I Have A Sword

Chapter 497: Indiscriminate Destruction

Chapter 497: Indiscriminate Destruction


A tremendous surge of sword intent and force burst out of Ye Qingqing. The brass-colored beam of light shattered into pieces, and the powerful sword intent forced the woman wielding a colossal sword to retreat.

However, a figure suddenly rushed toward Ye Guanthe spearman!

Ye Qingqing pulled Ye Guan behind her and slashed out toward the spearman.


The spearman flew away, and Ye Qingqin finally managed to take a good look at the spearman. The spearman was a white-robed man exuding a powerful spear intent, and he was staring at Ye Qingqing with a solemn gaze.

The white-robed spearman had been lurking long ago, and his plan was to deliver a fatal blow to Ye Qingqing at a critical juncture. The three of them had almost succeeded in killing Ye Qingqing together, but Ye Guan had unexpectedly taken the blow for her!

What a pity

The white-robed spearman stared at Ye Guan. Ye Guan was holding his sword with both hands while blood gushed out of his chest.

If it hadn't been for Ao Qianqian protecting him, Ye Guan would have been annihilated by the spear. However, Ye Guan still ended up sustaining massive damage to his soul, and it was all thanks to the white-robed spearman's powerful spear intent.

Ye Qingqing quickly supported Ye Guan, and her expression turned fierce as she glanced at the hole in Ye Guan's chest.

Ye Qingqing said, "Little Pagoda, take him inside."

A brass-colored beam of light enveloped Ye Guan, and he disappeared into thin air.

Ye Qingqing opened her palm, and the tiny pagoda flew toward her hand.

She flicked her wrist and put away the tiny pagoda.

"Don't give him time to heal!" a Time Reverser roared.

Ye Qingqing turned around and glared at the Time Reverser.


The Time Reverser's head flew away, and his headless corpse spurted blood all over the place.

Everyone stared dumbstruck.

Ye Qingqing turned her head to look at the white-robed spearman. Her beautiful eyes shimmered in a killing intent so thick that it was palpable. Ye Qingqing didn't say anything as she turned into a streak of sword light, rushing toward the white-robed spearman!

The white-robed spearman's eyes narrowed. With a flick of his wrist, the spear in his hand surged forth like an angry dragon emerging from the sea, carrying with it an aura of destruction as it flew toward Ye Qingqing.


As soon as the spear and sword made contact, the white-robed spearman was instantly forced back tens of thousands of meters away. Before he could even stop, a cascade of sword light descended upon his head.

A cold glint flashed in the white-robed spearman's eyes. He thrust his spear forward, and a myriad of spear lights erupted at the tip of his spear.

A head-on collision!


As soon as he thrust his spear forward, the white-robed spearman immediately retreated.

Ye Qingqing's sword intent shattered the white-robed spearman's spear intent and spear force. After coming to a stop, the white-robed spearman looked extremely solemn, and his heart filled with shock. Ye Qingqing's sword was truly terrifying.

Ye Qingqing was about to make another move when the Ancient Mirror Sovereign activated the Ancient Heavenly Mirror in his hand. A brass-colored beam of light shot toward Ye Qingqing.

Meanwhile, the woman wielding a colossal sword took to the sky and slashed out toward Ye Qingqing.

In addition, the Heaven Sovereign and the Earth Sovereign disappeared from their original positions, transforming into two shadowy figures that charged at Ye Qingqing.

Five against one!

Ye Qingqing took a stance with her sword, showing no fear at all. She stomped with her right foot, and a radiant sword light burst out of her. She turned into a streak of radiant sword light and charged at her opponents.


A deafening explosion rocketed across the battlefield.

The Time Reversers revealed solemn expression at the sightYe Qingqing was actually fighting five top-tier supreme elites at once. Ye Qingqing's strength was truly unbelievable.

Meanwhile, Diyi Feng, who had already recovered his fleshly body, cast a solemn gaze toward Ye Qingqing. Ye Qingqing's power had exceeded everyone's expectations.

Ye Qingqing's eyes were fixed on the white-robed spearman, even though she had four other enemies she could attack. She unleashed multiple slashes with her sword, and each sword move contained a destructive force capable of annihilating both heaven and earth.

The white-robed spearman was pushed into a corner, and his figure was riddled with sword wounds. If it hadn't been for the other four, the white-robed spearman would have died long ago.

The Time Reversers became even more solemn at Ye Qingqing's ferocity. Diyi Feng's expression was particularly pensive. The supreme elites of the True Universe and the Guanxuan Universe were currently facing the supreme elites of the Diyi Clan, which was why they hadn't been able to reinforce Ye Qingqing and Ye Guan.

However, at this rate

Diyi Feng turned toward the Ancient Mirror Sovereign and shouted, "End it!"

The Ancient Mirror Sovereign and the faces of the other four became solemn. They also wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, but Ye Qingqing was just too terrifying. The battle was five against one, but they still couldn't suppress her. To make matters worse, Ye Qingqing was getting better and faster in the middle of battle.

"We're all going to die once the supreme elites of the True Universe and the Guanxuan Universe are here!" Diyi Feng roared.

"The Great Daoist Brush Master has called for reinforcements!" someone else shouted.

The Ancient Mirror Sovereign's expression turned ugly.

Ye Guan had reinforcements? No one had told him that Ye Guan had reinforcements. They genuinely believed that Ye Guan only had the True God and the Great Daoist Brush Master behind him.

The True God had sealed herself along with the Evil Dao; the Great Daoist Brush Master had been warned as well, so they no longer had any reservations. However, they didn't expect that Ye Guan would have so many powerful people behind him in addition to his incredible strength!

Everyone revealed solemn expressions. They knew that they'd be done for once Ye Guan's reinforcements were her. In fact, Ye Guan just had to recover his strength, and he would become a massive headache to them.

"I'll hold her back!" the Ancient Mirror Sovereign roared, "You guys find an opportunity!"

The Ancient Mirror Sovereign trembled, and he transformed into a brass-colored beam of light that melted into the Ancient Heavenly MirrorUnity of man and mirror!


A violent tremor ran through the Ancient Heavenly Mirror, and a kaleidoscope of brass-colored lights erupted from it. The explosion forced the Time Reversers to retreat far away with shocked faces.

They dared not look directly at the Ancient Heavenly Mirror.

The Ancient Heavenly Mirror trembled once again, and a brass-colored beam of light burst out, heading straight for Ye Qingqing in the distance. The brass-colored beam of light contained ten times the power of the usual brass-colored beam of light!

Ye Qingqing sensed something just then and turned around, slashing down with her sword.


A burst of sword light erupted in front of her, and the impact sent her flying away. Before she could stop, a colossal sword flew toward her head from above. At the same time, a spear was thrust toward her from her right side!

A three-way pincer attack!

Ye Qingqing's jade-like face revealed killing intent. She stomped with her right foot, and a mysterious force sprang up from herSword Domain!

Ye Qingqing's sword domain instantly suppressed her attackers, leaving them reeling in shock. Ye Qingqing stepped forward, and a torrent of sword light poured out of her.


The woman wielding a colossal sword was blasted away first, followed closely by the white-robed spearman. However, the brass-colored beam of light forced Ye Qingqing to retreat, and her sword domain collapsed after taking the brunt of her assailants' attacks.

Ye Qingqing retreated a few kilometers away before shouting and pressing forward with her sword in hand.


The oncoming brass-colored beam of light was destroyed.

Ye Qingqing's figure trembled. She dodged to the side and dashed straight toward the white-robed spearman. Ye Qingqing moved so fast that she arrived in front of the white-robed spearman in the proverbial blink of an eye.

Then, Ye Qingqing wasted no time and swung her sword down.

The white-robed middle-aged man's pupils constricted. He dared not contend against Ye Qingqing's furious sword slash; he raised his spear to defend himself.


The spear trembled, and a burst of sword light erupted at the point of collision. The white-robed spearman flew kilometers away as if he were a puppet with its string cut. As soon as he stopped, the spear was reduced to ashes that scattered into the air.

However, Ye Qingqing wasn't done just yet as she charged at the white-robed spearman. The white-robed spearman looked up and was greatly alarmed by the scene before him.

A colossal sword swept toward Ye Qingqing just then, and the powerful sword intent within the colossal sword rushed toward Ye Qingqing like a rogue wave, causing the collapse of the nearby spacetime.

Ye Qingqing changed the trajectory of her attack and slashed out toward the colossal sword.


The sword intent within the colossal sword shattered upon impact. Meanwhile, another brass-colored beam of light shot out from the Ancient Heavenly Mirror, and it arrived in front of Ye Qingqing in an instant.

Ye Qingqing's sword domain manifested, and she even swung her sword at the brass-colored beam of light. Her sword managed to stop the brass-colored beam of light in its tracks, and Ye Qingqing put both hands on her sword.


The brass-colored beam of light exploded into a myriad light fragments.

Ye Qingqing tapped the ground lightly with her foot, transforming into a streak of sword light that disappeared toward the white-robed spearman.

The white-robed spearman's pupils constricted. Why was she coming at him again? The white-robed woman couldn't think too much, as he didn't have the luxury of time. He was forced to raise his spear and unleash a wave of spear lights.

The spear lights flew toward Ye Qingqing!

A colossal sword carrying a terrifying sword intent flew toward Ye Qingqing from behind.

The colossal sword moved so fast that it reached Ye Qingqing in the blink of an eye.

The woman wielding a colossal sword had chosen to attack Ye Qingqing rather than defend her companion! This time, however, Ye Qingqing ignored the oncoming colossal sword. She waved her right hand and sent her sword flying toward the white-robed spearman.


The white-robed spearman's spear lights collapsed, but Ye Qingqing's sword did not slow down. It pierced the spearman's glabella and instantly annihilated his soul.

The white-robed spearman was no more!

The colossal sword struck Ye Qingqing just then, sending her flying.

Ye Qingqing spat mouthfuls of blood as she flew across the starry skies. It was just one blow, but it had severely injured her. To make matters worse, the Ancient Mirror Sovereign was done charging up a powerful attack.

A brass-colored beam of light made a beeline for Ye Qingqing, and it was more powerful than the woman wielding a colossal sword's attack.

Ye Qingqing was powerless at the moment, as she had just forcibly endured the woman wielding a colossal sword's attack just to kill the white-robed spearman.

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