When he got to Celine's office, Jack knocked. Although he would have so loved to simply get in there and get Celine before she knew that he was the one that had arrived instead of her subordinate, he still had to be official.

He was in her mother's company at the end of the day.

"Come in." Celine's nonchalant voice reached Jack's ears from the inside. From her tone, Jack could tell that she was serious. And, it seemed that she was busy with something inside there.

Shaking his head, Jack pushed open the door and entered. He found that Celine was seated behind her desk, busy with some documents.

He looked at her profile and he had to stare for a while. Celine had a different vibe when she was in the office as compared to the one that she always had when she was out.

He didn't say a word and continued observing Celine. He was here to see her and give her the pill that would unseal her memories. But all the same, he might as well enjoy himself first.

Celine who was immersed with the documents that were filling her desk was surprised why the person that had come over didn't say a word after a long while.

She wasn't afraid that there was someone who had some bad intention would come to her office unnoticed. And since this person was here and there were no issues outside, she was quite relaxed.

"What is it? If you have got nothing to say, you might as well leave." Without even raising her head, Celine said with an inpatient tone.

Jack smiled and remained silent. All the same, he approached the desk and sat in front of her. And the moment that he did that, Celine frowned.

She had noticed him approaching. And, when he sat down, that was something that showed that he didn't respect her authority in this office. She was just about to lash out at him when she was forced to have her mouth opening but no words flowing out.

After a while, she took a deep breath and looked at Jack with a displeased expression on her face. "Why didn't you tell me that you had already arrived? I would have come to pick you up personally." She stated as she looked at him.

"Hehe, there's no need for that. Although I wanted to ask you about that, aunt arrived just in time and she's the one that pointed me towards your office." Jack replied.

Although he had been having a little problem meeting Celine due to the regulations that are placed at the counter, he didn't care about it because he had gotten what he wanted.

When Celine heard him, she was stunned for a moment. Then, she looked at Jack with confusion clear on her face as she asked, "Who's that aunt that you are talking about?"

Currently, Celine was wondering if there was Jack's relative present here in the company. And if that person was able to make Jack come to her office, then that person must have a good amount of authority in the company.

"Eh? Oh, I had forgotten about that. I was talking about your mother." Jack corrected himself. He had even forgotten about the fact that Celine had yet to recover her memories. In the end, she didn't know who the aunt that he was mentioning was.

Jack's answer confused Celine further. She was now wondering if what Jack was saying was true. She knew her mother all too well. She wouldn't just allow any man to come and see her, especially during working hours.

So, how could it be that she was the one that had actually allowed and even directed him to her office?

"Are you sure you are talking about my mother? And, why would you even call her aunt? I'm sure that this should be your first meeting, right?" Celine asked.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. But all the same, there are things that you won't understand immediately. So, take this." As Jack spoke, he took out the pill that was left after he took one of them and handed it to her.

Celine looked at Jack, the confused expression on her face deepening. Then, she looked at the small pill that was in Jack's hand. She didn't know what was going on anymore.

"Jack, you should know that I'm not sick, right?" Celine looked at Jack and asked with raised brows.

Jack was taken aback by Celine's question. He had completely forgotten that Celine knew nothing about the pill, unlike him who had received information about it from the letter that his mother had left him.

So, he could only explain slowly. "I know that alright? You wanted to know why I referred to your mother as aunt, right? Just take the pill and you'll understand."

Although she was doubtful about his words, she still decided to take the pill. She had absolute trust that Jack wouldn't do something that would harm her in any way. It wasn't that she was blinded or something, this was something that came from the depths of her heart.

"Should I use water?" She asked as she looked at the small pill in her hand. Although she had taken and seen a several types of pills, the one that she was holding was one of the few that she had never seen not to mention taken.

"Just do as you would do with candy." Jack stated. The pill, for some reason, once it entered a person's mouth, it simply melted. So, there was no reason for the water or something.

Celine took the pill immediately. And the moment that she took it, she felt it dissolving. And not long after, she felt that there was something that had happened the moment that the pill finished dissolving.

And just then, something exploded in her mind. What followed immediately after that was the fact that, a huge amount of information rushed into her mind.

Though, there was nothing uncomfortable about it. It was as if she was recovering something that she had lost, a piece of her that was returning home.

And then, images of Jack began appearing in her mind one after the other. But of course, these memories were from their childhood.

Jack wasn't the only one that she remembered, she remembered even a few of his half siblings that she had met in the past.

Celine found the moments that they had shared together. The two of them, she and Jack. The time that she would always look forward to the chance of heading to crystal city so that she could meet with Jack.

Then, it was at this moment that she finally realized something. She looked at Jack who was looking back at her. She finally understood the reason as to why she felt familiar with him.

The reason as to why she was so open in front of Jack unlike the other young men that she had met before. And, the reason as to why she felt that the dance style that they had used during their dance in the banquet was familiar to hers.

It was simply because she and Jack had trained together. This was the arrangements that were made by their mothers. In other words, the bond that she shared with Jack was so deep, unlike what she had believed.

And, amongst the memories that she had recovered, it was just inside them that she realized the reason as to why Jack had referred to her mother as aunt. That was the same way that she used to refer to Jack's mother as well.

Now that she could remember about Anne, she could confirm that the photo that Johnathan had shown to them back in Volant city was indeed hers.

But now, she was extremely sad because she realized that she was dead. At the same time, several types of emotions surged into her heart and she really couldn't control herself anymore.

Jack who was waiting for Celine to go through the memories that she had recovered was surprised that she suddenly began crying. This was something that was out of his expectations.

'Angel, could it be that she is facing some kind of side effects from taking the pill?' Jack was worried. He got up from the chair that he was seated on and went towards Celine while asking the system about the situation.

[You should know that the system is not the one that gave the pill, right? Anyway, I'll help you this one time. There are absolutely no side effects that came from taking the pill. It's just that, the emotions that were sealed due to the loss of the memories that caused them gave suddenly returned. And now, she's experiencing them again.]

Jack sighed in relief as he took Celine into his arms. Celine fell into his embrace as she cried out. But, her cries were a mixture of sadness, anger, joy and confusion.

Jack patted her head and allowed Celine to wet his shirt with her tears. He didn't say anything after knowing about what she was experiencing.

Although he too had had the explosion of the emotions that had been sealed away previously, he was able to take things calmly. He wasn't affected by much because something that could have affected him that much was definitely the death of his mother.

But, his memories of his mother, since he was young till her death were there to begin with. The only ones that he had lost were related to Celine. But at the end of the day, when he was recovering his memories, Celine was already his woman.

After over an hour had gone by since Jack entered the office passed, there was a knock on the door before the door was opened.

Both Jack and Celine were surprised by the sudden intrusion of a person. But all the same, what surprised them the most was definitely that the one that had come in was Katelyn.

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