I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 160 Think about i

Chapter 160 Think about i

Gu Wei and Guan Ye were blinking in utter surprise as they looked at their lady boss gulping down the beer she just picked up. They were frozen in place and they didn’t know what to do or say.

When they finally snapped out of it, the two stared at each other. The lady between them didn’t make a sound. She just stared at the space in front of her for a long while before she lifted her beer and took another gulp.

As the silence dragged on, the two men were starting to sweat. They looked unsure whether they should move or just stay there like they were some lifeless statues.

’Err... why are we suddenly in a situation like this?’

Guan Ye kept signaling Gu Wei to speak or do something but the man was hesitating. He admitted that he had mischievousness as his main characteristic but their lady boss looked really serious right now! He couldn’t afford to do anything that might make her mood worse! But then, was it right to just watch her like this? Oh no! What should I do?

After gathering his courage, Gu Wei gulped and cleared his throat.

"U-uhm... Miss Luo, a-are you thirsty?" he stammered as he reached out his hand to take the can away from her hand. "Th-this is not water, it’s beer," he added and Guan Ye face palmed himself.

’What the hell, Gu Wei! Of course she knows that’s beer you, idiot! Where did your witty brain go?!’

While Guan Ye was scolding Gu Wei inside his head, Luo Xiaolei looked at Gu Wei. Her expression was still serious. But then, suddenly, she dropped her head and rested it on her knees, staring on the grass.

Gu Wei flinched as he slowly retracted his hand. "O-of course, you know it’s beer, haha. Sorry Miss, t-take it... the beer is yours so please go ahead and drink it." He was obviously struggling so hard. It seemed like Gu Wei was a no match against Luo Xiaolei at all.

Her reaction made the two men even more tense.

’Damn, Gu Wei, what have you done?!’

’Shut up! Why don’t you do something too?! What do you want me to do?!’

’Boss will kill us if this goes on!’

’Then do something you big idiot! I’m the only one trying here!!!! You were the one who brought the beer here, remember?!!’

As the two were busy arguing through their eyes, glaring hard at each other, Luo Xiaolei let out a deep sigh.

"Uhm... Miss, are you okay?" finally, Guan Ye managed to speak when Luo Xiaolei suddenly stood up.

She turned to Gu Wei and stretched out her hand, giving him the beer.

Gu Wei gulped again as he slowly lifted his hand and took the beer. As soon as he took it, Luo Xiaolei walked away, without saying a single word before she entered the house.

The two men were left sitting there in confusion and worry.

"Oh no! Guan Ye! Is Miss Luo angry with me?!" Gu Wei was clinging on Guan Ye, almost wailing like a little kid. "Did I do something? I didn’t, right? Right?"

"How should I know? I think she’s just thinking about something serious."

"Something serious? Could it be that she’s upset because of what happened tonight?"

"Probably. I saw her looking quite shock the moment she saw the bullet holes around the car. It might’ve worried her a lot."

"Whoah!!! I’m sorry, Miss! Please know that this is partly because of big boss himself. If he didn’t distract us with his adopting 8 sons agenda, the car would’ve evaded half of those bullets! And please know that his car is armored so you don’t have anything to worry about!"

"Shut up Gu Wei, she’s not here anymore!"

"Go tell her."

"No way!"


Back inside the clinic

"Grandpa, you know that having an heir won’t stop them. To someone like me, assassinations are part of my life, you’re the one who knows that fact the most." Yu Chen was speaking in a matter-of-factly but his words just made the old man’s anger blaze even more.

"You’re right!! They will not stop but at the very least they won’t be this desperate anymore. Can’t you see that everyone is coming at you at full force lately? If you at least have a successor, half of those desperate bastards will stop because of the fact that someone will replace you even if you die!! I know you know this more than anyone else so don’t try to evade the topic!!"

"Sir, please calm down, this is not good for your health." Yang Jin worriedly supported the old man who was now visibly getting weak.

The old man was sighed in despair. "There are a lot of ways to make your situation less dangerous but why are you being so stubborn? What the hell are you waiting for? What is more important than your life? Are you waiting for me or you to die first or something?"

"Grandpa, no one is going to die. Stop wo –"

"Shut up! You’re not god to decide that. Fine! Since you’re taking forever to produce your own son, how about getting married now? If you marry her, her adopted sons will be yours too. That way, we can announce to the world that Little Ran and Rui are originally yours. Nobody will question it especially when they see the twins’ features." Suddenly, the old man looked extremely hopeful, as if salvation had finally shone upon him.

However, Yu Chen’s expression slowly folded into a mask of ancient sadness.

"Xiao Chen, please think about this. I want to hear your decision within this week. If I still don’t hear a thing from you, I’m going to make a move myself." Old man Yu declared and Yu Chen knew he could not stop him.

When the old man was gone, Yu Chen quietly sat on the bed. He seemed to be deep in his own thoughts.

"Yu Chen," Yang Jin called out as he sighed. "Please understand why your grandpa is acting like this. He really is desperate now. You are the only one he has left and he won’t stop worrying about you no matter how much you try to convince him. And you know his health has been deteriorating lately because of his age. So why don’t you consider his idea? I know you don’t want to force Miss Luo but for the old master’s sake... please, think about it."

Yu Chen didn’t say a word back. He just silently stood up and left the clinic.

Time ticked by and he was already wearing a new pair of pajamas as he headed towards their bedroom. However, when he entered, no one was inside.

He walked towards the bed and just stood there when suddenly, slender arms swiftly wrapped around his waist, and he was hugged passionately from behind.

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