I Have A Sword

Chapter 545: Call More People

Chapter 545: Call More People

Ye Guan was flabbergasted. Master Pagoda is bowing to someone? What's going on here?

Ye Guan knew about Master Pagoda's stubborn personality. He had always been a cheerful and mirthful pagoda, but Ye Guan had never seen him bow, even toward Ye Guan himself.

Ye Guan stared at the woman in the green dress. She had a few wisps of stray hair before her face, and she exuded a unique aura of tranquility and serenity, which was reminiscent of orchids and chrysanthemums' fragrances.

Ye Guan frowned.

It was his first time seeing the woman in the green dress. Who is she?

Just then, Little Pagoda said, "Greetings, Mistress."


The woman in the green dress looked at Little Pagoda and smiled. Then, she opened her palm, and the tiny pagoda flew into her hand. The woman in the green dress turned to Ye Guan and smiled sweetly. "Come over here."

Ye Guan hesitated briefly before walking up to the woman in the green dress. He wanted to speak, but he had no idea what to say. He had so many relatives, so it wasn't strange that he couldn't recognize the woman in front of him.

However, it would be bad if he ended up calling her somebody else.

The woman in the green dress looked at Ye Guan and smiled. "I should have come to see you earlier, but I've been too busy, so I had no choice but to delay things."

Ye Guan asked carefully, "How should I address you?"

Before the woman in the green dress could speak, Little Pagoda said, "She's Mistress Su, and you should call her grandmother..."

Grandmother?! Ye Guan exclaimed inwardly and blinked repeatedly. It turned out that the woman in the green dress was from Yang Ye's generation!

The woman in the green dress looked at the distant Time River and said, "A group battle? Perfect, my Yang Family likes group battles as well. Xue'er!"


A spacetime rift was torn open, and a woman rushed out of it. She was dressed in a light red gown, and she bore a striking resemblance to Sword Master Qingshan. They even had the same eyebrows.

A group of supreme elites emerged behind her. There weren't that many of them—only around a hundred people. However, their auras were incredibly powerful auras, and they didn't pale in comparison to the Past Clan's supreme elites.

Ye Guan was stunned. Where did they come from?

Seeing Ye Guan's confusion, the woman in the green dress smiled and said, "They're the cultivators that our Yang Family has raised!"

The cultivators of the Yang Family? Ye Guan was baffled at first, but it eventually made sense to him. After all, the Yang Family's patriarch was Sword Master Qingshan, and the Time River was extremely vast as well, containing a myriad of universes from various timelines.

Sword Master Qingshan just had to show a bit of kindness, and he could make many supreme elites owe him favors. Of course, Ye Guan believed that Sword Master Qingshan didn't have such thoughts at first. After all, he was already invincible, and recruiting people was meaningless for him.

However, the people around him clearly thought otherwise, and one of them was Mistress Su!

The hardships that Mistress Su had experienced during Sword Master Qingshan's rise to prominence had to have led to her decision to develop the Yang Family's power.

Sword Master Qingshan's women weren't just ornaments, and each of them had their own plans. Of course, their motive was simple: to help the Sword Master establish order.

Unfortunately, the relationship between the plain-skirt lady and the Sword Master meant that the Yang Family had no business interfering, nor was it necessary for them to intervene. The plain-skirt lady was also too overprotective for them to intervene.

There were also some grievances between some of the Yang Family's supreme elites and the plain-skirt lady, so both sides didn't really contact each other.

However, everything changed when Ye Guan was born.

The complicated relationship between the Yang Family and the Sword Master meant that the Yang Family cherished Ye Guan greatly.

Thus, the members of the Yang Family did not hesitate to help Ye Guan right after he had taken over the family business.

The woman in the light red gown appeared in front of Ye Guan and pinched his cheeks, laughing. "You're even more handsome than your old man, hahaha!"

Ye Guan asked, "Who are you?"

The woman in the light red gown blinked and asked, "I'm your father's biological sister, so who do you think I am?"

"You're my aunt!" replied Ye Guan.

The woman in the light red gown smiled. Then, she seemed to have recalled something and turned to look at Little White. Little White blinked, and before she could react, the woman in the light red gown grabbed her, kissing her all over.

Ye Guan and Little White were dumbfounded.

Han Ling peered over the shoulder of the woman in the green dress to stare at an old man.

"You're the Time Immortal!" Han Ling exclaimed.

The old man was taken aback. Then, he smiled and said, "I never thought someone would recognize this old man here."

He really is the Time Immortal! Han Ling's expression darkened.

The Time Immortal was once number one on the Time List, and he managed to stay there for a long time, dominating everyone.

However, he suddenly disappeared and was no longer seen until now. Everyone assumed he had perished, but to think that he had ended up serving the Yang Family.

Even Han Ling didn't expect to see the Time Immortal on the Yang Family's side.

Just then, her eyes clapped on a middle-aged man not too far away from the Time Immortal. The man was dressed in a wide red robe, and there was a blood-red mark on his glabella, while there was a blood-red lotus on his right hand.

Han Ling's eyes narrowed. "The Blood Lotus Sovereign!"

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised. Then, he smiled and said, "Lady Han, you've actually recognized me. I'm impressed!"

The Blood Lotus Sovereign was a renowned supreme elite throughout the Time River. He founded the Lotus Clan, but the clan ended up getting destroyed for some reason. The Blood Lotus Sovereign vanished on that fateful night and was never seen until now.

Han Ling's gaze swept over the group of supreme elites on Ye Guan's side, and she noticed that there were quite a few familiar faces among them; they were once renowned top-tier supreme elites throughout the Time River.

Han Ling hadn't expected that the Yang Family would be able to bring such cultivators under their command.

the woman in the green dress looked at Han Ling and asked. "Miss, shall we begin?"

Han Ling stared deeply at the woman in the green dress and replied, "Yes."

With that, the Sword Pavilion's supreme elites transformed into rays of sword lights, rushing toward the woman in the green dress.

The Time Immortal stepped forward. He opened his palm, and a rotten piece of wood from within his palm took to the sky. The rotten piece of wood expanded rapidly, transforming into a log that spanned kilometers in size.

The fluctuations of time could be felt from the log, forcing the swordsmen to retreat.

The Blood Lotus Sovereign transformed into a blood-red light and took to the sky. As he arrived in the dome of the heavens, the blood lotus in his hand turned into a towering column of blood-red light, wherein blood lotus petals flew out like sharp blades.

The supreme elites behind the woman in the green dress flew toward the swordsmen of the Past Clan.

Fierce fighting broke out soon afterward!

Both sides consisted of supreme elites; the earth shook, and the sky trembled as soon as they clashed. Terrifying forces spread out in all directions, and the world itself started crumbling beneath the attacks.

The cultivators from both sides were evenly matched for now.

However, the Spirit Guards were still unmoving. It seemed that they were there to protect the two women—Han Ling and the woman in the tight-fitting skirt next to her.

Han Ling's gaze fell on Ye Guan down below. "Kill him!"

At her command, the Spirit Guards immediately rushed toward Ye Guan.

Dozens of Spirit Guards attacked at once, and dozens of colorful beams of light flew straight toward Ye Guan.

Ye Guan's eyes narrowed. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword and was about to make a move when the woman in the green dress said, "Don't move. Just watch for now."

Ye Guan stared at the woman in the green dress.


The spacetime next to Ye Guan was torn open, and more than twenty swordsmen emerged. A woman was standing at the helm of the group, but instead of rushing to fight, she rushed toward Ye Guan.

The woman examined Ye Guan from top to bottom with a smile. "So, you're Little Guan."

Ye Guan nodded. "And you are?"

"I am your father's disciple, and my name is Xu Wang."

Ye Guan was stunned. My dad has a disciple?

Xu Wang chuckled. "Let's go! Let's fight together!"

Ye Guan grinned and roared, "All right!"

Xu Wang laughed heartily and transformed into a streak of sword light that soared into the sky, heading straight toward the oncoming group of Spirit Guards.

Ye Guan became a streak of sword light as well. He soared into the sky, but his target wasn't the group of Spirit Guards, but the woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt, whom he had fought not too long ago.

Ye Guan had never really gone all out during their fight earlier, so he wanted to fight her some more.

The woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt flicked her thumb against the sword hilt, and her sword shot out of its sheath, making a beeline for Ye Guan.


Ye Guan was forced to come to a halt by the woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt's sword.

He had just stabilized himself in mid-air, but the woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt was already in front of him. The next moment, the woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt slashed out with her longsword.


A dazzling sword light erupted, and the impact sent Ye Guan flying into the distance.

The woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt chased after Ye Guan, and her figure abruptly split into a myriad of figures in an attempt to overwhelm Ye Guan.

Ye Guan dared not to be careless. The woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt's swordsmanship was far too formidable for him to take lightly. Ye Guan assumed a stance and slashed out—Space Overlap!

A myriad of sword lights converged in one place and erupted into a cataclysmic explosion that swept across the battlefield!


Both Ye Guan and the woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt were forced to retreat nonstop.

After coming to a halt, Ye Guan glanced at his slightly numb arm and looked up at the distant woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt. Ye Guan's eyes flashed with determination and excitement.

The woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt was a powerful swordsman, and her swordsmanship was better than Gu Nanrong, who was famous as the Great Sword Sovereign. Of course, Ye Guan only knew of Gu Nanrong's strength before her breakthrough.

The woman wearing a tight-fitting skirt was staring at Ye Guan, and her gaze remained steadfast with not even a ripple of emotion in her eyes.

Ye Guan couldn't help but feel curious. Was she truly serene like still water?

The two locked eyes without exchanging words. Then, they disappeared, transforming into blurry figures that charged toward each other.

Meanwhile, Han Ling's gaze shifted toward the woman in the green dress. Moments later, she snapped her fingers.


Terrifying auras emerged from behind Han Ling, sweeping across the battlefield like a tidal wave.

Han Ling stared at the woman in the green dress and challenged, "Call more people!"

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