After getting information about the attack that had been launched so that Celine could be taken away, Jack was of course furious. He wasn't sure why they were looking for Celine, but he could somehow relate that this was related to him. But all the same, if they wanted him, then why were they going after the people who were close to him?

That was completely unacceptable to Jack. So, he stormed out of the villa, completely ignoring the plan that he was having to check his current bank balance.

He got into the Bugatti Veyron that was parked just outside the villa. After that, he accelerated towards the exit of the serenity residential area.

When he arrived at the gate, he didn't say anything to the staff members that were located in that area. After the gate was opened, he furiously stepped on the throttle as he accelerated towards the outskirts of the city where the hotel was located.

He didn't care about the traffic lights and so on. He was driving at the maximum speed that the road allowed him. But still, he completely ignored several of the traffic rules and ran red lights.

Just as he was approaching the hotel, his phone rang again. After he received it, he received information from Denali that they were moving out of the city.

This made him frown for a moment, but understood why Denali had decided to do that. Considering the firepower of the people from the stronghold, it was obvious that the hotel was going to be left in ruins in case they fought there.

After being given the location where they were heading to, Jack immediately changed the direction. He made sure to use the shortest routes possible. As for the traffic, that was something that he was ignoring by using the roles that didn't have that much traffic.

After about 10 minutes, Jack finally arrived outside the city. Just outside here, there was a forest. Although the forest wasn't that big, it was a natural one and not artificially planted.

Hurriedly, he used the tracking function that was present on his phone, and immediately located the place that Celine was. And immediately after that, he rushed towards that direction.


A few minutes back…

Samantha, adorned in her sleek and state-of-the-art modern armor, faced off against Denali. She didn't want to waste any more time, because the longer she spent here, the higher the chances of Erick arriving before she accomplished what had brought her here.

Even though she knew that Denali was stronger than her, she was currently confident that she was going to win. Since Denali didn't have any weapon, or equipment, then this was going to be an advantageous situation for her.

Samantha, confident in her laser weapons, rushed towards Denali with her armor gleaming in the sunlight. The armor, fashioned from a futuristic composite material, fit her like a second skin, providing her with enhanced protection and agility.

Her speed was top-notch, as she rushed at Denali. Since she had engaged in fights for a very long period of time, she knew that she had to take the initiative.

As she rushed forward, she immediately began activating her weapons. She was ready to utilize her full strength from the beginning. She was facing a person who was one level higher than her after all.

Her laser weapons hummed with untapped energy, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

However, Denali, Although she lacked fancy gadgets and advanced technology, she exuded an aura of raw power and unwavering determination. Denali was going to rely solely on her well-honed combat skills, and internal fortitude to face her opponent.

Though at a disadvantage due to the absence of specialized equipment, Denali's unwavering courage radiated like a beacon, making it clear she won't back down easily. There was no way that she was going to allow Samantha to take away Celine.

Samantha made the first move by unleashing a barrage of laser beams towards Denali. The lasers sliced through the air with a deadly precision, creating sizzling arcs that painted the battlefield with a vibrant display of energy.

The laser beams were blue in color, and the illuminated the surroundings as they shot towards Denali.

Denali, without technologically advanced armor to shield her from the laser onslaught, relied on her unparalleled reflexes to dodge and weave through the chaos.

Although it was true that the laser beams were faster, Denali was able to make minute movement, evading the lasers just by a tiny distance. It was in such a way that, if the laser beams diverted for even an inch, then Denali have been hit.

As for Celine, she was standing at the side, nervously hoping that Denali called manage to hold on. Even though she could have really wished for Denali to win, she knew the way that the current situation was, Denali was the one who was at a disadvantage.

So, it was good enough that she was able to hold on. And even though she had taken the body strengthening solution, she could tell that in case she was the one who was facing the barrage of laser beams, she would be taken down in a single shot.

Looking at the devastated ground and trees that had already been blown into splinters, he couldn't help but gulp at the intense firepower of the laser beams.

Denali skillfully evaded the beams, demonstrating an uncanny ability to anticipate Samantha's moves, despite the lack of visual aids. Denali's movements became a fluid dance, as she expertly avoid each attack thrown her way.I think you should take a look at

Samantha maneuvered deftly, exploiting her armor's capabilities to unleash a relentless assault. She would at times engage Denali at close combat, but she was always blown backwards.

Even though she was having an armor, that didn't prevent her from being blown backwards from the sheer of strength that Denali possessed. As for landing a punch on her, that was something that she found completely impossible.

If Denali was able to evade the laser beams, then there was no way that she was going to hit her physically. She had to depend on the laser weapons, as the laser beams were faster than herself.

As the fight progressed, Samantha realized that her laser weapons alone might not be enough to defeat Denali. Her advanced armor, while providing superior protection, failed to give her an edge in strength and resilience.

Denali, fueled by sheer determination, capitalized on this moment of doubt. She knew that she had to take all the chances to make sure that she managed to hold on a little long.

But at the same time, although she was hoping that Jack could come, she was also hoping that he wouldn't come. After all, facing the laser beams, she just knew how dangerous they were.

As long as they managed to hit her, then there was no way that she was going to continue the fight. After all, if her leg was hit, her movements would not as precise as they currently were.

That alone was a disadvantage that would enable Samantha to capitalize on.

With a fierce battle cry, Denali broke through Samantha's defenses, delivering a series of powerful strikes with her bare hands.

Each punch and kick landed with incredible force, utilizing raw strength as her greatest weapon. Samantha struggled to withstand the blows, her armor straining under the relentless assault.

Caught off guard by Denali's tenacity, Samantha recalibrated her strategy. Instead of relying solely on her high-tech weaponry, she redirects her focus towards exploiting her armor's defensive capabilities. Samantha engaged her enhanced shielding, minimizing the impact of Denali's strikes.

But still, she was completely surprised when she found out that, Denali was actually able to deal a lot of damage to the armor. It seemed that when she got back to the stronghold, she would have to change into another armor, or have this one repaired.

She somehow managed to escape from the barrage of attacks that were launched by Denali. She had taken advantage of the momentum of the blow delivered by Denali, to create a distance between the two of them.

Immediately after that, she decided to use her only advantage. Since Denali was also a human, she believed that she was going to be tired at some point. That was going to be the time that he was going to deliver the final blow.

Denali on the other hand got frustrated. Having lost the advantage, she was first into a passive mode. The only thing that she could do at that moment was to dodge and continuously dodge, hoping that she could get another chance to attack.

As the tide of the fight fluctuated, Samantha's laser weapons continued to fire relentlessly, creating an ever-present threat that Denali had to constantly contend with. Yet, Denali, with her unmatched strength and unwavering resolve, pressed on, refusing to yield against the formidable onslaught.

In the midst of this intense battle, it became apparent that Samantha's advanced armor provided her with a range of tactical advantages, especially in combination with her laser weapons.

However, Denali countered these advantages with her superior combat skills, making use of every opportunity to exploit Samantha's weakness.

In the end, this showdown between Samantha and Denali showcased the fine balance between cutting-edge technology and raw power.

Samantha, equipped with modern armor and laser weapons, demonstrated the sheer destructive capabilities of advanced weaponry.

Meanwhile, Denali, despite lacking such advantages, proved that skill, strength, and perseverance can be formidable weapons in their own right.

But, that was all to it. Since she was a human, then she was bound to get tired after a long period of strenuous activity. So, after a long 15 minutes, Denali was already sweating and panting.

Although she was still trying to fight, she was only holding on through sheer will. Had it been another person, perhaps they would have already collapsed.

Finally, something that Samantha had been expecting finally happened. Denali delayed to make a move, and finally, a laser beam hit her hand.

Denali grimaced with pain, as a wound suddenly appeared on her arm. Due to the immense pain, she delayed to make her movements again. As such, she was once again hit by a laser beam on her thigh.

At this moment, Denali had completely fallen into a disadvantage. And even though Samantha had also gotten tired, since she was at a passive mode, she was way better than Denali.

"Hehe, it seems that I am going to win this." Samantha stated as she laughed.

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