"Are you trying to mess with me? It is obvious that I will go wherever my husband goes. Additionally, what do you mean that this offer belongs to him only? Do you mean that I do not qualify to join you crappy organization?" Celine asked with a slight irritation on her face.

Smith was rendered speechless. Indeed, what they were trying to do was just as Celine had said. Currently, both Celine and Jack were superhumans at such an age.

So, if they just invited Jack and decided to ignore Celine, that implied that either they wanted to buy one and get one for free, or, they thought that Celine's qualifications were not enough.

But, that was not just the case. He himself did not understand the reason why they had not been told to try and bring in Celine. After all, according to him, since she was able to become a superhuman at such an age, and, she possessed a special ability, then, she really was a good sibling to be nurtured by the organization.

But, there was nothing that he could do about it. After all, he was given simple instructions, that he had to make sure that he brought Jack back to the organization. As for Celine, he was instructed to ignore her.

So, that was basically what he had been trying to do. And, this definitely displeased Celine. But, there was only one thing that he could not tolerate. That was the fact that, Celine was actually referring to the Force organization as a crappy organization.

By saying that the organization was crappy, didn't that imply that he as a member of the organization was also considered as crap? That was not something that he was going to agree to. Although he had been trying to be patient with the duo, but, there was always a limit to how much he could tolerate.

"I do understand that you don't have the intention of joining our organization. But, let that stay that way. I hope that you don't talk anything negative about my organization." Smith stated as calmly as he could. Had it not mean that he was trying to take in Jack, then, he would have definitely erupted and dealt with Celine personally.

"What now? You're trying to claim that I am wrong? I'm pretty sure that if it comes to potential, I am way better than you. And if that is the case, why is it that a person like you is capable of joining the organization, but me on the other hand is not allowed?" Celine asked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"…" Smith felt his lips twitching, but there was nothing that he could say against what Celine had said. After all, it was true that she possessed great potential as compared to him. He himself was already at the age of 43, yet, he was just a stage three superhuman.

But, Celine on the other handle was only 20, but she had already reached the first stage of the superhuman level. It was a guarantee that he will definitely be able to surpass him within the next 23 years provided that she received enough resources from the organization.

But, that was just in case she received the resources. Although he did not understand how she had managed to become a superhuman without joining any organization, but still, he believed that it might have been just a lucky encounter.

What Smith did not know was that, currently, if Celine was actually given the resources within the organization, within 23 years, it would have been like she had been training for 2,300 years. After all, she was affected by the hundred times multiplier effect.

"What the f*ck! Do you know who you are talking to? Currently, our organization is already offering you a chance so that you can improve. Do you know how many people Corvette whatever is being offered to you? But here you are, trying to act all high and mighty?" Watson could not hold it anymore and erupted.

Although he was trying to keep a low profile considering that there was someone who was a level above him who was dealing with Jack and Celine at the moment, but, he could not hold it anymore. After all, it seemed that Smith was too lenient on them.

"Do you think that just because you have managed to become superhumans at the age of 20 you are some big shots? Not at all. You might actually be strong in these small strongholds, but that is all. When you come to the big strongholds within the stronghold domain, your current power level is nothing." Watson continued.

"This is an offer that is being given to you. Right now, it is either you take it, or decide not to. But, let me warn you, if you do not agree to this, then, you are going to lose big." Watson completed whatever was on his mind in a single breath.

Although Smith did not like Watson interrupting, but, he felt that whatever Watson had said was actually true. He himself would have definitely decided to resort to other methods in order to convince Jack to join their organization, but, he was trying to be as lenient as possible.

At the end of the day, there was no need for them to bring an enemy back to their organization, to nurture him only for him to attack them in the future.

But, it seemed that whatever method he was trying to use would not work on the two of them. They had already stated that they wanted their freedom, and that was something that was impossible to get after all the efforts that the organization was going to put in order to make sure that they reached the top.

"So, Mr. Silver, why don't you tell me your final answer? Do you accept the invitation or not?" Smith asked, not caring anymore if Jack had looked at the offer that the organization was giving him or not.

Jack on the other hand looked at Smith as if he was looking at a retarded person. "Do you think that I was joking from the start? I already told you from the beginning that I have no Interest in joining any organization. It doesn't matter the amount of benefits that you want to offer me, but, I am not interested in the least. So, if this is what actually brought you here, I hope that you can leave. I still have a lot of things to deal with."

Smith's expression shifted a little. But still, he was able to control himself. He got to his feet, and looked at Jack directly into the eyes and said, "I'm sorry to inform you this Mr. Silver. But, no matter what decision you come to, you will have to come back with us to the organization headquarters."

At the same time as he said that, his stage 3 superhuman aura suddenly began erupting out of his body. It was clear that since they could not come to an agreement, he was definitely going to resort to using violence.

Although this was going to attract the attention of the other organizations present within the Stronghold, but, Smith no longer cared. After all, by the time that the other organizations received the news about what happened here, he would have already taken back Jack to the Force stronghold.

Jack had already been expecting something like this was going to happen. So, he did not react that much. But still, his muscles were already tensed up, ready to make a move the moment that Smith did anything.

Celine had also realized that this group seemed to be having the intention of doing everything with force. So, she also released her superhuman aura, at the same time, she began mobilizing the special ability that she possessed, telekinesis.

Ivy, Samantha, and Denali both took a few steps backwards. Currently, the pressure that was being emitted out of the bodies of the two superhumans was suffocating for ordinary humans like them.

Watson also got to his feet. But, he did not do anything, believing that it was definitely not going to be a problem for Smith to be able to handle this issue. After all, Smith was currently a single stage above Jack, and two stages above Celine.

For the superhumans, the difference between the stages was not to be underestimated. So, Watson himself who was currently at the second stage of the superhuman level did not even have a chance of trying to fight against Smith, who was currently at the third stage of the superhuman level.

Smith was just about to act when suddenly, he looked behind him. He was not the only one, as both Jack, Celine and Watson also looked towards the entrance of the store.

There was yet another superhuman aura that had erupted out of there. And, when they looked over, both Jack and Celine immediately realized that it was the old man that was in charge of protecting Derek.

Currently, there was a furious expression on his face as he looked at the group. But, he was a little dumbfounded after realizing that currently, inside this store, instead of two superhumans, there were actually four of them.

And more than that, there was even one of them that was at the same stage as him. He could not help but question himself, 'Could it be that the people of their background have suddenly began making a move? But, why is it like they are confronting each other instead?'

"Oh! It seems that we have a new guest. Why don't you introduce yourself?" Jack stated as he looked at the old man that had appeared at the entrance of the store. His demeanor was nonchalant, as if he was not in front of a stage 3 superhuman that was about to attack him.

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