I Have A Sword

Chapter 535: Qingxuan!

Chapter 535: Qingxuan!

Undefeatable? Ye Guan blinked in surprise. Then, he gave her a thumbs-up and exclaimed, "That's right! Erya is invincible!"

Little White also raised her tiny paw in agreement.

Erya raised her chin slightly and said, "Keep it down; my skills aren't worth mentioning."

Ye Guan was at a loss for words in the face of Erya’s brazenness.

However, Erya calmly declared, "Let's keep moving!"

With Erya now part of the group, Ye Guan and the others felt considerably safer. Suddenly, Ye Guan grabbed Little White and asked, "Hey Little White, do you happen to have any healing divine artifacts or pills?"

During his battles alongside Ye Qingqing, Ye Guan noticed that the Divine Tree of Nature was no longer enough to sustain the two of them. Hence, he thought of asking Little White for healing-type divine artifacts.

Of course, the more, the merrier.

If he were to become a perpetual healing machine, he would be impervious to physical harm.

Little White blinked and appeared to be in contemplation.

She had a plethora of treasures to consider, so it was understandable that she was in deep thought.

Ye Guan's anticipation grew as she stared at Little White.

Eventually, Little White extended her paw, revealing a fist-sized, crystalline green orb. The orb emitted a soft green glow, and it was unmistakably precious. A refreshing fragrance wafted from it, pervading the air in an instant.

Intrigued, Ye Guan asked, "What's this?"

Erya calmly replied, "It's the Divine Life Orb."

Ye Guan looked at Erya.

Erya promptly explained, "It's from the Divine Realm of Life, which is a unique world saturated with boundless life force. The life force that had accumulated there for billions of years coalesced into the Divine Life Orb.

"The Divine Life Orb has its own consciousness, and we decided to bring it along in passing."

Ye Guan eagerly asked, "What can it do?"

Erya licked her candied hawthorn and replied, "It provides you with an endless supply of life force. It's definitely going to heal all your wounds, and it will not stop until you're dead. In other words, you just have to worry about getting killed instantly.

"Actually, it is far better than that tree inside of you."

Excitement surged within Ye Guan upon hearing Erya's revelation. He reached out for the Divine Life Orb, but Little White retracted her paw, leaving Ye Guan in confusion.

"You can only borrow it. You'll have to return it once you're done with it, got it?" Erya asked.

I have to return it? Ye Guan seemed disgruntled as he said, "Yeah, but aren't we family? Must I return what I borrowed?"

Erya's eyes shimmered in a faint light as she said, "Yes, we're family, but we must not owe each other anything."

Little White promptly nodded in agreement.

Ye Guan pondered briefly before eventually nodding. "All right, I'll return it when the time comes."

Little White then handed over the Divine Life Orb to Ye Guan.

Eager to receive it, Ye Guan took the Divine Life Orb and dripped a drop of blood onto it, but there was no immediate reaction.

Perplexed, Ye Guan looked at Erya.

Erya glanced at Little White.

Little White patted the Divine Life Orb with her tiny paw.

The orb immediately transformed into a ray of green light that seamlessly melted into Ye Guan's glabella.


A green light erupted from within Ye Guan. He slowly closed his eyes, sensing the Divine Life Orb floating within his sea of consciousness. Indeed, the orb contained an inexhaustible life force.

The Divine Life Orb and the Divine Tree of Nature.

Ye Guan and Ao Qianqian were practically unkillable, all thanks to these two healing-type divine treasures.

Ye Guan recalled something just then and turned to Little White, asking, "Do you happen to have any armor-type divine artifacts?"

Ye Guan was eager to arm himself to the teeth. To hell with those who ganged up on me!

Little White grinned and flipped her paw. An armor giving off a mysterious sheen materialized. Ye Guan was taken aback to see the armor. For some reason, the armor contained a familiar aura.

Ye Guan looked at Erya.

Erya licked her candied hawthorn before replying, "It's the Ancestral Dragon Divine Armor!"

"Ancestral Dragon?" Ye Guan was astonished. "It's made from the Ancestral Dragon's scales?"


"Do you guys know the Ancestral Dragon?"


Ye Guan was puzzled.

Erya added, "But Brother Yang is familiar with that dragon."

Grandfather? Ye Guan was stunned. Then, he shook his head and smiled.

Erya explained, "The Ancestral Dragon gave that armor to Brother Yang, and what belongs to Brother Yang belongs to us. In other words, go ahead and use it! Consider it a gift; there's no need for you to return it."

Ye Guan expressed his gratitude by saying, "Thank you..."

With Little White's assistance, Ye Guan finally managed to wear the Ancestral Dragon Divine Armor. The armor fused with him seamlessly. It looked heavy, but it was actually incredibly light.

Ye Guan was in awe, as he felt as if he weren't wearing any armor.

Erya suddenly said, "Give him a shield."

Little White waved her paw and a shield manifested in the air.

The shield was round and jet-black in color. Moreover, it was adorned with inscrutable, mysterious-looking runes.

Ye Guan looked at Erya.

"The shield doesn't have a name, and we just stumbled upon it," Erya said.

They just stumbled upon it? Ye Guan's expression froze. Moments later, he swore to tag along with Erya and Little White in their adventures. They had an uncanny ability to locate treasures, so he would certainly become rich if he were to follow them!

Ye Guan called Ao Qianqian, and she appeared in front of them.

"Her name is Ao Qianqian, and she's your granddaughter-in-law," Ye Guan introduced.

Ao Qianqian glanced at Ye Guan and smiled playfully.

Erya, in the midst of enjoying a candied hawthorn, stopped and stared alternatingly between Ao Qianqian and Ye Guan. Then, she cast a knowing look at Little White.

Little White and Erya went silent. This grandson of theirs was something else!

Ye Guan merely stared at Erya and Little White, but everyone understood what he was trying to say.

Erya eventually asked, "Is she a dragon?"


Erya stared at Ao Qianqian and said, "Then, I'll give you some of my blood!"

Erya opened her palm and slit her wrist. Then, she flicked her wrist and sent five of her blood toward Ao Qianqian's glabella.


Ao Qianqian's robes billowed as a powerful bloodline aura erupted from her. Ye Guan hastily looked at Ao Qianqian, whose face had become rosy. He could feel a powerful force boiling within her.

This wasn't Ao Qianqian's first time consuming Erya's fresh blood.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have become so strong in the blink of an eye.

Her strength had already surpassed many of her ancestors. However, Ao Qianqian consumed only a drop of Erya's blood at the time. This time, however, she consumed five drops, and they were much purer as well.

In other words, the energy contained within those droplets of blood was many times stronger than the drop of blood that Ao Qianqian had consumed at the time!

Ao Qianqian was about to enter the world inside the tiny pagoda to cultivate when Ye Guan raised a hand, stopping her.

Ao Qianqian turned and saw Ye Guan staring at Little White.

Little White blinked in confusion.

Ye Guan sounded serious as she said, "Erya has given her blood, but what about you, Little White? Do you not want to give her something?"

Little White was at a loss for words.

Erya stared deeply at Ye Guan for a while before turning to Little White.

Erya nodded quietly.

Little White stared at Ao Qianqian, seemingly falling into deep contemplation. After a while, Little White opened her palm, revealing a palm-sized stone tablet.

She handed the stone tablet to Ao Qianqian.

Ao Qianqian was curious. "What is this?"

Little White waved her tiny paw.

Ao Qianqian turned to Erya.

Erya promptly explained, "It's the Boundary Tablet; Brother Yang used that thing before. It'll enhance your strength significantly along with your fleshly body. It's beneficial to you."

"Thank you," Ao Qianqian said, expressing her gratitude.

Little White grinned, waving her paw to indicate that there was no need for thanks.

Little White looked so cute that Ao Qianqian couldn't help but reach out and pat her tiny furry head.

Ye Guan' also smiled. He had to admit that Little White was truly adorable.

After a while, Ao Qianqian returned to the world inside the tiny pagoda to absorb Erya's blood. Meanwhile, Ye Guan, Erya, and the others continued their journey to the world where Qin Guan was located.

Just as they were about to arrive at their destination, the spacetime around them was suddenly torn open, and countless cold lights directly shot out. The assassins had decided to make a move once more.

However, Little White's mirror allowed them to see the assassins before the latter got close enough to them.

"Shields up!" White Phoenix roared.


The cold lights inundated everyone like a deluge.

Erya rushed forward and threw a punch. The punch pushed back dozens of enemies. Erya prepared to strike once again when a spear flew toward them from afar.

Erya squinted and threw a punch directly at the oncoming spear!


The spear was sent flying, returning to its master's side.

Erya looked up and saw an old man dressed in a flowing black robe just a hundred meters away from them. The old man was holding a spear, and his cold gaze was fixed on Erya.

Erya wasted no time and charged forward, launching a powerful punch at him.

The old man remained steadfast. When Erya reached him, he twisted his wrist and thrust his spear forward—a head-on clash!


A thunderous boom echoed, and the old man was blasted away.

Erya stomped with her right foot, propelling herself like a cannonball.

The black-robed old man's eyes revealed a solemn light.

His fleshy body had cracked open, and blood gushed incessantly out of his hounds.

Erya was too strong! It was just a punch, but it had inflicted such severe injuries.

In no time, Erya arrived in front of the black-robed old man!

The black-robed old man's figure became blurry. The next moment, countless illusionary spears materialized, engulfing Erya in the blink of an eye.

However, a wave of fist energy erupted, shattering the countless spears and sending the black-robed old man flying.

The black-robed old man's fleshly body disintegrated In mid-air.

Erya was about to chase after the black-robed old man, but she sensed something and turned to Little White.

A red-robed old man was charging at Little White: their goal was Little White!

Erya's expression turned fierce. She turned around to assist Little White, but dozens of shadowy figures arrived in front of her, preventing her from assisting Little White.

Little White was stunned to see a red-robed old man closing in on her. Moments later, she raised one of her tiny paws and chanted to herself. Sword, come!


A resonant sword hum echoed, and spacetime was torn open at the same time.

A sword flew out of the spacetime rift and landed gracefully in Little White's palm.

Little White promptly handed it over to Ye Guan instead of unsheathing it and swinging it herself. Afterward, she pointed at the red-robed old man with her tiny paw—I provide the gear; you provide the might! Attack!

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