Chapter 545 The Enemy is My Brother

"Actually, I am not a person from this small stronghold. Instead, I am a member of a big family, a member of the Devin stronghold." Sylvia stated.

Jack: "…"

Jack's mind immediately went blank after hearing what Sylvia had said. He had not actually expected that figure was someone from a big background like that.

But of course, what had caught his attention the most was the fact that, Sylvia stated that she actually came from the Devin Stronghold. And, for some reason, the system had actually decided that this Devin Stronghold was the one that he was supposed to conquer.

Could it be a coincidence or could it be that the system was playing a prank on him? After all, when it gave the details about Denali, it clearly stated that Denali had been trained by a mysterious organization, before she was sent over to him.

And somehow, it came to be that his mother was somehow involved with this organization that had trained Denali. And if this was a coincidence or not, Jack was not sure about it.

But, how could it be possible that there were actually two coincidences happening with the system? But, it was just that, he did not know if there was actually any relationship between the Devin Stronghold and his mother.

But in any case, at this moment, Jack immediately decided that he was going to go to the Devin Stronghold as soon as possible. At the end of the day, he could also conquer that place while at the same time trying to look for information about his mother.

Sylvia looked at Jack, and realized that other than a little surprise that appeared initially after he heard what she had said, there was no any other change of expression on his face. This immediately frustrated her, because she thought that Jack was going to be amazed by her background.

And, looking at the expressions of Denali and Samantha, the two ladies were actually acting nonchalantly, as if whatever she had said was not something big. At this moment, Sylvia could not help but try to think about what kind of background Jack actually possessed.

But still, she was totally confused considering that she already received information that Jack and his group had only registered as members of the stronghold domain a few days ago. That implied that, they were actually not members of the stronghold, and they had just arrived into the Stronghold domain.

But, that was something that did not make sense to her at all. How could it be possible that Jack had actually become a superhuman, and not only him, but even Celine was a superhuman, and she possessed a special ability as well.

The two of them getting to the superhuman level was actually not something big as long as they managed to get resources, which was something difficult to be able to get the resources of high level from the stronghold domain.

But, there was yet another thing that was completely different, something that required the equipment within the stronghold domain. That was, training the special abilities. Celine was able to control her ability quite well, although she had not mastered the special ability fully.

But, for her to be able to reach the level that she was having in the mastery of the special ability, that implied that she had trained for some time now. And, the level of training was not simple considering that she was able to control her ability quite well, unlike those that possessed the special ability that Sylvia had seen during the time that she was back in the Devin Stronghold.

After taking a deep breath, Sylvia decided to continue. "With the background that I possess, with the ability that my family possesses in that stronghold, it should not be difficult for it to be able to support the organization that you want to create."

Jack did not respond, but instead, he looked at Sylvia deeply. Then after a moment of silence, he asked, "Are you really sure that you can make a decision for your family? After all, there's no need for you to promise me something that you cannot actually fulfill."

Sylvia remained silent as she thought about this matter. It might actually be difficult for her to be able to make a decision for her family considering that the family was actually taken charge of by her sister-in-law.

It might be true that her brother was the actual leader of the family, but still, he was always absent because he was trying to be able to reach a higher level in combat power. At the end of the day, in the stronghold the main, whatever mattered the most was actually the personal strength that each organization or family possessed.

And for that reason, his sister-in-law was the one that was left in charge of the management of the family activities. So, that implied that, if she really wanted the family to support Jack's organization, then, that implied that she had to talk to her sister-in-law.

It was a good thing that the relationship between the two of them was not stiff, and, the two of them were actually friends. So, Sylvia actually believed that she was going to be capable of convincing her sister-in-law to be able to agree to this matter.

"It is true that I might not be capable of making the decision for the entire family, but still, I am capable of making an influence. There's someone that after I talk to her, she would be able to support you. And, you having her support is no different from having the support of the entire family." Sylvia responded.

Jack looked at Sylvia calmly. Then, he shook his head and said, "I really don't like uncertainties. So, it is completely impossible for us to be able to make a deal in the way that you are trying to make it look like."

Sylvia was not expecting that Jack was not going to agree even after she had said all this. She wanted to say something when she was stopped by Jack as he continued.

"You know, I'm trying to think about it, but I really don't think that this deal is worth it. At the end of it, if your family is from a named Stronghold, that implies that it is not weak at all. That implies that the enemy that you are talking about is definitely stronger than your family.

And if that is the case, why should I get myself involved in an issue that even your family cannot solve, just to gain the support of that same family that is completely helpless in this situation?" Jack asked, something that really did not make any sense to him.

Celine and the others also thought the same. After all, if what Jack was going to gain was actually the family, and not owning it, but instead, just the support that was completely unreliable, why should he put himself at risk, having more enemies for nothing?

Sylvia pursed her lips as she looked at Jack. To say the truth, even though she felt that Jack was making things difficult for her on purpose, but, after thinking deeply about it, she finally realized what the problem was.

Jack did not possess the full information about what was going on, so, he did not understand what kind of enemy it was that he had to deal with. So, that implied that without that information, Jack was definitely not going to agree to this matter.

But, that was something that Sylvia was not willing to reveal at all. But, in this situation that she was in, she had no choice. At the end of the day, she was the one that needed assistance from Jack, and not the other way round.

"The enemy that I'm talking about is actually my elder brother. He is the current leader of the family, and, he will definitely come over to take me back home. But, I just don't want to go home, at least not yet." Sylvia revealed.

The Information surprised Jack. He had not expected that the enemy that Sylvia was talking about all this while was actually her brother. And, he really could not find the logic in whatever she was saying.

"So, you are trying to tell me that after I offend your brother, your family is going to help me, support my organization, when your brother is actually the leader of the family?" Jack asked sarcastically.

Sylvia flinched for a moment, but she still gritted her teeth and replied, "My brother is actually the leader of the family, but, he doesn't take active part in the management of the family affairs.

All of this is actually taken care of by my sister-in-law. And, I'm pretty sure that my sister-in-law will be able to agree if I talk to her well. So, if she supports you, as long as my brother doesn't care, then, there will be no problem for my family to be able to support your organization that will be at its budding stage."

Jack raised his brows a little, as he thought about the matter deeply. To say the truth, he really did not need the support of a family from a named Stronghold for him to be able to develop an organization of his own.

It was just that, if he gained some support, then, the development was going to be faster, and, he was definitely going to be able to complete part of the system mission for the upgrade sooner.

"If you are sure about what you're saying, then, it is better that we sign a contract." Jack stated after a moment of silence.


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