Andina thought of something and took out a slightly yellowed scroll from her storage ring.

This scroll was different from normal ones. Its surface was covered with intricate patterns, looking very exquisite. At the same time, there was a faint energy aura on its surface, which was the energy in the air naturally attracted by this scroll.


Two goblin wanderers appeared behind Andina, wielding daggers and thrusting towards Andina’s back.

The silver-gray shield floating behind Andina seemed to be a prophet, immediately floating to her back.

The horizontal shield blocked the attacks of the two daggers.

But almost at the same time, a figure appeared in front of her, a rapier fiercely thrusting from the side!

As if penetrating soft leather, the delicate white neck was pierced by the cold blade, piercing from the front neck all the way through the back neck.

Hot blood splattered backward from the tip of the rapier.

“Young lady!”

Dempsey witnessed the scene with fury burning in his eyes. If looks could kill, that goblin would have been slain countless times by him already. Standing aside with his sword, he suddenly drew the long sword in his hand, covering the surface of the long sword with a layer of dark blue aura, and threw it towards Redeyes.

Redeyes drew out its rapier, rolling back to avoid the sword.

The rapier was pulled out of Andina’s neck, spurting out a stream of red blood. Andina covered her neck in pain.

The two goblin wanderers behind her continued to wave their daggers. Although the strength of the goblin wanderers was not superior, their speed was their innate advantage.


The silver-gray shield finally couldn’t bear the weight and shattered into countless fragments, disappearing into nothingness.

Andina’s eyes flashed with determination. She was ready to tear open the magic scroll, even if it meant death, she would make that despicable commoner pay the price.

Suddenly, the fist that Redeyes was holding loosened, and a vine, like a poisonous snake, shot out from its tightly clenched left hand, wrapping around Andina’s wrist.

Spell—’Whip of Thorns’.

As a spell that could entangle and attack, Lynn had never revealed the fact that he could use this spell.

During this period of experimentation, Lynn discovered that he didn’t necessarily need to personally hold the thorn seed to cast ‘Whip of Thorns’.

As long as he was within a certain distance, he could remotely control the thorn seed.

This gave Lynn more tactical options.

Of course, the controlled ‘Whip of Thorns’ also had its weaknesses. It didn’t have roots, so although it could entangle and lash, it was difficult to effectively restrain without a point of leverage at its other end.

Now, with the thorn seed held by Redeyes’ hand, it fiercely pulled it back, causing Andina to stumble and fall to the ground in embarrassment, her golden hair falling into the dust.

Her delicate wrist was covered in blood from the thorn’s spikes.

With only one hand, she couldn’t tear open the magic scroll.

“Ha!” Redeyes rushed forward, kicking the magic scroll away, and the rapier slashed against Andina’s neck with force, severing more than half of her head, including skin and flesh.

“Andina!” Dolores cried out like a bloodied cuckoo, letting out a piercing scream.

It was over. Andina was dead!

“You’re a madman,” Anousheh’s face changed abruptly. He had said there was an official wizard behind Andina, yet he dared to kill her.

Even daring to kill Andina, he didn’t think his status as a member of the royal family was much more special than that of Andina at this moment.

“Goodbye,” Lynn said calmly.

The two goblin mad hatter shamans beside Lynn sniffed the air filled with blood and let out excited screams.

The top of the magic staffs, larger than their heads, emitted dense electrical sparks. With the buzzing of the arcs, two beams of electricity shot from the top of their magic staffs towards Anousheh.

Anousheh didn’t even have time to cast a second spell.

The two small lightning bolts arrived in an instant, their violent light crackling, accompanied by faint explosions.

Anousheh wanted to resist, but facing Lynn and the two goblin mad hatter shamans, he was ultimately corroded by a flying ‘Acid Missile’.

“Master,” Redeyes returned with a head in its hand, seeking praise.

For goblins, if they hunted down valuable prey, they liked to chop off the prey’s head as a trophy.

It was also a way to show off.

However, considering Andina’s identity, Lynn felt it was better not to go too far and just kill her.

“Well, dig a hole and bury it.”

“Don’t kill the remaining goblins for now. See if they can be surrendered. If they can surrender, keep them. If they can’t, go down and accompany them.” Lynn said.

“Yes, Master! Master is truly wise and brave. Under the Master’s leadership, we have actually defeated enemies who outnumber us!” Redeyes praised.

Lynn shook his head, walked to Andina’s headless corpse, and squatted down to search, taking out all the miscellaneous items and valuables from her body and placing them aside.

The most important of these was the earring she wore on her ear.

This should also be a piece of magic armor.

And it could withstand the ‘Terror’ spell once, and then resist so many physical attacks before being shattered. This magic armor was definitely not bad.

The only regret was that it was a somewhat feminine earring, which might not be suitable for himself to wear.

Later this evening, he would take some time to see if he could make slight alterations to the earring, maintaining its functionality while giving it a more masculine appearance.

Suddenly, Lynn realized the importance of learning alchemy. It could be quite useful for selling off stolen goods!

No, wait, he corrected himself. His thinking was flawed. How could this be stolen goods? It was clearly his family’s cherished heirloom.

Your earring is feminine, while mine is masculine.

In the wizarding world, there were so many spells, it was normal to have similar defensive spells.

“Master, all the goblins surrendered, but those two humans not only refused to surrender but also killed our two goblin warriors, so they’ve been dealt with,” Redeyes hurried over to inform Lynn.

“They all surrendered?” Lynn was somewhat surprised.

“Yeah,” Redeyes nodded.

After a moment of silence, Lynn shook his head. It seemed that goblins could only fight when the odds were in their favor, but considering the goblins’ nature and character, it was understandable.

He had thought there might be some who would rather die than surrender, but now it seemed that character wouldn’t change much even after undergoing transformation rituals.

Perhaps sensing Lynn’s thoughts, Redeyes patted its chest and said, “I only pledge allegiance to Master. I am Master’s dog. If you die, I definitely won’t surrender.”

“Clean up the battlefield, Lauren. Go and collect the loot from the corpses,” Lynn instructed Lauren.

Lauren had been by his side the longest and was already proficient in the task of searching corpses.


Wizard’s Hall.

Diasterdan looked at the image in the mirror, taking a sip from a glass of wine. His expression revealed no joy or anger.

“This kid’s character is like mine, decisive in killing,” Harin said with his hands behind his back, a smile appearing on his cold face.

“I now tend to believe what you said. He might indeed secure the top spot,” Diasterdan remarked.

“But… I am curious. If he really does secure the top spot, will he join the Abyss Wizard Academy, or will he join the Mechanist City?” Diasterdan said cryptically.


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