I Have A Sword

Chapter 555: True Family

Chapter 555: True Family

The rain lasted a few hours. Perhaps that was why Ye Guan and Nalan Jia were exhausted. They lay embracing each other, their expressions showing signs of fatigue.

The next day.

Heavy rain fell again, causing flowers and grass to burst forth from the earth and plead for mercy.

Nalan Jia slowly opened her eyes, finding Ye Guan already gone. Staring at the empty space beside her, she felt a sense of loss. However, she soon turned red due to the mess on the bed. Maybe it was because the rain was so heavy, but the bed was soaked through.


Ye Guan and White Skirt Destiny had left the Dark Emperor World. This time, he only brought Little Pagoda with him.

Little White and Erya stayed in the Dark Emperor World to help. The Yang Clan cultivators were also rushing back to the Dark Emperor World.

The Dark Emperor World was an important place for them now.

In the Time River, Ye Guan turned to White Skirt Destiny, who was beside him. "Where are we going?"

"We're following in the footsteps of your grandfather and the Unfettered Swordsman," White Skirt Destiny replied with a smile.

Grandfather and the Unfettered Swordsman? Ye Guan couldn't help but be curious. "Where are they now?"

"I don't know."

Hesitantly, Ye Guan asked, "Are they just wandering around because they're bored?"

White Skirt Destiny chuckled. "They're not bored. They're waiting."

"Waiting? For what?"

"You don't know?"


Confused White Skirt Destiny blinked at him.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Ye Guan questioned.

His aunt subconsciously nodded but quickly shook her head, which surprised him.

What is wrong with you...

"It's just some trivial matter, unrelated to anything important," she answered.

"Can you tell me about it?"

White Skirt Destiny hesitated.

"Can't you?" he prodded.

After some consideration, she answered, "They concern you. I can tell you about one of them, but not the other."


"It's for your own good."

Ye Guan didn't know what to say.

White Skirt Destiny smiled. "Although I don't agree with the way they are doing things, I can't do anything about it."

"Can you really not tell me?"

"For the time being, no."

"Then just tell me what you can," Ye Guan requested.

"They want to establish an order," White Skirt Destiny finally confessed.

Ye Guan's brows furrowed. "They?"

"Plain Skirt Destiny, your father, your grandfather, and the Unfettered Swordsman. Oh, the Great Daoist Brush Master, too."

"Wasn't the Great Daoist Brush Master the only one who wanted that? Why would my father and the others..."

"The Great Daoist Brush Master was initially alone in it, but the others eventually felt that the world needed a certain order. They didn't want to do it themselves because it's too troublesome, though, so..."

"So they let me do it?" Ye Guan concluded.


"Why didn't my father establish it himself when he founded the Guanxuan Academy?"

White Skirt Destiny shook her head. "He couldn't."

Puzzled, Ye Guan replied, "Why not?"

"Because his humanity doesn't reside among all living things."

"Aunt Plain Skirt Destiny?"

White Skirt Destiny nodded.

"Aren't you jealous of her?" Ye Guan wondered.

"Not really."

"Why not?"

"Because if it weren't for her, your father wouldn't have come back. She never talks about it, but she has already accomplished so many things."

Ye Guan fell silent.

White Skirt Destiny smiled at him. "As long as your father is fine."

Ye Guan sighed.

His father truly was living the good life.

He was born with so many invincible sisters, and they all treated him so well without asking for anything in return.

Unlike him, Ye Guan had nothing.

No... that wasn't right. He had quite a lot.

All his aunts treated him really well.

White Skirt Destiny continued, "To establish order, one must possess humanity that suppresses divinity. Otherwise, divinity would suppress humanity. In their world, sentient beings are like ants. Ordinary people cannot comprehend such a feeling."

"So if I want to establish order, I cannot rely on invincible divinity alone?"

"That's right."

But now, most of the invincible individuals are based on divinity. How can I achieve invincibility through humanity?"

White Skirt Destiny thought about it for a moment. "I don't know the specifics, but I do know that they won't let you walk their path."

Ye Guan fell silent. If he couldn't walk the path those before him had taken, then...

"I have to forge my own path?"

"Yes," White Skirt Destiny answered.

Ye Guan smiled bitterly. "They think too highly of me."

White Skirt Destiny smiled gently. "Don't underestimate yourself. When your father and grandfather were your age, they were far weaker than you are."

Ye Guan shook his head. "That's because I'm standing on their shoulders. I started from a higher point than they did."

"That's one reason, but you have many other strengths. You also have many shortcomings, but that's normal. After all, you're still young and need time to grow. We cannot demand perfection from you."

Ye Guan smiled at White Skirt Destiny. "I still can't help but feel a lot of pressure, though."

"I know, but you have to understand that you cannot go back now."

"I know."

"You're very talented. I believe you will succeed in the future."


"There's no specific reason. I just feel that you will succeed."

Ye Guan laughed. "Only two people have ever believed in me like this. You're one of them, Aunt."

"Who is the other?" White Skirt Destiny asked.

"Sister Zhen."

The True God.

White Skirt Destiny briefly nodded. "That lady is also very powerful. I have seen what Universe Tribulations are like. She can suppress that and Evil Dao. I have to say, she is really amazing."

"Right now, I don't want to think about anything else. I just want to rescue my sister as soon as possible."

"Our first stop is the Tribulation Realm."

Ye Guan's expression changed. "The Tribulation Realm?"


"What are we going to do there?"

"You'll know when we get there."

The mention of the Tribulation Realm filled his mind with multiple thoughts.

"What's wrong?" White Skirt Destiny asked.

"I'm so weak right now. If I see my sister in the Tribulation Realm..."

White Skirt Destiny shook her head. "Don't think too much about it."

"I just can't help but be anxious. I want to be invincible before I rescue her. Going now, I..."

"I know. Don't worry. We'll become even stronger."

After some time, she asked, "Do you like the True God?"

Ye Guan nodded.

White Skirt Destiny chuckled. "Does she like you too?"

"Why would she like someone so weak?"

"Silly boy, affection has nothing to do with strength, especially not for someone who is already invincible."

Ye Guan didn't know what to say to that.

"You want to become stronger and help her, which is a good thing, but don't let that turn into an obsession. Most importantly, don't be too chauvinistic, okay?"

He nodded. "Got it."

"Feelings should be pure, disallowing money, power, or any other factors to complicate it. Liking someone is just liking them, and not liking someone is just not liking them..."

White Skirt Destiny shook her head. "People nowadays complicate relationships too much. Even in the Milky Way, when a man and a woman are together, the first thing they ask about is whether the man has a house, a car, savings, and so on."

Ye Guan chuckled. "Finances are important when two people are together."

"It is, but shouldn't the future of a family be something that both partners strive for together? Can't a couple work together without a car or a house?"

Ye Guan intently listened.

"Women should also strive for excellence like the True God. After all, only when you are sufficiently outstanding can you ignore material things and do what you truly want. That's why the True God likes you purely because you are you, not because of your invincible family background or how many connections you have. She doesn't think those things are important."

Ye Guan faintly smiled. "I see."

White Skirt Destiny smiled back.

"Aunt, have you ever liked someone?"

White Skirt Destiny chuckled. "Romantically?"

Ye Guan nodded.

"Not really," she answered, her gaze falling on the end of the Time River. "Having my brother is enough."

"My father is really lucky."

White Skirt Destiny blinked at him. "Aren't you lucky too?"

Ye Guan didn't know how to react.

She added, "We care about you a lot too. You're our family."

Only two people had ever been truly important to the Five Destinies: Ye Xuan and Ye Guan. Although they didn't have much to do with the Yang Clan, in their hearts, those two were the ones closest to them. That was why they were always so deeply involved whenever Ye Guan was in trouble. An Nanjing and the others considered Ye Guan as part of the Yang Clan, but the Five Divinities saw him and Ye Xuan as their own kin.

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