"Welcome to our equipment shop. Here, we provide readily available equipment, and at the same time, we can also make customized equipment. So, which service would you like?" A middle-aged lady asked the group with a professional smile the moment that the group arrived at the reception of the building where the factory that was used in making equipment was located.

"I would like someone to create an armor for me." Jack replied.

"If that is the case, please follow me. I do wonder if you have any specifications on the expert that you would want him to create an armor for you?" The lady asked as she moved from behind the desk.

"Just give me the top expert present." Jack responded. He was new here, so, he did not know much about the experts. To him, it did not matter who it was, but as long as they possessed the skills enough to be able to create the armor, then, he was willing to give them the job.

The lady did not say much. Since she had been given the decision to make, she led Jack's group to the next floor. On this floor, there were several rooms available.

Each room on this floor was big, occupying an area of approximately 500*200 meters. The lady let them further into the building, before coming to a stop in front of a door.

She went ahead and pressed the communication device that was located at the entrance before saying, "Johnson, you have some guests that need you to make an armor for them."

After a few seconds of silence, the voice of a male came from inside the communication device. "Let them in."

Immediately after the voice faded, the door of the room slid sideways, opening a path for the group to enter. The lady turned around and looked at Jack's group and said, "You can go in. If you have anything that you would like some assistance with, you can still find me at the reception desk."

Jack nodded. After that, the lady turned around and left. As for Jack's group, they entered the room.

Inside the room, there were several equipment that were arranged in shelves. All these equipment seemed to be displayed, something that was trying to show off the skills of the person who had created them.

Other than that, Jack focused on the door that was at the farthest end of the room. There, the door was open, and through the opening at the door, he could see that there was a middle-aged man who was walking out.

He was currently putting on a tight V-neck t-shirt, and casual pants. He was someone with a muscular build. When he saw Jack's group, he could not help but frown a little.

According to him, Jack's group was nothing more than just a group of brats that might have come over just to waste his time. What the middle-aged lady had not said to Jack's group was that, this middle-aged man in front of them was actually one of the best craftsmen of the Panthers organization.

Since it was Jack's request that the person that would craft the armor for them to be the best, the lady did just as he had requested. But, this guy was definitely not pleased with their presence here.

"What kind of armor do you want me to make for you?" Johnson asked. He did not try being polite to Jack and his group. That was just how he was. With the skills that he possessed, it was mostly the people that came over to have their armors crafted by him that would have to be polite with him.

Jack was of course not offended. He was not someone who cared about some petty issues like that. So, he looked at Samantha, who nodded and went ahead with the box that she was carrying.

After opening it, she showed the materials inside the box to Johnson. And when Johnson saw what was inside the box, he could not help but feel his brows twitch a little. He had been already expecting that this group was just some spoiled brats that had come over in order to waste his time.

He had not expected that they were going to go to such a level. Bringing to him some materials that were of a very low quality. Did they expect that he was going to use those materials to craft an armor for them?

Why was it that they did not go to any craftsman other than him? After all, there were many craftsmen that were present inside this building. And, any of them was capable of making the armor. So, why was it that they had to come and look for him, the top craftsman of the Panthers organization?

The frown on his face turned into anger after observing the materials that were present inside the box. According to him, he did not believe that these materials could be utilized to make an armor at all.I think you should take a look at

"Are you here to make a prank or something? If that is the case, you better leave right now before I get angry." Johnson stated as he looked at Jack's group angrily. He did not know the background of these guys, so, he was not willing to make a move unless necessary.

Although he was a craftsman, that did not imply that he was with himself. He had received a lot of resources from the Panthers organization, so currently, he was actually a nine-star ordinary human. Of course, if it came to combat power, he was weaker than a normal nine-star ordinary human.

Jack on the other hand frowned when he looked at Johnson's expression. Then, he looked at Johnson with a serious expression on his face and said, "I have a blueprint of the armor that I would like you to craft for me. But, before you see the blueprint, I would like you to sign a contract that you are not going to expose or use the blueprint any other time."

Even though Jack thought that the blueprint that he had been given by the system was not of a high level, he had decided that he was not going to just give to anybody. After all, this could be used as a source of his income.

Johnson on the other hand felt his heart nearly bursting from anger. But still, he was a little interested by the mention of the blueprint that Jack had mentioned. He looked at him and asked, "Can I see the blueprint?"

"I already said that before you see the blueprint, you will have to send the contract that you are not going to reveal anything about it." Jack stated once again.

Johnson on the other hand was of course displeased by what Jack had said. At normal times, he would always meet all those that wanted him to craft an armor for them. He was not a person who always put on airs.

But still, he was a person who valued his reputation and face. So, although he could allow just anybody to come over to have his armor crafted, but, they would have to bring a challenging task, not just anything that could be done by anybody.

But even so, when they came over, even if they brought over a challenging task, they would have to humble themselves in front of him. Additionally, Jack and his group should feel privileged that he was even willing to look at the blueprint that they had brought over.

Still, he decided to play along for a little while. If Jack and his group had decided to come over and play a prank on him, then, he was going to make sure that each and every one of them was punished.

"Okay. Do you have a contract?" Johnson asked.

Jack had of course prepared everything before he came over. So, he simply took out the contract that he had carried over, all the conditions written down. Of course, he was not expecting that everybody that was going to sign the contract was going to be able to make the armor.

He believed that some things from the system were not things that could be easily dealt with. So, in the contract, the only condition was that, for the person who was going to see the blueprint, that person had to make sure that the information about the blueprint was not revealed, either directly or indirectly.

After Johnson read through the contract, he used a small needle that he was carrying in his hand to prickle his finger. After that, he dropped his blood on the contract form, before handing it over back to Jack.

Jack did the same. The moment that his blood touched the contract form, the contract form this integrated before it divided itself into two. One half of the disintegrated pieces of the armor entered into Johnson, while the other half entered into Jack.

With the contract already signed, Jack took out the blueprint that he had been given by the system as a reward during his third monthly income. He handed it over to Johnson.

With much less expectations, Johnson took the blueprint. He did not find that the way that the blueprint was presented to be bad, so, he did not judge it as of yet.

His eyes landed on the drawings and the words that were on the blueprint. Then, his mind suddenly begun buzzing. His eyes widened as disbelief could be seen clearly in them. For a moment, he stumbled, nearly collapsing onto the ground.

His actions confused Jack's entire group. That was especially so for Jack. He was a stage 2 superhuman, so, he could detect if there was anything wrong in the surroundings. But so far, he had not detected anything that could make Johnson stumble.

"This…this… Where did you get this? How is this even possible? I… I cannot understand this…" Johnson began speaking incoherently.

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