I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 61 This certain species

Chapter 61 This certain species

"Don’t be an idiot. Leave them alone and go sleep."

Gu Wei flinched as soon as he heard Gu Jinyang’s low voice. His hand which was already holding the door knob of the room where the panda family was sleeping, halted in place.

He slowly turned around like a little kid caught red handed when trying to sneak away at night.

"Big bro..." he hissed. His forefinger was on his lips, gesturing his big brother to hush but Gu Jinyang just shot him a sharp gaze, ignoring his plea.

"I said stop being ridiculous and listem to me, you’re not a teenager anymore." Gu Jinyang’s voice was authoritative, causing Gu Wei’s shoulders to drop. But... there was no sign of the curious man giving up at all.

"But big bro, look... don’t you want to see a photo of them, too? You know this is a rare opportunity. No, this is the very first time something like this has happened. As his loyal people, isn’t it our job to document this one precious moment of his life? We couldn’t document anything at all these past few years; nothing at all! He doesn’t even celebrate his birthday or anything! He doesn’t do anything interesting but sit there, working in silence, with his poker face. Well, I have been taking photos of him in secret when there are important events but bruh... all those are lethally boring. You know how colorless that man’s life is so I’m trying my best to do a good job here, okay? For his sake of course! What I am doing is absolutely for the sake of the history of the man named Yu Chen."

What followed Gu Wei’s long and seemingly convincing explanation was nothing but silence and a piercing gaze. Yet, the man was still standing strong, unperturbed. Sigh... what should I do with this little idiot! When will he stop being like this and just grow up?!

"Do you want me to demote you from your rank and just become a historian now instead?"

"Wow! That’s a good idea, big bro. I read about a general who was also a historian and it’s kind of amazing. I am basically one of the boss’ greatest general right now,. If I become his historian as well, wouldn’t that make me really great?! That would be terrific, no?! Ahh... this is damn exciting! Gu Wei the general and historian... ahh... it has a nice ring to it!"

Gu Jinyang closed his eyes. He looked like if he was pushed a little bit more, he would snap.

"Gu Wei, Yu Chen is already changing dramatically. He is slowly changing for the better, at least that’s what I’m seeing. So do the same. You are both the same age-"

"He’s older by freaking 8 months, though."

"Don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking."

"Yeah, yeah."

"So stop being silly. What you are trying to do is too much. Leave them alone."

"But they are just sleeping and the kids are with them. I am very sure, 1001% that they are simply sleeping so don’t worry about me ruining their moment big bro... because they will not have any moments tonight, I assure you with my neck. This great historian will simply sneak in and take a single documentary in one freaking second, without the boss noticing at all. Hehe."

Gu Jinyang didn’t even know what to say anymore. He really couldn’t handle this species at all when he was like this. He wanted to just drag him away by force but if he did that, everyone, including Yu Chen would surely be disturbed and that was the worst thing that could happen. .

"Still suspicious?" Gu Wei was brimming in confidence. He slowly turned the doorknob, like a really skilled thief, Lupin-like, as he grinned at Gu Jinyang. "See? It’s not even locked and the lights are on. This is a go-signal that the boss allowed me to sneak in, of course, for a literal one second. Hehe."

Gu Jinyang sighed. "Don’t come crying to me later. Even if Yu Chen decides to behead you, I won’t save you."

"Hehe. Of course, but don’t worry, this younger brother of yours has nine lives. And the greatest historians risked their lives to do their job! The boss turned into a panda now, so no sweat."

Gu Jinyang could only shake his head. He’d rather deal with the most mindboggling and mind-blowing mysterious crime in the universe than deal with this certain species, which was his very own younger brother. He woud never get used to his outrageous, beyond comprehension reasoning and almost idiotic bravery.

"Don’t forget who he is." Gu Jinyang warned for the last time but Gu Wei simply grinned, eyes still mischievous.

"Haha. I’d declare myself totally insane if I ever forget who he is, big bro. Well then, it’s time for the great historian to make history!" he smiled, enthusiastic, as he raised one hand, giving his older brother his signature mischievous salute.

And then, he went inside like a swift wind.


The delicate and soft morning sunrays peeked through the white curtains as the light crawled into the room, turning it even brighter.

Yu Chen’s beautiful lashes flickered and then his eyes opened, revealing his breathtaking dark eyes that looked like a black diamonds reflecting the brightness.

His eyes immediately landed on the little boy in his embrace and then towards the girl on the other end but he couldn’t see her well. He slowly and carefully moved, lifting his body up when he noticed that warm sensation that kept him awake last night.

His gorgeous eyes fell down, and his gaze locked onto their hands, still intertwined. No, it was basically him who didn’t let go.

Yu Chen just sat there, staring at her. His facial expression didn’t change but somehow, his dark coal-like, eyes which were akin to a black starless night, now had stars in them. The little lights were faint, hardly noticeable, but they were finally there.

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