Closing his eyes, Argon focused on the sensations coursing through his body. "The energy that permeates every fiber of my being, it's overwhelming," he thought, a mix of astonishment and satisfaction in his voice. "I can sense the surge of my martial abilities and spiritual energy, both amplified to a level I never thought possible."

He took a moment to familiarize himself with the new intricacies of his dragon body, savoring the sensation of power and authority that radiated from his every scale. His elongated limbs and sinuous tail felt both natural and alien, a testament to the profound transformation he had undergone.

"I can now understand why dragons are revered as the pinnacle of strength in this cultivation world," Argon reflected, his voice resonating with a deep, rumbling tone. "To possess a form that commands respect and strikes fear into the hearts of others... It is a privilege and a responsibility."

As he gradually regained control over his overwhelming power, Argon made a conscious decision to revert back to his humanoid form. With a gentle shift of his consciousness, his dragon body shimmered and transformed, returning to the humanoid shape that bore resemblance to his true draconic nature.

As his humanoid form solidified, Argon couldn't help but be captivated by the remnants of his dragon features. His eyes retained a mesmerizing color like that of space, and a few scales adorned his forearms and along his spine, serving as a reminder of his immense power.

Even in this form, I can still feel the echoes of my dragon might," Argon mused, a mixture of fascination and satisfaction in his voice. "It's as if my true essence is embedded within me, waiting to be unleashed when the need arises."

Just as Argon was settling into his humanoid form, a resonating voice echoed in his mind, startling him. It was the system, addressing him with important information about the cultivation world he had entered.

"In this realm," the system's voice rang in Argon's head, "people begin to explore the concept of laws, a higher power than the elements themselves. However, due to your unique body as an Ancestral Dragon, you already possess the ability to comprehend and utilize a basic law."

Argon's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. Memories from his past life, as a reader of cultivation novels, resurfaced, reminding him of the significance of laws in cultivation.

"Really?" Argon exclaimed, his voice filled with astonishment. "You mean to say I can tap into the fundamental laws of fire, water, and earth? I possess the knowledge to understand and utilize them?"

The system's response was affirmative. "Yes, host. The basic laws is imprinted within your ancestral dragon lineage. You possess the inherent understanding of these laws, allowing you to harness their power."

A mix of excitement and curiosity surged through Argon. To be able to comprehend and utilize the basic laws was an incredible advantage. It meant he could tap into a higher level of elemental manipulation, far surpassing ordinary cultivators.

Without wasting a moment, Argon focused his thoughts, delving deep into his memories and drawing upon the knowledge he had acquired as a reader. And to his amazement, the understanding of the basic laws came naturally to him, as if they were an inherent part of his being.

As he concentrated, a flicker of fire materialized in his palm, dancing and crackling with vibrant energy. Drops of water condensed in the air around him, swirling and flowing with an ethereal grace. The ground beneath his feet trembled slightly, as if responding to his connection with the earth's essence.

Argon's eyes gleamed with newfound excitement. "I can feel it," he said, awe mingling with determination in his voice. "The laws of fire, water, and earth resonate within me. With this understanding, I can manipulate these elements on a whole new level."

He extended his hand, and the flame in his palm grew in size and intensity, morphing into a small fireball that hovered effortlessly above his open palm. With a mere thought, he directed the fireball to dance and twist, showcasing his control over the elemental law.

Inspired by his newfound understanding of the basic laws, Argon's desire for further cultivation techniques grew. He decided to explore the system's shop to find techniques that would allow him to fully utilize the power of the laws. With a mental command, he opened the system shop, and a holographic list appeared before him, showcasing various techniques imbued with the essence of the laws.

[Inferno Burst Fist - A technique that harnesses the fundamental law of fire. This technique empowers the user's punches with scorching flames, delivering devastating blows that burn through defenses and incinerate opponents.

Price: 50,000 soul coins]

[Aqua Torrent Blade - A technique that channels the basic law of water. By infusing their weapon with the essence of water, the user can unleash slashing attacks that carry the force of a raging torrent, slicing through obstacles and leaving a trail of cascading water in their wake.

Price: 50,000 soul coins]

[Earthen Fortress - Manifest the law of earth to create an impenetrable fortress of stone and soil. The Earthen Fortress acts as a shield, enduring even the most powerful assaults. It grants you unparalleled defense, allowing you to weather any storm.

Price: 60,000 soul coins]

[Aqua Veil - By invoking the law of water, this technique creates a protective barrier of flowing water around you. The Aqua Veil not only shields you from physical attacks but also dissipates hostile energies and extinguishes flames, rendering you virtually untouchable.

Price: 60,000 soul coins]

[Flame Torrent - Unleash a torrential wave of fire with the power of the law itself. The Flame Torrent engulfs your enemies in a cascading inferno, reducing everything in its path to ashes. Its sheer destructive force leaves devastation in its wake.

Price: 50,000 soul coins]

[Blaze Torrent Step - This technique combines the laws of fire and water. It allows the user to envelop their body in a blazing torrent, granting enhanced speed and agility. With each step, scorching flames and swirling water trail in their wake, leaving opponents dazzled and vulnerable.

Price: 65,000 soul coins.]

[Frost Lotus Palm - Embracing the law of water, this technique imbues the user's palm strikes with an icy chill. Each strike freezes the air, forming delicate frost lotus flowers that shatter upon impact, releasing freezing tendrils that encase opponents in ice.

Price: 55,000 soul coins]

[Quicksilver Steps - Rooted in the law of water, this technique enhances the user's speed and agility to supernatural levels. The user can move with unparalleled swiftness, leaving afterimages and water ripples in their wake, making it difficult for opponents to track their movements.

Price: 55,000 soul coins.]

Argon's eyes widened as he read through the list, envisioning the potential of each technique. The combination of his innate comprehension of the laws and these specialized techniques promised to be an unstoppable force on his cultivation journey.

He made a mental note of the techniques he desired and their corresponding costs. Equipped with the knowledge of the laws and armed with these powerful techniques, Argon was ready to push his cultivation to unprecedented heights and become a force to be reckoned with in the cultivation world.

With his soul coins dwindling to 130,000, Argon realized he could only afford to purchase two techniques from the list. He knew he needed both an offensive technique and a movement technique to complement his abilities. Analyzing each option carefully, he engaged in an internal dialogue, weighing the pros and cons of each technique.

Argon's gaze fixated on the Inferno Burst Fist, envisioning his punches enveloped in scorching flames. The destructive power it offered was undeniable, capable of burning through defenses and incinerating opponents. However, he hesitated, recognizing that offense alone wouldn't suffice in his journey. He needed a technique that would grant him mobility and agility, allowing him to evade attacks and strike at opportune moments.

His attention then shifted to the Aqua Torrent Blade, which appealed to his desire for both offense and movement. Its slashing attacks fueled by the law of water carried the force of a torrent, slicing through obstacles and leaving a trail of cascading water. It seemed like a versatile technique, offering the fluidity he sought in battle. Yet, Argon couldn't help but wonder if there might be an even better option that combined the elements in a more harmonious way.

As he perused the remaining choices, the Flame Torrent caught his eye once again. The sheer destructive force of the torrential wave of fire appealed to his desire for overwhelming power. It would undoubtedly leave devastation in its wake, reducing everything in its path to ashes. While it was an offensive technique, its nature resonated with him.

Finally, his gaze settled on the Blaze Torrent Step, a technique that combined the laws of fire and water. It offered him the opportunity to envelop his body in a blazing torrent, granting enhanced speed and agility. The flames and swirling water would create a mesmerizing display, leaving opponents dazzled and vulnerable. It was the perfect complement to his offensive prowess, granting him the mobility and unpredictability he sought.

After careful consideration, Argon made his decision. "I choose the Flame Torrent and Blaze Torrent Step," he declared, determination shining in his eyes. "The Flame Torrent will be my devastating offensive technique, while the Blaze Torrent Step will grant me the fluidity and speed I need to outmaneuver my opponents."

With his choices made, Argon committed the necessary soul coins to acquire the Flame Torrent and Blaze Torrent Step techniques. The holographic list before him faded away, and the knowledge of these techniques imprinted itself deep within his being. He could feel the surge of power and anticipation, knowing that he was now armed with formidable tools to progress on his cultivation path.

"Also, host, don't forget that you need to choose your fourth element," the system reminded Argon, interrupting his contemplation of the techniques. The reminder caught him off guard, but he quickly recalled the importance of selecting a fourth element to further enhance his strength even more.

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