"Of course you can or why else would I have even brought you here" replied Patriarch Gavin

With those words of approval, Dante strode towards the largest pile of Spirit Steel within the room.

letting out a deep breath Dante stretched out his hand above the mountain of spirit steel in front of him and imagined himself absorbing the Spirit Steel.

soon familiar sound effect played out in his head


"Energy source detected!"

"Convert into Energy Points or into Dragon Level ?"

Hearing this notification, Dante thought about it before deciding to level up his Dragon level first before trying to max out his passive abilities.

and with that he responded,

"Convert into Dragon level !"

"Roar !"

A low dragon roar sounded out from Dantes body as he burst into a soft silver glow but unlike the normal ferocious crazed Roars of the Red Dragon, the cries of the Silver seemed like more of a majestic cry of a true Apex species.

As he was absorbing the surrounding Spirit Steel Dante felt as if he had plunged deep into a cold pool of water as the cool sensation of metal wasn't just felt on his skin he felt it flowing through every cell inside his body.

But as this cool sensation was flowing throughout his body an annoying itching sensation was felt all over his body especially around his arms and legs. it felt as if something was trying to crawl out from inside.

Suddenly polished silver scales started growing out of Dantes arms and legs as they started becoming claw-shaped while a pair of glowing crystalline horns started to grow out of the top of his head.

then all of a sudden Dante was bombarded with notifications


"Sufficient energy levels reached Upgrading Dragon Soul"

"Congratulations on levelling up your Silver Dragon Soul towards the Next stage, The Juvenile Dragon Stage!"

"New abilities unlocked

Lesser Dragonification of the Silver Dragon - As the bearer of a dragon soul you are essentially a dragon trapped within a human body. By communicating with your dragon soul it allows you to partially take on your glorious draconic form. Silver Dragon Scales grow out of the skin only covering the arms and legs while hands and feet become clawed. This form grants the user increased strength, speed agility and elements affinity. It also grants the user with increased physical and magical resistance and this state lasts for 15 mins

But the process didn't end there more and more Spirit Steel was absorbed as Dante kept poring the Energy into His Dragon Soul level.

Both Winton and Patriarch Gavin were shocked at Dantes mystical and regal transformation but what shocked them most was the horrifying rate at which the surrounding Spirit Steel was being absorbed. Patriarch Gavin was hurt the most a painful expression appeared on his face as he thought 'This boy he's going to drain the Clan storage of all the gathered Spirit steel over the years'

but unfortunately for Patriarch Gavin Dante continued absorbing the surrounding Spirit Steel.

"Ding !"

"Congratulations on levelling up your Silver Dragon Soul towards the Next stage, The Mature Adult Dragon stage!"

but before Dante could rejoice at his newfound level up a disappointing announcement hit his ears.

"Error, detected Energy Source not of high enough quality to Level up Dragon Soul to the next level, Please find higher quality Energy Sources!"

hearing this notification Dante was disheartened, it seemed like he wouldn't be able to simply level up his Dragon souls by finding high amounts of Energy sources. It seemed that his system went by the Principle of quality over quantity.

But fortunately for Dante, it seemed like it was still possible to convert the Spirit Steel into Energy Points but just not use them to level up his Dragon Soul level.

After a few minutes absorbing Spirit Steel Dante finally finished absorbing enough Energy Points to fully Level up his abilities. after fully levelling up his abilities Dante had a look at his two new fully levelled up passives along with his fully levelled up original passive by opening the Silver Dragon attribute panel

Race: Silver Dragon

Age: Mature Adult Dragon

Affinity: Mana

Innate abilities:

Dragon Fear - As True Dragon, you are at a higher level of life when compared to mortal creatures. When angered you release a terrifying aura to your surroundings causing all creatures to undergo a will check if they fail the will check the target will become frightened and immobile and in some extreme cases unconscious

Silver Dragon Breath -As a True Dragon, Dragons breath is your birthright and the first skill a growing Dragon develops and stays with the Dragon for the rest of its life. The user first inhales gathering pure Mana towards them. The user then roars letting before releasing a wave of pure elementless energy in a cone-like fashion causing purely magical damage to the target

Lesser Dragonification of the Silver Dragon - As the bearer of a dragon soul you are essentially a dragon trapped within a human body. By communicating with your dragon soul it allows you to partially take on your glorious draconic form. Silver Dragon Scales grow out of the skin only covering the arms and legs while hands and feet become clawed. This form grants the user increased strength, speed agility and elements affinity. It also grants the user with increased physical and magical resistance and this state lasts for 15 mins

Passive skills :

Mana touched 3/3

As a Silver Dragon, you are the most in touch with all sorts of natural mana and spells when compared to other true dragons. Due to your close contact with mana you have developed a resistance towards mana and all the various attributes and elements associated with it grants you 70% immunity to all magic damage at any level.

Spell Craze! 3/3

As a Silver Dragon, you have spent many years researching the mystery behind the power of the arcane. your complete knowledge of the power and abilities of spells grants any pure magic and arcane attack you cast a 200% increase in damage dealt.

Draconian Might 3/3 - As a Dragon, you are not only renowned for your amazing magical prowess and knowledge but also your terrifying strength. Awaken the draconic strength hiding inside you granting you a 300% increase in all base physical attributes.

looking at the new passive the thing that grabbed Dantes attention the most was the whopping 70% magical damage immunity. this meant as long as they weren't pure physical attacks Dante was basically a human tank. but it didn't end there as he got another draconian Might passive and when combined with his other draconian might passive it added up to a 600% increase meaning that his strength his base strength will always be multiplied by 7 regardless of what he does.

but the scary thing was that since the Draconian might passive appeared on both his Red Dragon and Silver Dragon souls if appeared on all his other Dragon souls...

just the thought of what his strength multiplier would be reached was truly terrifying and this was without even doing any physical training. If he managed to get a Decent Body refining technique Dantes strength could Drastically increase to terrifying heights!

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