breeze from behind, I looked at the steeple of Haksa-dong in the distance and the road leading to the north forest behind it.

“Ed-senpai, what are you going to do? The fight would have been over by now. Well, as always, you’re probably working near the campfire.”

Then, as usual, with a foxy smile, he told Lienna’s secretary to keep the rest of the paperwork.

“I will take care of the rest of the paperwork at the villa. It’s not urgent, so we can deliver the payments tomorrow morning.”

“Then I’ll have someone send the documents home.”

“no. It doesn’t cost much, but I’ll take it myself. Waste of manpower is not allowed.”

What made him feel so good, Lortel hummed and picked up the remaining payment documents.

Then, after tugging the ends of the robes to tidy up the look, I suddenly looked in the mirror and put a hairpin with a blue rose in it. It was Lortel’s favorite accessory.

Then, holding the documents, he leaves the company building.

In Lortel, who works hard and goes home, it’s hard to see the sly and dark-hearted businessman as usual. Rather, it seems to be walking lightly.

Lienna’s secretary is now somewhat accustomed to the sense of separation.

After seeing off Lortel, Lienna also got ready to leave work.

Lienna’s secretary was also… just in the mood to enjoy the festivities.

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