A quiet alley.

Delinquent high school students swing their fists at an old man.

Whack! With the sound, the old man grabs his stomach, where he was hit.

At the same time, he drops his wallet like a mob in a game dropping a reward.

"Ah~ That's why you should have given it to us quickly~ You're making us look like the bad guys~"

"Cough! Cough!"

The old man is so scared that he can't say a word even though the delinquent students are robbing his money.

He just lowers his head despite their sarcasm.

He's old and weak, and on top of that, he can't help but be afraid of the bigger high school students.

He's helpless, and even if he runs away, he'll definitely be caught, so the old man just stays still.

"Tsk. This is no fun."

The high school students, fed up with the lack of response, snatched the wallet that fell and disappeared.

Even though they were far enough away to be out of sight, the old man didn't move.

The reason was because he was pathetic.

He felt disgusted at himself for not resisting even once.

He thought he should have at least cursed at them, but he couldn't bring himself to chase them and retaliate.

Was it really right for him to back down from the students just because he was old?

The pitiful sight of himself was more painful than the physical pain.

It's not just about having his money stolen this time.

He had been timid since he was young, so he had experienced such things often, and when he had grown up and gradually forgotten about it, the fear he had not overcome had once again taken hold of him.

The old man stood up hesitantly.

And what caught his eye was a stick that he had no idea where it had come from.

It was a stick that was almost rotten.

If that stick had been sturdy, if it had been able to defeat even fearless high school students, would he have had the courage to resist?

If his body had been stronger, would he have been able to win? The old man picked up the stick and swung it.

Whoosh... Crack.

The stick broke. His arm joints hurt from swinging it around for no reason.

"...Are you looking for a useful weapon?"

Suddenly, a strange voice was heard.


Even with his dull reflexes, he was startled and quickly turned around to see something that wasn't human standing there.

The cracking sound of the joints and the wooden parts that made up the body.

It was a wooden puppet.

The puppet was looking at him with eyes that he couldn't tell if they were fakes.

"You're weak. Your arms, joints, and nerves are dull. It's inefficient."

"Who are you...?"

With all his courage, the old man asked its name.

The puppet kindly answered.

It spoke concisely in a voice that could be either male or female.

"My name is Pinocchio. A devil. By the way, don't you need a weapon? Or do you need a tool rather than a weapon?"

"A devil?!"

The old man was startled and stepped back.

The fear he felt facing this puppet was on a completely different level than from the high school students. His mind went blank.

He tried to run away right away, but his legs wouldn't move.

Pinocchio's next words were what made the dull old man run away without thinking.

"That arm of yours. I can remove that bothersome arm and give you a powerful mechanical one. How about it? Does that sound good?"

The puppet showed off a strong-looking arm and moved to cut off his own.

Pinocchio told him not to be afraid because he could adjust it without pain, but the old man couldn't think clearly anymore.



Pinocchio didn't bother to hold on to the old man who ran away.

It was the old man who turned down the opportunity.

"Oh dear, he ran away. Why is that? Well, change is always scary. I can understand."

Pinocchio muttered something like that, then looked at his watch and realized.

"This is not the time... I came here as if I was drawn to something. How inefficient. I must go."

Pinocchio continued to look at the old man who was still running away, having slowed down.

For some reason, he couldn't take his eyes off the old man.

The old man, running too fast for his age, began to wobble, and soon lost his balance and fell.


Pinocchio created crutches for the old man without him noticing.

The old man grabbed the crutches and kept running.

After confirming he was safely out of sight, Pinocchio turned away.

"Don't get beat up anymore, old man."


He mumbled the words without thinking.

He wondered why he was muttering something like that.


No... No way.

There's no way he, who is not human, could have feelings.

He is a puppet. And a tool. At the same time, a devil.

He has no heart.

It must have been some kind of malfunction.

Thinking this, Pinocchio went on his way.


POV Switch - Alice

I was heading to Kyeong-min's house to fulfill his request.

I was mentally exhausted from being tormented by Eun-jeong, but a promise is a promise, so I shouldn't be late.

Please! I have to make a good impression on Kyeong-min.

I have teased Kyeong-min and Suho for a long time, so I don't know what kind of request (revenge) he'll make.

...No, it's fine.

I trust Kyeong-min.

It's just that Eun-jeong is a bit of a weirdo, which is why I suffered through all that!

"Awww, my baby. How adorable!"

While I was thinking about something else, a mother walking with her baby in a stroller came into view.

She was walking down the street, playing with the child in an exaggerated high tone.

The baby's giggles made me smile and I couldn't take my eyes off them.

I was passing by a tree while glancing at the stroller. That's when it happened.

A stray dog ​​suddenly ran up to the baby and barked fiercely.

It didn't seem like the dog intended to bite, but it was definitely threatening the baby and mother.

The baby started to cry in fear, and the mother tried to run away in a panic.

But I stopped her.

"No, you can't. If you do that, the trauma will only remain. Even if you erase this memory, you still need to overcome it."

"Who... Who are you?"

I gave the baby a stick.

I sent the baby a look, and somehow, the baby understood. With a determined expression, the baby swung the stick and hit the dog on the head.


The dog was stunned for a moment.

There was no major damage, but the dog, agitated, tried to bite the baby.


I released a small bit of my aura, scaring the dog away.

The baby, thinking it had chased the dog off, started laughing.

I quickly ran away, avoiding the mother's puzzled stare.


"You're here, Alice."

"This is the third request."

Kyeong-min opened the door.

Behind the door was a woman who was wearing glasses just like Kyeong-min and looked very strict.

She must be his mother.

"Hello. I'm Alice, Kyeong-min's friend."

Judging from her strict appearance, I thought she would value manners, so I bowed 90 degrees to greet her.

Her expression softened, as if my behavior wasn't so bad.

Even if it were me, I would have been worried that my son's friend might be strange.

"I heard about it. You're a friend from the same club? It's his study time, but I'm letting this slide just this once."

"Oh. Thank you."

Studying on a day off? Kyeong-min must be working hard.

Is he really an elementary student? I want to ask, but I remember seeing kids with packed schedules even when I was his age, so it's not too strange.

Especially in Korea.

"Well, is there anything you want to eat? I'll go out and buy it."

It's a bit strange to send someone's mom out to buy a snack.

I tried to refuse.

"It's oka-"

"There's a chocolate cake at home, do you want to eat that?"

"-ay, I'll eat it."

If it's already here, why not eat a little?

"...? I see."

She looked at me strangely because I changed my mind midway.

I tried to suppress my embarrassment and hurried into the room with Kyeong-min.

His room was full of books.

It looked like he had just been studying, as his desk was cluttered with green tea and scattered school supplies.

But there's something about a boy's room that feels comfortable.

Eun-jeong's room is strangely unsettling.

I dived into Kyeong-min's bed.

The febreze smells amazing.1

"So, Kyeong-min, what kind of favor are you going to ask me?"

Lying down made me want to sleep.

It was proof that my mental fatigue hadn't gone away yet.

But today's the day I'm supposed to help Kyeong-min, so I can't just fall asleep.

"Before that... Alice, it seems like you had a tough time with Eun-jeong."

"Huh?! How did you know?"

Why do I always get found out so easily?

When I asked, Kyeong-min answered.

"I can tell just by looking at your tired eyes."


It was that easy to figure out.

I scratched my cheek and apologized to Kyeong-min.

"Oh. Sorry. It's a rare day that I'm granting you a favor... And I'm tired..."

Kyeong-min laughed when I apologized.

I wondered what was so funny, tilting my head in confusion, and he explained.

"Your personality has become much more gentle. Besides the occasional scary moments, you used to tease me whenever you had the chance."

"...Is that so?"

Now that I think about it, it seems like that was the case.

But teasing and playing around with same-gender friends is fun, isn't it?

Right. Especially since Kyeong-min had good reactions.

Kyeong-min thought about something, as if what to have for lunch for a moment and then quickly said.

"Then... My request is... Let's just rest together."

"That's it? Right now, I'm prepared to grant you something more impressive! Like... Making frogs rain down from the sky."

Kyeong-min looked like he couldn't help but wonder who would ask for such a favor, but he didn't bother to say anything.

"It's simple, but sweet. Alice. Whether you're Ella or Alice, I know you've had a hard time. So let's rest."


Honestly, I was touched.

Friends really are the best!

Kyeong-min brought me a soft pillow.

Since his bed was a double, we could both lie down side by side.

I buried my face in the pillow, and we started talking about things that happened in the past.

All those scary things became fond memories, making us laugh.

"Alice. I like this kind of atmosphere. It's like taking a break while talking about things. Since I learned the middle and high school curriculum in advance, there are times when I feel really worn out. That's why I've realized even resting takes skill."

"I see."

"It wasn't as bad as the world with those monsters, but still. You know? I didn't show it, but it was tough, especially at the start."

"Ahahaha... I'm sorry I tried to hurt you at first..."

Even though it wasn't intentional, there's no way to explain it well.

This misunderstanding probably won't be cleared up for a long time.

Kyeong-min seemed slightly flustered.

"Huh? Oh, I didn't mean to blame you. I felt reassured knowing I had a reliable ally like you."


"Of course. I thought the only thing left was a hopeless future, but what's this? A girl I thought was my enemy is helping us? And she's really strong and pre-... Uhm... Anyway! In the end, you gave us a direction on what to do. That's why we held on."

I felt grateful hearing all this.

It's so touching...

"Did you just try to say I'm pretty?"

"You really haven't changed a bit..."

The rising playfulness was not something I could control.

I was originally a man.

Of course, I'm a woman now.

Changing gender is something I don't really care about anymore.

However, it's really fun to joke around with guys of the previously same gender.

Especially when using a woman's body to make fun of a boy going through puberty!

For Kyeong-min, though, it must seem like a mean prank.

Ah, right.

Suddenly, a memory popped into my head, a perfect prank to embarrass him.

If I tell him this, he's going to explode.

Ah, whatever!

"Kyeong-min, do you still want to see my panties?"


"Ahahahahahahaha!!!! I'm finally saying it! Do you know how embarrassed I was back then? You were whispering about it in the restroom with Suho! I seriously wondered what I'd do if you really tried to look!"

"... Please. How long are you going to keep dwelling on that?"

"You idiot! Of course, forever~! And look, if I lift my skirt just a little like this, doesn't it make you nervous?"




As I clutched my stomach laughing and rolling around, Kyeong-min's gaze turned icy.


That's the first time he's looked at me like that.

Did I go too far?

Sensing his mood, I quickly sat up and folded my legs, sitting upright.

"Alice, I'm sure Eun-jeong made you do all kinds of things, right? And you did everything she asked, didn't you?"

"Huh? Yeah... Why are you bringing that up all of a sudden?"

"Then, it's only fair that you do the same for me, right?"

"...Uh... Um... That's right."

"Alice, rest should be my first and last request. We're comfortable with each other, right? What if I tell you to lift your skirt right now?"

Oh no, I almost forgot.

The reason I'm granting requests is to clear my karma.

I agreed to do anything to atone.

The power dynamic here was clear.

"...Sorry, Kyeong-min. I won't tease you anymore."

"Hmm. I still feel like you need more reflection. Maybe I should ask Eun-jeong what she made you do and have you do the same for me."

"Please, no! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I won't pull this kind of prank again! I just automatically do pranks when I'm with boys!"

As I grabbed his pants and begged for mercy, Kyeong-min looked at me in shock.

"Wow! Okay, okay. What in the world did you go through?"

"Do you know what it's like to be bottle-fed and have your stomach patted?! And the worst part? That was the least humiliating thing!"

And at this timing.


"Why are you two so noisy? I brought you some cake-"

Kyeong-min's mother entered the room, holding a tray with slices of chocolate cake.

"...Oh my. Was our son so attractive that a pretty girl would grab his pant leg and beg him?"

I was speechless, unable to respond, just stammering awkwardly, while Kyeong-min swiftly explained the situation.

"It's a misunderstanding."

Surprisingly, that explanation worked.

"Really? Then go ahead and enjoy the cake."

"Ah, yes."

She was so calm and rational, I realized Kyeong-min definitely inherited that side of her.

I decided to make peace with Kyeong-min by feeding him a slice of cake.

"Here, say Ah~."

"I already told you I'm not mad."

But he opened his mouth and accepted the bite anyway!

After this, the moment the sweet taste of chocolate hit my tongue, my exhaustion seemed to melt away.

This cake is expensive! So delicious!

As I focused on devouring the cake and juice, Kyeong-min, having nothing else to say, decided to satisfy some of his curiosity.

"By the way, Alice, didn't you summon Jabberwocky before? A dragon or something? Oh, I know you said you'd explain later, but could you maybe tell me just a little bit now?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I summoned the Jabberwocky."

"That thing... Was probably..."

He's quick to catch on.

Or maybe, being a kid, he's more sensitive to these things.

After all, it was the kids who managed to push through all the monsters and eventually defeat the half-devil.

"Yep. That guy is the half-devil who tormented us."

"Why did it help us?"

"Well... He's part of the story tied to the Alice series. In a way, it was meant to appear."

Honestly, I had my doubts too.

If the monster that destroyed Neverland just by its existence had attacked the kids without listening to me, they would have really all died.

But that guy is now an ally.

Though I can't summon it again unless certain conditions are met.

"Hmm, that's a bit hard to understand. So, does your name being Alice have something to do with the Alice series?"

"Well... Something like that. It's a long story. When I took on this form, the tales of the Alice series was forcibly implanted in my mind, so I guess there's a connection... But I can't be certain. I know you're curious, but I'll save the full explanation for later. I'll have to tell the others anyway."

I smiled at Kyeong-min, who seemed disappointed, and tried to reassure him.

"Hehehe... Since only Ha-rim is left, please bear with it until then."

"Okay. One last thing. Is there a Mad Hatter in your mirror world, too? I'm really curious how much you're like the Alice in the stories."

"There is, actually. But he's a special entity. Unless the right conditions are met, he won't listen to me, and he just spouts a bunch of nonsensical stuff. I'm a bit hesitant about him. He might help someday, but we'll see."

With that final answer, Kyeong-min and I decided to rest on the bed.

Though it was just an hour, sleeping beside someone gave me a sense of comfort, and it ended up being the best sleep I'd had since I became like this.

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