Velbrok Subjugation (8)

The magic circle that spread out around the Ophelis Hall rose garden suddenly became huge and covered the entire Ophelis Hall.

Most of the demon tribes could not penetrate the defensive circle and could not enter the Ophelis Hall, but some demon tribes with strong magical powers were able to break through even the defense circle of the Ophelis Hall.

In fact, it is very rare to find a monster tribe capable of breaking through the defense of Ophelis Hall. However, in the first place, the monster group itself was such a huge scale, so the size of such a special monster group was not at a level that could be ignored.

– Kaang! Chaeeng!

– Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The sound of knives collided and the sound of magic being expressed filled the entrance to the Ophelis Hall.

The maids of the Ophelis Hall are famous for having nothing they can’t do. Naturally, they were well versed in battle, and there were quite a few people who could use lieutenant magic when they reached the level of a senior maid.

It was a place guarded by such maids in a group, and as it was a place where a dedicated defense law was established, it was still possible to maintain the front line with ease.

– Kwaang! Quang!

In addition, most of the students who use the Ophelis Hall are students with excellent grades. Not only the maids, but even the dorm students were excellent at fighting. Even the geographical location is vaguely far from the living quarters, so most of the demon tribes invade the center of the living quarters and do not think of coming to the Ophelis Hall.

In this crisis situation, where various conditions interlocked and interlocked, even the imperial residence was in danger, the Ophelis Pavilion was maintaining an excellent defensive posture.

“The rifts in the southern defense system are swarming with demon tribes once again!”

“There are no senior maids out of work right now! First, mobilize all the people who can move and try to block it!”

The central command room of that Ophelis.

Maid Jean Belle Maia was giving instructions to the maids in the command room that had temporarily barricaded the maids’ workspaces.

Not only the maids, but also the students who were staying in the Ophelis Hall were fighting the demons with one heart and one mind.

However, defense is everything.

I couldn’t afford to reach out to help anywhere else, perhaps in chaos.

In the first place, it would be impossible to get through a group of monsters like this and even get there, and even if you came into contact with a group of other survivors, you couldn’t bring them back to the Ophelis Hall in a healthy state.

In the end, you have no choice but to persevere as much as you can in the hope that the situation will be resolved.

“Have you been contacted by the Lorail or Dex?”

“We have heard the news from the Lorail Hall. Although it suffered a lot of damage, it is said that they are somehow protecting the students. But… Dex is… lost contact…”

At the report posted by the maid, Bell Maia slowly closed her eyes and opened it. I wasn’t in a position to do something like a nursery rhyme.

The size of the dormitory was so large, and there were so many students in the dormitory, so it would have been difficult to defend it completely.

It probably wouldn’t be strange to say that it was devastated by now.

“I have no choice. We are doing our best to ensure the safety of the students we are protecting…”

At that moment, Velbroque roared once more.

Each time a sharp roar cuts through the sky over Aken Island, the magical energy in the sound grows stronger little by little.

It is a fact I do not want to admit, but it means that the seal of Velbrok is getting weaker as time goes on.

For now, Lucy Meirl can somehow stop it, but if Velbroque breaks the seal completely, even Lucy won’t be able to handle it.

In fact, at this point, Lucy Meirl has already reached her limit.



The maids who fell to the floor screamed in the aftermath of magical power.

Bell Maia also frowned and looked out the window. Velbroque once again opened its huge mouth wide, gathering magic power.

The enemy that Velbroque is targeting is Lucy Meryl, who is blocking her. Along with the chains of sealing that try to drag the body back down into the deep sea, it is the greatest enemy that blocks itself.

However, the aftermath alone began to destabilize Ophelis’s defense system. This is because Velbrok’s magic has the power to neutralize various defense and anti-magic circles.

Although he may be able to hold out for a few times, once Velbroque is fully revived and begins to use its power, Officer Ophelis will no longer be able to maintain a defensive posture.

The only solution is to pray.

– Kwaang!

Did you take advantage of that time?

A giant bat pushed through the cracks in the defense system and stuck to the outer wall of the Ophelis Hall.


“Do not panic! Bring out all the magic!”

There was a lot of screaming from the students, and some students kept their composure.

Bell Maia also somehow managed to get herself up on the table. And looking at the window, a giant bat’s eyeballs filled the window.

Without hesitation for a moment, Bell took out the rapier and shoved it into the bat’s eye.

– Clap!

– aan!

With the sound of glass shards breaking, a giant bat writhing in pain fell from the outer wall.

– Whoops!

The giant bat that crashed into the rose garden began to writhe while bleeding, smashing everything around it.

“Whew… Whoops…”

The defense law team also began to face its limits little by little. That fact was hopeless, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t let it go.

Bellmaia took a deep breath and directed her around.

“Evacuate the students to the underground facility! In the future, the threat of monster tribes will grow stronger! To minimize the damage, we need to hide the students first!”

Screaming like that, he took out another rapier that had been decorated on the inner wall and opened the door leading out of the command room.

“Keep in mind. Our mission is to keep our students safe under any circumstances. With the will to burn this one body, we have to save as many students as possible.”

“Oh, I see…”

“I will also pass it on to the maids who are stationed on the outskirts.”

Bell Maia nodded and sprinted towards the hallway.

It is not a very wise decision to go to the forefront with the leadership of a maid chief. Because when you die, the command system collapses.

However, the more extreme the situation, the more desperately a single combat manpower is needed. If things had gone this far, Bell Maia herself could not stand still.

When I came out into the hallway, clutching the rapier, two giant bats, different from the one before, were clinging to the window.

– Bang! bang!

– Clang!

As the windows in the hallway shatter all at once, the arms of a giant bat rush into the hallway.

Randomly smashing various artworks and ornaments, it let out an eerie roar to kill every human it touched.


It was the moment when Bell Maia was about to gather the magic of her body to use her magic.

– Get it!

A giant bat made a bizarre sound and reached out towards Bell Maia.

The neck was cut cleanly.

Bell Maia, who was about to use magic, was bewildered by the sudden change of circumstances. However, after kicking the giant bat that was only left behind, he saw the boy who rolled into the window and understood the situation.

– Fussuk, Puduk!

A series of flows that quickly climbed up the wall with magical power and cut the giant bat’s neck cleanly. It tells us that even in such a situation, he has a real sense of not being embarrassed.

The boy who rolled over the floor full of shards of glass once and brushed off his blood-stained sword was… Ziggs Eiffelstein.

“I’m glad to see you’re safe, Bell.”

“Master Ziggs. when…?”

“I just arrived. Taylor and Isla are also here. The situation in the Ophelis building doesn’t look very relaxed.”

The defense law of Officer Ophelis, who he thought would be able to endure, was also becoming more and more unstable as time went on.

“Isn’t there time to explain the situation to each other for a long time?”

“Yes that’s right. It is a wise choice to evacuate to the Ophelis Hall first. Heading to the underground facility right now…!”

“I didn’t evacuate, I came because someone came to pick me up. Is Elvira here? At least, he must have been running in a month to get the alchemy supplies and reagent materials in his room.”

It has already passed so much time that the behavior patterns of my classmates are clearly visible.

Ziggs got on the arm wielded by one of the other giant bats, and then turned his body around, bending it and breaking it with a sword attack.

Then, the left arm of the giant bat was cut off. The giant bat screamed and crashed into the back yard.

“To catch Velbrok, you need Elvira’s Alchemy knowledge. At this point in time when it is difficult to approach the professors of the Faculty of Alchemy, he is the only high-ranking alchemist who will accompany him without change…”

“Are you going to… catch the Velbroque…?”

“Tailey can do it. We have no intention of letting go.”

Jigs speaks with his back to the broken glass, wiping off the blood that had once again been smeared on the knife.

“In my mind, I would like to join the defense of the cornered Ophelis, but… we have to do something more important.”

“…you are not joking.”

“A lot of people have already made sacrifices. To save Taylor, Ed was left alone in the most dangerous limb, and I also came with my back to the group of survivors in the Student Square to join Taylor. Even though Elka is there.”

There is only one reason. To deal with the biggest threats.

“We… have to take responsibility and hold the Bellbroke.”

The Ophelis Hall is not the only place that is in crisis.

The same goes for the survivors of the student square that Ziggs left behind.

Under the leadership of the student council president Tanya, the group of survivors who reached the living quarters had already endured many sacrifices.

Since we lost our most important combat manpower, Ziggs, of course, we cannot go to the living quarters without any damage.

It was full of people dying, but Tanya made it to the living wing, saving even one more person.

The garrison on the side of the Bachelor’s Cathedral, which was gathered around Saint Clarisse, was also almost being evacuated by the crowd of monsters…

The group of survivors of the student training camp, which was centered on the students of the combat team, was also suffering a lot of damage.

Elte Sanghoe, which lost a third of its direct merchants due to the collapse of Maxess Bridge, is also protecting the company’s building from the influx of monsters… Rumor has it that the residence of the royal family has been almost completely breached.

“Still, we have to fight back.”

Ziggs asserted.

“I have no desire to sit still and accept death. So… I’m sorry, but I’ll have to take Elvira.”

*- ‘I’m going to go get my alchemy supplies and reagent materials in the Ophelis Hall, so stay locked up in a safe place!’

This is the story Elvira said while running towards the Ophelis Hall.

Even if I die soon, my life may not have been devoted to alchemy, so protecting my research achievements is my top priority even in a crisis like this. I didn’t know she was such a woman. However, did you not expect the situation to become this serious?

After breaking up with Elvira at the Student Square, he escaped by a sudden influx of monsters, but eventually managed to join the nearest garrison. However, that was all.

A student training center where students belonging to the Combat Team gathered and built a garrison around Dyke.

In the corner, the man kneeling down, shaking his head, and shaking, is Clevius Nortondale.

He belongs to the prestigious Nortondale family, and he even holds the title of second-year chief, but… Clevius was trembling with fear.

There were so many people dying, and the number of demon tribes covering the sky doesn’t seem to be able to handle it at all.

If you stay like this, you will die. However, when listening to the roar of Sung Chang-ryong covering the sky, fear rises as if the heart is squeezed tightly.

A huge disaster that cannot be managed by one’s own hands is approaching, and he realizes once again how weak he is.

– ‘That bastard… Why did he join this garrison…?’

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– ‘He knows how to do a little swordsmanship… He’s a guy who runs away after a fight!’

– ‘Everyone is fighting for their lives, pathetic bastard… Why doesn’t Dyke-senpai drive him out?’

– ‘Leave it alone, Dyke-senpai will be thinking about everything. For now… focus on defending the outside of your garrison!’

“It’s me… Sifal… I want to… I know that…

He is a person who looks pathetic even if he pretends to be. A man called a man was holding back his tears while holding his trembling hands.

what do you mean though what scares me Human emotions are not what we want them to be.

Just because everyone is fighting bravely, there is no way to be brave even yourself. Like a flame that burns for a moment, the memory of holding out a sword against Lucy is long gone now.

After all, a pathetic person is a pathetic person to the very end. There is no way to completely change the rotten inner side just because you give it a lot of energy.

Now, it’s okay to gossip about the students around you who hate you. I’ve lived my whole life being cursed, but now I can’t even live my daily life when I’m hurt and shocked.

But it’s just scary and scary.

“Really… Sifal… Why do I have to go through this… Why…!”

He hugged his knees and trembled hard.

Every time the students passing by saw him stuck in the corner of the safe garrison and just doing that, they choke on their tongues.

Not only the seniors, but also the juniors openly said that Clevius was a coward.

As long as they can hold the sword, everyone is going to the front line, and it seems like they are stubborn until the end. The juniors who watched the scene were supported by evil and even made a suggestion to the garrison leader, Dyke. If that’s the case, I’ll drive out Clevius. It will only adversely affect garrison morale.

However, Dyke had kept Clevius at the garrison in order to save even one more person. Clevius could not be expelled because he was a coward.

Clevius himself knows. He is a coward, a selfish, a coward, a scumbag.

Dyke, who has corrected himself, is a true leader, a good person, and deserves everyone’s respect.

He feels frustrated by the gap, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to become a human like Dyke.

Because he knows better than anyone that he is a rat that lives in a gutter. No matter how hard he tried, the rat that was already soaked in the sewage stench couldn’t be virtuous.

The eyes of the students at the garrison are getting colder. Such a look of contempt has endured all my life.

However, they are only struggling to survive.

That’s how Clevius survives.

Neither as desperate as Ed Roth Taylor, nor as noble as Dyke Elpelan, nor as a complete bastard. The life of a coward is nothing but an absurd one.

Clevius stretched out his hand and looked at him silently. The hand, not holding anything, was only trembling with fear.

“The Ophelis tube is on the verge of being punctured! Perhaps the garrison there is no longer safe!”

After a while, one of the students who rushed in reported to Dyke aloud. The voice was so urgent that it resounded inside the garrison.

“What? Wasn’t the Ophelis Hall safe because it had a defensive court?”

“It seems to have been influenced by Velbrok’s magical powers…”

“Then, those students will also flee. If there are students who will flee to us, we should be prepared to receive them.”

“No, Dike-senpai. They’ll probably take refuge in an internal underground facility. Still… there’s no guarantee it’ll be safe if the Ophelis tube is punctured.”

Frankly, which garrison will hold out and which garrison will be breached is purely a matter of luck.

If you are lucky, the high-ranking monsters don’t last long, and you don’t last long where the high-ranking monsters are unlucky. That’s it.

The imperial quarters were unlucky, and this training ground was lucky. It is just that difference that has changed the lives of so many people.

Dyke wrinkled his eyebrows and took a deep breath, but there is no way to help Ophelis at this point. This garrison map is in a situation where my nose is stoned.

“Please, I have no choice but to pray that you are safe. We must first gather the survivors in the battle department buildings!”

Dyke quickly made a decision and spoke. It wasn’t a wrong decision.

In the worst case, the students of the Ophelis Hall could be exposed to the threat of the monsters, but I had no choice but to pray that it would not happen.

“After 30 more minutes, this time we go to the North Training District to search for survivors! Those who will follow you, start preparing your equipment from now on!”

After shouting that, Dyke picked up his knuckles. We had to move a little faster to get as many survivors as we could to the garrison.

It was a rather burdensome force, but no one expressed dissatisfaction with such a tight schedule.

At that moment, Clevius was stepped on in Dyke’s eyes.

Clevius got up from his seat as if possessed, and was heading towards the garrison exit with a sword in his hand.

Dyke, startled, jumped out of his seat and grabbed Clevius’ shoulder.

“Clevius! Where are you going! It’s hell out there now!”

I understand the plight of Clevius, who continues to be under pressure from the students at the garrison.

So, Dyke was conscious of Clevius to some extent. Even so, I never thought I’d think of going out of the garrison all of a sudden.

Anyway, Clevius is a terrible coward. I didn’t think I would go out in such a catastrophic situation, but…

Clevius, with creepy calm eyes, grabbed Dyke’s wrist and put it down from my shoulder.

Dyke stared into Clevius’ eyes at the sudden change of attitude. However, Clevius’ eyes, who had thought he was trembling with fear, were infinitely calm.

“Where the hell are you going? In this situation?”

Elvira headed to the Ophelis Hall—The reason why those insignificant facts keep coming to your mind may be because in the end, Clevius is just a coward.

If you live your life worrying about everything, isn’t it instantaneous that useless worries increase?

I wondered if this was also a useless worry, but… Just as much as the fear of death, another sense of fear in Clevius’ mind popped out.

That… Elvira might die.

That hot-blooded alchemist who grabs Clevius from time to time and shakes it, smirks, raises his voice, and gets angry.


Clevius grabbed Dyke’s wrist tightly and looked up into his eyes for a moment. He was such a good person to give for such a pathetic self, so I didn’t want to ask for unnecessary worries or help.

“A walk.”

Is that the sound of going inside a bachelor, which is no different from hell?

However, Dyke did not even think to stop the deaf Clevius… and watched him as he left the garrison.

As Clevius leaves the garrison at the combat training center, he shoves a sword into my shoulder.

A horrendous excruciating agony rises, and moans come out of her mouth… but eventually the pain subsides.

With her back bowed, she glanced up at the group of monsters besieging the garrison with red-tinted eyes along with the sound of her breathing.

A sword stained with blood magic was drawn out like a flash of light. A swordsman covered in blood goes out for a walk.

When he came to his senses, the road was stained red with the blood scattered by demons.

*Tailey McLaugh was sitting in the rose garden of the Ophelis Hall, healing her wounds with difficulty.

Isla Triss, who had reached the Ophelis Hall with Taylor, was running around the Ophelis Hall in search of Elvira.

Ziggs Eiffelstein cut down the giant bat that threatened Bellmaia and was explaining the situation.

Lortel Keheln was protecting the building by shooting ice magic directly in front of the building.

Fenia Elias Chloel was leading Emperor Chloel across the corridors of the imperial family to escape from the demon tribes.

Elvira Aniston… was gathering all the reagent materials in my room,

Clevius Nortondale was heading to the Ophelis Hall, sweeping away the Bachelor’s Demonic tribes as a single blood-blooded person.

It seemed that it took more time to gather the members of the Velbrok subjugation squad together… but the fact that everyone is still surviving is encouraging.

However, the Sylvanian subjugation squad, which had to gather around Ed Roth Taylor… made little progress.

The characters who escaped from the love affair of < Failed Sword of Sylvania > and were drawn into a completely different flow. At least there are people who can cooperate with Ed without affecting the power of the subjugation force of the Confederacy…

Ed Rothtaylor, Yenica Palerover, and Selaha Einir Khloe were all in one place…

Lucy Merrill is in a state of exhaustion and almost exhausted her magic power to stop the Velbrok alone.

Saint Clarisse did not even think of leaving the church garrison.

Tanya Roth Taylor had reached the limit of being responsible for the survivors of my garrison.

Even in such a circumstance, the end of the world was slowly approaching.

The great sage Sylvania shed a fishy smile as she watched the world crumble.

Among the numerous variables that try to block the valve lock, the variable that needs to be removed first is engraved in the eyes.

It is… Lucy Meryl’s existence, who is fighting with the sealed Velbroque almost with a whistle.

– Bang!!

Lucy Meirill was hung from the wreckage of the half-collapsed Bachelor’s Spire.

Amid the rising dust, Lucy shook her head and looked up at the perishing sky again.

Along with Velbroque, the one who was floating with a staff in front of him.

High Sage Sylvania… was looking down at Lucy with a creepy smile. After that, the figure of the struggling Velbroque is still there.

“Anyway… it’s a bit too much to have to handle both at once…”

Lucy took off her school uniform overcoat, threw it away, and stood up again with her small body. It was the first time I had seen such a wound. The school uniform blouse was stained red with blood and was spreading.

Still, Lucy Meryl had no intention of backing down. As always, he looks up at the sky with a blank expression on his face.

I didn’t know how long I could hold out.

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