Chapter 532 Cooperation

Sylvia took Jack and the group to a place where she resided, other than her own home. This was the place that she always stayed during the time that she was within the building where the pandas organization operations took place, when she needed some rest.

The room was quite simple, with only a few furniture present inside. The furnishing was quite exquisite, although they looked simple, but, the material that was used in its craftsmanship was high quality.

Jack and the group went ahead and sat on one of the sofas that was present inside the room. Sylvia on the other hand went and sat opposite them.

"Okay, what is it?" Jack questioned after the group settled.

"What I want is cooperation from you…" Sylvia started. But, she had not even finished what she was saying when suddenly, Jack stood up. He was not the only one, because even Celine stood up.

"If that is what you actually wanted, then, I guess that there's no need for us to continue discussing." Jack stated bluntly. After all, it was not long ago that he had just rejected someone that came over trying to bring him into a bigger organization. But, nonetheless, he refused.

Now, it seemed that Sylvia here was actually trying to make him join her organization. Wasn't that just a joke? He could only join this organization as the leader of the organization, and not as a member of the organization, a mere subordinate.

"Seriously? You cannot even wait until I finish whatever I'm trying to say?" Sylvia stood up and questioned in a displeased tone.

She thought about what she had just said, and, she realized that there was actually something wrong that could be misunderstood. She actually said that she wanted a cooperation from Jack, rather than stating that she wanted to cooperate with him.

From the way that she was saying it, it seemed that she was taking the superior position, something that a person like Jack was definitely not going to agree to. But nevertheless, she was not going to admit it so bluntly.

"There's no need for us to discuss something like this. I am not willing to join any organization." Jack said as he turned around and began walking towards the entrance of the room.

When Sylvia saw this, she panicked a little. But still, she maintained her composure, not revealing that she was feeling a little anxious.

"What I'm trying to say is that, I want the two of us to cooperate with each other. There are a lot of things that you can gain from me, and the same applies for me." Sylvia stated.

"I don't think that I can gain anything from you." Jack stated bluntly. Anyway, what he was saying was true. It might be true that the Panthers organization was the biggest organization present in the entire stronghold, but, it was the biggest organization present in a small stronghold.

When it came to the big organizations that were found in the big strongholds, then, the Panthers organization was no different from just an ant.

Frowning a little, Sylvia stated, "What if I tell you that I can provide you with information about the big strongholds? Right now, you have already offended two of them. And for that reason, you are going to have several enemies coming after you. Perhaps if I can give you information about them, that is enough benefit for you to cooperate with me, right?"

Jack's steps paused after hearing what Sylvia had said. What Sylvia was saying was actually true. What he needed was actually information about those big strongholds. Although it might be true that he was going to get stronger, but, he had to know how to deal with them in advance.

He might actually be able to get stronger faster due to the system, but, that was something that was going to happen only after he got enough resources. But, who could guarantee that the people from those big strongholds were not going to send stronger people after him, before he got even stronger?

"What kind of information can you provide?" Jack questioned without turning around. It was true that he was interested with this deal that Sylvia was saying, but, he still did not believe her.

She was a member of a small stronghold, so, how was it possible that she was capable of accessing information from the big strongholds? That was an Impossibility considering that people from the small strongholds were not allowed to enter the big strongholds, unless they were invited or had good enough reasons for doing that.

"I can tell you that the person that actually sent those from the Force organization is trying to be sneaky." Sylvia stated.

"It is not as if I don't know that. That is something that you can guess as long as you look at the power level of the people that were sent over." Jack responded. But, he was a little disappointed after hearing what Sylvia had said.

He had been expecting that perhaps she might be possessing information, something that he himself was not going to be able to access for the time being. But, it turned out that this was the information that she was saying?

It was not as if he himself had not realized that something like this was going to happen. After all, is Sylvia was a stage 2 superhuman, and she was a member of a small stronghold, then, there was no way that the members of the big strongholds would not possess people that were way stronger than she was.

But, they had actually sent a person who was only a single stage above him. Maybe it was because they underestimated him, but still, Jack thought otherwise.

His genetic structure was so strange, something that even he himself did not understand even after reading all the information that was available for him to read.

His genetic structure possessed nine colors, gold, green, blue, purple, orange, indigo, white, red, and silver. Normally, if a person possessed an ability, then that person was going to have the normal color of the genetic structure which was blue, added together with the color that represented the ability that they possessed.

But for him, not only did he not possess even a single special ability that he knew of, but, he even possessed several colors that proportionally occupied his genetic structure.

"What I'm trying to say is that, I already know who it was that was acting right now. It is just that, this person is trying to keep it low because he doesn't want the members of the Force organization headquarters to know about what he is doing." Sylvia stated frustratedly.

"You know him?" Jack was a little surprised. He turned around and looked at Sylvia, waiting for her to continue.

When Sylvia realized that she had already piqued Jack's attention, she felt relieved. Then after that, she looked at Jack and said, "If I provide you the information, then that implies that you have already agreed to cooperate with me. We will cooperate for the benefits of each other."

"What is it that you want in exchange for the information?" Jack questioned. It was true that he was interested in the information, but, if what Sylvia was going to ask was something that went above the price of the information that she was giving, then, Jack would not continue with this.

As for the price of the information that Sylvia was providing, he was the one who was going to set it. So, if what she asked exceeded this price, then, he was going to end this conversation here.

"What I need from you is your assistance in order to get to your mother." Sylvia stated.

Jack looked at her confusedly. Then, he said, "You should know that I am already looking for my mother. It is just that, I have not gotten enough foothold inside the Stronghold domain. So, the moment that I do that, I'll be focusing on looking for my mother's whereabouts."

Of course, Jack did not care if Sylvia lost out in the cooperation. But still, she wanted to know the real reason why Sylvia wanted to look for his mother. He already possessed a clue, but, that was just a clue, and not as if it was already determined.

"Of course I know that. But, this cooperation that I'm talking about is that, you will be helping my Panthers organization, other than looking for your mother's whereabouts." Sylvia stated.

"I don't think I have the time to continue worrying about some people that don't concern me. Taking care of an organization for someone, that is definitely not something that I'm going to do." Jack responded with a flat tone.

"What do you mean? What I'm trying to imply is that, you are going to assist my Panthers organization in case it is targeted by someone. But, if that person is way stronger than you are, then, there's no need for you to get involved." Sylvia stated.

Jack frowned. He thought about what Sylvia was saying, and to say the truth, it really looked simple. But still, there was only one problem. That was the fact that, the enemy that might come over to look for the Panthers organization might be weak, but still, that did not imply that the background that they possessed was weak.

So, that implied that if he got himself involved in whatever conflict that the Panthers organization would be having with an enemy that even Sylvia could not handle, then, he might end up creating even more unnecessary enemies.

It might be true that he was not afraid of trouble, but that did not imply that he was just going to go around looking for trouble. If he could stay peacefully within the stronghold domain, then, Jack would not really mind.

"The only way that I can help the Panthers organization in something like that, is if I am the owner of the entire organization." Jack stated after thinking for a moment.


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