I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 89 89. A Golden Storm

"M-Markus... They... His ashes have been handed over to his family."

It was like a clap of thunder on their heads as the realization of the meaning behind the words hit them. The three looked at each other, brows furrowed and confused.

"Are you messing with us? What do you mean by his ashes?" Felix stood up abruptly.

Sir Dolorem shook his head. "I wish I was, Priest Felix. I asked Inquisitor General Hans to ask around. Markus was indeed taken in by a spy branch for his flexibility--for a specific mission. But most of the unit sacrificed their lives in that mission. We lost one Cardinal, three Archbishops, fifteen Bishops, and five hundred more knights, wizards, and clergymen. Unfortunately, Markus was one of them."

'And so it begins.' Sylvester was depressed somewhat as he did spend eight years alongside Markus. 'The world is unpredictable--despicable--inhospitable. Death is just a word for people here... sadly.'

"Why did they allow a newly graduated priest to go on such a dangerous mission then? How can they be so heartless?" Gabriel asked frustratingly. "How could they not foresee something so obvious?"

"They needed him for the mission... as it required crawling through an extremely tight place to allow the rest of the force to attack."

"How did he die?" Sylvester asked calmly. He didn't show anger towards Sir Dolorem as he could feel the man was also somewhat saddened by this death.

"He was... buried under the ground while trying to cross the tight space. The enemy caught the scouts sent by the forces, and their plan was leaked. It was a--bloodbath."

'What a painful death... to suffocate until the last breath.' Sylvester was more annoyed because the death wasn't quick. But hearing the details of the mission made him confused. "Where did this mission take place?"

"That's classified. Not even Inquisitor General Hans was informed about it. I'm afraid none of us can find out more. Something that required such an overwhelming force must have been an important mission."

Sylvester remembered the pact the four made years ago in the dorms. Markus' words were as clear as day to him. 'If the war begins, I'll be dead in months. So give my family all my money, will you.'

Sylvester felt it was shameful that Markus didn't even die in a war. He died because of the stupidity of the Church. But a pact was a pact; he respected his promises. "Sir Dolorem, I would like to ask the administration to have my next assignment be somewhere around Markus' home village. We four made a pact years ago, and we must fulfill it."

"Where is his village?" Sir Dolorem asked.

"In the Highland Kingdom, called Fallshoot Village, it's near the Rich Wall of Riveria Kingdom." Silvester blurted back.

None of them were in the mood to speak much anymore, forget writing the guild application. All of them merely sat there as their minds played back some fond memories of their good friend. The goofy, the virtuous, unwavering Markus Lionis.


Suddenly, the clouds in the sky burst in loud booms. Sylvester looked up and abruptly found the clear sky covered with dark clouds. A moment later, the wind started to pick up and turned stormy.

A minute later, thunder started striking in the sky. It felt gloomy as everything turned darker. "What is going on?" Sylvester questioned.

The sudden changes could not be natural. It was clear from the abruptness of the change. But, the storm seemed to get stronger and stronger.

Sir Dolorem, however, didn't speak and simply stared at the sky with hazy eyes, as if the burst of light hypnotized his mind.


"Crap! We need to get inside, Max." Felix got up.


But just the next moment, the rain started falling, and for some crazy reason, the rain didn't appear clear as water, but rather it had a golden tinge to it, shining bright like it was liquid gold. Sylvester caught a few drops on his palms and tried to check the texture, which appeared like water.

"Should I taste it?" He wondered as the puddles started to appear around him. The water, however, would appear golden before falling to the ground, then slowly losing color and appearing normal.

The situation was so bizarre. None of them had seen such a thing happening in their lifetime before.

"Don't!" Sir Dolorem stopped Sylvester from tasting it. "Do not drink it, for that isn't water--but a sign."

"What sign?" Felix blurted.

Sir Dolorem looked Sylvester in the eye suddenly. "It's divine!--This is nature's design! Priest Sylvester, etch this scene in your mind, for some day you'd also cause this... be the reason behind--this!"

Sylvester silently looked at the golden raindrops falling from the heavens and genuinely felt divine; there was something special in this water's shine.

Sir Dolorem took a long breath and looked towards the Pope's Peninsula. The tall palace was slightly visible from where they sat. "This must have caused a frenzy there right now. You three may not know this, just like most people in the world. This rain is, after all, not natural."

"Stop beating around the bush and tell us what it is." Felix hastily asked.

"Someone has risen!" Sir Dolorem muttered. "The message from heaven has been delivered--someone has risen to the rank of Supreme Wizard!"

'Wait! This is the sign of someone ranking up to the Supreme Wizard rank?' Sylvester was taken aback.

"How far does this divine message appear?" He questioned.

"Everywhere! From the hundred kingdoms of the Sand Continent in the south to the cold Pentapeak range to the north of the Sol Continent. From the vast castles of the Masan Empire in the West to the depths of the Beastaria continent in the East. This message is sent to all--a new god on earth has risen! To threaten other gods' position!"

'This must be maddening to the likes of the Pope. Now he knows there's another threat to him, but not who or where.' Sylvester thought. But at the same time, he felt the world just turned more dangerous for his little life.

"Is there any way to pinpoint where this new Supreme Wizard is?" Gabriel wondered.

"No. But they are likely to be somewhere secluded since a wizard or knight is the most vulnerable to attacks when ranking up. The higher the rank, the higher the risk for even a tiny disturbance can kill."

Sylvester sighed, not even knowing what to think about at this point. But he soon felt normal as whoever this Supreme Wizard was, it was none of his concern. Markus had died, and he just wished to mourn.

"I was called to Wazir's office. I shall request them to assign me a mission near Markus' village. I will see you three tomorrow and tell you the details... goodnight." He dejectedly instructed them. But then he also handed them the applications. "Fill out these applications too."

Dead or alive, life must go on, for even those dead would not want to be the reason for another's suffering. Sylvester kept Markus's name in mind and respect in his heart. "Take care."

He walked away towards the stables and took his horse. The golden rain slowly started to stop too, and by the time he reached the administration office, it had halted entirely. On the way, he could see many people standing in groups, talking. Some were knights, some were clergy, but the topic was the same for almost everyone.

'How many Supreme Wizards are out there living in secrecy? No wonder the Church does not dare attack any other kingdom. Who knows what powerhouse might appear.' Sylvester thought. But there was something more exciting to think about. 'What comes after the Supreme Wizard? If these are God on earth, what kind of gods would they be?'

"I guess there is only one way to find out."

"Maxy, you will die one day too?" Miraj suddenly asked him.

'Ah, isn't this boy immortal?' Sylvester realized something saddening. He had no idea how long he'd live, but Miraj would always remain.

"Don't worry. I am not dying anytime soon. On the contrary, I strive to live the longest in this world--but all things die, Chonky. Be it you or me... we just don't know when."

Miraj hugged Sylvester's neck with his paws and rubbed his fluffy face. "I will stick with you forever!"

Sylvester hummed in reply because the boy was too cute sometimes, and he wished not to make any weird noises. But he patted him back.

Soon he arrived at the Administration building, which seemed like his second home at this stage. But this time, he came here because the Wazir himself had summoned him.

So it was normal that he was given entry immediately, and a secretary escorted him towards the Wazir's office.

'This building is so big. I wonder what secrets it hides behind all the shine. What history has it edited to suit its own purposes?' He wondered, remembering the etching by the first Pope on the soul tree.


All of a sudden, a scornful, heavy voice erupted at Sylvester. He looked up and saw a tall, thin, yet well-built man. He had gray eyes and entirely silver long hair. He wore white, high-collared robes with strange golden embroidery on them.

Sylvester had never seen this man in his life before. "There is enough space to walk."

But the tall man narrowed his gaze as if he'd killed Sylvester right there. Not to mention, Sylvester felt it too. 'Why is he giving me the bitter taste of death?'

But Sylvester stood his ground, not compromising his self-respect, no matter who this person was or how threatening it got. He was inside Holy Land, and this man was also a clergy from the looks of it, so he was safe. But there was no rank plate on the chest, so he couldn't see how powerful the man was.

"Tsk... imbecile." The man sneered and sidestepped.

Sylvester scoffed in reply. "Old and tall, yet a mind so small."

"M-My... Lord Bard, please follow me!" The secretary cluttered and dared to pull Sylvester away.

"Who was he?" Sylvester inquired once they were on their way again.

The secretary looked back at Sylvester as if he were a mad man. "He's the first Guardian of Light, the Silver Mist. He's the third strongest man in the whole church--and he dislikes everyone other than his holiness and Saint Scepter."

"Why?" Sylvester questioned.

The secretary looked left and right before replying carefully. "Because he's likely to become the next Pope. So everyone else, especially you and other God's Favored Candidates, are competition for him."

'Oh! That explains it. I should ask Sir Dolorem about him too. He must know better.' He decided but didn't pay too much attention to the man. According to the records, the current Pope was going to live for more than a century, so there was no rush.

"Go in, please."

As they arrived, Sylvester knocked on the door and entered Wazir's office. Surprisingly, it was bland to the point it seemed empty. There were just a few portraits of past Popes on the walls as decorations, that's it. There was a simple wooden table, two chairs for visitors, and one large ordinary chair for the Wazir.

The nameplate on the table was the only golden thing in the room. Ethias Lovecraft--Saint Wazir, it said.

Sylvester greeted the old white-haired, long-bearded man. The latter was unremarkable, the only strange thing being the vertical cut mark on the right eyebrow. "Greetings, Saint Wazir."

"Sit, Priest Sylvester. I have something important to discuss with you today. And I don't have much time, for the Pope has summoned me, so I will be direct with you." Saint Wazir fiddled with some documents on the table. "Here is your new appointment letter. Seeing your work, your decision-making, your worship-inducing acts--it all compelled us not to ignore the facts.

"Priest Sylvester Maximilian, I am delighted to appoint you as the new Cardinal Suprima of Ironstone Duchy! Here is the appointment letter--and we merely hope you make the Duchy better."

"I refuse!"



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