I Have A Sword

Chapter 508: The Third Bloodline!

Chapter 508: The Third Bloodline!

Ye Guan looked at the young lady in front of him, utterly confused. Does she actually know me?

Many burning questions popped up in Ye Guan's mind.

Just then, Jing Xue walked up to Ye Guan.

She examined him carefully and smiled. "You're really quite handsome."

Ye Qingqing suddenly asked, "Are you trying to seduce him?"

Ye Guan's face darkened. Seduce? Do you really have to use that word, Aunt?

Jing Xue's stunning face blushed, and she looked incredibly beautiful, akin to a blooming peach blossom.

However, Ye Qingqing frowned at Jing Xue's reaction.

"So you really want to seduce him, huh?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Jing Xue lowered her head and twirled her fingers shyly, feeling embarrassed.

Ye Qingqing's expression became strange, and she looked at the confused Ye Guan.

What is she trying to do? Ye Qingqing stared quietly at Ye Guan and sneered.

Ignoring Ye Qingqing, Ye Guan walked up to Jing Xue and asked, "Lady Jing Xue, how come do you know me?"

Jing Xue smiled. "My master instructed me to wait for you here."

Ye Guan furrowed his brows in confusion. "Your master?"


"Who is your master?" asked Ye Guan.

Jing Xue lowered her head slightly and remained silent.

Ye Guan's expression became peculiar just then. He had a nagging feeling that he had fallen into someone's scheme. Who was scheming against him? The first person he thought of was the Great Daoist Brush Master. However, he wasn't really sure.

Ye Guan looked at Jing Xue silently, awaiting her reply.

Jing Xue's reply came belatedly, "I have the Adverse Dao Physique, and no one could release me from this physique during my era, so my master sealed me here and instructed me to wait for you. My master said that you have many powerful figures backing you, and I wouldn't be affected by Adverse Dao Misfortune if I followed you."

Ye Guan asked, "Who is your master?"

Jing Xue opened her palm, and a portrait appeared in front of Ye Guan.

Ye Guan froze in shock upon seeing the individual in the portrait. The Great Daoist Brush Master! Damn it, it's actually him!

Goosebumps broke out all over Ye Guan. This young lady is the Great Daoist Brush Master's disciple. Does that mean his scheme started many years ago?

Ye Guan's hair stood on end, and he suddenly felt that he had been too naive. If it hadn't been for his father and his plain-skirt aunt suppressing the Great Daoist Brush Master, the latter would have manipulated even his underwear!

The Great Daoist Brush Master. Ye Qingqing frowned as well.Of course, she knew about the Great Daoist Brush Master. Right now, only a handful of people could suppress the Great Daoist Brush Master.

However, what caught her off guard was the Great Daoist Brush Master's scheme that ran deep and had been ongoing for a long time. To think he'd even take into account Ye Guan's existence in his scheme, even though the latter was yet to be born at the time.

Ye Qingqing felt that she had underestimated the Great Daoist Brush Master.

No wonder that woman wanted to suppress the Great Daoist Brush Master. It was probably the Great Daoist Brush Master's punishment for being so scheming.

Ye Guan's expression was a bit ugly.

Jing Xue saw that and asked, "Are you angry?"

Ye Guan remained silent.

Jing Xue lowered her head slightly, looking despondent.

Ye Guan looked at Jing Xue and asked, "Did he say anything else to you?"

Jing Xue glanced at Ye Guan and replied, "He asked me to help you."

Ye Guan furrowed his brows slightly. "Help me?"

Jing Xue nodded. "Yes."

"How are you going to help me?"

"My father left me behind twelve Saints, four Time Divine Guards, and nine Secret Guards. He left them for me, but they can be at your disposal!" Jing Xue said, smiling.

"What are your conditions?"

Jing Xue stared deeply at Ye Guan. "I want to follow you, and I want you to help me avoid the Adverse Dao Misfortune."

Ye Guan was puzzled. "What's the Adverse Dao Misfortune?"

"It's a curse from the Adverse Dao."

Ye Guan was taken aback. "You've been cursed by a Dao? The Adverse Dao?"


Ye Guan was confused. "Why?"

Jing Xue sighed softly, looking sorrowful as she explained, "I was born with the Adverse Dao Physique. If you want to know why, then I can't tell you because I don't know. I've asked Master, and he said that it's because I did too many bad things in my past life, so I'm having such a miserable life in this lifetime!"

Ye Guan's expression became strange. "You did too many bad things in your past life?"

"That's what Master said to me, but I'm not sure," Jing Xue said with a nod.

Ye Guan walked up to Jing Xue just then and grabbed her hand.

Jing Xue was slightly startled, and her expression became somewhat unnatural.

"Don't misunderstand. I just want to see whether your constitution is truly the embodiment of the Adverse Dao!"

Jing Xue stared into Ye Guan's eyes. Upon seeing that his eyes were as clear as a placid lake and contained not even a trace of lust, Jing Xue eventually relented, allowing Ye Guan to hold her hand.

Ye Qingqing glanced at Ye Guan and sneered coldly, but she didn't say a word.

After a while, Ye Guan quietly withdrew his hand.

Jing Xue asked, "How is it?"

"I couldn't sense anything."

Jing Xue's expression froze.

"You held her hand for such a long time, but you couldn't sense anything?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Ye Guan turned to Ye Qingqing and said, "Aunt, it's your turn."


Ye Qingqing drew her sword and smacked Ye Guan's arm with the dull part.


A crisp noise echoed followed by a miserable howl.

Ye Guan ran away with Ye Qingqing hot on his heels.

"Aunt, what's wrong?! I have no ill intentions! Master Pagoda can vouch for me!"

Soon, another miserable scream pervaded the air.

Little Pagoda truly had no idea what to say.

The miserable screams lasted for almost an hour before they disappeared.

Ye Guan sat quietly on a stone step.

A tiny pagoda was on the ground in front of him, and Ye Guan couldn't hear any noises from it.

Ye Qingqing's jade-like face was cold and indifferent as she stood by the main hall's doorway with her sword in hand.

Jing Xue stood not far from Ye Qingqing, glancing at Ye Qingqing and then at Ye Guan, curiosity flickering in her eyes.

Little Pagoda shattered the silence just then, saying, "Young Master, at this rate, I might really rebel against you."

Little Pagoda was truly on the verge of a mental breakdown!

He had suffered two beatingsreal, painful beatings since he returned to Ye Guan, and he was truly unwilling to accept it. After all, he hadn't done anything wrong.

However, Ye Qingqing's character meant that she wouldn't hold back whenever she decided to do something. Unfortunately, Ye Qingqing was extremely powerful, so her knuckle sandwiches were extremely delicious!

Ye Guan looked down and stayed silent at Little Pagoda's remark. I got beaten up again! What did I do wrong?

Ye Guan became more and more infuriated the more he thought about it. Then, he looked at Ye Qingqing and exclaimed, "Aunt, I can't accept this!"

Ye Qingqing stared indifferently at Ye Guan. "Do you want to fight?"

Ye Guan's expression stiffened.

"Come on, hit me, then!" Ye Qingqing provoked.

"Aunt, we need to talk this out!"

"Use your mouth to talk while I use my fists to beat you up."

Ye Guan became somewhat angry at that. "You can beat me up, but there has to be a reason behind it!"

"Reason? Weren't you just trying to take advantage of her?"

"I wasn't trying to take advantage of her! I was just trying to feel her physique!" Ye Guan retorted, immediately denying the accusation.

"Why would you touch her hand to feel her physique? So you want to 'feel' her physique, huh? Why don't you just touch her chest, then if you really want to 'feel' her physique?" Ye Qingqing asked.


Ye Qingqing glared coldly at Ye Guan. "How come you learned such nonsense from your father of all things? If it weren't for your father, I wouldn't care"

Ye Qingqing stopped mid-sentence.

However, it was too late as Ye Guan's expression had already changed.

Sitting on the stone steps, Ye Guan stared quietly at the Little Pagoda in front of him.

Little Pagoda remained silent as well.

Ye Qingqing's words made Ye Guan realize quite a few things.

The atmosphere in the hall changed subtly.

Ye Qingqing stared at Ye Guan and hesitated. She wanted to say something when Ye Guan took a deep breath and stood up slowly. Then, he bowed deeply to Ye Qingqing, saying, "Thank you for your help so far, Aunt. From here on out, you need not worry about me."

With that, Ye Guan turned around and picked up the tiny pagoda before transforming into a ray of sword light that disappeared into the distance.

Ye Qingqing watched as the sword light vanished into the horizon. She gripped her sword tightly and revealed a contemplative look.

Jing Xue glanced quietly at Ye Qingqing.


Ye Guan left the realm and entered the Time River. He finally realized just how difficult it was to go against the flow of time. Ye Qingqing had been the navigator, so Ye Guan had never really tried to go against the flow of time himself until now.

It turned out that the flow of the Time River was more terrifying than he initially thought.

However, Ye Guan remained steadfast. He suddenly recalled Cizhen, and he finally understood the meaning behind Cizhen's words on that fateful day, and what she had done for him.

"Don't call for help! Don't call for help! Don't call for help!" Ye Guan exclaimed.

Father can ask my aunts for help, but what about me? Can I do so with a clear conscience? No, I can't! The reason they're helping me is because of my fathernot because they truly wanted to help me!

Ye Guan chuckled self-deprecatingly. He was a talented young man who had garnered many accolades despite his young age. He inherited the family business before the age of twenty and was surrounded by a bunch of impressive relatives.

Ye Guan had always been reminding himself not to lose sight of himself, but it seemed that he had inadvertently lost sight of a few parts of himself.

No, they've become clearer in my eyesclearer than ever, but I've been refusing to face them! Ye Guan looked up at the endless Time River, and his vision became somewhat blurry. Cizhen!

Ye Guan whispered, "It's better to have your own umbrella than to seek shelter under someone else's roof. Cizhen, don't worry; even if I'm about to die in battle, I'm never going to call for anyone's help again..."

Ye Guan's expression became fierce just then. "Isn't it just death?"

A terrifying sword intent abruptly erupted from within Ye Guan as if it had sensed his determination and will. The powerful current of the Time River was instantly torn apart as Ye Guan established his will to make a breakthrough on the brink of death!

Ye Guan had no more reservations. He was Ye Guan, but he was just Ye Guan!

It'd be great to receive help from his relatives, but their help was a great shacklea great shackle that made him feel as if he were invincible. Moreover, his invincible relatives meant that he'd never be able to find his true identity.

And he'd never be able to take a good look at death and appreciate life

Ye Guan shuffled off his confidence.

I'm just Ye Guan! And I'm just an ordinary person!


A mysterious bloodline power emerged from within Ye Guan just then, and it immediately threatened the Mad Demon Bloodline and the Phoenix Emperor Bloodline as soon as it appeared.

Somewhere, a lady dressed in a plain skirt opened her eyes and was slightly startled to sense the changes in her bloodline.

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