I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 94 In learning, one shouldnt delay

Chapter 94 In learning, one shouldn“t delay

Inside a certain black car which was parked in front of Little Rui and Little Ran’s school, Yu Chen was quietly staring out the car’s window. His eyes were glued onto the school’s gate and even though he was as still as stone and looking calm as always, his aura was definitely saying otherwise.

"Miss Luo is right; the world would go crazy if you go with them and you know, it will only endanger the twins once they found out that they are connected with you." Yang Jin tried to console their boss, who was obviously sulking, because he was left behind by his beloved family inside the car. Sure, Yang Jin’s words seemed to have immediately worked but it looked like it also triggered something within him and his aura turned chillingly dark.

"Guan Ye, starting tomorrow, you will guard them." Yu Chen suddenly ordered, causing everyone to widen their eyes as Guan Ye immediately said "yes". Guan Ye was one of Yu Chen’s best body guards. He was only second to Gu Wei when it came to combat skills and was also one of the wittiest so it was quite a surprise for Yu Chen to deploy such a man of his caliber to guard some kids who weren’t even related to him. Did he really become this attached to them within just few days? This ruthless boss of ours... when did he become this caring? He’s so into his role as their ’daddy’ now!

By the time Luo Xiaolei finally made her way back to the car, the tensed, boring atmosphere loosened up, as if Ms. Sunshine had stopped hiding behind the dark gray clouds and was now shining bright over them again. Of course, Yu Chen, the poker faced stone, was the most affected. His aura drastically changed from black to pure white upon the sight of her.

"How was the talk?" Yu Chen casually asked and Luo Xiaolei was all smiles as she reported the details to him. She was like a real proud mother while Yu Chen was attentive at her from start to finish.

"But the teacher suggested that the boys should be transferred once this school year is over. What do you think? I personally agree with her suggestion since this school year is almost over anyway."

"Mm. That’s the best choice. Do you already have a school in mind?"

"Hmm... Nothing yet. I want to speak with the twins first but do you have some suggestions?"

As the two continued their serious but blissful discussion, the men with them were trying their best not to disturb the moment. They still weren’t used to their boss sudden change.

For many years, they only heard him talk about boring, and serious topics. He only talked about business and his enemies or jjust didn’t talk at all. But this man was actually like a real father talking about his sons’ future education now?!

Gosh... the caterpillar was now turning to a butterfly!!


When they finally arrived home, the two were finally left alone.

"You should go and have a rest." He said, his eyes were focused on the part where she was wounded.

"I’m not that weak okay? And this wound is literally just a scratch. Do you want to see?" she replied, smiling at him as she moved her head close to him.

Yu Chen’s finger then slowly brushed away her hair. He stared at her small wound as he listened to her. "Convinced now? That will heal in no time so stop worrying about it, okay?"


When Luo Xiaolei raised her face, she couldn’t help but chuckle because of how forced his ’okay’ was.

"I didn’t know that you’re such a worrywart, Mister Yu." She said, still smiling when Yu Chen’s hand, which was still on her hair, moved. It slowly travelled down to her nape and rested there.

"About last night..." he started. His voice was suddenly rueful, causing Luo Xiaolei’s smile to fade. "I’m sorry for putting you in danger."

Luo Xiaolei blinked at him. She didn’t expect this. Well, she was not waiting for any apology because she knew that what happened last night wasn’t all because of him. It was also her fault for staying out so late and her father, who blabbered about her relationship with him, was also to be blamed. Moreover, Yu Chen came and saved her from that almost hopeless situation and was even angered because of what happened so what else could she ask for?

Luo Xiaolei smiled again. She was about to apologize as well and thank him for saving her when to her surprise, Yu Chen suddenly scooped her up.

In a blink of an eye, she was suddenly in his arms, carrying her like a princess.

"Allow me to make up for it and let me take care of you." He uttered and then, without waiting for her response, he headed towards the stairs.

"There’s really no need for you to make up for anything. It wasn’t all your fault and you have saved me... you even apologized so there’s really no need for you to do this. Besides, I’m completely fine." She explained and Yu Chen halted halfway up the stairs, but he didn’t put her down.

"You really don’t want me to take care of you?" he asked, sounding so innocent. Ah, this creature is striking again... are you forcing me to take you for granted?!

"I would love to, actually... but I’m not really unwell at all that you take care of me."

"Okay, I understand..." he finally gave in. Luo Xiaolei felt relieved, but the rest of his words made her want to take back the sigh of relief that she let go. "... but you still need to rest."

Upon reaching the bedroom, Yu Chen carefully put her down.

"I’ll go outside so you can rest well." He said but just as he was about to pull the door closed, he halted. "About Little Rui and Ran’s room, do you prefer the one closest to this room?" he asked and Luo Xiaolei was finally reminded abour her impulsive decision last night, causing her to face palm herself inside her mind.

She bit her lip and was silent for a moment. But after a short while, a light bulb seemed to have popped inside her brain.

"I know I already agreed but... the kids found out that we’re not actually married. You are the one who said that we should be a good example for them, remember?" she said and there was another long silence. Luo Xiaolei pressed her lips tight to not smile victoriously while he was still watching.


"You are right. So our only option now is to have the lesson while they’re not around." He replied and then he stepped inside the room again gently shutting the door closed behind him.


"They’re not here right now so we should grab this opportunity and start now."

"Cough, cough. A-aren’t you rushing too much... I mean, too eager? You’re the one who said that patience is a virtue."

"It is, but in learning, one shouldn’t delay. And as the teacher, shouldn’t you be seizing this opportunity to teach while the student is still eager? ’The gods cannot help those who do not seize opportunities,’ it is said."

". . ."

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