'You forgot? Even a minute hasn't gone by since you came to an agreement!'

Jack shook his head in the end because there was nothing that he could do about the thing that had already happened. He could only hope that Valnaro wasn't injured that much because it would prevent him from properly venting the energy inside his body.

He looked at Valnaro who was struggling to get back to his feet. He really looked miserable even in his clothes. But all the same, he still managed to get back to his feet.

He then looked at his two vice captains that were standing in the distance and asked, "You guys can't help me when I was down?"

"Sorry captain. But, aren't you venting? We are not strong enough to help you vent out the excess energy in your body." The two replied as if they were both thinking of the same thing.

Valnaro could only shake his head in the end. Although it was true that Denali had given him a good kick, it was also true that she had controlled her strength well. She made sure not to give Valnaro a big injury. She simply made him feel the pain.

But still, Valnaro was feeling great pain. He was sure that if he had yet to take the body strengthening solution, he would have several bones of his broken by the kick.

His back was now drenched in cold sweat as he thought of the time that he had been blocked by Denali. Had he taken action and forced her hand, in what condition would he have been in at the moment?

Just thinking of that made him sweat even further.

"Can you continue venting?" Jack's voice reached his ears at this moment.

When he thought of facing Denali once again, he felt his body shuddering. It was clear that now, he was completely afraid of Denali due to her strength.

And, he thought of the moment that she had said that she wasn't as strong as Jack. Now, he wondered just how strong was if Denali was a monster of that level.

'It's no wonder that they could take care of the 13 without any casualties among the hostages.' Valnaro thought to himself.

"I'm not going to fight her anymore." Valnaro shook his head as he replied to Jack.

"Huh? You are not going to vent any more?" Jack was surprised by the reply. Could it be that he was too injured that he couldn't fight any more? Jack wondered to himself as he observed Valnaro.

But, no matter how he looked at him, Jack thought that the guy was okay. After all, he was a soldier. And, there was no way that the injury that he had suffered at the moment was enough to make a soldier like him to get out of a battle.

As if seeing through Jack's thoughts, Valnaro sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want to vent, there's nothing that I can vent at the moment. It's like that kick made my body consume all that excess energy in my body."

"Oh, that works too." Jack's eyes shone intensely. He had just discovered something here. It was a fact that there was a lot of energy that the body needed to consume.

As such, it was advisable for a person to increase the body activities. In this way, the metabolic activities of the body would increase. But, it seemed that there was something that he had ignored before.

That was the fact that, the body could be stimulated by receiving injuries. Although on the surface Valnaro looked okay, it was a fact that he had internal injuries.

To heal the injuries, energy was required. As such, the body would have to increase its activities to acquire even more energy.

And, that was what had just happened to Valnaro. His body had consumed a lot of the excess energy. In the process, he got stronger and at the same time, the injuries that he had suffered were getting healed at a fast rate.

Valnaro managed to realize that the pain that was intense a moment ago had greatly diminished. He was puzzled. But in the end, he could only relate this to the solution that he had taken.

As such, he was even more determined to get his hands on the solution. He wondered just how strong he could become if he took ten bottles of that solution.

Seeing Valnaro's shining eyes, Jack could tell that he had realized what was happening. And, the greedy light that passed through his eyes for a moment, Jack saw it clearly.

Jack shook his head and spoke. "You shouldn't be thinking about taking several bottles of the solution. That's something impossible. In other words, it is only effective once. The moment that you take the second one, it is no different from wasting it."

Jack's words immediately extinguished the fantasies that Valnaro was having at that moment. But all the same, he was both relieved and curious at the same time.

Relieved that Jack, who was the source of the solution would use several bottles of the solution to get extremely strong. In this way, of he decided to start a massacre in the city, it would be very hard to stop him.

At the same time, he was curious about how Jack and Denali got this strong. It was obvious that they didn't depend mainly on the solution for them to be this strong. Perhaps Jack had a better solution that could do something better?

At the thought of this, Valnaro's eyes lit again. He wondered how much Jack would ask them to pay so that he could release the solution.

"Alright then. Let's talk about the solution. What's the price that you would like us to pay for you to give us the formula of the solution?" Valnaro took a seat after the room was reorganized and asked.

Jack looked at him and shook his head. "The solution is not something that can be mass produced. But, I can promise you a certain amount in a certain period. Although I'm sure that there are many soldiers, I believe that you won't simply give the solution like this to all the soldiers."

"So, I believe that I can keep up the supply of solution. As for the formula, forget about that. It's simply because I'm the only person that can produce the solution." Jack stated.

All the same, although Valnaro nodded, he of course didn't believe what Jack had said. How was that possible? It wasn't like the solution needed some superpowers to create, right?

As for the issue of mass production, he could agree. At the end of the day, something as heaven defying as the solution wasn't something that could be easily produced, he believed.

"Now to the price. The first thing that I would want from you would be a permission for me to get access to the firearms." Jack stated his first condition.

"Firearms? That's quite difficult." Valnaro narrowed his eyes as he said. If it was before he knew that Jack had a solution that could make people strong, he would have easily agreed to the conditions.

But now, things were completely different now. Jack getting the guns was akin to allowing him to create a special force. Not only would their strength be top-notch, but they would be having weapons that would increase their strength.

As the one that controlled the solution, it was obvious that he could easily make a big army of soldiers at the level of Livingstone. As for the matter concerning skills, once he got soldiers like Livingstone who had gotten out of the battlefield due to the injuries that they had suffered, he would be able to make up for that.

As for the newbies, they could be trained. At the end of a few years, Jack could have a big force that could compete against the country. And, although Jack had yet to show that he was against Azima, who knew if he would change his mind in the future?

"How difficult is that? You should know the value of the body strengthening solution. So, you should know that the permission to get firearms is definitely not enough to pay for something as good as the solution." Jack stated.

"You should know that I'm only receiving the permission to have a part of my security guards to use the firearms. As for the price to acquire them, I'm the one that's going to pay for it."

"I'm quite an ambitious person. I'm planning to monopolize a few industries in the country. As such, I'm bound to have enemies from every corner of the business world."

"And, if I can get an enemy that would use the method like the one where my hotel was attacked like this, having several of my customers and staff killed, that is something that I won't tolerate."

"So, it would be better for me to increase the security of my businesses." Jack concluded.

Valnaro thought about it and saw that it made sense. Even he himself knew that Jack was right. But, there was always a risk that came with having someone strong enough to be a danger to the country.

It wasn't like he had stated that he would be their enemy. But, there was always a risk that was present. They were all humans at the end of the day.

After thinking for a long while, Valnaro looked at Jack and asked, "About the ones that are under you, the ones that are going to get the solution or have already gotten it. I wonder if there are many of them?"

Jack could see through the worries that Valnaro was having. He chuckled and stated, "You should know that I'm not an idiot. I definitely cannot give the solution to just anyone that wants to work for me."

"To be clear, there are only a few people that have gotten the solution or know about its existence. And, all of them are specially selected in such a way that it's believed that they won't use their strength for heinous acts."

"At the end of the day, I myself wouldn't want someone betraying me. So, you should know that the same would apply to the weapons that I would get. That implies that there would only be a few that would get them." Jack said.

Valnaro nodded in understanding. That was to be expected of someone that had the ambitions of monopolizing several markets.

Livingstone on the other hand was touched. He had met with Jack. But, on the very same day that they had met, he had given him the solution that changed his life. Could it be that he was lying to Valnaro?

But, that was something that he himself doubted. As he thought about himself, he was someone that had morals. As for the five that he had brought, they were all that were like him.

Thinking about the moment that Jack had stated that the ones that he was going to bring might be rejected, he thought deeply about it. Then, he looked at Denali and realized something. The both of them had met with Denali before they received the solution.

Furthermore, Jack had said the previous day that they would have to meet Denali before they got accepted. So, although he was still not sure about it, he thought that Denali might have some ability to look into their character.

"How many do you have so far?" Valnaro asked.

"Not many, I only have 225 people that are part of the special team and need weapons." Jack replied nonchalantly.

Valnaro: "….."

Vice-captains: "…."

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