I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 34: A White, Sticky Liquid With A Fishy Smell Sprayed From The Lower Body.

As the sunset faded and night gradually fell, after a tough struggle with the monsters and tending to the damaged carriages, I wearily sat in one of the carriages and reviewed the situation with Merilyn.

“We’re lucky there were no casualties.”

“Yes, indeed. It was close, but everyone managed to hold their ground.”

The Adventurers’ Guild had measures in place to ensure a minimum level of capability by assigning classes.

No matter how inexperienced the adventurers escorting the caravan were, as long as they remained alert, they could handle monsters of their level.

“Damn, weren’t there any priests to lend a hand?”

“Do you think high-level personnel like priests would be in the luggage compartment? They all went with the higher-ranked adventurers!”

Of course, this wasn’t a world where you could function perfectly fine with just 1 HP left, like in a game.

Even if you emerged victorious from a battle, wounds persisted, and without proper treatment, it wouldn’t be long before death ensued or the injuries impeded future endeavors.

“Let’s find a priest later. For now, we’ll make do with first aid using potions.”

“Those who are injured, come here and show me your wounds.”

One advantage was that we were protecting a caravan, and the caravan had a vested interest in ensuring the well-being of the adventurers for its own safety.

We managed to secure some rather valuable potions at no cost, but the adventurers’ faces, as they approached the potions, were etched with what could only be described as terror.

“Aaah! What have I done to deserve this agony?!”

“Kraaak! The secret base of the death squad is in a cave in the northern empire!”

“Just end me now!!”

Such exclamations could cause serious issues if overheard by a Knight of Death.

While it was reassuring to see them so lively that they’d likely be ready to fight again soon, the expression on the face of the caravan leader, who was in charge of the group, was far from cheerful.

“So, what’s our next move?”

The adventurers who had been commissioned and the merchants belonging to the caravan all expressed anxiety about the current situation.

While they had anticipated monster attacks on the caravan, they had only accounted for the occasional large one or the smaller ones that appeared sporadically.

Although a broken carriage could be repaired and used again, no one could guarantee that such an incident wouldn’t recur.

“I think it’s best to go back and regroup first.”

“No, we’re not far from the garrison area. Wouldn’t it be a waste to go back now?”

“But there’s no guarantee that we won’t be attacked again, right? We could be wiped out before we even reach the garrison area…”

“Do groups of monsters really appear that often? Isn’t it a bit much to think they’ll come in a group again?”

“Think carefully. We might not have had any deaths this time, but it could have easily gone wrong!”

Everyone was arguing whether to proceed to the garrison area as planned or to step back for a while, considering the possibility of another monster swarm attack.

Amid the heated exchange of opinions, the caravan leader, caught in the middle, began to sigh, his face crumpled in frustration.

“…Ugh, this is a headache.”

From his perspective, neither choice would be easy.

As much as life was precious, for merchants, credit was considered even more important.

If we didn’t reach the garrison tonight and resupply with both materials and adventurers, it could end up causing trouble for the garrison…

“…Hyo-sung, are you okay?”

A cautious question came when I was looking at the situation with serious eyes.

After organizing my thoughts, I quietly put on a mask, stood up, and patted Merilyn’s shoulder.

“It’s okay. It’ll work out somehow.”

Having faced such dangers numerous times before, I did not consider the situation entirely hopeless.

Although I heard from Airi that I would die on this mission, I brought Merilyn as a solution to that.

Yes, at least there was a way to survive whatever lay ahead.

“This is what I think.”

With that confidence, I prepared to propose my best plan of action to them.

I put on a mask, fearing that people who recognized me might become confused.

“I think it’s best to head toward the garrison area first.”

“Going to the garrison, are you out of your mind?”

“I understand your concern. If monsters appeared near the garrison, it’s reasonable to doubt if the garrison is functioning properly, especially since we’re about to arrive.”

Yes, it wasn’t only the journey that was dangerous.

The area near the garrison was usually cleared out periodically.

The fact that monsters had attacked in such groups suggested that the situation had been bad enough to preclude any clearing for at least half a day.

“But everyone, if the garrison area had fallen, they would have sent a messenger or a carrier pigeon to inform us here. No matter how dangerous it is outside the empire, a place established by the empire for defense and investigation wouldn’t fail to take such a measure.”

“Well, if there has been absolutely no attempt like that, it might not be very dangerous…”

At that moment, as they started to sway under the reasoning of the argument, I hurried to clinch my argument before anyone could counter.

“And most importantly, having faced monsters moving in groups, there’s no guarantee that we can safely escape if we turn back now.”

“Why is that?”

“Usually, when they approach in groups like this, it means either the area has a cluster of monsters or there’s a tamer nearby leading them.”

A cluster was a place where an environment for the periodic birth of monsters had naturally formed.

But the garrison area would not have been neglected long enough for such a thing to naturally form, so that possibility could be ruled out from the start.

“If there are those who can command the monsters… Could it be…?!”

“Yes, perhaps the Demon King’s army has amassed near the garrison area for some reason. We unluckily stumbled upon them while they confronted the garrison.”

The Demon King’s army.

Beings that appeared decades ago, tearing through the dimensional portal, turning everything to ruins, and reigning as humanity’s primary enemy.

Although the birth of monsters wasn’t directly linked to them, the number of monsters increased dramatically after the collapse of the dimensions, and some of the demons were born with the ability to control these monsters.

The reason these instinct-driven monsters move so collectively was essentially due to the Demon King’s army’s interference.

“However, the fact that monsters are roaming around this area, not just near the garrison, likely means the Demon King’s army hasn’t properly targeted the garrison yet. The tamer leading the monsters might be scouting the surroundings for a point of attack or spreading the horde indiscriminately to block external entry.”

“…That certainly makes sense.”

“If there really is a swarm of monsters spread throughout this area, there’s no guarantee we can escape even if we run now.”

“Considering it’s nighttime and we’re surrounded by the forest…”

Yes, slowly, those in opposition were starting to agree with me.

With several injuries incurred, if we retreat and encounter another swarm of monsters, it won’t be easy to get through it like before.

If retreating involved risk, joining the still-standing garrison for resupply and reinforcement might improve our chances of survival.

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

A shout erupted from the group just as such an opinion was about to be voiced.

Then, a woman with black hair, dressed in typical adventurer attire like leather belts and a cloak, approached us.

“Do you realize the risk of entering the garrison area, where we might confront the Demon King’s army, could mean we might get swept away with the garrison?”

“Certainly, if we confront the Demon King’s army, it’ll be dangerous. But we came here on a commission, right? We have to take some risks to get paid…”

“Ha! Anyone listening would think we’re here risking our lives for fun.”

She said in an irritated tone.

Then she scowled and glared at me with angry eyes.

“The only reason we accepted this commission was that we thought we could do some scouting and have it easy. It was supposed to be a task even low-rankers could handle comfortably. Having to fight more dangerous battles than before clearly breaches our contract!”

“No, it’s not a breach of contract. The garrison area was established for such purposes, and our safe passage assumes nothing happens…”

“Who do you think is talking about that now? The important thing is that I, who accepted the commission, never anticipated such a situation!”

She yelled, glaring at me as if she wanted to kill me.

Her fierce attitude implied she was absolutely certain she was right.

“If you’re going on a suicide mission because of some damned sense of duty, I won’t stop you, but don’t drag me into it! Unlike you, my life is precious to me!”

“Yeah, right. The guild was wrong not to mention this in the first place!”

“I’m going back!”

More people began to agree with her.

As the number of adventurers siding with her approached a majority, the merchants observing the situation also seemed to lose heart, showing expressions of shame to the caravan leader.

“Sorry, Caravan Leader. We came here to make a living, so taking big risks…”

“…I understand. I can’t go with you since I have my own commission, but I’ll at least provide the necessary supplies and carriages for the journey.”

The caravan leader appeared to reluctantly agree, as if he felt the two conflicting opinions could not coexist.

After some discussion, the group led by the woman who had scolded me prepared to return the way they had come, boarding carriages laden with only the most essential supplies.

The moment the number of people was halved, though not necessarily the supplies, there was a notable shift in the atmosphere.

Those who remained were seasoned veterans, their experience as adventurers serving as their guarantee, but the decreased numbers cast a shadow on the situation.


Not all of the remaining members were fighters, which included non-combatants like Merilyn.

“Are you really okay? According to your guess, we’re heading towards the Demon King’s army…”

Merilyn’s eyes darted back and forth along the road that led to the garrison area.

She seemed to be sensing the ominous future that awaited us.

“…Yes, based on everything I’ve experienced so far, I believe this is the best course of action.”

I reassured her while taking a moment to examine a note I had pulled from my pocket.

Even without this note, I likely would have opted to head to the garrison under the current circumstances.

The ‘crisis’ I was to open this note for must be lurking ahead.

Despite being advised to save creating a variable for a desperate moment, I felt an urgency as though that time was still to come.

Was the survival mentioned in this note meant for both me and those who had joined me?

Or was it reserved solely for myself? It was difficult to determine…


At that moment, a scream pierced the air.

The caravan leader, on the verge of departure, released the reins and quickly shifted his attention towards the source of the outcry.

Indeed, it was the scream of the adventurer I had quarreled with before.

“Kyaak! This… this vile creature… What has it sprayed on me?!”

The scene that unfolded before my eyes, not far off, featured a monster that had suddenly appeared among us.

The slime ejected from its lower body had been precisely aimed at the female adventurer, coating her.

The white, viscous slime covered her entirely, drenching her chest in particular.

“Ugh! The… the stench… What… what is this?!”

The woman grimaced as she felt the liquid on her body.

Her eyes widened in horror when she saw it seemingly seeping into her flesh.

“Ha… A white, sticky liquid from its lower body… Could it be?!”

Indeed, it was just as she suspected.


The monster had sprayed her with an acidic liquid.


She screamed as her body painfully dissolved.

The acid, which had dissolved her clothes, quickly melted her skin and flesh, spilling out her insides.

As it all gruesomely melted and mixed on the ground, the monster, driven by hunger, opened its lower mouth to consume the remains.

“Damn, more monsters! They’ve ambushed us!”

“Why did they have to come our way?”

“Just deal with it quickly!”

“Ah, no. There are too many… Aaagh!”

The monsters, hidden in the darkness of the forest, had swarmed them in an ambush.

If a proper defense line had been established, they might have responded well, but now their strength is half of what it once was.

If left unattended, their total annihilation was inevitable.

“What should we do? If we just leave them like this…”

“Don’t worry about it and start moving!”

The hesitating adventurers heard a firm voice among them.

It was I who called out to them.

“No, to leave and go like this…”

“We’re already surrounded and have lost a significant number of our forces in the ambush. Trying to help now will only increase our own losses!”

If we had all gone the same way, we might have at least stood back to back to survive, but since we had gone our separate ways, neither standing together nor helping each other was feasible or obligatory.

Even if it seemed heartless, we had to leave them behind.

Otherwise, we would all die too.

“…Damn, let’s go!”

The caravan leader, reluctantly agreeing with me, instructed the merchants pulling the carriages to start moving.

Soon, the carriage carrying the survivors, including myself, began to race roughly down the forest trail.

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