"I know the family rules all too well brother. There is no need for you to go ahead and remind me about them. It has already been over fifty years since I began recounting the family rules." Nathan stated. At the same time, there was a tinge of hatred that flashed in his eyes.

The family rules, this was something that had prevented him from taking over the position of the family head. It was just these family rules situation that had prevented his generation from ever taking over as the head of the family.

And the reason as to why he couldn't take or compete for the position of the family head was because of Anne. This was the reason as to why he hated her to the core, although she was his sister. She was the reason as to why he had failed to obtain something that he had been dreaming of for a very long period of time.

This was the reason as to why he had resorted to using his son to get the position of the family head. Although previously, his son had said that he wasn't interested in the position. But in the end of it all, he had managed to make that stupid son of his agree to become the family head, then leave everything for him to handle.

But now, it was as if the heavens were against him being the leader of the family. Not only had the chance gone away due to something that didn't even matter to him, but the current one was also being snatched away.

He wasn't going to accept something like that. This was the reason as to why he had decided that he had to make sure that he would utilize the family rules to make sure that, Jonathan would no longer be eligible to compete for the position of the family head.

In this way, even if his son was still a cripple, since he was the only person in the family who was eligible to taking the position, then, his father and uncle would have no choice but to hand over the position to him.

He himself would volunteer to help him in making the decisions concerning the family. In this way, he could manage to assure the old men that, there would be no problems in the family in the future.

Martin seemed not to have been convinced by whatever Nathan was saying. He looked at his younger brother and said, "Have you tried investigating so that you can find out if, whatever your son told you was actually the truth, or, he was trying to lie his way out?"

"Brother, just from the way that my son was speaking about Jonathan, it was clear enough that he was quite scared about Jonathan. It was obvious that he had undergone a trauma in the hands of Jonathan who is supposedly his cousin." Nathan stated without even thinking about it.

He was ready to push things forward as long as they proved to be effective. And if they found that whatever Arthur was saying was utter nonsense, then he would simply push the blame to Arthur.

To him, Arthur who didn't have any type of hunger for power was not a person that he would consider a son. Had it not been for the fact that he wanted to utilize him to acquire more power, he would have completely cared about nothing that happened to him.

On seeing that his brother was quite serious about whatever he was talking about, Martin could only shake his head before saying, "Okay then, I will try to contact father and see if he can arrange for a meeting between us. In this way, you can present all the information that you have that is related to the issue where Jonathan attacked your son."

"Thank you, brother. I really do appreciate your help." Nathan finally revealed a smile on his face as he thanked Martin.

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep." Martin waved hands as he got out of his seat, ready to go back to his bedroom to enjoy his sleep that had been interrupted by his younger brother.

"When are you going to contact father, brother?" Nathan hurriedly asked. He wasn't willing to give Jonathan any more time that he could utilize to do more things. He had been doing things that had made him suspicious recently.

But all the same, since he had not utilized anything from the family, Nathan didn't want to engage him or ask whatever he was doing. At the end of the day, Jonathan had his own freedom as a person even as a member of the Jesda family.

"I will contact father tomorrow morning." Martin replied lazily before he began working towards his bedroom.

"Brother, you have to do this today. This is something urgent. If you delay any longer, then perhaps Jonathan might use this chance to cover all the tracks and evidence that would point towards him." Nathan rushed towards Martin and pulled him by his hand as he tried to prevent him from entering back into the bedroom.

He knew that, the moment that Martin entered the bedroom, it would be a difficult task to bring him out.

"Can't you wait a little longer? I want to sleep already!" Martin complained.

Just before Nathan could say anything, his phone rang. He followed his brows as he wondered who it was that was calling him at this moment. According to his plans and schedules, there was supposed to be nobody calling him during the weekends, especially on Sunday that he had dedicated to his rest.

He was forced to release Martin's arm as he tried to pick up the phone from his trouser pocket. When he looked at the person who was calling him, he found out that it was his personal secretary.

This was actually the last person that he had been expecting to be calling him at such a time. After all, as a personal secretary, he definitely knew about his schedule and arrangements that he made on a daily basis.

With disgruntlement, received the call before asking, "What is it that you call me now? Don't you know that today is on a weekend, and I'm supposed to be free from all the work duties?"

"Boss, there is a problem with all the laptops and computers that have your email." A panicked male voice came through the earpiece of the phone.

"What do you mean by saying there's a problem? Can't you be specific about what you're trying to talk about?" Nathan grumbled.

"What I meant to say was that, all the computers and the laptops that have been signed in or are using your email account are kind of malfunctioning. They are revealing all the information that was supposed to be kept a secret." The person on the other end of the line responded.

Nathan's brows furrowed deeper when he heard that. He turned his attention to his brother so that he could excuse himself, only to find that this brother of his had already slipped into the bedroom.

Shaking his head, he decided to put aside the matter concerning Johnathan and deal with the most urgent one. He had kept a lot of secrets on his computers and laptops.

But, all of them were the ones that only he and his personal secretary knew about. Furthermore, there were even some of them that only he could access.

But now that he was being informed that there were some laptops and computers, as long as they were using his email account, were malfunctioning.

"I'll be calling you back when I'm free in about 5 minutes." Immediately after he said that, he ended the call and exited his brother's house. He was practically rushing towards his own house so that he could confirm if whatever he was being told was true.

Since all the laptops and computers that had used his email were malfunctioning, then that simply meant that even the one that he was having in his house could malfunction as well.

When he got into his house, he headed straight into his bedroom where his laptop was placed. And just as he had been told before, he found the laptop that he had left in sleeping mode was currently on.

And to make matters worse, whatever was being displayed on the screen of the laptop was something that he usually kept as a secret. It was the information about a certain transaction that he had been hiding for a long time now.

But all the records were flashing through the screen of the laptop again and again. This made his heart thump crazily. Just thinking about all this information being revealed to another person, it gave him a heck of a scare.

He hurriedly took the laptop and tried to exit the information that was being displayed by the document reader. But no matter what button he pressed on the laptop, nothing responded at all.

Left with no other choice, he could only smash the laptop to make sure that it had gone off. This was because even the power button had failed to work.

Wiping their small beads of sweat that had already accumulated on his forehead, Nathan couldn't help but wonder to himself, "What is going on?"

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