Chapter 558 They're Here


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Jack did not know about the fact that the person who had just arrived had already targeted him, and he was being brought over. Instead, he just continued with the production, something that took him about an hour to complete.

From this, he could already tell that whatever it was that he had produced was definitely not at the same level as the anti-laser armor that he had got in the blueprint from the system.

Nevertheless, something that took him an hour to be able to create was definitely not simple. It was just that, the materials that he had utilized were kind of low level. So, he could already expect that the device that he had created was definitely not going to last for a very long time.

The device that he had created was just like a normal watch. Other than that, on the sides facing towards the hand, there was an opening there. Whenever activated, it would stretch outwards and point the barrels of the device towards the opponent.

Then, by cleansing his fists, Jack would be able to attack. That was something that he had added to the device. Rather than controlling it with buttons, it just required him to clench his fist.

With the armor already placed on the mannequin, Jack took a few steps backwards. After ensuring that there was a distance of about 50 m between him and the mannequin, he aimed forward.

After that, he clenched his fist, and the moment that he did that, a few mechanical sounds could be heard coming from the watch that was on his wrist.

Then in the next moment, two barrels pointed towards the direction that he was aiming towards. Immediately after that, two bright red lasers shot towards the mannequin.

All of this happened in just a matter of a second. The transformation of the watch to the conversion into a weapon was just fast.

The moment that the two bright red lasers touched the armor on the mannequin, the armor suddenly lit up with a silvery glow.

Then what happened next was the two red lasers that had shot towards the mannequin got neutralized. It was as if they had just sunk into the armor, something that did not make any sense considering that the armor was actually solid.

After the light of the lasers dimmed down, Jack went ahead and looked at the armor on the mannequin. He realized that there was not even a scratch that was left on the armor. This was something that although he was expecting it, but, he thought that the probability of that happening was actually so low.

In any case, at this point, Jack could not help but wonder just what level of armor this one was. Then, could it be improved if he utilized higher level materials?

Just thinking of this, Jack was kind of excited. At this point, he began thinking of going to the big strongholds as soon as possible. So, with that decision in his mind, he turned around and looked at the dumbfounded Sylvia and asked, "When is that person going to come over? I need to move and go somewhere, so, we better deal with this matter as soon as possible."

Sylvia finally came back to her senses. To say the truth, she had actually never seen an armor of the same level as the one that Jack was testing. Of course, she could tell the power of the device that Jack was using to attack.

It was just that, the ability of the armor had completely overwhelmed that of the attacking device. So, she wondered if they are existed an armor like this even in her family. In any case, she did not know considering that she really did not pay much attention about the matters like that back at home.

As for Jack's question, she shook her head and responded, "I don't really know when he will be coming over. But, according to what I know, it should be soon enough. The only reason why they have not come over for me is simply because they did not really care much about me.

But with the abilities and resources that my family possesses, it is definitely not impossible for them to be able to know where I am as long as they want to."

"Can we make it so that he can come over tomorrow? I want to deal with him as soon as possible because I really want to leave. There's something of great emergency that I need to handle." Jack asked with a small frown on his face.

"How is that even possible? It is not as if I know where that person is currently at. In any case, I do believe that it will not take more than a week for him to be able to find me." Sylvia responded. At this point, she was wondering if there was something wrong with Jack's head.

After all, what was he expecting? In real sense, she was actually trying to avoid being taken back to her family. But here, Jack was actually trying to attract the attention of the person that was sent over to bring her back home?

"Isn't it simple? I'm pretty sure that if you decide to release information about who you really are, then, it is not going to be difficult for that person to be able to come here tomorrow. I do believe that your family possesses something that can move at a fast speed within the stronghold domain, right?" Jack responded as he began operating on the attacking device again.

"Are you kidding me? You want me to release information about who I am? I still have a lot of things that I need to take care of, and I'm definitely not going to allow myself to be taken back home without completing them. Additionally, I want to do everything without depending on my family." Sylvia responded. At this point, she was definitely not going to agree to this suggestion that Jack had made.

"What 'a lot of things' are you talking about? You have your own things to take care of, and I have my own. I hope that you don't really believe that I'm going to stay within this stronghold just to take care of you, right?" Jack raised his head from his workbench and looked at Sylvia with squinted eyes.

Sylvia thought about it, and she really found it a little absurd. After all, although it was true that they had actually signed a contract, it was for Jack to be able to help her in a situation where she was going to be taken away. So, for him to be able to fulfill his end of the contract, he had to be present where she was.

But if that was the case, then that implied that he was definitely not going to deal with his own things, and stay with her.

Although she really thought that it was quite funny that Jack was in this position, but, she thought about the long term situation. As long as she completed what she wanted, she was going to go back to her family in order to complete her end of the deal.

It was during that time that perhaps Jack could decide to create trouble for her family, making her to be in trouble if her family would decide not to support his organization.

"Okay, let's do this. I want you to help me with activation of something. After that, if I succeed, we will be going. And even if I don't succeed in that… I'll allow you to go as well." Sylvia stated. As for the last part of the sentence, she hesitated about it.

"Now, that's good. What is it that you want the activation for?" Jack nodded before he asked. He thought that this thing was definitely linked to the contract that his mother had signed, but, until now, he had not seen the item itself.

"It is not on me. You'll have to come with me to my mansion to get it." Sylvia stated. At this point, although previously she was hesitating even after signing the contract, but this time, she decided that she was going to trust Jack to help her with this.

"And oh, before that, I remember asking you about this. Will me activating that 'something' that you are trying to hide, have any effect on my mother? Because if it is going to affect her, then, we can cancel that part of the deal." Jack asked with concern clear in his eyes.

Although he had not met his mother for the past 5 years, but still, that did not mean that he hated her. Of course, he remembered the care that she gave him during his childhood. As for why she was suffering, he did not understand, but still, he knew that his mother loved him.

"I already asked my aunt about it. She told me that as long as it is I who is deciding on this matter, then, it is not going to affect your mother. In fact, she is going to be freed from the contract considering that what she was supposed to do had already been completed." Sylvia responded honestly.

That was actually the truth. She had already asked her aunt about this matter. According to her aunt, as long as the one that was supposed to have something done for them by another person who had signed the contract decided to have another person do that thing for them, then, that contract would be nullified.

As for the consequences of doing that, there was absolutely none of them. At the end of the day, although it was not something that was agreed by both parties, but the beneficiary of the contract was the one who had decided on the matter, then, the contract could be nullified.

"That's good if it is true. But let me warn you, if something really happens to my mother, I'll make sure that you pay for that." Jack stated coldly.

Sylvia was just about to say something when suddenly, they heard the sound of a vehicle stopping outside of the building. And at that point, Sylvia said, "They are already here."


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