A few hours before…

At the military base that was located in the central province of Azima, there was a lot of tension. The soldiers in the camp were quite restless as they moved around. Several commands were being issued by those that held high positions.

None of the soldiers was idle at all. Weapons were being moved from the armory and so on. In other words, the camp looked no different from one that was preparing to face a great enemy that they had ever before.

Inside the conference room in the garrison, several soldiers that held the highest positions in the central region were gathered around a rectangular table. There was a total of six people with five seating at the side of the table and the last one occupying the head of the table.

All of these were the six supreme leaders of the garrison that was situated in the central province. The five were majors that led their respective companies and finally, there was the colonel who was their head.

Amongst the present majors, there was a face that Jack would be familiar with. It was major Alonso. This old man was seated here, not showing any airs as those that were present here were all of the same rank as him or his superior.

These were all those that were in charge of the companies that were situated in the area close to Kartu city. There was a total of fourteen companies, each major leading four companies combined. But, the first and second companies were an exception as they were special.

Not only were these companies the largest amongst the fourteen companies, but they also contained the most capable soldiers. The majors that were leading these companies were always the most skilled amongst the majors.

Of the current five, three of them were in charge of the last twelve companies, each one of them leading four. The last two each held a single company but their positions were better than the others that headed four companies.

Currently, the expressions of all those that were present were all solemn. None of them was in a good mood and their faces indicated that they would punch whoever dared to irritate them.

The one that was seated at the head of the table was a man who seemed to be in his early fifties. He was currently wearing a military uniform that had a badge that was blue in color. He had short blonde hair and a well-trimmed moustache. His eyes were slightly sunken but were deep and bright.

pandasnovel.com There was a tinge of black below his eyes, though hardly visible, indicating that he had not slept well the previous night. His expression was solemn as he swept his gaze across the table.

After a while, he released a deep sigh as he asked, "Give me a report about the current situation." From his voice, one could easily tell that he was fatigued mentally and was someone that needed to get some rest.

One of the majors that were present immediately got to his feet and gave a military salute before he spoke. "Colonel, the situation is now so bad. Ever since the attack began, things have been getting out of control recently. It doesn't matter who it is that we send over, the results are the same, that person would be killed off.

Not only that, but even though we had tried surrounding that person to use our advantage in numbers, we did nothing but to increase the number if soldiers that we are losing. To make matters worse is that, the enemies have joined his side the moment that they came to know that he was attacking us."

When he reached this point, there was an expression of anger that was on the major's face. It was obvious that he was simply trying ton restrain himself. Otherwise, he would have rushed out of the room to got out and vent by killing a few enemies.

He wasn't the only one as all the others in the room wore the same expressions on their faces. They were not happy about the current situation that they were currently in.

They had been at odds with the neighboring country for a long time now. Most of the times, they were the ones that had been suppressing them due to the many advantages that they had.

But recently, there was someone that had come over and asked them to handover a soldier. Furthermore, that person was so impetuous that he killed several soldiers the moment that there was disagreement.

If it was a normal situation, they would have already eliminated the other party. But, that was something that they really couldn't do at all. It was not just a matter of skills that the other party possessed, but he also had a strange type of armor on him.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

That armor was able to block even the high caliber bullets that were used against it. Furthermore, there would not even be a scratch on the armor after the attack. Furthermore, the bullets would be crashed to powder the moment that they came into contact with the armor.

To make matters worse was the fact that, to deal with the numerous soldiers that would have gone after him, the only thing that he had to do was to wave his hand and a beam of light would appear and destroy all these soldiers.

It was as if he was equipped with high level attacking and defensive equipment. That was something that had brought terror on the soldiers. And for that reason, they were already contemplating on whether they were supposed to start using the bombs against that person.

They had already tried getting to know who it was that the guy wanted. But in the end, they were left speechless after they heard that he didn't even know who it was that he was looking for. What he wanted was for the military to figure out who was the soldier that was involved int the matter concerning a certain prisoner.

But, no matter how they investigated, they really couldn't find anything that was related to a soldier that saved a prisoner. Although they had done a lot of investigation, they couldn't find anything. From the report, the only surviving police didn't know about the identity of that soldier as that was the first time that she was seeing him.

As for their enemies, the moment that they got the information about what was happening over here, they rushed over and decided that they were going to work for that person, to help that person in acquiring what he wanted.

And to show their sincerity, they had brought over their soldiers and stationed them at the border of the two countries. Their meaning was simple, they would attack the moment that the Azimian military dared to try to take the soldiers that were stationed at the borders to deal with that person.

For that reason, the Azimian military was under a lot of pressure. That person would kill a few soldiers every now and then, saying that this was an indication that he was getting impatient.

Due to the losses that they were suffering, the colonel had no choice but to visit the military headquarters to look for a way out of the situation. That was the reason as to why he was asking for the report about the situation.

Taking a deep breath, that particular major continued giving reports about what was going on. "That person stated that we only have the end of this week to hand over that soldier. Otherwise, he would start by massacring the civilians that are located in the capital city."

When he heard that, the colonel couldn't help but get even more angry. Currently, he had already lost many soldiers. That was something that he was furious about. But now, if that person began killing civilians, then that would be something that he couldn't agree to.

He was now wondering about what he was supposed to do in the current situation. He couldn't deal with that person with his current strength and skills. Furthermore, there was no way that they were going to launch a bomb in the middle of the city as well.

Just as he was deep in thought, major Alonso spoke. "Colonel, I have a suggestion. What about bringing over the new major? He is a skilled person and I'm pretty sure that he might have a way to deal with that person in one way or the other. And if it is impossible, perhaps he might be able to contain him."

The moment that Alonso's voice fell, there was silence in the room. Everyone looked at Alonso with a weird expression on their faces, except for the colonel who was deep in thought.

After a moment of silence, one of the majors stood up and spoke. "What nonsense are you saying Major Alonso? You have to know that this is a serious matter and we definitely cannot joke around with it. You are expecting that we are going to put our trust in a person that became a major due to a favor rather than merits?"

He wasn't the only one that thought in such a way. After all, who amongst them hadn't worked off during their youth years to get to the position that they were in? So, they were obviously displeased when suddenly, a person came out of nowhere and became a soldier of the same rank as them.

"That's right. Although the colonel does have a good impression of that person, that doesn't mean that he can be given the role of handling something like this. This is something that needs experience to handle." Another major, the one that was in charge of the seventh to tenth companies stated.

Alonso looked at him and asked, "Experience you say? Why is it that an experienced person like you cannot handle the situation when you are claiming that experience is needed? Doesn't that imply that there is no difference between the two of you? Not experienced enough to handle the matter?"

"Y-You…you!" That major was so stunned that he could only point his fingers at Alonso, not knowing what he was supposed to say in such a situation.

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