Chapter 279: Chapter 279

I received various pieces of equipment as gifts from Nameless, and also bought some.

Since I had a good amount of magic stones saved up for personal use, I splurged a bit on equipment that seemed worthwhile.

On top of that, Nameless sold the gear at almost bargain prices compared to their real value. She was an excellent merchant NPC, only selling high when there was demand.

'I needed some stuff anyway.'

Our equipment had taken a significant beating in the last battle.

Lucas's long-worn [Phantom Armor] was in tatters.

Evangeline's equipment loss was especially severe.

Her [Golem Armor] was in rags, and the Crossroad family's traditional spear and shield she carried were nearly destroyed.

Equipment is consumable. No need to skimp; let's switch it out.

'I'll have to buy a couple sets of armor for the Knight Duo... and I should get some upgrades for the others too.'

The main party and the Penal Squad, who had been receiving steady equipment upgrades, were in a better position.

But the recently returned Shadow Squad was stuck with equipment tiers from a few stages back. They need a complete overhaul.

Lost in these thoughts and spending freely, I almost drained my entire stash of personal magic stones. Yikes!

Looking at my empty magic stone inventory and feeling a little queasy, Nameless tapped the counter with a grin.

"Since you bought a lot this time, I'll throw in an extra one. Choose."

"Whoa! Are you an angel or something! Incredible!"

I didn't even know where that weird tone came from, but who cares! Free stuff rules!

So, two free pieces of equipment, and nine more bought with my magic stones. Eleven pieces of equipment in total—shopping complete.

Creating this much would've taken both a lot of money and time, so thanks to Nameless, I saved a ton. Thank you!

"What's there to thank? Watching you and your comrades grow is my joy."

Nameless smiled brightly. Stop it, will you? You're going to grow wings and fly away!

Having completed my shopping spree, it was time to wrap up this free exploration and return to Crossroad.

"As we discussed beforehand, we will stay here."

At Kuilan's words, the Penal Squad nodded. I smiled and nodded back.

They would remain at the base camp and prepare for the construction of the forward base.

Once the teleport gate commissioned from Coco the Severer was complete, they would assist in building the forward base.

"As their senior, I will lead well. Your Highness."

Jackal grinned and did a buddy-hug with Kuilan. Maybe it's because they're both muscle-packed Beastmen, but they seemed to get along rather quickly.

I had requested Jackal to help with the security of this base camp and the upcoming construction of the forward base.

Having lived for hundreds of years in the Lake Kingdom, he had experience and would be a great help.

"Your Highness."

Then, Godhand cautiously stepped forward.

"We'll stay here as well."


"Verdandi's party has not yet fully recovered, and this base camp is not entirely stable either."

Godhand glanced around at the various NPCs in the base camp.

"We would like to help the people here. Please allow us to stay."

"Verdandi, are you guys really going to help us, even though we're not of the same race?"

"Your Majesty, you helped us even though we belong to different races, did you not?"

Godhand faintly smiled.

"There's no rule that says you need a reason to help another person."


'I only reached out to you because I needed something.'

It felt awkward hearing such a heartfelt expression of goodwill. I licked my lips uncomfortably.

We were just past Stage 10, the boss stage. There was quite a bit of time until the next stage.

If they wanted to help stabilize the base camp while they were here, I had no reason to refuse.


"But can Lilly handle this?"


Only then did Godhand remember Lilly, who was waiting at the Crossroad. His face paled.

I clicked my tongue. 'You don't seem like a bad guy, but you sure know how to ruin your love life.'

"She, she'll understand. If it's Lilly."

"No way she'd understand, man..."

"Could you please choose your words carefully..."

"Do you think she'll listen to me?"

The image of Lilly annihilating a boss monster with a massive fire spell flashed through our minds. Godhand and I simultaneously shivered in terror.

Anyway, that's how it ended up.

Five from the Penal Squad and three from the Shadow Squad stayed at the base camp, while Junior and I returned.

"Come back often! And if anything happens, use this to come right back! Got it?"

As I stepped into the teleport gate, I said so.

My party members, Jackal, Verdandi, Coco the Severer, and even Nameless, waved goodbye to me.

Why are they looking at me like they're sending off their firstborn after a holiday?

"Sunflower seeds... were delicious..."

"I suddenly miss the meat pie from your castle's chef..."

"And fresh fruit and honey..."

They're even hinting at what they want to eat next! Hey! Do you think I'll bring it just because you mention it?!


...Sunflower seeds, meat pie, fruits, and honey? Is that all? Is that the end of—



As soon as we returned to Crossroad, I sent Junior off to rest. I headed straight to the blacksmith's.

"Hmm. So that's what happened at the base camp..."

After I filled Kellibey in on the events, the dwarven old lady began packing her things.

"I should head back too. A blacksmith is essential for the smooth operation of a base camp."

As she spoke, the other blacksmiths immediately tensed up and clung to Kellibey's arms and legs.

"No, Master! Where are you going?! You haven't finished teaching us your secret techniques!"

"I still can't get the Dwarven steel-making method!"

"Don't go before you've completed the mold training!"

"You can't leave until you've taught us everything!"

"These thick-headed human fools?! They want to suck me dry!"

The blacksmiths were causing an uproar. I watched the chaos with a satisfied smile. Good job, blacksmiths. Hold onto her tight and don't let go.

"Um... Your Majesty."


Feeling a light tug on my hem, I looked down to find a small boy standing there.

It was Hannibal, a young N-grade mercenary with a bowl haircut that obscured his face. I had assigned him as Kellibey's assistant.

"If Master Kellibey decides to return to where he originally was... may I go with him?"


Briefly at a loss for words, I bent down to meet Hannibal's eyes.

"It's not far, but it's a dark and humid place with frequent monster appearances. You'll be risking your life. Still want to go, Hannibal?"

"That's fine! I... want to learn more from Master Kellibey."

After staring into Hannibal's earnest eyes through the bowl of his hair for a moment, I gave him a warm smile.

"If Master Kellibey permits, let's do that."

In any case, Hannibal was too young to be of much help in the front lines.

If he could learn even one useful skill from Kellibey, it would benefit both Hannibal and the long-term prospects of the front lines here.

After lightly patting Hannibal's bowl haircut, I stood up.

Now, Kellibey was busy fending off blacksmiths who had attached themselves to him. What was he up to?

"I had some requests for you, too."

I was planning on asking him today to readjust the equipment I bought from Nameless and upgrade Evangeline's lance and shield to SSR-grade exclusive equipment.

This was something only Kellibey, a magical blacksmith, could do, but it looked like that would have to wait... let's request it next time...


The next day, in front of the teleport gate at the Lord's mansion.

Kellibey appeared, dragging his luggage with a haggard face, having spent all night passing on his techniques to other blacksmiths.

Following him was Hannibal, happily pulling a cart loaded with farewell gifts made by the other blacksmiths overnight. All their gifts seemed to be menacing knives or chunks of metal. Quite consistent in their tastes.

"So, is your back better?"

The reason Kellibey had stayed in Crossroad to begin with was due to a back injury sustained while fighting the World Serpent, Jormungandr. Was he fully recovered?

"It was better, but I think I overdid it yesterday, yeah..."

"Come by whenever it hurts. You can use the Temple for free."

"Do you think I'd come back just to get nibbled on like that?!"

Kellibey let out a shriek, then winced as his back seemed to hurt. "Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Hannibal patted the dwarf's back with his small hands. Oh boy, that's an exaggeration. What level is he, anyway?

"You, on the other hand, look like you have some requests for me."

Perhaps Hannibal's little massage helped; Kellibey straightened his back and winked at me.

"I'll prioritize your request as soon as the base camp stabilizes. Just wait a bit, will you?"

"I was thinking of just leaving it to the local blacksmiths here, seeing as your back's not in great shape."

"My back is one thing, but your matters are my matters! Just try giving it to someone else! I'll come back and smash everything!"

Kellibey swung the hammer in his hand menacingly. Ha, if he comes back to Crossroad again, he might never return to his base camp...

Hannibal gently nudged Kellibey, who was spitting fire from his mouth, into the teleportation gate. With a flash, they disappeared.

I watched the dwarf blacksmith and his assistant vanish, waving my hand in farewell.

After they were gone, I turned my head to look beside me.


Startled, Lilly, who was silently wheeling her wheelchair toward the teleport gate, shivered at my call. With my arms crossed, I grinned at her.

"What are you doing?"


Grumpy. Very grumpy.

Lilly, who had been sweating nervously, rolled her eyes to look at me.

"Well... between the base camp repairs and building the forward bases, wouldn't it help to have someone experienced in alchemy around?"


A bundle of alchemy-related supplies was hanging behind her wheelchair. I let out a soft sigh.

It was Lilly, who usually disliked dungeons, voluntarily asking to be dispatched.

"Is this the power of love?"

"No, it's not like that!"

"Isn't it too late to deny now?"

Humming an impromptu song, I shrugged my shoulders. Yeah, as if you guys are some legendary couple; why would I block your love life?

"Go, have a good time."

"It's not like that!"

Lilly yelled as she wheeled herself into the teleport gate and disappeared in a flash.

I chuckled and gave a thumbs up.

As long as you're happy, it's all okay...


After the Penal Squad, the Shadow Squad, Kellibey, Hannibal, and even Lilly had left, Crossroad had become noticeably quiet. I stared at the empty hero formation window and felt oddly empty.

'Time to get to work.'

Repairs for the damaged walls and defensive equipment from the last defense, compensation for the deceased, new equipment orders, new mercenary hires, and stock checks for building forward bases...

There was endless work to do. I immersed myself in administrative tasks for the first time in a while.

A week had passed since the end of the defense battle. The weather had turned quite chilly, and while I was sipping hot coffee and starting my morning work,

"Your Lordship!"

Director and assistant to the Lord, Aider, came running to report.

"Sir Lucas has regained consciousness!"


I immediately left my seat and rushed out of the mansion.

Crossroad had multiple prisons, and Lucas was held in the central prison, the most secure facility.

As I entered the lowest level of the underground prison, Lucas was there, his limbs shackled in heavy chains.

He had been trapped here for over a week, still wearing the bloodstained armor from the last battle, and his right hand was tied up with 'Karma Eater'.

"My Lord!"

Recognizing me, a bright sense of relief flashed in Lucas' eyes.

The face of the former hero showed no trace of the beast he had been. It was his usual, golden retriever-like, innocently kind face.

Standing in front of the prison, I gave a brief order to the guards.

"Open it."

"Yes, sir."


The prison door opened.

I stepped in briskly and approached Lucas.

His face brightened further as he looked at me and opened his mouth to speak.

"Lord! Thank goodness, you're safe! The last battle concluded without any major--"


Without listening, I swung my hand with all my might and slapped Lucas across the face.

His cheek flushed a bright red. Drops of blood trickled down from his split lip.


Slowly turning his stunned face back toward me, Lucas looked at me in disbelief.

"My, lord...?"


I abruptly grabbed him by the collar.

"I told you not to use Beastification, didn't I?"

Grinding my teeth, I spat out,

"Do human words sound like dog shit to you, you fucking mutt?"

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