'Whatever! Is it not just that the system wants me to beat up an enemy before looting them? Then there's no problem with me going ahead and offending as many people as possible so that I can get something from them, right? As long as I provoke them, they could be considered as my enemies, right?' Jack could not help but think to himself.

[If the host creates enemies all around intentionally with the aim of getting something from them, then, that income is not going to experience the multiplier effect.]

Jack: 😒

Jack could not understand where this system was getting this logic of its from. At the end of the day, wasn't it just an enemy? Additionally, the system had given him the task of conquering an entire stronghold.

Wasn't that him making an enemy intentionally? After all, who said that he had to conquer an entire Stronghold for him to be able to survive within the stronghold domain?

[That is not intentional. At the end of the day, you are doing that because the system gave you a task to complete. Additionally, if you don't complete that task, the punishment would definitely not be delayed.]

Jack was once again left speechless. It seemed that the system was insistent on this matter. At this point, Jack could not help but think, 'Could it be that the stash that the system possesses is about to be exhausted?'


To this thought of his, the system did not respond at all. But, Jack decided to set the matter aside for now, thinking about the enemies that he currently possessed.

He could decide to use the Devin Stronghold to boost himself further. Then, there was the Force organization, added to Derek's family. With only those three, he was already having a lot of trouble if he did not get stronger.

Initially, these three groups could be considered as trouble for Jack. But right now, they were actually a source of income for him. So, Jack was feeling excited that in his mind, he had already began planning his next moves for the next few days.

With that thought in mind, he left his bedroom with the special box that contained all the items that he had gotten from the system.

After arriving in the living room, he went ahead and gave Celine the serum. As for Denali, he gave her the pill. Of course, the two were the genetic lock breaking pill and serum.

As for Samantha, he looked at her and said, "I'm going to give you something soon. So, you don't have to be impatient or feel bad or neglected."

"I understand." Samantha responded. To say the truth, when she realized that Jack was giving Denali and Samantha something, and she on the other hand was not receiving anything, she could not help but be disappointed.

But in the next moment, after hearing what Jack had said, she got excited. This was definitely what she was looking for. Something from Jack was definitely not something simple, considering that he had even given Celine who was a superhuman a serum.

Although it might come a little bit late, but, she did not really mind waiting. Even if she was told to wait for a year, she would definitely wait for it. This was definitely a chance for her to be able to rise to the top. It was also during this moment that she thought that she really made the right decision.

Curiosity caught Sylvia. She looked at the two items that Jack had handed over to Celine and Denali curiously as she asked, "What are those for?"

The moment that Sylvia asked that question, both Denali and Celine focused on Jack. They brought their attention back from the items that they had been given, and waited for Jack to respond. They too were curious about what it was that Jack had given them.

Sylvia on the other hand was not sure about the items that Jack had given out. Although she was actually from the big stronghold, she really did not interact much with the resources there. At the end of the day, she left the Devin Stronghold long ago, before she became a superhuman.

"Those two should be able to enable you to increase your strength. Denali, it should not be difficult for you to be able to become a superhuman after taking that pill." Jack stated with a smile on his face.

The moment that Jack said those words, everybody in the room was actually shocked. Jack had actually given out something like that? And, even Celine was given one, implying that, even as a superhuman, the serum that she had been given was capable of improving her strength.

At this point, Samantha was envious of Denali. But, she thought that Denali deserved it. At the end of the day, Denali had been by Jack's side for a very long time now, and other than that, there was also the fact that the relationship between Jack and Denali was way better than the one that she shared with him.

As for Celine, although she was surprised, she was not that much shocked. At the end of the day, Jack had actually managed to make her a superhuman with just a single word.I think you should take a look at

Although she did not understand the mysteries behind that, but, she knew that in this world, there were definitely several abilities, and, perhaps Jack possessed one of them. And, perhaps that was what he had utilized in order to be able to strengthen her.

Sylvia on the other hand was completely dumbfounded. She did not believe that Jack was actually capable of taking out items like that. It might be true that Jack was a superhuman, but, being a superhuman did not guarantee that a person was capable of getting resources that were able to make superhumans.

So, the question in her mind at this point was that, where could have Jack gotten the items? Of course, she was not the only one that was thinking about that. Even Celine was curious about where Jack had gotten the pill and the serum, but, she did not ask since Jack did not say anything about it.

Jack was already keeping so many secrets from her, so, one more did not really matter. Additionally, she believed that Jack was going to tell her everything in due time.

"Jack, where did you get those? I'm pretty sure that even in the Stronghold the time from, it is not easy to be able to acquire resources like that. At least not for those that did not hold high positions within the stronghold." Sylvia asked curiously.

Jack completely ignored the question that Sylvia had asked, and went ahead towards Celine.

"Are you ready to have an improvement in your strength right now?" Jack asked as he looked at Celine.

Celine blinked her eyes as she looked at Jack before asking, "Like right now?"

"Of course. What other time did you think that you were going to take it? You know, you have to get stronger as soon as possible because we don't know what will happen next. We already have three enemies right now." Jack stated with a simple shrug of his shoulder.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure about this? From what I know, as long as you get something that is capable of improving the strength of a person, then, that person would have to engage in strenuous exercises." Sylvia stated as she looked at Jack confusedly.

She believed that since Jack was able to acquire these items, then, that implied that he actually knew how to use them. But, why was it that he was acting as if he didn't know?

"You don't have to worry about that. These ones will be effective immediately." Jack responded nonchalantly.

"Seriously?" Sylvia looked at Jack incredulously. But when she noticed that Jack was not responding, she decided to give up on that matter because she knew that as long as Jack decided not to respond, then, he was not going to say anything.

But, it was also during this moment that she thought of something. "Wait a minute. Didn't you have two enemies? Why has it suddenly become three?"

"You'll know about it soon. But, that is definitely not something that you should get worried about right now." Jack responded mysteriously.

Immediately after saying that, he went ahead and took a cartridge syringe before going back to where Celine was. Celine did not say anything but handed over the serum to Jack.

Placing the small bottle of serum into the cartridge of the syringe, Jack went ahead and prepared Celine's arm. After that, he injected the serum into Celine's body.

On the other hand, Denali went ahead and took the pill as well. Unlike the serum that needed to be injected into the bloodstream, the pill could be taken directly.

The moment that the two of them took the pill and the serum, changes suddenly began occurring in their bodies. At that moment, they felt that their bodies were filled with incredible strength, and they felt like they were going to explode at any moment.

Of course, the experiences of the two of them were quite different, although they were almost the same at the same time.

For Celine, she felt that there was something that was tightly holding her in place. But, after the serum was injected into her bloodstream, she felt that those chains that were holding her back was suddenly being loosened.

Then, with domineering force, the chains were broken, and she was released. It did not stop at that, but, several chains began breaking one after the other. And in no time, three chains had been broken.

The moment that the three chains were broken, Celine had reached stage four of the superhuman level. And with reaching this point, sudden changes began occurring inside her body and even outward, although the ones that were occurring outside of her body were quite minimal.


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