I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 212 - Learning Makes Me Happy

Chapter 212: Learning Makes Me Happy

Yes, Lin Yao was now the equivalent of a king seedling.

He had the Armored Body Of Light, Heavenly Thunder, Brave Soul, and the Photogenic Memory—Agile Mind. All four of them were gold talents, and someone with a king-level talent could crush them in seconds.

However, everything would change when the four were combined into one.

A triple combination of Armored Body Of Light, Heavenly Thunder, and Brave Soul would allow Lin Yao’s body training speed to surpass that of a king seedling. On the other hand, Photogenic Memory—Agile Mind had made up for his last flaw. His current self undoubtedly had the qualities of a king.

Of course, Lin Yao knew that, aside from his talent, Project Thunder God played a very important role.

In fact, it could even be said that he had become a king seedling because of Project Thunder God.

The combination of his four talents resulted in chemosynthesis, and this effect was very compatible with Project Thunder God.

Because Project Thunder God was very powerful, it was close to a god-level technique and was considered the best on the Blue Planet. Lin Yao, who was an extremely good match for it, would naturally soar to greater heights because of its power.

The first talent of the Bodhi Tree had made up for this lack of comprehension ability and made him a genius.

However, he was still a mortal at the moment, and it was not uncommon for humans to have a photogenic memory. There were also many such examples during the Latter Day of the Dharma[1] Furthermore, in this world, human beings were physically strong and mentally advanced. Therefore, many geniuses could do this.

However, it was easy to find geniuses with an extraordinary comprehension ability but hard to find sages with exceptional wisdom.

After having a Light-Bulb Moment, Lin Yao’s mental strength was elevated, and he was now akin to a sage in the midst of enlightenment. Specific examples of this would be Zhang Sanfeng[2], who was comprehending Tai Chi[3], and Bodhidharma[4], who had created the 72 arts of Shaolin Kung Fu[5].

If one used physics as an example, he was akin to Newton, who had been hit by an apple, and Albert Einstein, who had penned the mass-energy equation E=mc2.

Although it was very difficult to enter the state of a sage in a Light-Bulb Moment, and the duration was very short, each occurrence helped Lin Yao a lot.

Lin Yao had awakened the profound meaning of Deafening Thunder Roar after entering the state of a sage. It had made him suddenly understand the knowledge of sound, thunder, lightning, sound wave frequency, and so on…

The same applied to his diamond-level combat skills. Within a short time, Lin Yao got started with his two diamond-level combat skills, and the two skills were no longer at the entry level. They had skipped the proficiency level and achieved small success. Of course, his deep reflection and meditation during normal times played a part in this, but the enlightened state of a sage played a more crucial role.

Each time he entered the enlightened state of a sage, his training progress would skyrocket.

This was akin to a combat skill training BUG. It also made Lin Yao set aside any other things and become more obsessed with gaining knowledge.

‘Well, why did the topic suddenly get steered from enlightenment to gaining knowledge?’

This was a doubt that many people shared. Lin Yao didn’t know at first, but he understood the relationship between the two after one of his Light-Bulb Moments.

The state of a sage was indeed strong. After entering this state, Lin Yao suddenly realized that some things wouldn’t appear out of thin air. They appeared due to his past knowledge reserves.

Someone intelligent and knowledgeable could be called a sage. Based on this saying, a sage consisted of two traits—being intelligent and knowledgeable.

If Lin Yao was a useless glutton, even if he entered the state of a sage, he would be limited by his own knowledge reserve. The insight and understanding he gained would also be related to feasting and having fun.

This kind of enlightenment would enable him to deal with minor situations in his daily life, but he wouldn’t be able to achieve greater things.

On the other hand, if one had a lot of knowledge and then tapped into this potential after enlightenment, the situation would be different.

Lin Yao had studied the Deafening Thunder Roar, Super Electromagnetic Gun, Phantom Clone Slash, and Clear Mirror Swordsmanship very smoothly and he repeatedly entered the state of Light-Bulb Moment. This had something to do with the huge amount of light and electricity knowledge he had studied in the past.

Besides, Light-Bulb Moment LV1 seemingly had a 3% probability of happening, but this probability would in fact change according to the amount of knowledge. If Lin Yao could not understand the topic he had in mind, it would be very difficult for him to enter the Light-Bulb Moment state.

In contrast, if he had a lot of prior knowledge on the topic, the 3% probability would increase.

Oh, that was wrong. It was already 9%. The 3% probability was at LV1, and this was the second talent the Bodhi Tree had bestowed upon Lin Yao. Ever since the Bodhi Tree had advanced to a Gold Person, its intrinsic nature had improved, causing the Light-Bulb Moment to reach LV3 from LV1, and the probability of enlightenment had become 9%.

‘The first and second talents of the Bodhi Tree are complementary to each other. The first talent enables me to quickly accumulate foundation. It is only with enough foundation that the prowess of the second talent—Light-Bulb Moment—can be truly unleashed.’

‘The enlightenment of the Light-Bulb Moment also increases my learning efficiency.’

Gaining knowledge was undoubtedly a state of focused thinking. Learning and knowledge could be traced to the same origin, so Lin Yao often entered the state of a sage while he was studying, thus understanding some of the profound knowledge effortlessly. This could be seen through the way he suddenly and rapidly flipped off the pages of the book he was reading.

Becoming a powerhouse required both talent and diligence, with the latter being more important. Lin Yao had both talent and diligence. He was undoubtedly on the right track.

Tonight, Lin Yao finished reading three physics books in one go and understood the profound knowledge in each of them.

‘I’ll study electromagnetism first before dawn. I have the Super Electromagnetic Gun and I should also study dynamics. When I become stronger in the future and my range of perception increases, I’ll be able to perceive and accurately strike the enemy within a radius of 10 kilometers.

‘What should I name this move? Godly Punishment? Spear of God? Spear of Thunder God?’

After reading three books, Lin Yao was having a splitting headache and he felt dizzy.

He had overworked his brain. The best solution to this was sleeping and resting, but Lin Yao didn’t want to waste time and wanted to accumulate more knowledge. He glanced at a bottle of silvery nutrient drink in his hands.

Moon Essence!

This was a nutrient drink developed by humans. Lin Yao was not sure about its specific ingredients. It was seemingly related to the moon essence, or it might just be a guise. Regardless of its ingredients, its effect was well-known. It was used to eliminate brain fatigue and restore mental strength. This was a miraculous drug.

Lin Yao knew that if he were to drain it at once, the fatigue in his brain would dissipate completely along with a cool breeze.

He would be able to continue studying then. Although all nutrient drinks had drug resistance, a bottle of it could be taken every day for a continuous period of three months.

However, while looking at the nutrient drink in his hand, he was very hesitant. This bottle costs 500,000 yuan.

‘I’ll save 500,000 yuan with one night of sleep?

‘One night is enough for me to study four more books.’

These two thoughts fought in Lin Yao’s heart, and finally, a tragic sigh echoed in his heart.

‘I’m so poor!’

The sighing Lin Yao eventually placed the nutrient drink next to his mouth. He still valued time more than money.

‘As long as I improve fast enough, there will be no shortage of money.’

As the nutrient drink entered his mouth, a refreshing sensation lingered in his brain and headed toward the depths of his soul. The invigorating feeling not only relieved his fatigued soul but also made Lin Yao shiver comfortably.

‘Woo… Comfortable.”

Lin Yao’s brain initially felt muddled and disorientated, but now, it was as if the Moon Essence had washed away those messy lines with a basin of water, calming and awakening his mind as well as enabling him to continue learning.

Every drug had a gradual process of exhibiting curative effects, and so did the Moon Essence. He was lying on Qin Xue’s knees, taking in her scent as she massaged him gently… This kind of ‘gentle homeland’ made Lin Yao feel somewhat nostalgic.

Therefore, he didn’t get up immediately. He planned to study again when he was completely awake.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. After a while, his brows frowned slightly.

‘What is happening? Are they looking for me?’

When he had first awakened the electromagnetic induction talent, Lin Yao’s head had hurt so much that it had almost exploded. However, this was in fact a divine skill. While lying in the living room of the apartment, he could perceive everything within a radius of two kilometers.

During the day, there were many people and a massive amount of information. Therefore, his sense of perception might overlook some of these things. However, in the silence of the night, his sense of perception had been fully unleashed. Someone was driving and looking in the direction of his apartment umpteen times, and Lin Yao had sensed it.

‘While traveling along the main road and heading to my main entrance, I didn’t sense any malice… Someone is paying me a visit. But who are they? How do they know that I live here?’

He felt a little vigilant. Nevertheless, he didn’t sense any malice and could also sense the two fighters guarding him inside the car on the ground floor of his apartment. Therefore, he didn’t make any other arrangements.

While looking at the figure of the person coming upstairs, Lin Yao, who was closing his eyes and enjoying the moment, suddenly said, “Xiaomeng, open the door.”


Yin Yin and Yin Meng were the names of the twin sisters. Normally, Lin Yao would address them as Xiaomeng and Xiaoyin.

The younger sister didn’t understand why Lin Yao called out to her. Nevertheless, she obeyed Lin Yao’s instructions.

Looking doubtful, she opened the door of the house. Just as she opened the door wide, someone who had raised his hand was about to knock on the door.

“What a coincidence.”

“It’s not a coincidence. Ah Yao told me to open the door. Please come in.”

“Thank you.”

‘He can actually perceive my arrival without me discovering it. If he did this with his own ability instead of relying on technology, his talent would be really good.”

‘Of course, otherwise, why would the bureau make us come over in the middle of the night?’

A couple clad in police uniforms had come. They had a good impression of Lin Yao because of what happened at the doorstep. After a mutual sound transmission, they both felt that Lin Yao was a genius with great potential.

However, this thought shattered the moment they entered the living room and witnessed the scene there.

Lin Yao, who was in the living room, had not gotten up. As he was indulging in the massage and enjoying the soothing feeling of his soul being stimulated by the Moon Essence, he triggered the Light-Bulb Moment and entered the state of a sage.

The enlightenment this time was also related to the Moon Essence and light.

‘The power of the sun and the power of light are electromagnetic waves and particle streams… The scorching sun emits electromagnetic waves and particle streams into the universe. This is called solar radiation. Because solar radiation transmits energy, my Armored Body Of Light is really absorbing energy, or it can be said that it is absorbing solar radiation energy.

‘Solar radiation is akin to electromagnetic waves. As there are different wavelengths, there are also many kinds of sunlight—visible light, infrared rays, and ultraviolet rays. This is the original physical law. However, due to the Spirit Energy Revival, light manifestations in the form of electromagnetic waves and particle streams are accompanied by spirit energy. This has changed the nature of light… I don’t have much knowledge and understanding of this, but the light I absorb should be a kind of positive energy formed via the combination of a specific waveband and spirit energy.

‘Light has different wavelengths and is thus differentiated into visible light, ultraviolet rays, and infrared rays. With the accompaniment of spirit energy, it has more variations and forms now. I can only absorb one kind of positive energy, so the absorption can only be done during the day. It’s highly possible that the light at night has been combined with the spirit energy, causing an unknown change to take place.

‘The same applies to moonlight. After the sun emits light toward the moon, it is reflected by the moon, and the nature of the light may also change. Therefore, I can’t absorb it… If the Moon Essence is not a name that deliberately misleads people, moonlight with a changed nature should be different from the positive energy and holy light during the day. It no longer heals the body but nourishes the soul… One heals the body, and the other heals the soul. The name of the Moon Essence should be correct.

‘Moonlight is also a form of light. Perhaps I can find ways to make the Armored Body Of Light absorb this light to enhance the soul… Damn it. The state of a sage is gone.’

[1] The Latter Day of the Dharma is also known as “the Degenerate Age of Dharma” and is one of the Three Ages of Buddhism. It lasts for 10,000 years, during which the Dharma declines.

[2] Zhang Sanfeng was a legendary Chinese Taoist who invented Tai Chi and was purported to have achieved immortality.

[3] Tai Chi, sometimes colloquially known as “Shadowboxing”, is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defense training, health benefits, and meditation.

[4] Bodhidharma was a semi-legendary Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century.

[5] Shaolin Kung Fu, also called Shaolin Wushu or Shaolin Quan, is one of the oldest, largest, and most famous styles of wushu, or kung fu.

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