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"Denali, just take of the situation here. I would like to meet with the top management after everything is done." Jack stated.r

"Yes boss." Denali nodded.r

After deciding to leave everything to Denali, Jack decided to take a few rounds around to the hotel to make sure that nothing was out of place.r

He didn't touch the bodies that he had disposed off, well, it could be said that he had hidden them away, as that was going to be the work of Klein and the others.r

Around five minutes after Jack was out to look at the structure of the hotel, Klein and his team arrived at the scene. They weren't the only ones though. There were many others who have arrived about it before them.r

These were mainly the military who had just gotten to the scene. And to say the least, they were flabbergasted by the scene where people were leaving the hotel one after the other.r

They had already received information that there was an attack here. According to the intelligence report, all those that were present in the hotel who are held hostage.r

As they were coming here, they were expecting to have a fierce negotiation with the perpetrators. But now what they was saying was completely different from their expectations.r

"Could it be that these guys have decided to let them go?" One of the assistant captains asked.r

"I don't believe the will do that easily. From their demand, it is obvious that they were serious about what they were talking about. So it is impossible for them to just give up without having a good reason for that." The captain shook his head in response.r

"Just get one of the people here and ask them what happened inside there." After thinking for a while, the captain looked at one of his vice captains and instructed.r

"Yes captain!" The vice-captain immediately reacted and instructed one of the soldiers below him to question one of the victims that was leaving the building.r

After about two minutes, after several quarries, the soldier gave the answer to the vice-captain who then reported to the captain.r

"Captain, things seem strange here. According to the hostages, they were all collected on the second floor after some of them had been killed. Then after about an hour, some of the guys who had asked them to stay on the second floor, began heading for the top floors."r

"But no matter who it was that went up, he never came back down again. In the end, there was only one of them who remained on the second floor with them."r

"Two young men had tried sneaking an attack on him but they failed miserably. In the end, they were almost shot dead had it not been for the timely help that arrived in form of two people."r

"According to them, these two had simply beaten the guy till he lost consciousness. One of them was a man and another was a woman."r

The captain frowned after listening to what his vice-captain was saying. He wondered if this was true. After all, the team that had attacked this time was made of 14 well-trained soldiers of their enemy nation and they were well armed.r

Furthermore, they had made preparations for them to be able to sneak into the capital of Azima. Otherwise, there was no way that they would come here and expect to leave alive.r

Currently, the soldiers that he had brought with him had already surrounded the hotel. They had made sure that there was no gap that the 14 could use to escape.r

But, it seemed that there was no use for that because the 14 had already been taken care of.r

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom "Have you confirmed about the information that you have received?" The captain asked doubtfully.r

"Yes captain. Even some of the soldiers that have already entered the hotel have given the same report after asking some of the victims." The vice-captain replied.r

"Let's head in and see what happened inside there." After giving it some thought, the captain instructed.r

"Yes captain!" The vice-captain replied.r

But just before they could make a move, they saw a helicopter landing on the roof of the hotel. This surprised them because the type of helicopter itself spoke words about its background.r

"What is a mil mi-26M helicopter doing here?" The captain asked in surprise.r

"Immediately ask all soldiers to be in position! Make sure that helicopter doesn't take off in case it is here to pick up those guys!" After thinking of something, the captain immediately shouted the orders.r

The vice-captain and the soldiers immediately took action. The moment that they had arrived, they had secured the perimeter around the hotel. So, it was just a matter of saying 'attack' before the helicopter was blown up.r

But since they wanted to know what was the real aim as to why the 14 had dared to risk it all and come to the capital of Azima for that object, they would of course want to capture them alive.r

In no time, the soldiers that had already gotten into the hotel had managed to reach the rooftop. And when the captain got there, he was surprised to see who had arrived using the helicopter.r

Instead of the 14, there was actually a group of 26 that was here. Each and every one of them was dressed in a black uniform. From the looks of it, although it had a military vibe, one could still tell that it was from the security company.r

Well, that was from the fact that there was a batch of GVSL. And as members of Azima, the soldiers had definitely heard about the security company.r

But what caught the attention of the captain and vice-captain wasn't the fact that these people were from a security company, it was simply because amongst the 26, they called recognize six of them.r

The moment that Livingstone and the other noticed the captain and the vice-captain, they were greatly surprised by his presence here. But still, they reacted and did a greeting salute.r

"Captain Valnaro!"r

Although they were no longer soldiers, they called not forget about their roots as soldiers. So, they still had a lot of respect for the captain in front of them. He was a man as the front-runners who was looking for a way to treat them after they had received their injuries.r

Although it was hard, and at the end of it all day were still crippled, they knew how to appreciate the care that the captain had given them when they were in need.r

"You guys, how come you look okay? Weren't you injured?" After nodding to the greetings, the captain asked perplexedly.r

Livingstone chuckled and replied, "Well, that was how it was supposed to be. But we were lucky enough to encounter someone who helped us out. Not to mention getting back to our peak condition, we have surpassed our previous selves."r

Livingstone had become casual when he responded. Since he wasn't on duty, there was no need for too much formalities.r

"I don't understand what you're talking about. We had tried all the best hospitals in the country but we didn't find the solution to your condition. But now you're telling me that you are back to your peak condition?" The captain couldn't believe what he was hearing.r

But you wasn't to blame, because they had really tried their best, they had search for the best doctors and surgeons in the country. But none of them was able to solve the condition of Livingstone and the others.r

And to say the truth, Livingstone and the others weren't the only ones who were in the that condition. There were several other soldiers who were forced to retire due to the injuries that they had received. And there are several more who had come after them.r

"I could have told you but, I don't have the permission to release the information. It is something that is supposed to be confidential." Livingstone hesitated for a moment before he replied.r

He knew that something like the body strengthening solution wasn't something that was supposed to be exposed easily. After all, that was something so magical that it could heal them and strengthen them further.r

And if the information reached the ears of the enemies or some greedy people, they would surely do their best to try and get the recipe of the solution. And this was not something good for Jack.r

Valnaro frowned upon hearing that Livingstone could not disclose the information. But as a soldier, he really liked to get his hands on the information. Not only would it save a lot of soldiers who were forced to go to retirement, it would also strengthen their forces.r

He was just about to try and ask further, when he was interrupted by a soldier who was bringing a report.r

"Captain, we have found that out of 14, 11 of them are dead and three of them have been captured." The soldier reported.r

"What?" Not only the captain, but even leaving soon and the other so surprised. When they arrived, they had seen that the area was surrounded by many soldiers. So, they had thought that the soldiers were the ones that had dealt with the situation here.r

But from the looks of it, they too had found that the situation had been already handled. This puzzled them because they didn't know who did it.r

"Livingstone, do you happen to know who has taken care of the attackers?" Valnaro asked. From his point of view, since Livingstone and his team were here, they had to have some relationship with the hotel.r

So, perhaps they knew who had taken care of the 14 people who had attacked today.r

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