After the banquet, not many things changed. Jack and the rest continued with what they were normally doing.

George and the rest from inchoate city and other parts of the country also headed their own ways so that they could take care of the duties that were on them.

Back at Jack, he hadn't completely lost his attention on the entertainment companies. As the merging was being done rapidly with the help of Denali, Jack was getting closer to the target.

At the same time, he had already began preparing a few more scripts. It was just that, unlike the last time that he prepared a movie script, he decided to prepare a tv series script.

In this way, as the production went on, if the first season was completed, they could already release it to the market. And at the same time, they could start utilizing them so that they could begin fighting the other entertainment companies.

His plan was to complete what had to be completed as fast as possible so that he could manage to get to see the benefits that came with the upgrade of his level of authority to the second level.

Although this was something that was supposed to take a long period of time, to Jack, that was something that he had to hurry up with.

Although he had previously thought that he had become stronger, he had come to find that, there were even more mysteries that were hiding in the dark that could not be explained by science.

A good example would be the one where his memories and Celine's were sealed. This was something that was obviously targeted.

He couldn't understand how it was possible for the memories about a specific person or event could somehow be sealed. But that was not all.

There was also a fact that, his mother had the information about the sealing of his and Celine's memories about each other. But, he still couldn't understand how his mother had managed to get his memories sealed.

Additionally, what could be the reason as to why the memories had to be sealed? He couldn't believe something like, in order to not involve Celine in the mess, he had to forget about her.

That was something that he really couldn't believe. After all, Anne was his mother at the end of the day. And since he wasn't involved in anything strange like the sealing of his memories after that time when he lost his memories, he thought that there had to be something fishy about all of this.

What's more was that, Benjamin, who was supposedly his grandfather and Anne's father, could actually stand at the side and watch as she got killed by his own son, her brother.

This was yet another thing that didn't make any sense to him. And, Benjamin's words that, if Anne wanted to be free from the Alfonso family, then there would have been nobody that would have been able to stop her from leaving.

From Jack's memories, as long as he remembered, his mother had gone over to Dalton due to the fact that she loved him. Even more, she was running away from the arranged marriage that had been planned by Nathan.

According to what Jack thought when he saw his mother shedding her tears, was that, she really loved Dalton and there was no way that she was going to let him go, especially after she had given birth to his son.

All that aside, Jack had still had to focus on what was currently urgent. Although he had already dealt with a lot of people that would have caused him troubles, the same couldn't be said when business was involved.

Since he was planning on exploiting the system so that he could complete the final condition from the system as soon as possible, then it would be better if he did that now.

That was the exact reason as to why Jack had bought over several companies. This was him setting his sight on the first income reward that came with every first income that he earned from the new businesses.

He had decided to exploit the system. Since the system really didn't care about how many businesses of the same type were bought over by him, then that was what he was doing right now.

Although he had already integrated several companies, this was due to the fact that, he was trying to reduce the burden that would fall onto him when it came to the management.

Still, his current plan was that, after he receives the first income reward, he would merge the companies that were of the same industry.

In this way, he would already be on his way to the monopolization of the markets.

Of course, currently, Jack's targets were not small. The lessons that he had learnt from the first income reward of the grocery stores that he had bought over were enough for him to change his mind.

When he bought over the small grocery stores in Inchoate city, the reward that he had received back then was a motorbike. Although it looked cool and all, but, that wasn't something that interested Jack at all.

That was the reason as to why, to this specific date, the first income rewards that came from the newly acquired grocery stores were yet to be retrieved by him. He was simply bidding his time, like the free skill slots, to be able to acquire better rewards in the future.I think you should take a look at

Now, Jack was going to buy bigger institutions. If they were small, he would merge them before he earned the first income from them. This way, the first income reward would be at a higher level.

Currently, what he was really looking forward to the most was the monthly report that was approaching. This was something that he had been preparing for a good while after he had managed to acquire a few more companies.


While all of this was ongoing, Jack had no information that, there was a danger that was approaching.

At this moment, at the international airport of Azima, a person finally took a look at the surroundings. He took a deep breath as if he was trying to get used to the sudden changes in the environment.

'Finally, I'm here. I do wonder who it was that was involved with the hindering of the mission that had been organized by the vice supreme leader. Even so, since I have taken action by myself, I'll have to make sure that everything is as it's supposed to be.' The man thought to himself.

He walked towards the area where there were several means of transportation. Since this was the first time that he had arrived here, he was obviously almost clueless about where he was supposed to go.

But still, he had already gotten some clues about where he was supposed to start his investigations. That was, the last known location of Yona and Nathan.

Their disappearance was mysterious and had to be solved as soon as possible. Taking into consideration that the competition back at the organization was getting fierce, and with a move from a person like him, it was obvious that there would be several people that would be alarmed.

So, he had to make sure that he completed the mission as fast as possible.

That's right. This was the guy that had been sent over from the stronghold to come over and look for Nathan's whereabouts.

His name was Erick. He was strong and currently believed that, other than those that might have followed him from the strongholds, there was nobody that was capable of stopping him from doing whatever he wanted to do.

'I guess after I complete the mission, I'll start doing what interests me the most. Since this is the only chance that I have gotten to get out of the strongholds, I might as well use it to the limit.' Erick thought to himself as he boarded a taxi.

Since he didn't have a residence in Azima, he had no choice but to get into a hotel. But, that was going to be a hotel that was located closer to the area where he was supposed to start his mission from.


As soon as he left, a lady also looked in the direction that Erick had left in with narrowed eyes. At this moment, her mind was racing, wondering what was the reason that could have brought someone like Erick here.

'Good thing that I always kept my eyes on him. Otherwise, there would have been no way that I would have noticed that he was making such a move.' The lady thought to herself as she got into a taxi.

"Where to miss?" The taxi driver questioned happily. He had just gotten a pretty customer after a very long break that he had due to the injuries that he had suffered.

"Follow that taxi. Make sure that you keep your distance." The lady, whose name was Samantha stated with a cold voice.

"Eh… Okay." Although the taxi driver wasn't sure about the intention of the lady following someone, he decided that he was going to do it all the same.

After all, the person that he was carrying was a lady. And since she was coming from the airport right now, he didn't believe that she was carrying anything dangerous.

He thought that at most, the lady could be considered a stalker. As for whether she was stalking her lover, friend or enemy, that he didn't know was he wasn't sure about who was inside the taxi that he had been instructed to follow.

At the same time, Samantha was just thinking. 'I wonder what the Panthers organization is thinking about to send Erick out of the stronghold. Aren't they afraid that they would be discovered?' 'As long as they break the agreement that was issued to all the forces of the strongholds, the punishment that would come their way would be something that they can't handle.'

'But still, if he makes a mistake and breaks the agreement, things will be better for me. Maybe I can help him break the agreement in case he is too careful…' As she reached this point, Samantha's expression turned icy. It was unknown what kind of grudge was there between her and Erick.

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