"To what do I owe this visit captain?" Jack asked as he looked at Valnaro who was looking at him with a smile on his face.


"Oh, am I not allowed to pay you a visit?" Valnaro asked with his brows raised a little.


"That's right," Jack nodded his head as he replied bluntly.


Valnaro was left speechless at Jack's answer. To say the least, he had never expected that Jack would be so straightforward with his answer. Furthermore, wasn't this a sarcastic question?


Celine who had just gotten out of the car was also surprised at Jack's answer. Although she didn't know who Valnaro was, from the way that Jack addressed him, added to his demeanor, she could tell that he was related to the military.


Valnaro wasn't wearing a military uniform at this moment. Instead, he was wearing a pair of casual blue jeans and a grey t-shirt that did nothing to hide the bulky arm and chest muscles. Though he was dressed casually, from the way that his back was as straight as a spear, one could refer him to the military as that was one of their traits.


Jack continued, pretending that he didn't see the shift in Valnaro's expression. "You are supposed to be a busy person. It's obvious that you would only come here if you have some motives for your visit. Otherwise, I doubt that you would pay attention to an ordinary person like me."


Hearing Jack's words, Valnaro was left speeches once again. But he couldn't help but ask himself, 'What part of this guy looks normal? He's obviously a freak. Otherwise, why would I have to pay a lot of attention to him?'


"And, I obviously am not a person who likes benefits from me to visit my house." Jack continued.


In the end, Valnaro could only shake his head when he looked at Jack. He decided to ignore whatever Jack had said as he went straight to the point. "I have something important to talk to you about." As he said this, he looked at Celine, his meaning being clear, he didn't want to divulge whatever it was that the two of them were about to talk about to someone else.


Jack looked at the captain and smiled as he said, "You don't have to worry about her. She's going to be my wife soon. So, the things that involve me have got some relation with her. I don't believe that there's something so confidential that we have to talk about that I would have to chase her away, right?" 


Celine was just about to excuse herself when she saw how serious Valnaro's expression was at that moment. But when she heard Jack's words, she stopped whatever she wanted to do. Instead, she looked at Jack with a sweet smile etched on her face that was blushing.


To say the least, she was happy that Jack was serious about their relationship and wasn't afraid of showing this to the public. Furthermore, he was willing to share some of his secrets with her. This was something that made her happy about Jack.


But although she was happy about it, she didn't want to inconvenience Jack at all. So, although she wanted to hear what they were going to talk about due to her curiosity, she knew when to quit.


"Jack, I'll be inside. I have to take a shower first before taking a rest." Celine used the most reasonable excuse to slip away. And before Jack could say a word, she had already dashed away.


In the end Jack could only smile and wonder at how reasonable his girl was.


"Ahem!" Valnaro coughed a little to attract Jack's attention. Seeing that Jack was there with him, Valnaro flashed a smile and said, "Jack, my main reason of coming to find you today is simply because my immediate superior asked me to invite you."


Jack raised his brows as he looked at Valnaro's smile. Still, there was a frown on his face that showed that he wasn't expecting such a thing at all.


"Why would your superior invite me? I don't think that I am special in any way that would make a major interested in me." Jack stated with the frown still on his face.


This answer was something that Valnaro had expected. So, he replied, "I am sure that you would be interested by the reason behind the invitation. Furthermore, it's not like we want to kidnap you or something like that."


Jack continued waiting. He didn't think that he had the time to waste with a major. Well, that was unless there was something that would interest him. Additionally, he wasn't someone that they could simply come and invite and he would follow.


He himself had a lot of things to do. So, there was no way that he was going to stop whatever that he was doing to pay them a visit. It didn't matter to him whether the person was a major or a general. He wouldn't give a f*ck. At the end of the day, it wasn't like he was the one that was in need or something.


"I'm not interested at all. If your major has something to tell me, you can tell him where he can find me. I'm a busy person after all." Jack shrugged as he replied nonchalantly.


Valnaro had veins popping on his forehead on how casual Jack was mentioning the major. This was someone that he respected a lot and took him as a role model. So, there was no way that he was going to allow Jack to disrespect him. He subconsciously released a ferocious aura as he stared at Jack.

"Jack, I know that you are strong. But, I would like to let you know that, I won't allow you to disrespect my superior. It doesn't matter what, even if I would have to fight you, then I will fight you for that." Valnaro spoke solemnly as he stared at Jack. It was as if he was ready to fight in the next moment.


If this was an ordinary person or soldier, he would have been intimidated. But, the person that was standing in front of Valnaro at that moment was Jack and was nothing but ordinary. He wasn't the least bit scared by Valnaro's intimidating aura at all.


He simply waved his hand at Valnaro and said, "Not like I care at all. Furthermore, I don't think that I am the one that needs to see the other person here."


Valnaro took a deep breath as he tried calming his raging emotions. He simply couldn't believe how easy it was for him to lose control of his emotions. He then thought of the reason as to why he was here in the first place. He was supposed to invite Jack so that he could go back to the camp with him.


This was something important as he was personally assigned by the major to come and invite Jack. And if the two of them began fighting, he doubted that Jack would agree to follow him. Not to mention the fact that he was weaker than Jack. So, instead of a fight, he would be the one that would be receiving the thrashing.


He sighed. He had to complete the mission by all means possible. So, he decided to use the trump card that he had prepared beforehand.


"I know that you are a busy person. But, I have to inform you that the reason that I asked you to come to our camp other than it being the major's request, there is also the issue involving the incident of the Glaze hotel. We have done a lot of investigation but we are now stuck. There is a language barrier between us and the person that we are supposed to get the information from." Valnaro stated as he looked at Jack.


"Looks like you are so intent on making me visit your camp, huh?" Jack was no idiot as he immediately saw through Valnaro's ploy. So, he looked at him with a smile and raised brows.


Valnaro on the other hand was surprised that Jack had already seen through him. But, he thought that this was to be expected as from the information that he had gotten on Jack, he was a person that owned a lot of wealth. Furthermore, he was a member of 'that' group at such a young age. It was obvious that he wasn't easy to trick or manipulate.


"It is true that I would like you to head over to our camp." Valnaro stated honestly.


Jack wanted to refuse but then, he thought of something. He looked at Valnaro and asked with shining eyes, "Have you guys invited the professionals in the languages? Those who boast that they know many languages."


"Eh? Valnaro was surprised by the sudden change in Jack's attitude. But still, he nodded his head as he replied, "We invited all the experts that we could but we found that none of them could speak in that language at all." Valnaro was obviously depressed as he let out a tired sigh.


The attack on Glaze hotel was something that was related to national security. And the threat was from someone that came from the outside. So, this obviously concerned him. They had done a lot of investigation but at the end of it all, it led them to someone that spoke in a language that they couldn't understand at all.


They had invited several experts that could speak several languages but in the end, none of them could actually understand what that man was saying. It had already been a week but there were no results at all. This was making him frustrated as he was the one that was in charge of the investigation.


Although he was mainly a military captain, he was still the one that was supervising those that were doing the investigation as they were part of the company that he was leading. And, he was receiving a lot of pressure as the results were required as soon as possible. But without someone that could speak that language, there would be no results soon even if they tortured that guy to death.


Jack's eyes shone with greater intensity as he looked at Valnaro. "It's decided then, I will take a shower and the two of us will be leaving." The moment that he finished saying that, he rushed into the villa. He was anticipating what was to come.

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