I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 35: Otherworldly Anal Masturbation Gallery (3)


Poporing Spyria’s small fist slammed down on the store counter.

“Ah! Really, thinking about it again makes me so angry… What? Adult toys?!”

She couldn’t get yesterday’s comment from the gallery out of her mind.

She knew she had been manipulated emotionally, but even so, she couldn’t stand it.

ㅇㅇ(892.151): A know-it-all? Hahaha. Ah~ I'm so turned on, I'll have to use a Poporing Commerce vibrator. Hahaha.

“Really, such a dirty bastard!! …Using my creation for that kind of thing!!”

In fact, Poporing’s tolerance for trolling was quite high.

It was only natural since she used a VPN to troll in galleries for fun herself.

If the gallery persona ‘Dark Emperor’ had received such vulgar comments, she would have been pleased to attract attention, but it made no sense for her to be this angry.


When her IRL persona ‘Poporing Commerce’ was attacked, she was so angry she couldn’t sleep.

“If it weren’t for the anonymity, I would have definitely thrashed them!!”

Poporing had never made or sold anything as lowly as adult toys.

She was not lacking in pride as a craftswoman; she just didn’t have money!

The vibrator was something she had made for personal use due to shoulder pain from her chest, and it had only been commercialized later.

It was never intended to be an adult toy!!

No, before it was commercialized, she didn’t even know that vibrators could be used ‘that way’!

“The world is wrong! It’s all wrong!! It’s insane that a talented magic tool creator like me is stuck in this shabby shop!!”

Bang─! Thud-

As Poporing slammed the counter again, an ‘Orc Aphrodisiac’ fell to the floor.

“…Ah. …That, that’s strictly for livestock breeding… that’s all it is… I haven’t… sold it to any suspicious person…”

Mumbling excuses to herself, Poporing picked up the fallen ‘Orc Aphrodisiac’ and put it back in its place.

Thinking about it, she had once sold it to a suspicious person wrapped up from head to toe after she hadn’t eaten in days. But surely it wasn’t for human consumption.

“Really… If this research succeeds… I’ll rise to the top… Please… let it be a success…”

Wriggle─ Wriggle─

Then, as if understanding that it was being discussed, something in a jar began to move.

“Haah… The rent is due next month… Why are there no customers…”

The old shop, passed down from her grandmother, was in a terrible location.

It was in the capital, but you had to walk down a narrow alley where carriages couldn’t pass to finally get there.

When her grandmother ran it, she managed to get by, thanks to loyal customers over many years and her great persuasiveness…

“Welcome… please… come in…”

With Poporing’s unsuitable character for sales and the nearby branch of ‘Redrose Commerce’, business was now completely dead.

“Ugh… I really might be kicked out this time.”

Poporing’s house, where she had paid a deposit of 5 million and a monthly rent of 450,000 Eris.

The deposit was already used up, and the rent was two months overdue.

The landlord had said that if she didn’t pay this month, she would be forcibly evicted, so it seemed she would have to live in this cramped shop from next month.

“…Maybe… my life is really ruined?”

As she seriously pondered her future, her hands and feet grew cold, and breathing became difficult.

“That, that can’t be true! I… I have talent!”

Poporing desperately tried to cheer herself up, fearing her thoughts would become irreversible.

“Yeah, that’s right! I just haven’t succeeded yet! Yes, yes! I’m still young!”

Yeah, her life couldn’t have been ruined.

Because she really had talent!

It’s just the world that couldn’t recognize it!


Just then, proving her point, the sound of the store door opening was heard.


He was handsome.

That was the only thought left in Poporing’s mind as soon as she saw the customer’s face.

He was tall with broad shoulders, yet his smiling face retained a boyish innocence.

Black eyes deep enough to draw you in and slightly playful red lips.

“Are you open?”

The only flaw she could forcibly find was his unstyled, almost bushy, blonde hair… but even that had a wild charm like a lion.

“Ah! You are open. Are you currently doing business?”

“…Yes..Yes…YesYesYes!…I, I, I’m open for business!!”

Poporing, who usually struggled to speak properly to people, found it impossible in this situation.

“W-What… what… what would you… like… to buy?”

“Ah… um… I’m looking for a vibrator… one that can be controlled remotely.”

“V-Vibrator… you said?… Ju-Just a moment… please..!!”

While rummaging through the counter for the product, Poporing suddenly remembered a post by the administrator.

[Guys, I've recently become interested in anal masturbation. Is the beginner vibrator here any good??]

‘…Co-Could it be… for… that… kind of use?’

Again, Poporing was full of pride as a craftsman, not just someone without money.

Even if the customer was extremely handsome, she would never sell it if it was for ‘that kind of use’!

“Th-Th-Th-That!!… Ju-Just a moment!”

“Yes. What is it?”

And as soon as she saw the customer’s face, Poporing decided not to ask.

Logically, someone who looked like that wouldn’t be into anal masturbation!

‘…Ri-Right… the… administrator is ugly and a… a sexual harasser…!’

On the other hand, this man looked like even if he committed rape, it would automatically be considered consensual.

“Ah… um… this… this… here!….. Th-This is a service…..”

Poporing, searching for words, handed over the gel she had grabbed along with the vibrator.

It was a massage gel she occasionally used when her neck felt stiff from poor sleep.

“Ah, thank you. How much is it?”

“Well… the… vibrator is… 200,000… no… 180,000 Eris… please…”

“Here you go. Thank you. I’ll come again.”

“Yes… Yes!… Thank you… Do… Do come again…”


“…He… He said… he’ll… come again…! Heheh!”

Poporing smiled broadly, clutching the money in her hand as the store door closed.

“It’s more expensive than I thought.”

A tiny vibrator the size of a thumb for 180,000 Eris…

That almost exhausted this month’s tight budget.

[Poster: ㅇㅇ(74.812)]

[Haha, I got hunted today][23]

A handsome guy came into the store, and I gave him a discount because he was so good-looking. He said he'd come to see me again and left in a hurry. What should I do? Haha, should I accept him or not? Hahaha.

"There really are such people in the world..."

ㄴㅇㅇ(39.919): Hmm... Isn't this person the one who makes 150 billion Eris a year? That kind of person runs a shop personally? Haha, I'm just laughing here ^^

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.812): The self-proclaimed thief girl is back, haha. You'd understand if you stopped stealing and worked, haha. Yep, I go out occasionally for fun~

ㄴㅇㅇ(39.919): Hahaha ^^ Sure, sure. I knew it when you started that nonsense about making 150 billion Eris. You're just a delusional patient, haha.

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.812): Yeah~ Next, a loser thief girl who can't even steal properly, haha.

As soon as the gallery opened, it was the usual peaceful scene.

I wanted to watch their fight a bit longer, but the carriage was almost due to arrive, so I quickly logged out and left a comment.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): You bitch.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Yes...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Prepare for a walk tonight.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: ...Yes, Master...

It was time to advance my relationship with Lady Yuris.

Rustle─ Rustle─

Yuris, clad in a long coat, traversed the bushes toward the old school building in the dead of night.


Walking caused her pain as her nipples chafed against the coat—her sole garment—yet this was the attire her Master commanded.

Two weeks had passed since her Master uncovered her identity.

She had to keep notifications enabled in the gallery and respond instantly to her Master’s comments, even in church.

She was required to masturbate daily, but she always had to ask for permission before climaxing.

She needed to request permission before urinating.

Contrary to her apprehensions of blackmail, apart from these three stipulations, her relationship with her Master remained largely unchanged.

There were demands like this walk, of course, but she saw them as her natural duty as a bitch.

She felt thankful that her Master had not raped her.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: I've arrived... Master.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Yeah, I see you. Strip.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Yes...

Yuris, visible from the duty room window where her Master observed, shed her coat.


ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Seems to get bigger every time I see it haha. How did you ever hide that?


A mix of shame and pleasure.

She was overwhelmed with shame the first time she ventured on a walk…

But now, even Yuris could not deny that her pleasure far outweighed her shame.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: ...Thank you...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Good girl, bitch. Stop talking, and get on all fours.


Though aware her Master couldn’t hear her, Yuris obediently barked and got down on all fours.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Hahaha, good job. Now, assume the endurance pose.


It was one of the bitch poses her Master had made her learn.

Squatting with clenched fists, legs splayed to expose everything to her Master…


She had to display a smile as though she were genuinely joyful.

‘Ah…♥Ah… it’s… a command..!’

It wasn’t a real smile of joy.

It was simply part of the endurance pose, so she smiled.

At least that’s what Yuris kept reminding herself…

“Huh…!… I… I want to pee…!!”

Perhaps because the cold wind was directly touching her skin, the urge to pee, which she had almost forgotten, came surging back.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Bitch, what are you doing not in pose?

ㄴSacred Power Container■: I'm sorry... Master...

ㄴSacred Power Container■: But, bitch... wants to... pee... Please... let me use the bathroom...

“Please… I beg…”

Today, because the Master hadn’t allowed the use of the bathroom, Yuris had faced several critical moments, but this time, she truly couldn’t hold it any longer.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Bathroom? Go ahead.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Th-Thank you...

Relieved by her Master’s permission, Yuris was about to stand up when another notification sounded.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): What are you doing? Where are you going?

ㄴSacred Power Container■: To the bathroom... You gave me permission...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Hahaha, the bathroom is behind you.

“…Behind… behind?”

Yuris looked back, but all she saw were trees.

“There’s nothing there… Eh?… Could it be…?”

Before Yuris could fully grasp the shocking thought…

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Bitch. Peeing position.

The Master’s command was given.

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