"I'm very careful. From his movements, I can tell that he's not trained at all. In other words, this is an ignorant fool that was so curious about what was happening here and decided to come here and take a look." The guy that had brought Jack in stated.r

"Hehe, it seems that we are going to have even more hostages so that we can demand for more." The guy that had just come out of the elevator stated as he snickered.r

Jack's expression was currently cold. But without knowing what was going on here, he wasn't willing to do anything that might just blow up the situation.r

But in his mind, he had already sentenced these guys to death. They could have done the killing in another place. But, they dared to do that in his own hotel.r

He was planning to have the hotel be one of the monopolies in the country. But, with people dying here, the reputation of the hotel would drop. As a result, there would be less people that would dare to come to the hotel to dine.r

After all, if a person heard that the hotel was targeted by a certain group and there were several people that died there, then it was obvious that many of them would be scared to go there.r

"Take him to the second floor so that he can join the others." The guy stated to the one that had brought Jack.r

Jack didn't do anything strange and simply followed what he was told. He got into the elevator with the guy, his expression being like that of a plastic doll, no shift of emotions could be seen. But, his heart was currently boiling with rage.r

The moment that the elevator closed, Jack decided to take action. And although he had planned to see the situation first, he decided that he would look at it from a different perspective.r

The guy still had a gun pointed towards Jack. He had been paying close attention to Jack. And, he had managed to see that Jack was angry after seeing the deaths in the lobby area. But so far, there wasn't even a hint of fear on his face.r

And although he thought that Jack was just ignorant, he had decided to be attentive of the situation.r

Just then, before he could act, Jack's hand grabbed the gun that was pointing towards him and pulled it in. With his immense strength and speed, the guy wasn't able to react before he was pulled towards Jack.r

Then, a heavy fist headed towards his face. Since Jack wanted to continue observing the situation here further, he didn't want the gun to be used as it would alert the others of the situation.r

As for the cameras inside the elevator, he believed that Denali must have taken care of them by now. After all, he had just felt the phone in his pocket vibrating. Although it wasn't a sure bet that it was a text from Denali, he still chose to trust his instinct.r


Jack's fist ruthlessly smashed into the guy making him lose a grip of the gun that he was just about to pull the trigger. r

The force behind the attack cracked his skull and he was thrown backwards by the huge force, his back hitting the wall of the elevator. r

Then, Jack hurriedly made a move and pressed for the elevator to head for the roof of the hotel. He knew that he wasn't fast enough to be able to deal with this guy then change his clothes before the elevator arrived on the second floor.r

As for whether the elevator would stop on the second floor first before heading to the top floor, Jack decided to put that aside for the moment.r

Before the guy could react due to the suddenness of the attack, and the pain that was already going through his body from the attack, Jack had already gotten in front of him. Then, a rain of punches landed on the guy.r

Jack didn't pull his punches at all. Since they were cruel, he too would be cruel to them. There was nothing like 'I'll only beat you a little so that you can go to prison and reflect on your actions.'r

Would reflecting his actions do anything to bring back the people that he had killed? No! And although even killing him wouldn't make the ones that he had killed come back to life, at least it consoled the hearts of the victims.r

Knowing that he only had a few seconds to deal with this guy before the elevator stopped on the second floor, Jack hurriedly threw heavier punches.r

With the strength of seven men combined falling on the head of a guy who couldn't even react, the results were obvious. The guy died not long after four punches landed on him.r

The punches had put a lot of cracks on his skull. Furthermore, the heavy force of the punches had shocked the brain and led to internal bleeding. In the end, although the guy was cautious of Jack, he still ended up dead.r

When Jack saw that the guy was already dead, Jack went ahead and pulled him so that they hid on one corner of the elevator. In this way, these guys would see that the elevator was empty when it opened.r

Furthermore, none other than the guy who was on the ground floor knew that the two of them were going up. Or, maybe if there was someone in the control room, that person would surely know. But, Jack didn't think that he would know what was happening in the elevator.r

Looking at the light that showed that they had arrived on the second floor, Jack took a deep breath before holding his breath. He didn't to do anything that would speak of his presence when they got there.r

But against his expectations, Jack saw that the elevator wasn't stopping at all. Instead, it kept moving higher. This was a great surprise to him.r

Jack hurriedly took out his phone and looked at it. True, there was a message from Denali.r

[Master, there are a total of fourteen armed people in the building. They all have AR-15, pistols and daggers. All the customers and the staff members are held on the second floor at the moment.]r

After reading it, Jack couldn't help but get impressed by Denali. She was so fast in that she had already looked into the hotel and knew how many people were here and what weapons they had on them in less than five minutes.r

He smiled. Since Denali was the one that was in control at the moment, Jack didn't need to worry about being found that easily as long as he didn't expose himself and followed Denali's instructions.r

He no longer needed to disguise himself as one of them. He could use Denali's help to find more information about the situation inside there. As for what he would do after getting the information, that would of course be to deal with the guys here.r

He didn't know where Denali had made the elevator to take him to. But, he trusted her as she was loyal to him. So, while waiting for the elevator to take him around, Jack took a few things from this guy.r

He didn't take the AR-15 with him as he thought that it would only be inconvenient for him. And although he had the skills to easily handle the gun, he didn't feel comfortable using the big gun to deal with a small group of people.r

Furthermore, with the pistol and the dagger in his hand, he was sure that he could still easily deal with the guys here. As for their aim for attacking the hotel, he would have to ask the person who was in charge of the group here.r

As he thought of this, Jack managed to take all the important possessions of this guy, including the weapons and the walkie-talkie that he had on him.r

By the time that he was fully armed, the elevator stopped. It was on the fifth floor. Jack looked out of the open elevator and saw that the whole floor was desolate, there was nobody here.r

He was just about to leave the elevator when he thought of something. He went back to the corpse of the guy that he had just killed and took the earphones that he had on him.r

The reason as to why he took them was simple, it would allow him to communicate with Denali easily. He had previously ignited them because he wasn't in the mood to listen to music.r

After connecting the earphones to the phone, he made a call to Denali who received it in a span of a few seconds.r

"Master, on this floor, there is one person on the staircase. He's facing the fourth floor. He's not paying that much attention probably because he's not expecting that there would be someone here." Denali stated as soon as she received the call.r

Jack nodded. He then asked, "How many casualties are there at the moment?"r

"Currently, a total of fifteen people have been killed. As for the others, they are all on the second floor alongside seven of the fourteen." Denali replied.r

Jack understood. His eyes flashed with a cold light. He was going to take action right a this moment.r

"Master, I have asked Klein, Livingstone and the others to come there. Even I will be there in around twenty minutes." Denali stated.r

Jack didn't think much of the guys here. With weapons in his hands together with the fact that he was physically stronger than them, he could easily deal with them due to the advantage of none of them knowing that he was here to attack.r

With fast and soundless steps, Jack hurried towards the staircase. With his ability to control his own body, the other guy wouldn't even notice how Jack got to him.r

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