I Have A Sword

Chapter 702: Inferior Bloodline

Chapter 702: Inferior Bloodline

Ye Guan looked blandly at the two black-robed men and asked, "Still want to talk about 'a life for a life'?"

The faces of the two men changed drastically, and they dared not say anything.

Ye Guan was about to leave when one of them suddenly shouted, "Are you brave enough to stay here for a bit?!"

Ye Guan looked at the man who had just spoken.

The black-robed man added, "Our clan leader will be here soon."

"Very well, I'll wait for him," Ye Guan replied coolly.


The spacetime in front of Ye Guan trembled, and a middle-aged man stepped out of the spacetime rift.

The two black-robed men bowed respectfully toward the middle-aged man and said, "Greetings, Clan Leader."

The middle-aged man ignored them and looked at Ye Guan, asking, "May I know your name?"

Ye Guan smiled slightly and asked, "Why do you want to know my name?"

"Perhaps I am acquainted with your elders," the middle-aged man said.

Ye Guan replied, "I don't think so."

The middle-aged man frowned, finding the young man to be quite rude.

"I killed someone from the Star Cloud Clan. What are you going to do about it?" Ye Guan asked.

The middle-aged man stared wordlessly at Ye Guan.

Ye Guan didn't speak as well and decided to wait patiently for the middle-aged man's reply. He wanted to see whether the middle-aged man was going to be reasonable about it or not.

A few moments later, the middle-aged man finally said, "My people offended you first, so they deserved to die at your hands."

The two black-robed men were stunned and confused. They were confused as to why their clan leader had spoken such words.

Ye Guan stared deeply at the middle-aged man before transforming into a streak of sword light that disappeared into the distant starry sky.

The middle-aged man immediately let out a sigh of relief.

One of the black-robed old men asked, "Clan Leader, why did you do that?"

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly and explained, "Did you not see that look of his? He clearly wanted to kill us."

The same black-robed old man realized something, and his pupils constricted in shock. "So you can't beat him, too, Clan Leader?"

The middle-aged man fell silent. The young swordsman's cultivation base was extremely low compared to his cultivation base, but the young man struck him as incredibly dangerous.

He had to admit that it was rather puzzling. The young swordsman was only in the Imperial Sovereign Realm, but the young man's cultivation base was the reason he decided to compromise.

Most importantly, the young swordsman seemed to be hoping that he would attack him.

The middle-aged man emerged from his train of thought and said, "Let's go."

He concluded that the young man wasn't someone he could afford to provoke.


After traveling for an unknown amount of time, Ye Guan finally came to an unknown star field. The moment he stepped into this star field, Qing Dai appeared beside him. This was her first time leaving the tiny pagoda of her own accord.

Qing Dai looked around curiously.

Ye Guan asked, "Do you recognize this place?"

"It does seem a little familiar," Qing Dai replied. Then, she started walking while looking around.

Ye Guan followed her and saw a starry ancient tree. The tree towered tens of thousands of meters high, and it appeared like a giant city.

There was a swing beneath the ancient tree. Qing Dai walked up to the swing and touched it gently with a frown.

Ye Guan looked around and thought that perhaps they had already stepped into the Primordial Spirit Land.

"Who are you!" A voice suddenly came from the side.

Ye Guan and Qing Dai turned to see a young lady standing not far away from them. Her hair was silver, and her eyes were deep blue like water. She was wearing an emerald green dress, and her voice sounded pleasant to the ears. She was extremely beautiful, surpassing Qing Dai in appearance. However, Ye Guan noticed that the young lady was staring at Qing Dai with both curiosity and coldness.

As expected, the people here weren't friendly to outsiders.

Qing Dai also looked at the young lady with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Ye Guan asked, "Miss, are you from the Primordial Spirit Clan?"

The young lady looked at him, not at all hiding the coldness in her eyes as she asked again, "Who are you?"

Ye Guan didn't answer her but pointed at Qing Dai, saying, "She's from the Primordial Spirit Clan. I am just helping her to return home, that's all."

The young lady frowned at Ye Guan's words, and she asked Qing Dai, "Which branch are you from?"

Qing Dai shook her head. "I don't know."

The young lady seemed puzzled.

"She lost—" Ye Guan tried to explain.

"I'm not talking to you," the young lady coldly interrupted.

Ye Guan was taken aback, and then he smiled and shook his head. Damn it! The people here are really hard to get along with. The First God must have had a difficult time harboring feelings from a young lady from this place.

Qing Dai looked at Ye Guan with an apologetic look. Ye Guan smiled, showing Qing Dai that he was fine.

Qing Dai then turned to the young lady and asked, "Do you know Qing Mo?"

Qing Mo was her sister! Ye Guan had told Qing Dai about his conversation with Ruo Ming, so Qing Dai knew that she had a sister in the Primordial Spirit Land.

"Saintess Qing Mo?" The young lady was surprised. "You're acquainted with Saintess Qing Mo?"

Qing Dai nodded slightly. "Yes."

The young lady asked, "What's your name?"

"Qing Dai."

"I've never heard of you..."

"Can you take me to see Qing Mo?"

The young lady immediately shook her head and said, "No."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know where Saintess Qing Mo is right now. However, you are definitely from the Primordial Spirit Clan, and I do not doubt that. Do you know anyone else other than Saintess Qing Mo?"

"No," Qing Dai said, shaking her head. "I lost my memories."

"You lost your memories?"

Qing Dai nodded.

After a few moments of silence, the young lady glanced sideways at Ye Guan. "He didn't do anything despicable to you, did he?"

"What?" Ye Guan was displeased. "Miss, what are you trying to save me ?"

Qing Dai also looked a little unhappy. "He's my benefactor."

The young lady replied indifferently, "I see."

Ye Guan said in a low voice, "Don't you think you should apologize to me?"

The young lady retorted, "Apologize to you? You must be dreaming."

Ye Guan was speechless. He really wanted to call Erya out here to give this brat a good beating, but he eventually decided against it, as Erya could end up beating the young lady to death.

Ye Guan took a deep breath to compose himself before turning to look at Qing Dai, saying, "Lady Qing Dai, since we're already at our destination, it's time for me to leave. Until we meet again."

With that, Ye Guan turned around and left. He didn't want to stay in this place any longer. Furthermore, Ruo Ming had advised him not to meet the Saintess.

He was curious about Qing Mo, but he chose to heed Ruo Ming's advice. He had no intention of getting involved in whatever had happened between First God and Qing Mo.

However, Qing Dai grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving.

Ye Guan looked at her, puzzled.

Qing Dai hesitated for a moment before saying, "Come with me to meet my sister. After that, I'll decide whether I'll stay here or leave."

Qing Dai was looking forward to seeing this place, as this was her hometown. However, the young lady's attitude made her think that perhaps her hometown wasn't that great of a place to begin with. Still, she wasn't ready to leave yet.

Ye Guan was silent.

Qing Dai softly added, "You're the only person whom I know her."

Ye Guan sighed inwardly and relented, "Alright."

He didn't want to meet Qing Mo, but he could still remember Ruo Ming's instructions about how he had to meet the blind old man from the Primordial Spirit Temple.

Ye Guan wanted to ask about this blind old man, but he decided against it in the end. The young lady's attitude was so bad that Ye Guan was afraid he'd cause unnecessary trouble if he started asking questions.

Seeing that Ye Guan was willing to stay, Qing Dai was visibly pleased. She could tell that Ye Guan didn't want to stay here and get bullied, but he still chose to stay for her sake. The realization made her feel warm inside.

Ye Guan stared at the young lady and said, "Miss, her plight was quite special, and she lost her memories because of it. She only remembers her name and Saintess Qing Mo. Do you have any way for us to meet the Saintess?"

The young lady replied, "Yes."


"But you can't go," the young lady interrupted.

Ye Guan was taken aback.

The young lady looked at Qing Dai.

"I can bring her to the Primordial Spirit Temple, but that place..." The young lady stared at Ye Guan before continuing, "If I tell you the truth, it will hurt your pride, so you should just know your place."

Ye Guan fell silent.

Just then, Little Pagoda chimed in, "Honestly, your grandfather and father did the right thing by choosing to let you grow up on your own."

If Ye Guan hadn't grown up independently and had grown up in the Yang Family, he would have ended up as arrogant as the arrogant young lady.

"It's the right thing? Of course, you'd say that because you're not in my shoes."

Little Pagoda reminded him, "I've accompanied your family for three generations."

Ye Guan couldn't retort at all.

Qing Dai looked at Ye Guan and said, "Let's go, then."

Ye Guan was taken aback. "You..."

"Come on, let's go," Qing Dai insisted. She could tell that the people here weren't welcoming to outsiders, and Ye Guan had brought her here safely, so she couldn't just leave him behind.

The young lady chimed in, "I said that for his own good."

Qing Dai stared at the young lady.

The young lady calmly added, "He'll be in danger inside the Primordial Spirit Land."

Qing Dai said, "He's my benefactor." The young lady fell silent.

Qing Dai said, "Saintess Qing Mo... she's my sister."

The young lady was stupefied. "Your... sister?"

Qing Dai nodded.

The young lady was astonished. "This..."

Qing Dai said, "Once you see her, you'll know whether I'm lying or not."

After a moment of silence, the young lady relented, "Follow me, then."

The young lady turned around and made a beeline for the distant ancient tree. Qing Dai took one last look at the swing before following the young lady.

When the young lady reached the ancient tree, she extended her right hand toward it.


A light door appeared at the base of the tree. The young lady was about to walk into the door, but then she recalled something and turned to Ye Guan.

"This is the Gate of Purification. Those with inferior bloodlines will not be able to pass through, so... I need to enhance your bloodline a bit before we walk in."

Ye Guan and Little Pagoda were so shocked that they had no idea what to say.

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