I Have A Sword

Chapter 533: Erya and Little White

Chapter 533: Erya and Little White

About a thousand meters away from Ye Guan and the others stood a middle-aged man wielding a long spear. He was wearing a plain robe, and his hair fell past his shoulders. His billowing aura made the spacetime around him churn and boil.

The middle-aged man's gaze landed on Ye Guan as soon as he appeared.

The expressions of the Secret Guards and the woman in white armor turned incomparably grim as they stared at the middle-aged man wielding a long spear.

Ye Guan stared wordlessly at the middle-aged man, but his left hand rested on Xuanyuan's pommel. He was ready to unsheathe it and strike at any moment.

The middle-aged man stepped forward just then.

Ye Guan and the others immediately felt an overwhelming force sweeping toward them; the force was so overwhelming that they all held their breaths, and they all felt helpless.

Ye Guan took a step forward as well and slashed out fiercely with his sword. A powerful sword force burst out in a ray of sword light, colliding with the oncoming overwhelming force produced by the middle-aged man.


Ye Guan and the middle-aged man flew backward, and the powerful shockwave sent everyone flying as well.

Before Ye Guan could come to a stop, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine. The assassins had come for him once again!

A golden light surged out of Ye Guan.


A colossal dragon emerged and shielded Ye Guan with her body. At the same time, countless cold lights engulfed the colossal dragon.


The cold lights struck Ao Qianqian, and clanging noises echoed incessantly as the cold lights collided against Ao Qianqian's thick, durable scales.

Ao Qianqian swung her tail across the assassins, shattering the cold lights and sending the assassins flying away like kites that had lost their strings.

The middle-aged man wielding a long spear charged at Ao Qianqian.

Before he could get close, however, a spear streaked across spacetime, making a beeline for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed at the sight; the spear contained a terrifying power that threatened even him. Not daring to ignore it, he swung his spear toward the oncoming spear.


A deafening noise echoed. The flying spear was deflected, but the middle-aged man had to retreat. He looked to his right and saw a mysterious figure clad in black armor.

The middle-aged man's eyes as he asked, "Who are you?"

The figure clad in black armor ignored him and turned to Ye Guan. Bowing slightly, he said, "The Commander of the Black Armor Guards greets the Young Master!"

Commander of the Black Armor Guards? Ye Guan stared at the figure clad in black armor with curiosity in his eyes. How did Mother manage to recruit so many top-tier elites?

The Commander of the Black Armor Guards said, "White Phoenix, take the Young Master away to where the Pavilion Master is at the moment."

The woman in white armor—White Phoenix—nodded and turned to Ye Guan.

"Young Master, let's go," White Phoenix said before leading Ye Guan away.

Meanwhile, the middle-aged man wielding a long spear sneered, "Trying to escape?"


The middle-aged man disappeared, rushing toward Ye Guan. However, the Commander of the Black Armor Guards vanished as well, and a radiant spear light erupted, making a beeline for the middle-aged man wielding a long spear.


A terrifying force erupted, and the spacetime around them collapsed.

The middle-aged man wielding a long spear was forcibly stopped in his tracks! He looked at the Commander of the Black Armor Guards with a hint of astonishment and said, "It's you!"

The Commander of the Black Armor Guards chuckled. "You recognize me?"

The middle-aged man wielding a long spear stared deeply at the Commander of the Black Armor Guards and pointed out. "You're Gan Mo, the former Captain of the Divine Time Hall's Divine Knights!"

Gan Mo merely smiled.

The middle-aged man wielding a long spear was puzzled. "You actually betrayed the Divine Time Hall to join the Guanxuan Universe?"

Gan Mo grinned and asked "Yu Ran, you actually joined the Past Clan despite having such a high rank on the Time List?"

Yu Ran stared coldly at Gan Mo. "You will regret the decision that you've made."

"You and I are fighting for our respective ideologies. Neither of us will have regrets."

"Then, let's fight!" Yu Ran vanished.

Gan Mo smiled and disappeared as well.

Soon, a fierce battle erupted between the two.

Meanwhile, Ye Guan moved swimmingly toward the distant end of the Time River under the escort of the Secret Guards.

White Phoenix turned to Ye Guan and said, "Young Master, those assassins are still around."

Ye Guan nodded. He couldn't see them, but there was still a lingering chill in the air, which seemed to follow him everywhere. It seemed that those assassins had truly been following him as if they were his shadows.

Ye Guan's expression was grim as he looked around. He had to admit that the assassins were terrifying. If it weren't for Ao Qianqian's protection, he would have died long ago. They were the most powerful assassins that he had ever encountered.

White Phoenix's expression was grim as well.

The Past Clan was a mysterious organization with a strength that even the Time Pavilion hadn't been able to measure. The assassins of the Past Clan were still around, which meant that they were waiting for the golden opportunity to strike.

Ye Guan knew that as well. He closed his eyes and asked, "Qianqian, how are your injuries?"

Ao Qianqian had taken too many hits for him; Ye Guan suspected that she had suffered considerable injuries.

Ao Qianqian replied, "I'm fine."

Fortunately, the Divine Tree of Nature was there, and it worked tirelessly to heal Ao Qianqian. In other words, Ye Guan had nothing to worry about.

Ye Guan nodded slightly. Just then, he sensed something and came to a halt. He looked up and saw a terrifying aura flying toward them at breakneck speeds.

White Phoenix's face immediately turned solemn. The members of the Secret Guards next to her became alert as well and got ready to fight.


A low rumbling echoed as the distant spacetime trembled violently. Under Ye Guan and the others' gazes, a colossal creature emerged, charging at them.

The colossal creature was a demonic beast in the form of an ape!

The ape was colossal indeed, as it was as big as a mountain. To make matters worse, a colossal axe was in its right hand. The ape betrayed its massive size, as it ran at breakneck speeds toward Ye Guan and his group.

It was horrifying to be subject to such a gargantuan creature's charge, and Ye Guan felt as if a mountain was rolling toward him.

Ao Qianqian was about to leave Ye Guan's body and fight the ape when White Phoenix suddenly said, "Lady Qianqian, please do not leave the Young Master. That is what they want you to do."

Ao Qianqian froze and went silent.

White Phoenix was right. The giant ape was a lure—a bait to make her leave Ye Guan's side. The assassins lurking in the pockets of spacetime nearby would definitely come out and strike the moment Ao Qianqian left Ye Guan.

Without Ao Qianqian's protection, Ye Guan would die under their combined attacks.

White Phoenix yelled, "Shield formation!"

The Secret Guards roared and thrust their shields forward.

A massive shield towering thousands of meters in both height and width manifested in an instant. The giant ape slammed its axe against the shield. It was a terrifying attack that seemed capable of shattering the entire Time River.


The massive shield shattered with a thunderous boom, and the powerful shockwave sent the members of the Secret Guards flying away.

Ye Guan stepped forward just then and slashed out with his sword—Six Space Overlaps!

The giant ape raised its axe to block the attack.


A cataclysmic explosion of sword lights erupted when the axe and the sword collided. The giant ape was blasted away, but Ye Guan ignored the former and performed a spinning slash.

A radiant burst of sword light pushed away the cold lights just as they emerged from the pockets of spacetime around Ye Guan. Unfortunately, Ye Guan's spinning slash was too weak to force the assassins to retreat far enough.

Moments later, the cold lights engulfed Ye Guan, injuring him.

However, Ye Guan was undeterred. He slashed out haphazardly, sending sword waves flying in all directions. The members of the Secret Guards saw the commotion and rushed to assist Ye Guan.

Soon, the sound of metal clashing against metal pervaded the battlefield.

Eventually, Ye Guan and the Secret Guards managed to break out of the dense, cold lights. However, they all sustained severe injuries. Ye Guan himself was riddled with dozens of deep wounds, and he was drenched in blood.

Meanwhile, the assassins decided to retreat and hide once more, waiting for another opportunity to strike.

The assassins' modus operandi became clear just then. If they couldn't kill Ye Guan with a single strike, they'd retreat immediately.

The assassins' retreat was timely as the giant ape in the distance had finally managed to stabilize itself and was charging at Ye Guan and the others once again.

Ye Guan's eyes narrowed into slits. The giant ape was here to distract them from the assassins lurking in the shadows; the assassins lurking in the shadows were the real threat!

Left with no choice, Ye Guan said, "Stay in formation and stand your ground. Do not lose your footing."

Ye Guan vanished, transforming into a ray of sword light that charged at the giant ape.

A fierce light fleeted across the giant ape's eyes. The next moment, it jumped and smashed down with its axe toward Ye Guan.

The giant ape was furious and disgruntled when Ye Guan sent it flying away with just a slash of his sword, so it decided to confront Ye Guan head-on for some payback!

Ye Guan's sword collided with the giant ape's axe.


A deafening explosion echoed; both Ye Guan and the giant ape were blasted away.

White Phoenix roared, "Protect the Young Master!"

The Secret Guards rushed toward Ye Guan and got into a shield formation to protect him. However, the assassins didn't show up, making Ye Guan frown in confusion.

The giant ape's fleshly body was riddled with cracks after it forcefully endured Ye Guan's attacks. It roared defiantly, unleashing a terrifying aura.

Ye Guan's eyes narrowed.

A horde of demonic beasts was coming!

As expected, Ye Guan saw thousands of giant apes running toward them in the distance.

Fuck! Ye Guan cursed inwardly. These bastards are ganging up on me!

Meanwhile, a little girl was staring at the scene in the distance. The little girl had a white beast on her shoulder; she was none other than Erya, while the white beast was none other than Little White!

Qin Guan's people had found them, so they rushed over here to assist Ye Guan.

When Erya saw the injuries all over Ye Guan, she let out a lengthy sigh. The next moment, she took out a candied hawthorn and licked it before saying, "It seems that we're in trouble. We need to figure out a way to shift the blame somehow..."

Little White was at a loss for words.

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