"Hold on a moment!" Just then, Olivia shouted from behind them.

Jack halted for a moment. Though he did that, he didn't even bother to look behind him. Without saying a word, He waited for Olivia to say whatever she had in mind.

"Who are you really?" Olivia struggled from the ground As she looked at the two of them who were already preparing to leave.

She was feeling complicated at this moment. According to her role as a police officer, since Jack had committed murder, she was supposed to arrest him so that he could face the law.

But then again, there was a fact that Jack was just retaliating from the attack that he had received from Brandon. It was also true that Brandon was the one who had attacked him although he had not committed any crime.

Just from the relationship between the two of them, Olivia could tell that, Jack and Celine were not in a conflict whatsoever. They really loved each other in that, no matter who it was that dared to mess with the life of the one that they loved, they would take the most drastic action that they could.

But, although she was someone who always followed the rules that were there to the latter, today it was going to be different.

Not to mention the fact that she admired Jack and Celine for the strength that they possessed, they were also the ones who were offended by them.

As for the pain that she was feeling at the moment, that was something that she could ignore. She had already noticed that Celine had gone easy on her.

From the way that she was handling Brandon, It was clear that, as long as he utilized the same strength as the one that she had used when she was kicking Brandon, then, she would not have been able to get on her feet.

With her arms crippled, there was no way that she was going to hold a gun so that she could point it at them. But even so, she had absolutely no intention of doing that.

"I don't think that we are that close for me to let you know about my identity. But still, if we ever meet again in the future, perhaps I might tell you about me." Jack stated nonchalantly.

After that, he took out the body strengthening solution that he was carrying around. Without looking back, he threw it at her.

And as he left, he spoke. "If you want your injuries to be healed, you can use that solution that is present in that bottle. But beware, don't reveal any information about it. Otherwise, you will be In great trouble."

After uttering those words, Jack, who was already carrying Celine, left the alleyway.

Olivia on the other hand, had my next to struggle to grab the bottle that was thrown at her. Although it was painful for her to stretch her hands, she had no choice as she felt that whatever it was that was being given to her, it had to have some meaning.

And the moment that Jack finished his words, she immediately understood what was contained inside that small bottle.

To say the least, she was absolutely shocked about what the small liquid inside the bottle could do. She had managed to see that Jack and Celine had taken the solution.

She was curious about what it was that they had taken initially. But, She knew that something like that was an absolute secret that people would not reveal.

That was the exact reason as to why she didn't question Jack about it. She didn't expect that Jack would actually hand her a sample.

She stared at Jack's back till he disappeared. After that, she withdrew her gaze as she focused on the small bottle that she was holding in her hands.

Although there was a hint of hesitation in her eyes, she gritted her teeth as she opened the cork of the small bottle before gulping the whole solution inside her mouth.

She had been thinking about bringing the small bottle back to her father so that they could investigate about what was present inside it.

But when she thought about Jack's warning, added to the miraculous effect of the small solution contained inside that bottle, she had no choice but to take the solution at that moment.

Just as she was thinking about what the effects of taking the solution were, she suddenly felt a surge of warmth coursing through her body.

The next moment, the same thing that she had seen when Celine had consumed the solution happened. She felt that the wounds that she had suffered on her arms heal a rapid pace.

And, that was not the end of it all. She felt that her body was gradually strengthening. This was exactly something that she had not expected.

Her eyes widened In surprise. At the same time, she couldn't help but think about Jack. She wondered what kind of figure he was that he could possess something as magical as the liquid that she had drunk.

In the end, She could only sigh. She finally understood the reason as to why Jack had warned her not to let others know about the solution.

The strength that was coursing through her body was enough to tell her that, this was something that would cause a great war between nations if it was revealed to the public.

She tightened the fists at the side. With determination in her eyes, she muttered in a low voice, "I will make sure that I find you. You have a lot to tell me. Even if you will not talk about the source of the solution that you have given me, I hope that you will be able to teach me about fighting."

Immediately after that, Olivia glanced at the corpse of Brandon that was currently headless. She could only shake her head at the fact that, Brandon had provoked the wrong person.

Till this moment, she really couldn't understand the reason as to why Brandon had decided to use his gun, even though they were not in any kind of danger or situation that required a gun to be used.

From the way that she knew him, he was a person who was always cool headed. He was good at making decisions concerning the work that they were engaged in.

This was the exact reason that why her father had decided to partner her up with him. Even though she knew that Brandon had a crush on her, she had never cared much about it and focused on whatever had brought her out.

She took out her phone and called her father. She knew that the current situation was something that was quite difficult to handle.

A police officer had just been killed. And that was her partner. In other words, This is something that was going to involve her.

Since she wasn't going to reveal anything about Jack who was mysterious to her, then, she had to look for a way that she was going to handle the situation.

"Hello dad!" Olivia spoke. Her expression was quite gentle, as compared to the cold one that she always showed in front of Brandon.

"Hello my dear, how is the patrol going? Have you encountered any kind of problem?" A thick male voice replied from the other end of the phone.

Olivia took a deep breath as she replied, "Yes, there's a problem here. Brandon is dead." She tried to make sure that her voice was calm. But all the same, any person who was experienced could easily pick out the strangeness in her voice.

As a person who was in power for a good period of time, the man on the other end could already detect that there was something wrong.

Added to the fact that he was informed that Olivia's partner, Brandon, was dead, There was no way that he would not feel that there was something wrong.

"Are you okay?! Tell me at this moment, Where exactly are you right now? I'm coming there immediately!" The man on the other end of the phone panicked as he questioned.

"I am okay dad. I managed to find Brandon in an alleyway. He was murdered by the time that I arrived." Olivia had already created a story that she was going to tell.

Since there was no that she was going to reveal the presence of Jack or his actions, that was unless she had finally managed to know his identity, then she was better off telling a few lies.

She went ahead to explain about how Brandon had been acting weirdly. During the time that they were on patrol, they had managed to see a few crooks Who were causing trouble.

They went ahead to deal with them. But it was also at this moment that Brandon moved away from her. A few moments after he had left, she heard the sound of a gunshot.

She had no choice much to abandon the crooks to go over and see what had happened.

When she rushed to the scene, she didn't fight anybody else there other than the dead corpse on the ground. And that was the exact reason as to why she had called him.

Olivia didn't think that whatever she was saying was going to cause any trouble. After all, the alleyway that they had been in didn't have any cameras around.

On the other end of the phone, the man was heard letting out a sigh of relief. But, Olivia could still detect that there was a sense of sadness within it.

"Alright then, I would like you to get back at home. Let the other handle the patrol for the night, I'll be making an arrangement as soon as possible." The man stated before he hung up.

Olivia called already feel her lips twitching. This was just how her father was behaving. He would sometimes make decisions without even consulting her.

But this time, although he was the one who had made the decision, this was just what Olivia wanted at this moment. She was so eager to get back at home so that she could not only test the strength that she had received, but, so that she could investigate anything about Jack.

Before leaving, she had to wait for the police officers who were going to be sent to her location, that she had already transferred to the control center.

They were going to handle the investigation as well as the corpse that was present at the alleyway.


"Jack, when the hell are you going to come and see my mother?" Jonathan asked through the phone.

"No need for you to yell. I'll be coming there tomorrow." Jack replied in an irritated tone.

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