****Author's Note****

Guys, this is still part of the script that Jack is writing. If you don't like it this way, I can simply give you a summary about the script in two or three paragraphs.

Currently, this script has four parts. In case you don't like it, inform me ASAP in the comments so that I can make the necessary changes for the fourth and last part.


It seemed that time was not on their side. The superiors who had been waiting patiently for a long time finally decided to make a move. Without caring about the dissatisfaction among the 20 elite soldiers of the alien race, they decided that they were going to use their abilities to finally detect where the life-forms were hidden in that planet.

But what surprised them was the fact that, even after the superiors descended, they didn't actually detect the exact location where the hidden lifeforms were currently at.

Although they had the ability to detect that there were several life-forms present on that planet, they couldn't detect where they were located.

This had cost a commotion amongst the higher-ups of the alien race. They were getting anxious as time went on. And in the end, even the very top echelons of the alien race was forced to make a move.

After about 2 weeks of searching, they didn't find the location where the life forms were hidden.

In the end, due to the anger that was boiling in their hearts, they decided that they were going to destroy the planet. The planet was no longer going to be useful to them since it had the life-forms in it.

For the purpose that they themselves knew, they couldn't allow any kind of life-form to be present on that particular planet before they took it over.

Without waiting, each and every one of them decided to attack at their full strength. Of course, they targeted the core of the planet. As long as they destroyed it, they were sure that they were going to be able to destroy the whole planet.

But just after the first attack landed, something unimaginable happened. A ripple appeared and the attack that was supposed to land on the ground suddenly disappeared.

It was as if a small pebble have been dropped on the surface of the ocean. Other than the small ripples that were caused on the surface, there was nothing that occurred.

ƥandasnovel.com The alien race higher-ups wouldn't believe it. And as a result, they decided to attack again. But in the end, the same result appeared.

But, at that moment, they were completely confused. After all, when the 20 elite soldiers and the millions of the normal soldiers attacked the land previously, they had definitely destroyed the landscape.

But no matter how hard or how fast they attacked, they couldn't get anything out of it.

After several days of research, they finally realized that there was a certain level of power that when used, the result of the ripple appearing on the surface of the world would definitely appear.

This was the first time that they had encountered something like that. They were not sure about what they were going to do next.

In the end, they came to a decision that, since it was not necessary for them to destroy this planet, they could as well use their energy to conquer another planet that might be useful to them.

A such, the higher ups of the alien race decided to leave that particular planet. As for those who had been in charge of attacking this planet, they were given the task of trying to look for the life forms if they could find any clue about them.

Since the planet was currently unoccupied, they, who were going to stay here, were the ones who are going to get the resources that were going to appear on this planet back to their home planet.

After the higher ups left, they immediately decided to take action rather than sending a troop to attack another planet. And as a result, they easily conquered another planet that was just the same size as the one that they had failed to conquer completely.

And after that, they finally heaved a sigh of relief. As for the reason for why they had done that, only they themselves knew.

Back on the planet that they had attacked first, these 20 elite soldiers didn't want to give up on the mission that had been given to them.

Perhaps if they succeeded on getting the life forms that were present on that planet before destroying them, they might as well be rewarded for that.

As such, they continued searching and searching for any kind of life form on that planet day in day out. It didn't matter how many times they had searched a particular place or point, they continued searching that point the following day.

And, since there were billions of them, they easily covered the whole planet. But, they always shifted their positions in such a way that, if one searched a certain area, he or she wouldn't be searching that position any longer until he or she had covered the whole planet.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

2 months went by and, the higher-ups had finally completed what they were planning. But, the end result wasn't what they had expected.

For that reason, they decided to conquer yet another planet. And although they had not succeeded in what they had intended to do previously, it had still bought them a few months time for them to complete what they wanted.

Back to the planet that was their first target, the 20 elite soldiers were getting frustrated as time went by. Since they were currently on that planet, they couldn't get the benefits that they could have gotten when they were back on their home planet.

This had made them think about trying to go back. They had previously thought that they might succeed in getting the life-forms that were hidden on that planet.

But the end result was that, even after months of searching, they couldn't get anything.

"How much I hate this!" One of the 20 elite soldiers shouted as he kicked a rock that was on the ground.


The moment that he did that, the ground shook. It was as if a high magnitude earthquake had suddenly occurred. But to the warriors present, something like this wasn't threatening to them at all.

But, what occurred next perplexed them. A ripple, just like the one that had appeared when the higher ups were attacking the planet, suddenly appeared.

Immediately after that, something akin to a shield or barrier appeared. It was hemispherical in shape. And an inside this particular barrier, there was something that shocked these alien race warriors.

Inside that barrier, there were actually several life-forms. It wasn't just human beings, but even different kinds of animals and plants were present.

It was as if another world had suddenly sprouted out of the ground. And, the human beings and the creatures that were present in that barrier that had appeared, were also shocked about the sudden change in the environment out of the place where they were.

Outside the barrier that they had always known about, there was a desolate land. It was as if there was no life at all. Not to mention animals or human beings, there wasn't even a small plant.

What had appeared was well known as the mini-kingdom. This was something that, if the alien race had taken their time to read through the historical books that were present in the empires and kingdoms that they had destroyed, they would have found the information about this mini-kingdom.

Mini-Kingdom, this was the name that had been given to this piece of land that was contained inside a barrier. Although it was said to be a mini-kingdom, if a person looked at it now, they would find out that it wasn't any small as compared to the biggest empire in this world before it had been destroyed.

The word mini-kingdom had been granted to it during the time that it had disappeared from the world.

Before it was sealed away, it was the most prosperous kingdom in the world. But due to human greed, the other kingdoms decided to attack it so that they could plunder the resources that were present in that kingdom.

Back then, they didn't care about the life of those who were present in that kingdom. Whoever appeared in front of their soldiers was killed without mercy.

The population of the kingdom began plummeting at a higher speed. What followed was rivers of blood flowing from village to village.

The king of the kingdom at that time was infuriated by the actions of the other kings and emperors. But, knowing that he couldn't fight against the whole world, he had decided to take the drastic action that could save his people.

By sacrificing his own life, he used a relic that had been left by his ancestors to seal away the kingdom. And as such, the kingdom suddenly got enveloped by a barrier before it completely vanished as if it never existed before.

As for those soldiers who were attacking them at that time, they had been expelled from that kingdom by a strange and mysterious force.

It had remained like that, the kingdom had been sealed away for about five centuries. Generations after generations appeared as they went by.

The population recovered to what it was before they were attacked, and even surpassed it. The crown Prince at that time took over the position as the king and continued strengthening the kingdom.

Since their kingdom was the most resourceful one, they could be independent. So, without needing any assistance from the other kingdoms, they had managed to survive till this day.

As for the reason as to why they had suddenly appeared, it definitely wasn't due to that soldier kicking a rock. It was simply because, the time had finally come for them to come out of their sealing.

But, none of them had ever expected that, what greeted them wasn't the big and flourishing world that they had always been told about, but a desolate place filled with creatures that they had never seen before.

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